Photos Definition and 125 Threads

A photograph (also known as a photo) is an image created by light falling on a photosensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic image sensor, such as a CCD or a CMOS chip. Most photographs are created using a smartphone/camera, which uses a lens to focus the scene's visible wavelengths of light into a reproduction of what the human eye would see. The process and practice of creating such images is called photography.

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  1. S no longer to display customer's product photos (USA) is quietly deleting all customer contributed product photos from its website. The deletion is scheduled to be complete by Aug. 31. If you browse the site you'll notice the option to upload customer images is gone from most of the pages. (Meanwhile, Amazon has announced that...
  2. anemone

    MHB 10 Photos That Definitively Prove Math Is Really Hard

    Hi all,:) I saw this post 10 Photos That Definitively Prove Math Is Really, Really Hard days ago and found it so extremely amusing so I want to share it here and I hope you'll find this hilarious as well!;)
  3. T

    Photos of ghost towns and abandoned places

    I've resized my pics down to 640x428 to try and make this thread as easy to load as possible! My sincere apologies if there are too many photographs in the thread. I just thought it would be easier than spreading them out over several posts. I first developed a fascination with abandoned places...
  4. A

    Anyone knows? Their book titles [some photos of contents]

    The typos and layouts of these several books are quite lucid. search on google: rr8r8r8r8tw photobucket
  5. fluidistic

    Photos of a spider attacking a hurt bee

    This is the story of 2 bees entering my appartment today. One flew away while the other had to fight against my girlfriend who eventually hurted it. It felt down at the bottom of our window, not the best spot. Right over a spider net. After a few seconds a spider poped up, wrapped its prey with...
  6. jtbell

    Instagram may sell photos for advertising

    Instagram can now sell your photos for ads (
  7. Evo

    Revolutionizing Fireworks Photography: The Power of the Focus Ring

    These effects create a stunning new look at fireworks. Enjoy.
  8. zoobyshoe

    Uncovering the Bias: Can We Recognize Gay Faces from Photos? My question: what photos were shown, and do they demonstrate a confirmation bias in selecting only masculine looking women as the lesbian examples? A couple weeks ago I was going through my pictures...
  9. J

    Atlantis, the lost continent: Please debunk/interpret these photos

    Hi, I'm Jay and I'm new to Physics Forums. I'm an undergraduate student studying physics and computer science. I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding the following photos I took on Google Earth. Edit reason: Maximum number of photos. Thanks very much. My personal opinion is...
  10. M

    Medical White reflections in photos in one eye

    Is this something to be worried about? I know it can be a sign of cancer in children but its very uncommon even above the age of 1. I have always had bad vision in the white-reflecting eye (I think this might be amblyopia?). After searching around the internet I found a few other people with the...
  11. L

    How did I capture these intriguing feedback loop photos?

    Feedback loops can be very cheap and can be modified easily by things to produce some interesting photos. I used the attached setup to capture these images over 12 years ago and they are accurate to what you actually see on the screen within the maxed out limits of the hardware/software...
  12. B

    Photos colliding from class 1 laser

    I do not know anything about physics but in order to sort my problem out I have been told to look into the impossibility of photon collisions. What I would like to achieve is to take two Class 1 lasers (any wave length you like) and cross the two, in doing so I was hoping that their infinite...
  13. Andy Resnick

    Witness & Share Photos of June 7 Solar Eruption Auroras

    We Demand Photos! It's may be too late, but: June 7 there was a *massive* solar eruption:
  14. G

    ImageShack® - Host Photos & Videos Online

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting Im a bit stuck at part (e) and (f) The 4 basic solutions are: sinkx*coskct sinkx*sinkct coskx*coskct coskx*sinkct I got the 4 boundary conditions as: y(0,t)=0 y(L,t)=0 y(x,0)=sin (2pi/l)x dy/dt at t=0, =0 For part (e), I could...
  15. Andre

    Explore Zuiderzee Museum: 400 Photos of Dutch Culture

    The Zuiderzee was a shallow bay in The Netherlands, which became a the IJsselmeer (lake IJssel) in 1932 with the closure of the Afsluitdijk. That had a huge impact on the local culture. It ended the frequent flooding with storms but it also obstructed world wide mechandize shipping and fishing...
  16. K

    Funny Physics Photos? Let's Share!

