Plot Definition and 717 Threads

  1. AndresPB

    Response of a System: Transfer Function

    Some time ago I made a modelling project and obtained a plot. Now, I want to remember what the transfer function was, as I want to try changing the parameters. The graph is the following: How can I obtain the transfer function? Thanks a lot
  2. R

    MATLAB Trying to replicate plot similar to stem3 plot, I think.

    About 10 years ago I wrote a program to log my bike rides in Matlab, and part of that program generated a plot whose x and y coordinates were longitude and latitude coordinates and whose z coordinate was the elevation. Sadly, a computer crash and bad backup habits caused me to lose my code. I...
  3. S

    Duplicate a plot - Figure 2.6 Griffiths QM page 55

    Homework Statement Hello, This is not a homework help problem but I believe this question belongs here more so than in the other forums. I would like to (for personal benefit) duplicate / generate the plots in Figure 2.6 of Griffiths Quantum Mechanics book - page 55, 2nd edition. Homework...
  4. B

    Nyquist Plot vs. Complex Function Plot

    This is not a homework problem, I just am confused a little about the differences between a Nyquist plot and the plot of a complex function. I believe they are the same given the domain of the plot of a complex function is for all real numbers equal to or greater than zero. However, I am having...
  5. D

    Problem with plotting a function in MATLAB

    Homework Statement Write code for solving the integral ##\int_{0}^{x}e^{-t^2}dx## using simpsons method and then plot the function from ##x = 0## to ##x = 5## with ##0.1## increment. Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I was told that the best way to plot the function is to...
  6. Telemachus

    How to Plot a 3D Surface from Numerical Data in Mathematica?

    Hi there. I wanted to plot a surface, given implicitly by a function ##f(x,y,z)=c##, with ##c## a constant. My ##f(x,y,z)## is obtained numerically, so I don't know the expression explicitly, I have the values of ##f(x_i,y_j,z_k)## for given integer numbers ##(i,j,k)##, ##i=1,2,3...## same for...

    How can I plot a graph for these opamp results?

    i have build and simulated the op amp circuit, i have recorded the voltage gain at different frequencies, now i need to plot a graph for the two results in same graph paper, i have not plotted a graph before for the related task so i need to understand from the basics, i need some one to...
  8. sbmarantz

    Plot a stereographic hypercube in a Mac's

    Hello everyone, first post here. I don't need to do this in (the default graphing calculator on every Mac), but it is an elegant humble little app, and I have seen the hypercube projected using it here. I really would love to get the equations and expressions in my own file on my...
  9. E

    I How to plot a scaled lognormal function

    Hi, I am trying to plot a lognormal function. I have the value of μ=3.5, the value of σ=1.5 and the value of the Area = 1965. I have as well the value of the maximum height (Amp.=4724). I am tryiing to plot these with Excel or with R but I do not know how. I know how to plot a distribution of...
  10. Josh chips

    Plot compound parabolic concentrator in Excel

    I have the winston equations for the cpc but i am having problems getting the exact shape of a symmetric compound parabolic concentrator in excel Help me with the corrections in terms of the width 2a =10 and half acceptance angle of 30 dg please
  11. Y

    Scalar in terms of multiple variables, Nyquist & Bode Plot

    Homework Statement A scalar is given by It is controlled by With step time h = 0.2 s 1. Find the discrete equivalent model 2. Check the stability of closed loop (K = +1) 3. Obtain the via the Bode plot Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So for question 1. This is where I'm...
  12. M

    Mathematica Optimizing Mathematica Calculations: Faster Plotting with Delayed Expressions

    Hi PF! I have a series of calculations I'm executing in Mathematica, and all expressions use the delayed := equality. At the end I am trying to plot a function, and for this example let's say it's f[x_]:=x When I plot, I am forced to plot in the form Plot[f[x]/.x->y , {y,-1,1} This method takes...
  13. M

    Mathematica Cannot Plot This Function in Mathematica

    Hi PF! I have the following in Mathematica. Notice h[2,x,0.5] gives me an output in terms of x, but when I try to plot this I get errors. Anyone know why this is? I read the error messages but am still unsure why I am not getting a clean output.
  14. W

    MATLAB Plotting animations (time-evolution)

    Hi all, I have a spatial probability density function that is dependent on ##x##, space and ##t##, time. I am able to make a plot for spatial probability density for each point in time by specifying ##t## values by using the fplot function. However, I want an animation that allows me to see...
  15. PhiowPhi

    ANSYS - Maxwell, current distribution plot?

