Phase Definition and 1000 Threads

In the physical sciences, a phase is a region of space (a thermodynamic system), throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform. Examples of physical properties include density, index of refraction, magnetization and chemical composition. A simple description is that a phase is a region of material that is chemically uniform, physically distinct, and (often) mechanically separable. In a system consisting of ice and water in a glass jar, the ice cubes are one phase, the water is a second phase, and the humid air is a third phase over the ice and water. The glass of the jar is another separate phase. (See state of matter § Glass)
The term phase is sometimes used as a synonym for state of matter, but there can be several immiscible phases of the same state of matter. Also, the term phase is sometimes used to refer to a set of equilibrium states demarcated in terms of state variables such as pressure and temperature by a phase boundary on a phase diagram. Because phase boundaries relate to changes in the organization of matter, such as a change from liquid to solid or a more subtle change from one crystal structure to another, this latter usage is similar to the use of "phase" as a synonym for state of matter. However, the state of matter and phase diagram usages are not commensurate with the formal definition given above and the intended meaning must be determined in part from the context in which the term is used.

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  1. Urs Schreiber

    Insights What Does As a Sheaf of Functions on Phase Space Mean?

    Urs Schreiber submitted a new PF Insights post Higher Prequantum Geometry IV: The Covariant Phase Space - Transgressively Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  2. J

    Trying to understand rotary phase converter output....

    I am looking to build my own rotary phase converter for utilizing 3ph devices however I am having a difficult time wrapping my head around the aspect of producing 120* out of 180* power. PracticalMachinist forums have a plethora of threads on this topic but after reading many of them I find...
  3. G

    What is a phase transition in the context of an ising glass?

    The wikipedia article mentions that the model allows for "phase transitions" but doesn't specify what it means by this? What is a phase transition in the context of an ising spin glass? Is it when the mathematical model of a magnet, changes from solid to liquid? In this paper...
  4. D

    Understanding 25GNDY/14.4kV Notation for Three Phase Transformer Banks

    Homework Statement [/B] What is the maximum full-load primary current that you could safely design for a three phase 500 kVA transformer bank to provide if it has a high-voltage winding of 25GndY/14.4 kV? What does the notation 25GNDY/14.4kV really mean? Is it 25kV three phase and 14.4kV...
  5. M

    Two-Phase Darcy Flow: Modeling & Solving

    Hey! I am currently working on modeling and solving a scenario with oil and water flow. The flow is supposed to be driven purely by the capillary pressure(Dont mind this too much). The flow in the two phases are given by: q_o = -\frac{k_o(\Delta P)}{\mu_o}\frac{\partial P_o}{\partial x} q_w =...
  6. T

    Exploring the Benefits of 6 Phase Inverters: A Scientist's Perspective

    Simple question, What's the advantage of having more phases in an inverter? Like why have 6 or twelve phases? Is it something to do with harmonics? I know that the higher the switching frequency the further off in the freequency spectrum you can push the harmonics, but I can't see that being...
  7. I

    Q: Refractive index in phase contrast microscopy

    If you're using a phase contrast microscope and the refractive index of the medium is equal to the refractive index of the cell, what are you able to see? I guessed that you wouldn't see anything, but apparently that's wrong. The only options are membranes, vesicles, the nucleus, pigment...
  8. T

    Three phase phasor proof or simplification

    So I'm really rusty on phasors, I was reading that a space vector current was i(t) = I(cos(wt)<0 + cos(wt - 120)<120 + cos(wt - 240)<240 ) = 3/2 * I < wt and I couldn't figure out how that could be so (still can't, please help) So I tried to go back to basics and I went back and read: A =...
  9. P

    CSTR Pressure Relief Valve: Liquid Phase Reactions

    There is a liquid phase homogeneous reaction going on in an CSTR, which operates at 4 atm. Is it necessary to have pressure relief valve? If so, what will be vent out when the pressure exceeds, since it contains liquid only?
  10. A

    P28 of phase transitions and the renormalization group

    Hi, I'm confused about the discussion on p28 of Nigel Goldenfeld's "Lectures on phase transitions and the renormalization group" (this question can only be answered by people who have access to the book.) The goal is to compute the potential energy of a uniformly charged sphere where the...
  11. Mnemonic

    Thermodynamics relating to temperature and phase changes V.2

    Homework Statement Suppose a room with 75 m3 of air also contains 80 kg of glycerol and the initial temperature in the morning is 16 °C. If 1.2 kWh of heat is added to the room between morning and afternoon, calculate the final temperature of the air in the room in the afternoon. Use 18 °C for...
  12. mykamakiri

    In big bounce models, what drives the contracting phase?

