Plot Definition and 717 Threads

  1. kelvin490

    MATLAB MATLAB enlarge 3D plot without enlarging colorbar

    Is it possible to enlarge a 3D patch without altering the size of the colorbar? My original picture is like this one: I just want to enlarge the block in the middle of the figure keeping the colorbar unchanged. I used zoom(1.9) before...
  2. kelvin490

    MATLAB MATLAB how to automatically read a number of files

    I would like to plot a number of 3D graphs from different data files. For example I am using fid = fopen('SS 1.dat','r'); to read the first file and then plot a graph. How to set the program to change the name to 'SS 2.dat' automatically? Also for the tenth file the name becomes 'SS 10.dat'...
  3. S

    Finding work done & temp change by looking at a plot

    Homework Statement Refer to plot attached. Homework Equations (a)Find the work done by a monatomic ideal gas as it expands from point A to point C along the path shown in the figure. (The horizontal axis is marked in increments of 25 m3.) (b) If the temperature of the gas is 215 K at point A...
  4. A

    MATLAB How to plot text file in MATLAB

    I had to use a network analyzer measuring the standing wave pattern along a transmission line taking data points at half mm increments. The software I used got me the values in a text file and the way it is formatted, I can't figure out how to make the left side the X axis and right side the Y...
  5. kelvin490

    MATLAB Enlarging & Repositioning Figures in MATLAB

    I want to create figure that is enlarged, I use: fig = figure(1);%These two lines maximize the figure dialogue set(fig,'Units','normalized','Position',[0,0,1,1]); Then I use zoom(1.9); to enlarge the figure The dialogue is enlarged. But I want to reposition it just like use the "pan" button...
  6. H

    MATLAB How can I position text on multiple Matlab plots with different scales?

    I want to have three plot 1,2,3 in Matlab with the symbols (a), (b) and (c) on plots 1, 2 and 3 respectively.I can do it by text('(a)'), text('(b)'), text('(c)') on the plot 1,2 and 3 respectively but I want to have the three symbols on the same position on the three plots for example...
  7. B

    How do I plot this probability density over time?

    Here's the question: I normalized the wave function and got A = sqrt(315/8L^9) but how would I plot representative snapshots if the exponential factor will cancel when I square it? It's not a mixed state so it shouldn't depend on time as far as I can tell. Should I use...
  8. W

    Plot graph of 1D wave equation (using d'Alembert's formula)

    Homework Statement [/B] Don't know if this goes here or in the advanced bit, thought I'd try here first! I know the general solution of a 1D wave equation is given by d'Alembert's formula ##u(x,t) = 0.5[u(x+vt,0) + u(x-vt,0)] + \frac{1}{2v} \int_{x-vt}^{x+vt} \frac{\partial u}{\partial...
  9. S

    Understanding Residual Plots: Impact on Model Relationships and Homoscedasticity

    hey guys, just wondering if the residual plot can tell one anything about the type of relationship in a model i.e is it linear or not? Or does it just tell one if homoscedasticity (i.e equal variances) is observed? thanks
  10. Rectifier

    Bode plot for first order high pass (RL) - reality vs theory

    Hey there! So I have this circuit: with R= 1kOhm and L=10mH and for some reason the theoretical and real values differ drasticly for lower frequencies Brown lines are representing the asymptotic and approximation lines. Blue lines are connecting my measured values. Amplitude is the amplitude...
  11. A

    How to Plot Number Lines with Software

    ... to visualize relative distances between two points of interest. Do any of the microsoft office applications do this? For example, I would like it to start with an origin of 0 on the left, show the number 5, then show the number 146. I just need a good program for plotting these types of...
  12. K

    Scatter plot correlation coefficient

    how can I interpret the condition "if sum of (xi-x_bar)^2(yj-y_bar)^2=0 when i=/=j?" why does this make the line linear?
  13. A

    3D graph plot of a function of multiple variables.

