Polarization Definition and 666 Threads

  1. T

    Horizontal/vertical polarization

    In a Raman scattering experiment, you take two spectra using a triatomic linear molecule. One spectrum is from setting a polarizer to pass vertical polarization and the other has the polarizer set to pass horizontal polarization. What should be the difference between the two spectra? What if...
  2. J

    Goos-Hanchen effect and polarization

    How polarization influence Goos-Hanchen effect? I googled it but I didn't find it.
  3. S

    Polarization of molecules in body

    Why do all the protein molecules in our bodies rotate polarized light in one direction only? If I injected proteins of the opposite polarization into my bloodstream would their be a strong immune reaction? Also,what would happen if one of the organs in my body - for example the liver - was...
  4. S

    Solving Polarization Formula Problem: Get Help Now

    Hello! I'm having difficulty solving this problem, I was wondering if you can help me solve it. Three polarizing filters are stacked, with the polarizing axis of the second and third filters at angles of 28.4 and 57.0, respectively, to that of the first. If unpolarized light is incident on...
  5. turbo

    Vacuum polarization and optical effects.

    These folks are modeling the optical effects "gravitational" lensing in terms of vacuum polarization. I think they are on the right track conceptually, but that the mechanism that causes polarization is far more basic - a differential in the gravitational infall rates of matter vs. matter...
  6. DaveC426913

    Simulating Circular Polarization with a Christmas Tree Bead Strand

    Yesterday I was busy inadvertantly simulating circular polarization of light. We were taking down the Christimas tree including a very long strand of beads. The strand was composed of 4 strands of beads (each like a pearl necklace) woven in a helix. When we (my wife & I) started at one end...
  7. V

    What is meant by Copolarization and Cross polarization?

    What is meant by Copolarization and Cross polarization? How does EM wave travel in such polarizations?
  8. P

    Polarization Problem: Estimating Voltage Needed to Ionize Hydrogen Atom

    a hydrogen atom (with radius of one half angstrom) is situated between two metal plates, 1mm apart, which are connected to opposite terminals of a 500V battery. What fraction of the atomic radius does the separation distance d amount to, roughly? Estimate the voltage needed to ionize the atom...
  9. S

    Oh, multiple + scattering + polarization

    I know scattering would give polarized light on the in 90 degree of the beamdirection, but...how about somewhat "multiple scattering" ?? how it affect the polarization ?? the concept of multiple scattering far too difficult for me, can any guy explain that to me pls?? :eek: Thx
  10. B

    Polarization of electromagnetic waves

    I have read briefly about polarization of electromagnetic waves and from what I understand an electromagnetic wave is said to be polarized in some direction if the E-field is aligned along this direction.. what then is unpolarized light?? - the E-field has a definite direction at every point...
  11. M

    Polarization of skylight, and polarization by reflection

    Can someone explain why skylight is polarized, and how polarization occurs through reflection? Thanks.
  12. K

    Calculating Light Intensity through Polarized Lenses | Polarization Question

    Hello everyone. I wanted to make sure I did this problem correctly. The problem is this: A light with an intensity of 75 W/m^2 is shone through three polarized lenses. The first lens is tilted at a 37 degree angle, the second is at a 10 degree angle and the final lens is titled by 82 degrees...
  13. D

    Neutralization and polarization?

    I'd like to know: -How do two opposite particles neutralize and how does one neutral particle polarize? I'm completely neutral about this so go ahead and polarize me.
  14. H

    Gravitational waves and CMB polarization

    Gravitational waves generated during inflation should produce a special component in linear polarization in the CMB. Why? Could anyone give an easy qualitative explanation? Thanx.
  15. W

    Maximizing Intensity of Transmitted Light in Polarization Disks

    I am studying for our final, and there is this problem that is confusing me. There are three disks, with transmission axis of the 1st being 10 deg. from the vertical, the 2nd at an angle theta from the vertical, and the 3rd at an angle 120 deg from the vertical. Unpolarized light, I(0) is...
  16. C

    Polarization and Quantum Theory - confused

    Polarization and Quantum Theory -- confused This is what I'm getting hung up on: If you take a piece of vertically polarized glass and place it in front of a piece of horizontally polorized galss then NO light passes through the second glass because the light is at 90 degrees to the...