    I was modeling current distribution in a component: And I plotted the ##\vec J## to simulate & understand the current distribution throughout the conductor, all the flows make sense, however, at the edge of the conductor like so: Current would distribute all around the area, which is...
  16. MrGenetic

    Ramachandran plot torsion angles

    Can torsion angles were affected by repulsive effect of aminoacid interactions between side chains? Can torsion angles were affected by hydrophilic or hydrophilic interactions between side chains? I know that protein levels were affected by them but torsion angles is suspicious for me
  17. MathematicalPhysicist

    MATLAB Fixing Matlab Plot Error: Invalid Color/Linetype Argument

    I am using Matlab's 2017Rb academic license. And while trying to operate the following sequence of commands: x = linspace(0,2*pi,1000); y = sin(2*x); plot(x,y,'k−','linew',2); hold on; I get the following warning: Error using plot Error in color/linetype argument. What seems to be wrong...
  18. Y

    FORTRAN 90 How to plot the Poincaré section?

    Hi all, I'm writing a fortran 90 program to simulate the Duffing oscillator. I have it working and have produced a cos wave which I expected for D (the driving force) being set to 0. Here's the code: program rungekutta implicit none integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)...
  19. S

    Straight line plot of bipolar transistor - temperature?

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to plot a straight line for a bipolar junction transistor to find the room temperature, T, using my experimental results for the associated base-emitter voltage, ##{V}_{BE}## and collector current, ##I_C##. Here's the equation that I'm using: $$ I_C = α_F {I}_{EO}...
  20. D

    I How does one make an Amplitude vs. Frequency plot?

    I am working on homework for a physics lab course and I am asked to write a python function which will produce an amplitude v.s frequency plot. In a previous problem I wrote a function which simulates data from a sine wave in the form of a time series; the new function should be able to take...
  21. Morbidly_Green

    Python Removing previously plotted points on scatter plot; python

    Homework Statement I'm plotting moving particles and I need a way to refresh the graph space with every loop. Meaning I want the points to NOT leave a trail of other points behind them . Basically I want to get rid of the old points as I plot new ones. Homework Equations N\A The Attempt at a...
  22. Allan McPherson

    Using Maxima to plot error in Fourier series

    I'm trying to use Maxima to examine the error in a Fourier series as the number of terms increases. I've figured out how to produce a Fourier series and plot partial sums, but this has me stumped. If anyone experienced with the Maxima CAS has some insight into this, I would greatly appreciate...
  23. M

    MATLAB How can I plot a separable function in 3D using polar coordinates?

    Hi PF! I'm trying to plot in 3D. I have ##r = f(\theta,z=0)## and it plots well. However, I would like to plot ##r = f(\theta,z)## in 3D. Any idea how to do this? The radius is actually a separable function ##r = h(\theta)g(z)##, so I have ##h## plotted for a given ##\theta## vector and ##g##...
  24. A

    A How can I plot a 3D phase space for a system of differential equations?

    Hi, i would like to know how can i plot a three dimentionnal phase space (mathematica), for this kind of differential equations: x'= (z^2(x-4y+z)+y^2(x+z)+z(x*y-x^2))/(z^2+x^2-2) y'=y(y-3)+z(4y-z)+3(1-x^2)-2(y-3z)(z^2(x-4y+z)+y^2(x+z)+z(x*y-x^2))/x(z^2+x^2-2)...
  25. L

    Plot the contact pressure vs axe x (mm) in ansys workbench

    thanks for you sir i want to se how can i plot the contact pressure vs axe x (mm) in ansys workbench.? its very important for me
  26. D