    I am searching for a site that enables me to plot a function of multiple variables in 3D form. Say f(x1,x2,x3,x4) and I wish to plot this function as a 3D graph for x1 and x2 where x3 and x4 are kept constant.
  14. S

    Time averaged intensity, derivation and vector plot

    Homework Statement I'm trying to graph this equation: [/B] I'm trying to use the champ command in scilab to graph this from -π to π on the kx and ky axes. But this requires the x and y components of the vector as arguments. How do I get those components, is there a command for that? There's...
  15. Artribution

    Creating Time Machines for Advanced Civilizations: A Plot Device for Writers

    Hello, lazy writer here. Got a question for you all; apologies if it's been asked before or needs to be moved. Assuming an advanced civilization controlled the Milky May for a period of ~16 giga years (from the galaxy's formation until the merger with Andromeda) and had all that time to work on...
  16. A

    How to find the density of states from IV plot.

    Is there any way to find the density of states from the IV graph
  17. T

    Sketch Bode Plot for $\frac{0.5}{1 - \frac{3145j}{w}}

    Homework Statement \frac{0.5}{1 - \frac{3145j}{w}} , sketch the bode plot Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Moving the jw to the bottom \frac{0.5}{1+ \frac{3145}{jw}} Let s = jw \frac{0.5}{1+ \frac{3145}{s}} = \frac{0.5}{\frac{s+3145}{s}} = (0.5) \frac{s}{s+3145} =...
  18. B

    Determine acceleration from velocity-position plot

    Homework Statement The velocity of a particle along s-axis is given as v = 5s^(3/2) , where "s" is in millimeters and v is in millimeters/second. Determine the acceleration when "s" is 2 mm. So I've been having trouble with differential equations, and I think that's where I'm messing up. My...
  19. R

    How to plot stress - strain and work out the Young's modulus

    Homework Statement I have the following table Load 25 50 75 100 125 150 160 170 Extension 0.38 0.75 1.15 1.53 2.8 8.6 15 28 and I need to: 1. Plot the stress – strain or (load-extension) graph and determine (a) Approximate value of the elastic limit (b)...
  20. K

    Mathematica Mathematica: How to use two x-axis with different units?

    Hello, I've collected data with pairs of { resolution, filesize in bit }. Now I would like to use a ListPlot to visualize the data in mathematica. My problem is now showing the x-asis two times. One for the filesize in bit (above) and the other for the filesize in KiB (below). ListPlot[...
  21. I

    ANSYS ACP 2015 - How to show plot?

    Hi everyone, I'm currently doing burst pressure simulation of composite piping and I have reached the stage where i need to analyze the results but I'm afraid i don't know how to show the plot in the new 2015 Ansys ACP and all the guides and tutorials are for previous versions. Previously, the...
  22. D

    Gnuplot: How to plot a 2d colorplot of a 3d function

    Hello, I have a data file created by an C++ Programm which creates the lines of the data file by an operation inside an loop data3dRnd << gsl_vector_get(x,0) << ' ' << gsl_vector_get(x,1) << ' ' << my_f(x,par) << endl << endl; where the entries of the gsl_vector x are doubles and...
  23. W

    Extracting information from a Bode Plot (PM, GM, etc...)

    Hi all, 1. Homework Statement This is the loop gain (A.F.) of unity feedback system. I need to extract DC Gain Bandwidth GBW (is GBW Gain Bandwith ?) f unity (I suppose this is unity frequency) Phase Margin Gain Margin What is the optimal PM and f2/GBW for time and...
  24. pvvijaykumar

    How to plot random source in GNU radio companion

    I am using GNU companion ,in that i am not able to plot random source which i am giving as bytes . how to plot in a sink?
  25. N

    Kinetic energy -- plot molecule frequency vs temperature

    hi I have been given an assignment at school to look at various ways heat is transferred through liquids. I'm interested in looking more into the kinetic energy of molecules and how their vibration causes heat, I would like to know if there is a device I could use to record the frequency of...
  26. A

