Phase Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Eagle9

    What toxins do the E.coli bacteria generate at death phase?

    I have heard that bacteria produce some chemicals/toxins when it dies at the death phase. I need to know exactly what chemicals are produced by E.coli when it dies? Ethanol? Peptides? It this problem explored? If so – how these toxins impact on bacteria? :rolleyes:
  2. ishwarb

    Which capacitor shall i use for 3 phase 5 HP pump? how?

    I'm using a 3 phase 5HP motor pump n want to use capacitor. Which capacitor should I use and how to connect it to all the three phases? Please do needful
  3. terra

    Volume elements of phase space

    First, two definitions: let ## \varrho (M)## be the probability density of macro states ##M ## (which correspond to a subgroup of the phase space) and ## \mathrm{d} \Gamma ## be the volume element of a phase space. In my lecture notes, the derivation for continuity equation of probability...
  4. PWiz

    Group, phase and signal velocity of light

    According to Maxwell's equations, $$c=\frac 1 {\sqrt{μ_0 μ_r ε_0 ε_r}}$$ in a medium with an electric permittivity of ##ε_r## and magnetic permeability of ##μ_r##. This means that in any medium which has values for these properties which are greater than that of a vacuum, the speed of light...
  5. C

    Delta-Delta 3 phase transformer HNC help

    << Thread moved from the technical engineering forums to HH >> I'm currently studying for a HNC in electrical engineering and am currently stuck on a question on one of my assignments. The question is: A Delta-delta, 3 phase transformer steps down the system line voltage of 132kV to a local...
  6. T

    Calculating PhiG: Understanding the Phase Difference Between Waves at w=1

    Given w =1, What is phiG ? Is it the phase difference between the two waves? If it is, isn't it simply phiG = (delta t/T)*360 but I am not getting the right answer. PhiG = (0.5/2pi)*360 = 28.6 Also I don't know where this wt + phi = 2pi equation comes from.
  7. T

    What makes phase space special?

    In Lagrangian/Hamiltonian mechanics, what is it that makes phase space special compared to configuration space? As a simple example, if I use ## q ## as my generalized position and ## v = \dot{q} ## as my generalized momentum, then the Hamiltonian H = \frac{1}{2} v^2 + \frac{1}{m} V(q) gives...
  8. R

    How to compute phase of the signal?

    Suppose you are given a phase spectrum or (/and) equation of the (main) signal only and you are said that the given (main) signal is formed of 3 other signals. Is it possible to compute phases of these three signals from the equation or (/ and) phase spectrum of the (main) signal? Also,what...
  9. VoteSaxon

    What Is the Boiling Temperature of the Liquid Using Van der Waals Equation?

    Homework Statement The bulb of a constant volume gas thermometer is immersed in an ice/water/water vapour mixture at equilibrium and the recorded pressure is 0.400 atm. It is then immersed in a boiling liquid and the pressure is 0.844 atm. Sufficient gas is then removed from the bulb such that...
  10. C

    Understanding the Meaning of l1, l2 & m in Two Waves in Phase Equation

    Homework Statement I have the formula l2 - l1 = m lambda and I am not sure what each part of the equation stands for? I think l2 and l1 are distances to where the waves meet but I am not sure. Thanks Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  11. C

    Cross-flow Heat Exchanger 2 phase calculation

    Hi all! I'm working on a project of heating water from exhaust gases of kamin's chimney. I have a cross flow heat exchanger (see pdf). we have done calculations of heat transfer rate and the outlet temerature of the water, and got 150C. so it probably gets boiled somewhere inside the HX. I need...
  12. C

    Constructing lagrangian and phase portrait

    Homework Statement A non–uniform disk of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping along a horizontal plane in a straight line as shown in the attachment. The centre of gravity G is displaced a distance a from the centre of the disk. Let θ be the angle between the downward vertical and the...
  13. Nicky_Boy02

    Pressure, Temperature and Fluid phase change

    Some please clear my confusion here, when you compress a fluid the temperature increases. Since the temperature increases (fluid gets warmer), why is the fluid condensing from gas to fluid? when temperature increases, isn't that the fluid will evaporate? This has been bugging for awhile...
  14. R

    How to find phase values at neighboring pixel in an image?