    We know that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. In big bounce (or oscillatory) models of the universe, why does the expansion of the universe end? And what drives the following, contracting phase? Is it possible that dark energy could inverse its action at some point in the...
  13. Mnemonic

    Thermodynamics relating to temperature and phase changes

    Homework Statement Suppose a room with 75 m3 of air also contains 80 kg of glycerol and the initial temperature in the morning is 16 °C. If 1.2 kWh of heat is added to the room between morning and afternoon, calculate the final temperature of the air in the room in the afternoon. Use 18 °C for...
  14. Y

    Engineering Electrical Circuits - Three Phase Power - Y-Y transformer

    Homework Statement I took a few pictures of the circuit, it went across two pages so I took a few pictures, and closeups of certain parts to ensure that all the details can be seen For the circuit: Figure 1. Overview of Circuit...
  15. R

    Engineering Instantaneous Current in single phase circuit

    Homework Statement SOURCE: v(t) = (311)cos(314t) [v] IN SERIES WITH: R = (0.3) [Ω] L = j(0.7) [Ω] "load" = 2.5 + j(1.0) [Ω]Homework Equations Find the instantaneous current, and the phasor current. The Attempt at a Solution (1.) I first found the frequency of the source: (314) / (2*pi) ≈ 50...
  16. A

    Klein-Gordon eqn: why dismiss messages at phase velocity

    Hi All, I've heard it said that the superluminal phase velocity of the KG eqn is not a problem for relativistic causality because signals travel at the packet/group velocity, which is the inverse of the phase velocity (c being 1). I'm a bit skeptical of this. We can strip away all the quantum...
  17. Meditations

    Additional Phase factors in SU(2)

    I am curious as to the meaning of, and name given to the phase ##\xi(t)## which may be added as a prefix to the time evolution operator ##\hat{U}(t)##. This phase acts to shift the energy of the dynamical phase ##<{\psi(t)}|\hat{H}(t)|\psi(t)>##, since it appears in the Hamiltonian along the...
  18. DeldotB

    Derivation of "arcsin" phase shift formula

    Homework Statement Good Day, On an oscilloscope, when two incoming signals are out of phase, in an XY setting, an ellipse appears on the oscilloscope screen. The phase shift between the two incoming signals can be found by the formula: sin^{-1}((Y_{max})/(Y_{int})) where Y max is the...
  19. J

    Phase difference between two points in a stationary wave

    Q6c) Why is the phase difference between two points in a stationary wave equals to zero? I understand that a stationary wave is formed by two progressive waves which have the same amplitude, frequency, wavelength and speed, but traveling in opposite directions.
  20. Jimster41

    Phase Space & SM: Universe Defined?

    Is the phase space of the universe, including it's partitioning, defined and calculated from the the SM?
  21. maverick_starstrider

    Examples of First-Order *Electronic* Phase Transitions?

    Hi, I'm wondering if people could help me compile a list of ELECTRONIC phase transitions, that are FIRST-ORDER, that occur at room temperature and can be driven by things like doping, strain, magnetic fields, etc. rather than temperature. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also, would...
  22. CupOfAppleTea

    Intro Physics Books on Phase and Amplitude of a sine wave

    Hi! I am searching for litterature on the decomposition of a sine wave in its three parameters: phase, frequency and amplitude. I just need it to justify an analysis that I am doing this way and it appears to be hard to find such a book. I find many website but nothing I can cite seriously! Thanks!
  23. J