    Mathematica Mathematica - Countour plot problem

    Hello! I'm trying to plot some eigenfunctions (for a semicircle) in Mathematica. Functions are of the following form: $$g_{ms}=J_{2m+1}(y_{ms}x) sin ((2m+1)\varphi)$$ For example, for m=0 and s=1 it should look like what I drew in the attached file "Snapshot". Well, I don't have much experience...
  27. G

    Mathematica Plot 3D Mathematica - Graph Not Shown Complete Ubuntu 14.04

    Why if I create a Plot 3D using mathematica 8 the graph is not showed complete unless I hold the graph clicked with the mouse. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 a weird fact is that in the same computer I have Windows 8 and If I run the program with Windows the graph is shown perfectly. May this question...
  28. J

    Sampling Time Calculation for Bode Plots: Plant Comparison & ZOH Preceding

    Homework Statement In the figure, the Bode plots of a continuous-time plant (thin line) and of its discrete-time counterpart, representing the discrete-time operation of the plant preceded by a Zero Order Hold (ZOH) (bold line), are displayed. What is the Sampling time used? Homework...
  29. B

    Draw Nyquist Plot By Hand: Learn How to Determine Stability

    I am trying to understand how to draw nyquist plot. Lets say the transfer function is Subbing in jω for s, ***Note: should be (jw)^4 , (jw)^3, (jw)^2 Then separating the Real and Imaginary part, So when w = 0, in the nyquist plot it is infinity w = infinity, it is 0 Imaginary intercept is...
  30. M

    Why do I plot certain Raman against the wavenumber

    I am currently writing my Bachelorthesis about Raman spectroscopy. For measurement with a 785 nm Laser I plot the Intensity against the Raman shift. But for measurements involving a 532 nm, I had so select the program (Spectrasuite) so display them against the "normal" wavenumber. Why is that...
  31. F

    How to plot stress-strain curve?

    Can we plot stress-strain curve if we only have yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation data? For example if i have: Yield strength = 300 MPa Tensile Strength = 600 MPa Elongation = 50% How to plot the stress-strain curve? Thanks
  32. C

    Neutral axis vs microstrain plot

    hi, i got a list of data containing strain for four different strain gauge, lb, and time elapsed. is there anyway i can calculate the distance from bottom of a girder using the given data to plot something like this? i have also been given the neutral axis for each strain gauge.
  33. Freddy Cisneros

    How can I plot time-dependent wave-functions?

    I am trying to plot the wave-function of free particles as a function of x and time. Can someone explain or reference a site which explains how. --Thank you
  34. D

    How do I plot the load line for a nonlinear network with an ideal diode?

    Homework Statement Plot the iA vs. vA characteristics for the nonlinear network shown in Figure 4.49. Assume the diode is ideal. The nonlinear network from part (a) is connected as shown in Figure 4.50. Draw the load line on your v i characteristics from part (a), and find iT Homework...
  35. B

    Plotting Band Structure in Graphene for Scientists

    I just learned how to get a tight-binding dispersion for graphene. But i can not figure out how can I plot that. I want to plot that in the following path: Γ→K→M→Γ I would be appreciated if could some one give me a hand on my problem. thanks for alot.
  36. H

    MATLAB Bar plot in Matlab with specified values on the x-axis

    In the plot below x=.1:.01:.2; y=5:15; bar(x,y) I like all the values of x to be displayed on the x-axis. For example by plotting this bar, the values of x=0.11,0.13, 0.15, 0.17, 0.19 are not displayed on the x-axis. I appreciate any help.
  37. A

    Mathematica Mathematica problem with plotting

    Hello, I'm trying to plot some functions with different parameters on the same graph. For each one I have to calculate some parameters from a matrix A. I need to plot this for several matrices A, so I'd like to be able to just copy-paste the new elements in the matrix A, rather than writing them...
  38. H

    MATLAB How to plot a continuous zero plot in Matlab?

    In the plot command below x=1:5:100 plot(x,y,x,0) one plot is noncontinuous zero plot. How can I plot a continuous zero one?
  39. A

    How do you plot eigenfunctions of perturbed HO?

