Processing Definition and 235 Threads

  1. E

    MATLAB Image Processing and MatLab (Deconvolution Process)

    I have these two images: And I have this impulse response function, or the point-spread function (PSF): The first image is the actual size of the PSF, and the second image has zero pads included. I tried deconvolving the images this way (with MatLab): deconvolved_image =...
  2. B

    Video Image Processing: Algorithms for Motion Detection

    Is there a computer algorithm that can determine if a person it moving their right arm or there feet, or if they are running or not ?
  3. D

    What is the best software for signal acquisition and processing

    I'll be doing a project that will need to acquire and process signals coming from one or two antennas. What is, in your opinion, the best software to do this? I've used LabView before and it worked alright but it was a very simple project, this one is much more complex. Is LabView a good option...
  4. T

    Are processing speed and reaction times related?

    Is there any relationship between processing speed and reaction time (speed at which something reacts to external stimuli) of information processors such as the brain and computers? So if a computer had higher processing speed, would it be able to react quicker to external stimuli, For...
  5. Gradon

    MATLAB Therapy imaging processing in matlab

    do you have imaging processing' document in matlab? can you share with me? Do you have code MATLAB about increase form yellow to red? Thanks your attention
  6. dragoneyes001

    What is the likely limit of processing speed?

    the other thread about computer sciences got me wondering just how fast or how many millions or billions of tasks are likely to be the physical limits to processors? I'm not asking how small things will get but where if any is the brick wall to processing. to further limit the scope this is...
  7. I

    Raman Spectroscopy Processing Software

    I am looking for a program that allows me to process my Raman data. What i want to do is to do integrations under certain intervalls, but also baseline corrections, noise reductions and so on. I have been coding a little bit on Matlab, but gave up once i realized I had no idea how to fix the...
  8. T

    Improving Torque Data Signal with Digital Filtering

    Hello, I have a three phase brushless motor and was trying to measure its torque and speed using a torque sensor. The motor will first go to its maximum speed which is about 6000RPM, then I applied a brake to decrease its velocity. Here is what I get as a result of data acquisition : The...
  9. J

    What is the term for this image processing?

    How do you call of the digital image processing that simplifies an image by reducing the amount of pixels? I thought of the word “thinning”. But according to ”Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing” by Anil K. Jain, “Thinning algorithm transforms an object to a set of simple digital arcs...
  10. B

    Signal processing in matlab, what is signal length ?

    Homework Statement Use Matlab to construct a signal of length 2^13 = 8192 that contains only three frequencies: x=0.5*sin(2*pi*200*t)+0.2*sin(2*pi*455*t)-0.3*sin(2*pi*672*t) Compute and plot the absolute value of the DFT. What does the question mean by signal length and why is it expressed...
  11. J

    Are these abbreviations common in programming/image processing?

    Are any of the following abbreviations common or do they rather make you confused when they are on an user interface of an image processing related product?Any other suggestions? - Position-Pos. - Coordinate - Coord. - Radius - r - Circle - CRCL/ Cir./ Circ./ Crcl - Deviation - Dev. - Region -...
  12. TheDemx27

    Low Power Signal Processing -- Bouncing an RF signal off the Moon

    I'm doing a project that has been done many times before, bouncing a signal off the moon, but I'm trying to do it with low power. I'm told the expected S/N ratio is -30dB. The problem I'm trying to figure out is whether or not it is theoretically possible to pull out the signal out from the...
  13. A

    Programs Image processing skills in biosensors and fiber optics

    I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in physics with optics as my major and my interests are fiber optics and biosensors. I have also worked on a couple of projects in the past that dealt with a lot of image processing. I will soon begin working on my Master's thesis and want to decide a...
  14. N

    How programming interacts with transistors

    Forgive the broadness of the question. I know this is a huge concept which entire books have been written about. I am an amateur computer programmer entering my first object-oriented class soon and want to get some things out of the way. When I write lines of code how does the computer know what...
  15. J

    HTML/CSS Ok, I need a new thread for my HTML processing program

    My old thread was getting messy and I realized I needed to go back to square 1 and write up a plan. So here's an outline of the plan: I will add to this thread as I write the helper functions and encounter any problems. Criticism greatly appreciated.
  16. A

    Best Way to Learn Introductory Signal Processing

    Hello PF'ers, Does anyone have insight on the best way to learn Signal Processing? I am new to the subject and feel totally lost in my course. Our professor has a teaching style that doesn't work for me. He isn't teaching from a textbook and the notes don't fully explain things. Successful...
  17. DivergentSpectrum

    How to limit processing demand simulating electromagnetic trajectory

    so suppose i have a wire given parametrically by C(t)=x(t),y(t),z(t), and i run a current of I amps through it. to find the total B field i would sum up the contributions over the length of the wire, and (please tell me if I am wrong) the total B field due to the wire at point p=xp,yp,zp would...
  18. davenn

    Processing in Lightroom and Photoshop

    been doing lots of learning with post processing (pp) in Lightroom and Photoshop the first I removed all the colour from around the bird ( a Lorikeet) to make it really stand out The second is as original BG colours 400mm, f5.6, 1/250 sec, camera a Canon 5D3 cheers Dave
  19. mishima

    [Processing] += operator, function equivalent?