    I have computed magnitude and phase spectrum of very famous image of cameraman using fft function in MATLAB.Here,we get magnitude and phase spectrum of the whole image. But I want to find phase values of the neighboring pixels . So if given gray scale image is of dimensions 256*256 and if I...
  15. X

    Landau Free Energy -- Phase transistions

    Homework Statement Consider the Landau free energy ##\mathcal{L}=-hm+r_1 t m^2+Cm^3+s_0 m^4## with an additional ##m^3## term. We consider zero magnetic field case ##h=0## and ##s_0>0##. a.) Please show that there are two critical temperatures ##t*## and ##t_1##. When ##t<t*##, a second...
  16. G

    Calculate amplitude and phase of a filter cricuit

    I have the values for all the voltages and currents. I'm wondering how I go about it, given that v3 = v30 (cos (Θ3) + isin(Θ3)) and I have a value for v3. Since v3 = i4 * Z where Z is C3 and R2 in parallel, there'd still be 2 unknowns. I feel as though I'm missing something obvious, if anyone...
  17. C

    Need help in Phase of time in SHM

    Hi, I'm very confused about one question in my homework, that is due today. I appreciate any help.Thank you very much. 1. Homework Statement The motion of a particle is given by: x = (6.0m) cos(0.586t + 0.72) Find the phase at time t=1.38s 2. Homework Equations Simple harmonic motion The...
  18. dwn

    How to Calculate RLC Phase Angle in Multisim

    Homework Statement This is actually a lab I'm performing on Multisim. I've recreated a circuit that I build in lab class , but I'm not getting the output I need. I am trying to calculate the V and phase angle across each component. I already have the measurements found form the class lab. In...
  19. T

    Quadrature Booster or Phase shifting TX

    Hi, Does anyone know about these? Specifically I'm trying to figure out changing the tap on the Delta effects the series voltage: source wiki: Any vector diagram or word explanations will help. Also, what size diameter coils must be used on the...
  20. Matta Tanning

    Relation between phase space and path integral formulation?

    I am trying to conceptually connect the two formulations of quantum mechanics. The phase space formulation deals with quasi-probability distributions on the phase space and the path integral formulation usually deals with a sum-over-paths in the configuration space. I see how they both lead...
  21. D

    How do I calculate the phase difference for this?

    Homework Statement Light with wavelength 100nm is incident perpendicularly from air on a film 0.500μm thick and with refractive index 2.5. Part of the light is reflected from the first surface of the film, and part enters the film and is reflected back at the second surface, where the film is...
  22. D

    Harmonics on 3 phase 3 wire system

    Lets say I have a switchboard that requires ONLY 3 Phase loads, transformer, UPS, Motors, ETC. ( no neutral is required at all) Now let's say I am feeding this from a generator where I have 4 wires from the alternator ABCN connected to the aforementioned switchboard. the N of the generator...
  23. F

    At what distance x do the waves have a phase difference of ___?

    1. The figure shows two point sources S1 and S2 that emit sound of wavelength λ = 1.8 m. The emissions are isotropic and in phase, and the separation between the sources is d = 18.0 m. At any point P on the x axis, the wave from S1 and the wave from S2 interfere. Start with P very far away (x =...
  24. R

    Physically what is phase of an Image?

    Hello everyone,I want to ask very basic question related to multidimentional signals like an image or a video signal. Physically what is phase of an Image? Also what is its physical significance of phase compared to magnitude of an image?
  25. M

    How Can UDFs Calculate Coating Thickness in Multi-Phase Flow Simulations?

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to simulate the encapsulation of pancreatic islets in a very simple chamber. It is made of one cylinder with diameter of 10mm, a coaxial capillary of diameter 1mm. In the cylinder there is a oilic phase and in the capillary flow polymeric material and islets. when islet...
  26. K

    What is the general dependence of the phase velocity on wavelength in glass?

    Homework Statement a) Starting from Equation 5-1, show that the group velocity can also be expressed as: vg = vp - λ(dvp/dλ) b) The phase velocity of each wavelength of white light moving through ordinary glass is a function of the wavelength; that is, glass is a dispersive medium. What is...
  27. X

    Finding the phase angle of current through a capacitor?

    Homework Statement Calculate the current in the capacitor shown in the figure below if the voltage input is V(t) = 29cos(377t-30) V, C = 1 micro Farad Homework Equations i = C dv/dt The Attempt at a Solution I essentially differntiate V(t) and multiply by 1 * 10^-6. I then get a negative...
  28. D

    MATLAB Matlab - calculate phase shift using fft

    hello, I have 3 signals in the form of sampled values. When I plot them using plot (t,vPa,t,vPb,t,vPc) where vPa, vPb, vPc contains the values and t contains the sampling istants I get this: when I calculate phase shift using fft I get phase angle = 0. I have tried using my own code ( which...
  29. C

    Can These Power Supplies Handle a 30/60V, 120A Load Continuously?

    Hi guys, I have few questions here regarding power supplies. I have two models of power supplies and from the data sheet of the power supplies. and I would like to enquiry on one of the model. If i have to feed the load(Panel switchgear) fully 30/60V DC, 120Amp continuously for several hours...
  30. Halo CX

    Can group velocity be greater than phase velocity?

    Is it possible for a group velocity of any wave disturbance to be greater than its component phase velocities?
  31. lfqm

    Different orders for a phase transition (variable depending)

    Hi guys! I've got this system in which Eherenfest classification of "order" is assumed to be ok. So I took my free energy function G(T,P) and start differentiating. I found just one phase transition between two phases, the problem is the phase transition is of different order depending on the...
  32. T

    Two moons in tidal lock orbit: phases, tides, axial tilt?

    Consider the following; We have Earth with two moons in orbit (discounting the existence of our own moon for the sake of this hypothetical scenario). One moon is the size and mass of Pluto, orbiting around 70,000km from Earth. The other is the size and mass of Pluto's moon, Charon, orbiting...
  33. K

    Dependence of Phase Velocity on Wavelength

    Homework Statement This is Problem 7.6 from Electronic Properties of Engineering Materials by Livingston. "Over a wide range of frequencies, the dielectric constant of a polymer is found to be proportional to the inverse square root of frequency. (a) How does the phase velocity of EM-waves...
  34. R

    A more complicated question on lipid phase diagrams

    Homework Statement Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution This is the final part of a past exam question. I've got through the first parts and can (thanks to a separate question I asked here) read the phase diagrams and find melting points etc. However now it's asking for...
  35. M

    Phase Diagram Question: How to Solve with Ease | No Template Needed

    THIS HOMEWORK WAS PLACED INCORRECTLY IN ANOTHER FORUM, SO THERE IS NO TEMPLATE (AND NO EFFORT) I have no idea how to tackle this. Please show me how to do these problems.
  36. C

    Vout = (a+jb)Vin, what do A and B stand for?

    Homework Statement I was given a graph with two waves on it, the input and output wave. I found the frequency of the waves, change in magnitude and change in phase. The last question asks me to write the transformation from input to output as a phasor and he gave the relevant equation below...
  37. R

    Need help reading a phase diagram for a lipid DMPC

    Homework Statement Homework Equations None required? The Attempt at a Solution I understand that Id would be a disordered phase, Io an ordered phase and the other two are regions where 2 phases exist at the same time possible due to cholestrol. I am assuming so means solid ordered. But...
  38. A

    How Does Adiabatic Expansion Lead to Condensation?