    MCNP VisEd Plot tracks :Error->File xsdir not available

    Hello, I use free VisEd and I want to plot the collision, the particle's transport and the particle in tally but I have an error. For the source the plot is ok. How can I solve this problem freely? Someone can help me? My input :C Cellules30 50 -1 (-1 3 19 ):(-2 3 ):(-4 3 -6 5 -7 1 2 ) imp:p=1...
  27. Telemachus

    Plot function of 3 space variables plus time

    Hi there. I am willing to plot a function of three space variables plus time, let's say ##\phi(x,y,z,t)##. The idea is to plot the 3D function for each time, i.e. evolving in time. As I have three independent variables, corresponding to the three Cartesian coordinates, the function is actually a...
  28. S

    A Neutron star mass-radius relation plot

    Hi there... I have a question about the tipical mass-radius relation plot for a neutron star, something that looks like this for different equations of state: My question is, what is exactly happening at the ends of the EOS lines? I know that after passing the maximum mass the curve starts...
  29. W

    Mathematica Is the integral for current correct?

    Hi, I am using Mathematica to calculate density of states and current of the Green's function times self energy in most simple form. I am not sure if I am getting current integral over energy implemented correctly. Shouldnt first current plot be a line with a slope? Below is my code...
  30. kelvin490

    MATLAB Matlab -- how to make a smooth contour plot?

    I want to represent data with 2 variables in 2D format. The value is represented by color and the 2 variables as the 2 axis. I am using the contourf function to plot my data: load('data.mat') cMap=jet(256); F2=figure(1); [c,h]=contourf(xrow,ycol,BDmatrix); set(h, 'edgecolor','none'); Both xrow...
  31. M

    Mathematica Mathematica Plot Real Portion (Contour Plot)

    Hi PF! In Mathematica and given the code below, I am trying to the real part of ##\sigma##, ##Re(\sigma)##, in stead of simply ##\sigma##. Any help would be awesome! Here's what I have: n = 3; ContourPlot[(\[Sigma]^2 - 2 (n - 1) (2 n + 1) \[Epsilon] \[Sigma] + (n - 1) n (n + 2)) ((...
  32. Tspirit

    The plots of wave function of harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement In Griffiths' book "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics", Section 2.3, Chapter 2, the Fig. 2.7 gives the plots of the wave function (##\psi_{n}##) and its modulus of the harmonics oscillator, see the Appendix. With the order (##n##) increasing, they become both higher. However...
  33. E

    What is the Software that has this Plotting Style?

    What is the software that has this kind of plot: I want to use it for plotting graphs because it looks clean. Thank you in advance. Edit: To avoid confusion, I want to know what software produces this graphing style, not the kind of plot.
  34. W

    Mathematica Add a rectangle to a plot to indicate range

    I have some data points that I want to plot and suppose I have the function ##f(x) = x##, with the domain having the range ##0\leq x \leq 10##. Assume that the experimental values lies in the range ##4\leq x \leq 7##, how can I put a rectangular region to cover this range behind my plot so as to...
  35. B

    What is initial slopes of the plot Z versus P ?

    Homework Statement Use the van der waals constant for ##H_2## and ##O_2## to calculate the initial slopes of the plots of compressibility factor Z versus P. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Using virial expansion for van der waal gas in terms of ##P## I get ##Z = 1 +...
  36. AdrianMachin

    Plot 3D graph of electric potential of a charged particle

    Homework Statement Plot the electric potential ##V(r)## due to a positively charged particle located at the origin of an XY plane. Homework Equations ##V=\frac 1 {4πε_0} \frac q r## The Attempt at a Solution I'm unfamiliar with 3D coordinates at this time, but I like to know how can I plot it...
  37. FallenApple

    Getting flagged values in residual plot in R

    What does the 8 and the 50 mean? I know that they are flagged values. Often, this happens. The plot is off because of some extreme points, the plot flags them, and I go into the dataset and cannot find them. Are they the built in row numbers of the dataframe? or are they something else?
  38. J

    I Problem interpreting a Distance-Redshift Plot

    I was looking at the following graph showing the relationship between redshift and distance for a constant, accelerating and decelerating expansion of the universe. Source Looking at the accelerating expansion line (red), I tried to reason why it would show a line that deviates upwards from...
  39. S

    How to plot generalized hypergeometric function in ROOT?