    "Funny" Physics Photos? I'm looking for some "funny" physics photos- not simple "unbalanced" logistics photos though. Yes, I have done many google searches on the topic using terms like "funny physics, logistics etc", but I still cannot find many good ones. I'm hoping that those on this site...
  17. S

    Share Your Delicious Food Photos!

    Being a pig that I am, can't help but notice that we don't have a food thread Feel free to share your dinner/lunch/breakfast :) Oreo Cream Cheeze Cake (one of my late night dinner from a few months back :!)) It was as delicious as it looks!
  18. N

    NASA NASA Photos: Global Eruption Rocks the Sun

    "Dec. 13, 2010: On August 1, 2010, an entire hemisphere of the sun erupted. Filaments of magnetism snapped and exploded, shock waves raced across the stellar surface, billion-ton clouds of hot gas billowed into space. Astronomers knew they had witnessed something big. It was so big, it may...
  19. H

    Resize Photos to 600x600 with Adobe Photoshop

    Hey guys. I want to turn the pixel of my photos by adobe photoshop. I wan it to be 600pixel by 600 pixel. Please note that I don't want to stretch the photo (by uncheking constrain propotion) so please provide me the step by step to make photo 600*600 pixel (it can be cropping but not to...
  20. F

    What causes transparency effect in photos?

    I was looking at this photo and it got me wondering. There's a person in the photo, who is apparently not moving so the effect can't be created due to motion, who is partially transparent. The wall and another person is seen through the persons face, but not through the entire face. Just a part...
  21. arivero

    Experimental measurements of decays into two photos that I have missed

    Is there some rumour about experimental measurements of decays into two photos that I have missed?
  22. Hepth

    Amazing Old Color Photos - Russia & USA

    Have you guys seen this: Very cool. Also: If it hasn't been posted yet. Anyone else know of any really cool...
  23. Andy Resnick

    Sharing Lab Photos - What's the File Size Limit?

    I finally got a decent color camera for my lab, and would like to share some images here. I can't find any forum guidelines for the images- specifically, what's the allowed filesize?
  24. ~christina~

    Science-Related Photos: Post & Share Yours!

    I haven't found a thread with this topic so I thought I'd start one. i'll start by posting these photos. Hopefully they are scientific enough. :biggrin: Blood Shoeprint...
  25. P

    Have You Captured the Inspiration Behind Newton's Work in Photos?

    Hey guys! When I was on a trip in Cambridge I took a picture of the famous apple tree, that is supposed (so the turist office claims:-p) to be the one, where Isaac Newton got the idea for his most importaint work. In the back there are two windows and one of them (I think it's the right one)...
  26. F

    Why are Stars Not Visible in Astronaut Photos?

    Ive noticed every time i see a picture of the ISS or astronauts working in outer space there is NEVER any visible stars? Why is this? i been told that they filter it somehow since they stars would be so bright, or is there another reason this has been on my mind for a long time
  27. R

    Can B&W Photos Be Accurately Restored to Their Original Colors?

    isn't that different intensity of black and white in an old B&W photo correspond to a particular color range of the source. Which can then be converted into its original color?
  28. diogenesNY

    Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Photos

    Hey y'all-- Many/most of you may already be aware of and have seen these, but worth checking out are the new photos from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter... particularly of the Apollo landing sites. Amazing detail and really beautiful photos. You can make out details of left behind equipment...
  29. A

    Comet C/2008 O2 McNaught photos?

    Comet C/2008 O2 McNaught photos?? Hey guys, I was wondering why there aren't any photos of this comet around. It's quite bright (7.2 mag) and its position is very favorable towards the observers on the northern hemisphere- near the pole, actually... Usually, there would be some galleries on...
  30. chroot

    How can I improve my photo processing techniques?

    I'm working on my photography, and I've recently discovered that I have a tendency to drastically over-process my photos. Post-processing is essential for virtually all forms of photography, but I seem to approach photos the way hammers approach nails. Which of the following do you prefer...
  31. Ivan Seeking

    Digitizing 60 Years of Family Photos - Share the Memories!