    Homework Statement In an earlier part of the question, I derived the temperature dependence of the latent heat of vapourisation of a liquid as dL/dT=L/T+ΔCp-L/Vvap(∂Vvap/∂T)p I am asked to find the condition that upon expanding the gas adiabatically, we get condensation to occur, by considering...
  39. S

    Phase Difference with Initial Conditions for SHM

    Homework Statement A mass-spring system with a natural frequency of 3.6 Hz is started in motion with an initial displacement from equilibrium of 6.1 cm and an initial velocity of 0.7 m/s. What is the value of ϕ? (Question aside: Finding the amplitude of the resulting function?) Homework...
  40. S

    Point in Phase Space and a Microstate

    Currently learning about Statistical Mechanics and just wanted to check my understanding. Am I right in saying that a point in phase space is just a specific microstate of the system?
  41. carllacan

    Phase of reflected and transmitted waves

    I'm reading the EM waves chapter on Griffiths, and, after getting the complex amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted waves he obtains the real amplitudes by (apparently) just "disregarding" the exponential part, which is equivalent to assuming that the phase of both waves is equal to the...
  42. Y

    Origin of current phase relation in Josepshon junction.

    At the superconductor-superconductor point contact regime, two Andreev bound states carries supercurrent through the S-weak links-S interface. According to literature, current can be simply expressd Eq1) I_S=(1/Phi_0)*dE_A/d Phi here I_S : supercurrent, Phi_0 = flux quantum, E_A : Andreev bound...
  43. great1122

    I have a question on the phase of a frequency response

    Hello, I'm currently studying for an exam and came across a question I can't seem to figure out. How exactly do we go about calculating the phase of a frequency response. Here is the question, it for part A) iii. Here are the answers to the other parts and the sketch of the magnitude: I know...
  44. jfizzix

    Group velocity of a wavepacket vs its mean phase velocity

    The mean velocity of a wavepacket given by the general wavefunction: \Psi(x,t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int dk A(k)e^{i(k x - \omega(k) t)}, can be expressed in two ways. First, we have that it's the time derivative of the mean position (i.e., its mean group velocity): \frac{d \langle...
  45. R

    Exploring Equilibrium During Phase Changes: DeltaG=0 and DeltaH=TdeltaS

    I am in the section of Gibbs Energy for my chemistry course and in the textbook it says the system is at equilibrium at the boiling point, so deltaG=0, and deltaH=TdeltaS. I was just wondering if the system is always at equilibrium during any phase change, not just at its boiling point. Thanks!
  46. S

    Phase Difference between Voltage and Current

    Homework Statement The circuit above has a 29 resistor and a 11.1 mH inductor. Calculate the theoretical phase difference between the current CPA and voltage VPB if the circuit is driven by a sinusoidal voltage source with a peak amplitude of 3.5 V at the following frequencies: 20 Hz 420 Hz...
  47. E

    Designing a 3 Phase AC Generator

    I intend designing a 3 phase AC generator. Thereafter I need to build it. Believing in "a picture tells a 1000 words", I am very much a "pictures" person, and as my studies in the electrical field were completed many moons ago, the formulas are now "forgotten" - so thus I want to approach this...
  48. ShayanJ

    Why Does Reflection Phase Shift Not Always Apply to Both Polarizations?

    Its always said that a reflected light ray acquires a phase shift equal to ## \pi ## if ## n_1 < n_2 ##. But considering the Fresnel coefficients, its revealed that its only for the s-polarization reflection coefficient that ## n_1 < n_2 ## causes the coefficient become negative. The...
  49. R

    Plotting Phase Space for Double Pendulum

    Homework Statement For a double pendulum, how do we plot the phase space for ##\theta_2## (the lower of the pendulum), i.e. the plot ##\theta_2, \ \dot{\theta}_2?## ##x## = horizontal position of pendulum mass ##y## = vertical position of pendulum mass ##\theta## = angle of pendulum (0 =...