    Hi, I was curious how I could turn any expression that looks like: x += (100- x) * 0.01; into a function that could be graphed.
  20. V

    Statistical Physics vs QFT for quantum information processing

    Good day, I'm starting my master in physics, and it's time for me to choose my courses. I've decided that I probably want to pursue the direction of quantum information processing, and I'm trying to pick my courses with that in mind. For my first semester I'll be taking four courses: Quantum...
  21. M

    Signal Processing energy conservation

    Homework Statement Two receivers, d=5 [meters] apart, are recording an air wave signal. The air wave travels in v=330 [m/sec] and coming from one side of the receivers. The air wave contains all the frequencies between 10 [Hz] and 200 [Hz]. a) If we sum up the recorded signal from the...
  22. A

    Can I Improve Software Processing Speed?

    Introduction I'm using a 2.2 GHz processor and it's taking me up to 10 seconds to open a 20 kB word document. Most of the time is the time it takes to open the software itself. It takes up to 3 seconds to open the file when the software is already running. Problem I need this process to...
  23. J

    Fourier Transform, Discrete Forier Transform image processing

    Hi all, Now naturally after completing a physics degree I am very familiar with the form and function of the Fourier Transform (FT) but never have grasped it quite conceptually. I understand that given a function f(x) I can express every functional value as a linear combination of complex...
  24. C

    Signal/Data Processing Question

    Hi, I'm curious if there is a method to separate the signal from the noise in this kind of data set, other than manually do it by indexing. the top plot is the data, the bottom plot is the zoom in of the data. the time length for signal & data are relatively constant throughout the data, it...
  25. marellasunny

    Why do I need a processing code when I pair Arduino with bluetooth

    Why do I need a "processing" code when I pair Arduino with bluetooth I have a need to connect my [Arduino+Bluetooth dongle JY-MCU V1.02] to my laptop in-built bluetooth device.Most forums suggest using a processing code to go ahead and do this...
  26. A

    Digital signal processing, linear time invariant system,

    I really confused, I found in a book that the following system, y[n]= x[n+1]-x[n], is not causal! But from the definition of causality that the output y[n0] depends only on the input samples x[n] for n<=n0,,, So I think that this system is causal... If you agree with me please tell me that...
  27. B

    MATLAB Matlab+signal processing question -finding output signal using FRF

    So,I got this vector of input data in Matlab,which is vector of approx 1x25000 length. I have frequency responce function attained by different estimators (H1,H2,Arx). Anyway,my FRF is also a vector of 1x129 length. Those two are different sized vectors.How should I find the output data...
  28. T

    What kind of image processing techniques are needed?

    Mod note: Fixed the links to the two images Second mod note: the links are broken again Hi, all I have recently faced with an abstruse problem in image processing. So, I would like to ask somebody's advice. There are two images below; one is original and the other is an impaired...
  29. J

    Signal Processing Vs Machine Learning as a career

    Hello, I have an undergraduate degree in EE and I have a passion for mathematics. I'm trying to decide if I should do a masters in signal processing or machine learning. What are the pros and cons of each given the way the industry is? (I live in Bangalore, the tech capital of India, where...
  30. N

    Calculating Optimal Weights for MVDR Signal Processing Gain

    Using a MVDR method for a uniformly spaced linear array of sensors, I calculated the optimal weights. The procesing gain is (SIR)out / (SIR)in . The value turned out complex. Is this possible/makes sense?
  31. A

    Comp Sci C++ Character Processing Algorithm

    Homework Statement Hey guys! Thanks for taking the time to help me out, I really appreciate it. I am in my second semester of college, taking my first C++ course, and I had never programmed before this class so I am kind of stuck on a problem. I have almost the entire assignment figured out...
  32. 2

    Should I study D. S. Processing or control theory in greater depth?

    I'm studying CE and math. My computer engineering course is basically electronic/electrical engineering with extra software. I have a choice between the two subject combinations below. Additionally, 1. I'm studying two mechatronic control theory subject, and a mathematical control theory...
  33. N

    Digital signal processing - Pseudo Inverse Method

    Digital signal processing -- Pseudo Inverse Method Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution (a) A =the matrix with [ .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; .7 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; -.1 .7 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;... all the way down to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.1] so it is 11 x9 . w=[w0 w1 ... w8]'...
  34. J

    Digital signal processing - conjugate reciprocal of a complex number

    Digital signal processing -- conjugate reciprocal of a complex number what is the difference between conjugate of a complex number and conjugate reciprocal of a complex number i am asking with reference to z transform...Thanyou
  35. N

    Simplifying equations involving Dirac Delta (Analog Signal Processing)

    Homework Statement I'm specifically having trouble with taking the Fourier transform of f(t) in order to sketch F(w) and also to move on with the rest of the problem. Homework Equations f(t) = (5+rect(t/4))cos(60pi*t) mixed_signal = cos(60pi*t) The Attempt at a Solution I attempted to...
  36. dexterdev

    In signal processing , what do the term 'feature' means?

    In signal processing , what do the term 'feature' means? Feature extraction etc. For example, in audio signals what are the main features? -Devanand T
  37. B

    OC Signal Processing Textbook Recs Requested

    I was wondering if anyone can recommend me texts any or all of the following topics: - Signals and Systems - Digital Signal Processing - Digital Audio and Speech processing - Digital Image processing - Digital Video processing Would prefer if replies came from people who have perused through...
  38. J

    Digital Image Processing, Phase offset

    Homework Statement I'm working on a Matlab problem for a digital image processing class. The problem is to take an image, then take its 2D-FFT and offset the phase component by pi. Then to take the IFFT of the new DFT using the unmodified magnitude and modified phase. What I got was a...
  39. D

    Calculating Acceleration and Error for a Ball Rolling Down an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement Calculate the acceleration of a ball rolling down an inclined plane and also note the error. I am going to solve it myself, so I will just give one sample. Distance covered by ball(error : +- 0.05 cm) .95m Time taken(error : +- 0.01 s) 1.19s Acceleration(with error)...
  40. N

    Image processing: effect of illuminant on sRGB image

    Homework Statement Assume an image file is sRGB under D65. Generate the image as it would appear under illuminant A ( a 171x1 matrix). Homework Equations effect of illuminant: B = LA where A is the a color matching function, L is a diagonalized version of illuminant A, and B is...
  41. S

    How do Wavelength, Intensity, and HSV/RGB Interact in Image Processing?

    I was working on an image processing project a while ago and was specifically working with raster images in the Hue-Saturation-Value(HSV) image format. Each is determined by mathematical values of these (HSV) parameters. I also worked with other bases such as the Red Blue Green (RGB) format. Now...
  42. T

    Definition issue frequency domain - Random Signal Processing

    Hello i have a question about Random Signal Processing and the frequency domain. If i understand correctly one cannot use the Fourier transform to represent a stochastic process in the frequency domain. What is therefore used is the Power Spectral Density: S_X(f)=F\{R_X(\tau)\} Were F...
  43. J

    Schools Signal Processing Graduate Schools

    I'm a junior electrical engineer at a NY state school I'm looking to get my masters in EE with a specialization in signal processing. What are the best graduate schools for this? Thanks
  44. M

    M.Sc in Electrical Engineering: Signal Processing

    Hi All, Since I myself hate reading long posts I will cut to the chase. I graduate in June with a B.Sc in electrical engineering and am hoping to go for graduate studies. During the last four years I took courses in almost all areas of electrical engineering. The only field I liked AND...
  45. N

    Signal processing approach to stydy the brain

    I have sought information about different approaches(fields) to neuroscience and how they differ in terms of understanding how the brain works. I'm interested to learn more about neurobiophysics, computational neuroscience and engineering perspectives. In engineering especially about brain...
  46. Useful nucleus

    Text Processing Language for a computaional physicist

    So I have been using a combination of Linux shell and Fortran to process big output files from my simulations. But I realized that it would save me a lot of time and effort if I can learn a text processing language. I got different recommendations and it seems that AWK and perl are on the...
  47. H

    Basic questions about signal processing and fourier analysis

    1)A note consists of a fundamental frequency and the multiples of that frequency called harmonics. Peak frequency means that one that contributes most to the note. Is the fundamental frequency always the peak frequency? Since the frequencies die out very quickly as the value of n increases...
  48. C

    Signal processing in the nervous system?

    How does body motion control occur? For example, walking on high heels during a strong wind is pretty hard. There is a compressible fluid flow across the body, the center of mass is changing all the time, you have to balance on a tiny surface area, sensor data from the skin, eyes, ears, etc...
  49. C

    MATLAB Java/C++ vs Matlab in Image Processing?

    I just recently picked up MATLAB and still learning its syntax and built-in functions. I am working on a project that deals with image analysis, such as extract every pixels from an image and analyze them in forms of matrices. I am more experienced in Java than C++ or Matlab. I also feel...
  50. R

    Transmission and Processing of Information via Quantum Entanglement

    I am new to this forum, and posting in forums in general, so this is a slightly strange experience for me. I would like to kindly and respectfully request everyone's cooperation, and if those posting would be respectful in their answers. I was recently reading through an article on an...