    I am currently digitizing sixty years of family photo slides [I should say over thirty years worth going back over sixty years]. What a treat! My parents really have no idea what is going on. I plan to give them digitized copies in a digital photo frame with all sixty years included! What I'm...
  32. drizzle

    Funny photos about a journalist and a drunk guy is he a journalist or a ray Specialist?! ? it was horrible ... rest in peace
  33. E

    Making photos under the water with common camera

    Making photos under the water with common camera. Is this possible. Or this need different optics.
  34. Y

    Photos of the our milky way galaxy

    I have seen several photos of the our milky way galaxy, other galaxies and some photos of even 100's of galaxies in the same picture. How do they do it? Usually if you see in the sky, all you see is the stars. (naked eyes) I believe to be able to see actual of our milky way galaxy we need to...
  35. Ivan Seeking

    Cute Overload: Adorable Photos to Brighten Your Day

    I used one of the photos from this link in the caption competition, and there is no doubt about it: This website is all about cute.
  36. J

    Have You Seen the Photos of LHC? Absolutely Mind-Blowing!

    Photos of LHC - fantastic! i don't know if someone has already posted a link to these photos, but if you haven't seen them, check them out - totally incredible. man, i wish i worked there... .../2008/08/the_large_hadron_collider.html
  37. Janus

    News Redwood Trip Photos - Just Got Back From Camping National Park

    I just got back from a camping trip to the Redwoods National Park and thought I'd share some photos we took: Looking up at some of the tall trees in the park:" (vertigo advisory) Walking along some...
  38. wolram

    Giant Crab with Massive Claws: Incredible Photos

    For the next year.
  39. B

    Who Are the Faces Behind Famous Scientific Theories?

    Just thought this could be a cool little thread. When reading over Physics or Maths theories, often getting bogged down in the literature, I love putting a face to the ideas and theories which were often hard to swallow for many of the scientific community at the time. Seeing a picture of the...
  40. N

    Explore Paul the Wine Guy's Photos Too good. :smile:
  41. Evo

    Can Digitally Altered Photos Change Our Memories of Historical Events?

    It's been done already, it makes you wonder how widespread it is. Just posting a photo out of context can completely change the reality of a situation, it doesn't even need to be "doctored".
  42. L

    Why are there no stars in space footage?

    Okay look guys I am not posting this because I am a conspiracy theorist, in actuality I am trying to disprove someones insistence on a conspiracy theory regarding the lack of stars in photographs and video taken from space... I know there has to be some logical reason for this phenomenon, and it...
  43. L

    Explore Our Physics Photo Gallery | Share & Discuss Photos

    We have create a new physics photo gallery to share and discuss photos related physics. We like to hear about your comments and suggestions to improve this gallery Here is the link for online physics gallery
  44. M

    Help with Strange Photos of the Sun

    Hi all, I was hoping for a little advice and some insight on these pictures I took. Here is the first (orig_small1.jpg): And the Second after I realized and waited for a break in the traffic (orig_small2.jpg): I was on the Skyway Bridge in the passenger seat driving from St. Pete...
  45. wolram

    Converting Non-Digital Photos to JPEG/GIF for Upload

    Can anyone please tell me how to change a photo i have on my computer to a format that will upload to photobucket/forums, it needs to be a jpeg or gif? It is not a digital photo.
  46. marcus

    Report on QGQG-1 school from Alejandro Satz, with his photos

    good detailed reporting photographs Part 1 of report---Thomas Thiemann's lectures including the Master Constraint, the achievement of the classical limit, Eugenio Bianchi's explanation of the LQG graviton paper of Rovelli et al, Laurent Freidel and Etera Livine spinfoam talks development of...
  47. S

    Can I recover my deleted photos from a formatted memory card?

    I lost some photos on my HP camera using a SAN disk memory card. I think I reformatted the card accidentally, but the result, anyway is some of my photos are gone. Is it possible to get them back?
  48. N

    Question concerning the universe & the Hubble photos

    I have a decent question, I think, about the Hubble photos and the universe. When the Hubble took the photos that show stars cluttered together, and that it is supposedly the first few hundred thousand years of the universes life, that got me thinking. If you pointed the Hubble in any given...
  49. K

    Whats that called, when photos fade because of light?

    I think it might have the roots "auto" or "photo" in it. Thanks.