    Homework Statement Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a perturbed harmonic oscillator (H=H0+lambda*q4 numerically using different numerical methods and plot perturbed eigenfunctions. I wrote a code in c++ which returns a row of eigenvalues of the perturbed matrix H and a matrix of...
  40. B

    Comp Sci Output format of a matrix in Fortran 90

    Hello, I'm new here and I'm also new in programming. I never did it before and now I have a problem with one of the programs in fortran 90 and I can't figure out how to solve it. Maybe some of you can help me. Many thanks in advance. 1. Homework Statement I need to plot the results of a...
  41. Feodalherren

    MATLAB: Plot vectors from a function

    Homework Statement So I have a function that allows me to input two vectors and it will calculate the resultant vector. The code works fine. I need to call on this function and plot the two input vectors and the resultant; it's easier to explain if you look at the code. Homework EquationsThe...
  42. M

    Graph Scale Confusion: Estimating Values from Plots

    Hello, I have to estimate some values from a plot (shown in the attachment). The trouble is I'm not sure how to read one of the scales could someone please explain the nature of the scale along the top frame, the angular scale, i.e how it is spaced. One of my aims is to estimate which angle...
  43. E

    Using Xsens MTi-G to Plot Motion in Plane

    Homework Statement I'm doing project using xsens MTi-G. Data file example: I must plot motion in plane (decart coordinate system), without z component. Measurment is taken after 0.01 s. To do the task, I should use acceleration and velosity data. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  44. R

    Determine Crystal structure of non-cubic crystal in XRD plot

    Given only 2theta and intensity, how to know the crystal structure (except cubic) of non cubic crystals, and also determine their lattice parametera,b,and c, if there's a link or website discussing techniques to determine crystal structure of all crystals, please don't hesitate to put it here...
  45. Qturtle

    Visualizing a 3-variable function in a 3D plot -- Wolfram Math

    Hey I have a function of x,y,z and i want to have a 3D graph of it. i was thinking maybe there is a color option that corresponds with the value of the function, something like DensityPlot in Wolfram but in 3D instead of 2D. the result should look like a box filled with semi transparent color...
  46. J

    How to Draw a Bode Plot from a Given Transfer Function with a Zero at s=1

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm given a transfer function, and am suppose to draw Bode plot from it. H(s) = ( 2000s (s - 1) ) / (s + 2000)^2 I'm wondering what to do for the zero at s = 1? Should I just solve this normally, as every example we have done and every example I've seen uses simple...
  47. R

    The plot of a linear relation given an equation

    Homework Statement \omega (q)= \sqrt{( \frac{4f}{m})} sin\frac{qa}{2} Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I don't understand the linear line given on the graph. For low q (or as q tends to zero) it says the relationship is linear. But as q tends to zero for the given equation...
  48. P

    Understanding Arrhenius Plots: ln(rate) vs 1/T for Determining Activation Energy

    I have been noticing that in some cases that Arrhenius plots are sometimes plotted ln(rate) vs 1/T as opposed to ln(k) vs 1/T to find activation energy especially in hetereogeneous catalysis. Isn't the Arrhenius law k=A*exp(-Ea/(R*T))? why can ln(rate) also be plotted vs T^-1 to find...
  49. allamsetty

    Need 2D plot of plane wave, cylindrical & spherical wave

    plane wave is represented as exp (ik.r) and the cylindrical wave as 1/sqrt(r) *exp(ik.r) and the spherical wave as 1/r*exp(ik.r) Have anyone tried to plot these waves? How to do it? Attempt: in Matlab assuming k=1 >> x=linspace(-1,1,100); >> for(ii=1:100) fp(ii)=exp(i*x(ii)); end >>...
  50. E

    Mathematica: Compare 3D Graphs with Plot3D Command

    Homework Statement I draw two 3D graphs in Mathematica by using the "Plot3D "and I want to Show the difference between these two graphs. Can anyone tell me what command should I use? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution