Processing Definition and 235 Threads

A process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result; it may occur once-only or be recurrent or periodic.
Things called a process include:

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  1. 1

    Signal Processing and Mathematica (filters)

    Mathematica problem: Filter: H(jw)=(3.84+5 (j w))/(5+j (1.11 w^2)) Bandwidth where: |H|>1/Sqrt[2]*Hmax Calculate the bandwidht Tips or solution would be much appriciated Thanks
  2. M

    A/D Signal Processing: Sampling Frequency & Quantization

    Hello, I'd like to know the relation between the sampling frequency and the quantization. If the sampling frequency is 200KHz, and the analog signal ahs a maximum frequency of 80KHz, How many bits will the qantization be done to have a 6Mb/s bitrate?
  3. S

    Is Digital Image Processing practical outside academia

    I need to take one more course for my EE Bachelors degree in one of three specialized areas: Signal Processing, Controls, or Communications. I know all three of these are very much related, but I am finding Signal Processing by far the most fascinating field out of the three. The problem is...
  4. K

    Zero State Step Response vs. Step Response in LTI Systems?

    what is the difference between zero state step response and step response in an linear time invarient system?
  5. E

    PHP PHP programming, image processing

    Hello! So this is minimally image processing, but I didn't know what else to name this thread. I'm working on a project and basically, I have this image (see attached file) that's provided to me. That's all I have to work with. The first column of colored pads represents my test pad...
  6. A

    Beginning Split Spectrum Processing

    I am new to this and am trying to implement Split Spectrum Processing (Delta-K processing) to ENVISAT ASAR coregistered images. Am using IDL for this, which is quite similar to MATLAB. Does anyone have some information on how to go about this as I am not able to understand the relation between...
  7. E

    What is environmental impact for mining, processing nuclear fuel?

    The month long debacle over the BP oil spill, and earlier collapse of a coal mine killing scores of coal miners, makes me wonder: what are the risk to human safety and environmental impact for mining, processing nuclear fuel (i.e uranium, thorium) ? Could acquiring nuclear fuel lead to a...
  8. K

    Suggestion needed: chips can handle simple image processing

    Hi, I am a student whos trying to achieve some camera tracking and speed control of a trolley. and I am kinda lost, don't know where to start with, hence urgently need experts advice.(supervisor couldn't help much) Could someone please suggests me where to look at or any product that's...
  9. A

    Data Processing Transfer Sequence in CPU for Keyboard Input

    When the data reaches the CPU via keyboard (suppose I typed the letter "A") So, what are going to be the stages in the CPU. I mean where will data be going first ? ! The Cache ? or RAM/ROM or registers ? ! I know about all the data processing functions they have, but, I am confused...
  10. N

    Raman spectroscopy amide I processing

    Hello Group! I'm working on analyzing Raman spectra of proteins. I'm particularly interested in learning more about the signal processing of the amide I band. If anyone has any experience with Peakfit program or Origin, Savitsky-Golay smoothing, or amide I deconvolution for secondary...
  11. 1

    Programs Transferring MS Coursework for PHD: EE Signal Processing

    Say I enter PHD w/ an outside MS. What percentage of coursework can I usually transfer? How many semesters classes need I retake? I'm thinking of an MS in signal processing in EE, if that makes any difference. thanks.
  12. M

    Digital Signal Processing - signals, reconstruction, filters

    Homework Statement No problem statement - just the following questions. Homework Equations 1.Display on a CRT is most similar to what reconstruction filter? 2.How many samples are required to represent a given signal without loss of information? 3.What signals can be reconstructed...
  13. F

    Discrete and continuous signal processing

    First, I'm not an engineer, so I don't know this topic very well. Anyway, we were covering Fourier Transforms in one of my analytical methods class (chem major; NMR was the topic) and the phrase "discrete signal processing" came up. In our particular case, we collect individual points on...
  14. K

    Peak detection using MATLAB (signal processing)

    I'm doing signal processing using MATLAB. But facing problem when doing Peak Detection. This is the signal that I used for the processing: This is what i wish to do: a) the horizontal line is the threshold point and b) the circle is the peak detection Can anyone help me...
  15. H

    What Is the Fourier Transform of the Unblurred Image Intensity?