    Hello everyone I am trying to write code in ROOT.I want to plot generalized hypergeometric function pFq with p=0 and q=3 i.e I want to plot 0F3(;4/3,5/3,2;x) as a function of x using TF1 class.I am not getting how to plot this function in ROOT.Kindly help me out. Thanks in Advance
  40. Physics Dad

    Calculating Spring Constant From Plot of T^2 versus r^2

    Homework Statement Hi, I recently performed a lab experiment for calculating the moment of inertia and spring constant of a couple of equal masses on a steel rod. I had to do this experiment at the exact same time as performing another experiment so I was unable to perform any calculations in...
  41. S

    Polar plot for the event horizon of a Kerr BH

    I have made graph of event horizon of Kerr black hole by giving simple command of polar plot. The problem is that the point where the event horizon and static limit meets should be along y-axis but instead its on x-axis. I have tried everything but not getting it right. What mistake I am...
  42. Cocoleia

    Asymptotic magnitude Bode plot for a network function

    Homework Statement I am working on the following problem: The Attempt at a Solution I have the solutions, I just don't understand: I know that the pole should be the root of the denominator? but in all the examples I was given they used s and not jw, so what is the variable in the network...
  43. I

    Mathematica Part of complex plot disappears [mathematica]

    I have a very large expression: j - Sqrt[q^2 + qp^2 - 2 q qp Cos[\[Theta]]] - \[Sqrt](qp^2 + 1/2 (16 m5^2 + ma^2 + mp^2 - Sqrt[(-(16 m5^2) - ma^2 - mp^2)^2 - 4 (ma^2 mp^2 - 16 m5^2 qp^2)])) == 0 where \[Theta] = Pi/6; ma = 980; mp = 139; j...
  44. A

    A Plot a curve through some arbitrary points

    Hi how can i plot a curve (red curve at this example) like this:
  45. Conclaude

    Numerical Plot of Particle Orbits in Kerr Equatorial Plane

    Context: In James Hartle's Gravity, pp. 318-319, Example 15.1, he considers the case of a particle that starts falling from infinity into a Kerr black hole, initially with no kinetic energy (e = 1) and initially moving radially (ℓ = 0). The particle's motion is constrained along the equatorial...
  46. H

    Error: no plot because it would be empty, using mcnpx

    Hello everyone! I would like to ask you if anyone can help me solving my Problem with mcnpx. I created a file with a watertank, a nozzle and a slit blend on the surface. I also inserted a protonbeam and would like to plot the dose and fluence for examplte with Moritz. But when I execute the...
  47. S

    A Using Fastjet in Pythia to plot distribution of particles

    I am using fastjet in pythia8.I am studying jet formation in pp collisions.I need to plot distribution of transverse momentum of fastest particle in fastest jet formed in 1000 events simulated.But i don't know how to access particle properties after jet formation.Like if I want to know the...
  48. P

    Finding r(ϕ) from r(t) and ϕ(t) to plot Newtonian orbits

    Homework Statement I'm trying to plot Newtonian orbits in Mathematica with the goal of extending this to orbits including GR after. I've derived equations for r(t) and ##\phi##(t) (see below) by integrating ##\dot{r}## and ## \dot{\phi} ## (see below also) from E = 1/2mv2 +V(r) with velocity...
  49. BiGyElLoWhAt

    I Why Plot Spin vs Mass^2 in Particle Physics?

    Maybe this is more quantum, but I'm not sure. I was watching Susskinds first String lecture on youtube, and he was talking about how, within each particle family, you get a straight line called a regge trajectory if you plot spin vs. mass^2. He also mentioned that there was some slight insight...
  50. R

    Mathematica How to plot several terms in a Fourier series

    I was given a function that is periodic about 2π and I need to plot it. I was wondering if there is a way to input a value and have mathematica generate a new graph with the number of iterations. The function is: $$\sum_{n=1}^{N}\frac{sin(nx)}{n}$$ where n is an odd integer. I guess a better...