    Three single phase transformer with different %Z's

    Hello everyone, I have a three phase circuit that consists of a three-phase transformer bank feeding a balanced three-phase delta load. The transformer bank consists of three single phase transformers connected in delta. Each transformer is rated at 333kVA, 2400V. Two of the transformers...
  24. D

    Simple Harmonic Motion and phase constant

    A simple harmonic oscillator consists of a block of mass 45 g attached to a spring of spring constant 240 N/m, oscillating on a frictionless surface. If the block is displaced 3.5 cm from its equilibrium position and released so that its initial velocity is zero, what is the phase constant, φ ...
  25. 0

    Internal Energy Dependence for a Fixed System in Fixed Phase

    For a given closed system that does not experience phase transitions, does its internal energy depend only on its temperature?
  26. gracy

    Is ATP Stored During the G1 Phase of the Cell Cycle?

    Atp is stored in g1 phase,is it right?I have got this information but want to verify.
  27. N

    Calculating Heat of Vaporization for Ethyl Alcohol at 65°C

    Homework Statement How many kilocalories of heat are needed to change 143N of ethyl alcohol at 65°C to vapour? Homework Equations Lv = Q/m The Attempt at a Solution I'm really stuck. I have no idea how to work the units of N with heat problems. I've looked online and in my book and have no...
  28. SoumiGhosh

    Topological phase and spontaneous symmetry breaking coexist?

    As we know topological phases cannot be explained using spontaneous symmetry breaking and order parameter. But can they coexist? Suppose there is a system which is undergoing quantum phase transition to a anti-ferromagnetic phase from a disordered phase. So in the anti-ferromagnetic phase...
  29. L

    Why does a 90° phase shift maximize induction motor torque?

    Capacitor-start induction motors use a capacitor in series with the start winding to create torque to start the motor. After the motor gets nearly up to full speed, a switch takes the capacitor out of the circuit. I understand the torque is caused by the phase shift created by having the...
  30. M

    Why there is mod 2pi in Berry phase?

    Some books say that there is a gauge transform that we can put an extra phase e^{i \phi ( R(t))} to the wave function. Since R(t=0) = R(t=T), difference in \phi = 2 pi n, where n is any integers. As gauge transform would lead to 2 pi n difference, berry phase is determined up to 2pi n. However...
  31. E

    Phase shift in frequency domain

    Hello, I'using Matlab to simulate phase shift in frequency domain (FD). I have got real and imaginary parts of the signal after FFT. I'd like to use phase shift in FD. This works: Y=fft(y); YY=Y.exp(-i*2*pi*nk/N*samples_delay); result=ifft(YY); But in my DSP I can't use the formula above and...
  32. T

    I don't understand what is the meaning of phase? (phase space, phase point, etc)

    There is phase space, phase point, etc. So what is the exact meaning of phase? I only understand the definition of phase in wave. Beside what is canonical coordinate? What does this canonical mean?
  33. D

    Hello Everyone....Single phase induction motor design

    is there anyone who knows a company that can design single phase induction motor prototypes in the UK..Thanks for your help
  34. A

    Amount of microstates - phase space volume

    Homework Statement Dear all, I am desperately trying to solve the following exercise, but unfortunately can't find any resources how to properly calculate the phase space volume. Given is a system of ##N>>1## classical particles that are allowed to move in a cylinder with a Radius of ##R##...
  35. T

    Line current three phase motor in six step commutation

    Hello, I have got a three phase motor connected in delta that is controlled in six step commutation. When I measure the line current of one of the phase under oscilloscope, I got something like this : Can anyone tell me why the amplitude of the current isn't 3.1A and -3.1A? What I got here...
  36. B

    Three-phase to single phase for home

    I live in a rural area in a third world country. Power problems are very common here. My house has three-phase power. It's quite big so maybe that's why my father used three-phase. It is currently distributed around the house. A phase is assigned to every section. Anyways, I have a problem...
  37. K

    Why do phase trxns behave differently than chemical rxns?

    If we have solid water (ice) at -5 C and atm P, then according to thermodynamics, the process that takes that ice (at -5 C & atm P) from solid to liquid is non-spontaneous, which means its ΔG > 0. Hence, it is impossible for someone to observe ice melt to liquid at -5 C, and assuming we started...
  38. T

    Calculating Phase Resistance for BLDC Motor: What Factors Should I Consider?

    Hello, I have a three phase BLDC motor and I am trying to figure out its phase resistance. I have acquired the three-phase voltages and three-phase line currents of this motor. The voltage is in trapezoidal form whereas the current is in rectangular form My question is: how can I find out the...
  39. N

    Single Phase Motor: Questions Answered

    Dear expert, dear all. As my knowledge, the single phase motor is not a seft-starting motor. i suppose that there is only main winding in single phase motor. as you know, the rotor can not start because of the 2 opposites force cause by 2 oppositely rotating magnetic fields. the question is...
  40. A

    What is a topological phase transition and how is it characterized?

    I have just been reading a classical paper on the formation of majorana edge states (MES) in quantum wires. The hamiltonian is Kitaev type with a superconducting and spin-orbit interacting and one finds that the energies have a gap that closes and reopens as we vary the magnetic field. According...
  41. U

    2D Phase portrait - Black hole?

    Homework Statement Trajectories around a black hole can be described by ## \frac{d^2u}{d\theta^2} + u = \alpha \epsilon u^2 ##, where ##u = \frac{1}{r}## and ##\theta## is azimuthal angle. (a) By using ##v = \frac{du}{d\theta}##, reduce system to 2D and find fixed points and their stability...
  42. R

    How to Find Multiple Phase Constants

    Homework Statement A sinusoidal wave traveling in the –x direction (to the left) has an amplitude of 20.0 cm, a wavelength of 35.0 cm and a frequency of 12.0 Hz. The transverse position of an element of the medium at t = 0, x = 0 is y = –3.00 cm and the element has a positive velocity here. (a)...
  43. A

    Wave function for transverse waves on a rope

    Homework Statement Serway's Physics for Sciencetists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 9th Edition (current), Chapter 16, problem 19:[/B] (a) Write the expression for y as a function of x and t in SI units for a sinusoidal wave traveling along a rope in the negative x direction with the...
  44. S

    How is the US power grid kept in phase?

    A quick calculation shows that across the continental United States, spanning about 3000 miles, there is a delay from east to west coast of about 1/60th of a second. 3000 miles divided by 186,000 miles per second. This is a full cycle phase variation cost to cost. Is there truly "The Power...
  45. J

    Condition for Phase transition

    Hi I'm trying to use Peierl's argument which in essence is clear to prove that there does exist a phase transition in the 2D Ising model without external field. The issue I'm having is of a more mathematical nature, in class it was mentioned that there is a phase transition if for some ##\delta...
  46. A

    Help me check a fact about Berry phase

    I have vague memories of having read somewhere that if you have a parameter manifold that a) Have a non-trivial Berry phase (meaning the line integral of the berry connection is non zero for some curve) and b) the Berry curvature is non-singular anywhere in that manifold then you can...
  47. AlexiaIoannou

    How to design a single phase induction motor

    Hi everyone... I have to design a single phase induction motor. I have some questions and it would be great if you could help me. The parameters I have for the design of the motor are: rated power, rated voltage, frequency, rated speed, power factor, efficiency, full load current and full load...
  48. Eagle9

    What toxins do the E.coli bacteria generate at death phase?

    I have heard that bacteria produce some chemicals/toxins when it dies at the death phase. I need to know exactly what chemicals are produced by E.coli when it dies? Ethanol? Peptides? It this problem explored? If so – how these toxins impact on bacteria? :rolleyes:
  49. ishwarb

    Which capacitor shall i use for 3 phase 5 HP pump? how?

    I'm using a 3 phase 5HP motor pump n want to use capacitor. Which capacitor should I use and how to connect it to all the three phases? Please do needful
  50. terra

    Volume elements of phase space

    First, two definitions: let ## \varrho (M)## be the probability density of macro states ##M ## (which correspond to a subgroup of the phase space) and ## \mathrm{d} \Gamma ## be the volume element of a phase space. In my lecture notes, the derivation for continuity equation of probability...