    Homework Statement I(x) is the intensity of an image after passing through a material which blurs each point according to a point spread function given by: S\left(x'-x\right)=e^{-a\left|x'-x\right|} The Fourier transform of I(x) is given by: I(k) = \frac{A}{\left( a^{2}+k^{2}...
  16. T

    Is Signal Processing a subset of Control Theory?

    This is an unusual question in this forum but I couldn't think of a better place. I'm new to Signal Processing. Currently I'm looking into localization methods using multiple sensors. This requires, I assume, some sort of "controlling" matrix that will eventually approximate the location of...
  17. M

    Pressure Signal Processing: Integration, Differentiation, RMS, Smoothing

    I want to ask how to process a pressure signal so that the signals can be smoothed / linearized, e.g. integrate, differentiate, rms, additive smoothing?
  18. E

    Career Opportunities in Signal Processing and Machine Learning

    Hi all, I'm considering doing a masters in either signal processing or machine learning. I have a bachelor's in electrical and electronic engineering, and have a bit of experience (internships mostly) in both industry and research. I was wondering if there are a lot of career opportunities...
  19. A

    Medical Understanding Urine Production: How Do the Kidneys Regulate It?

    How does the kidneys produce urine; in matter of 'regulation' (?). Is it a flush when required or are they always dripping in the bladder? Or both? Thank you.
  20. N

    How to find the disparity in image processing.

    Given 2 image taken from 2 camera in canonical position, and the baseline is b, we can find the distance Z of an object from the camera. We know that Z=bf/D where D is disparity. I read some books but still have no idea of how to find the disparity using c#. Can someone suggest some...
  21. D

    Ceramic Powder processing progress -

    Ceramic Powder processing progress - urgent Hey there, Would really appreciate some urgent help here more like direction. I'm looking into the progress of colloidial ceramic powder processing and am getting a bit confused. Could anyone point me as to any good papers that could help me...
  22. S

    Cleaning Up Signal Distortion Using FFT: Devising an Effective Method

    Homework Statement hello! i'm given a signal h(t) = v(t)*g(t) where g(t) is a distortion/noise that got added and has a very low frequency compared to v(t) i need to devise a method to clean up g(t) The Attempt at a Solution i'm thinking of to do the fft on the signal h(t)...
  23. S

    FFT Signal Processing to Clean Up Distortion/Noise

    hello! i'm given a signal h(t) = v(t)*g(t) where g(t) is a distortion/noise that got added and has a very low frequency compared to v(t) i need to devise a method to clean up g(t) i'm thinking of to do the fft on the signal h(t), and remove the lower frequencies and do the inverse...
  24. Sirsh

    Chemistry Processing Uranium: UO2 to UF6 Conversion

    8. In the processing of uranium, one of the steps involves converting UO2 to UF6. UO2(s) + 4HF(g) + F2 (g) --> UF6 (g) + 2H2O (l) For 7.50kg of UO2, calculate: a) The mass of hydrogen fluride required. m(UO2) = 7500g n(UO2) = 27.78mol n(UO2) = n(HF) 27.78mol = m(HF) =...
  25. N

    MATLAB Matlab Image Processing Help (Image Segmentation)

    Hello, I m a computer science student and i m working on a project on MATLAB and currently I am stuck in a problem.The problem is that i want to extract head from this image without using imcrop command meaning that it should automatically search and detect the head(keeping this as the...
  26. F

    MATLAB Matlab Image Processing: Widening Intensity Range using Transfer Function

    I have to take an image with a narrow intensity histogram and widen its intensity range using a simple transfer function that scales the dominant histogram intensity range [I_min, I_max] to the range [0, 255]. They tell me to tuse a linear function that maps I_min to 0 and I_max to 255 and...
  27. H

    Struggling with Creating a Simple Processing Unit? Here's Some Advice!

    Homework Statement Hi there I'm trying to make a processing unit(digital) 1 1 -> A signal from output which lights a led(a) 1 0 -> A signal from another output which lights another led(b) 0 1 -> signal from (a) to light a 0 0 -> no signals so basically there...
  28. E

    Audio Signal Processing: changing spectrum directly

    Hi all, I'm having some trouble understanding the consequences of directly changing the frequencies in the spectrum of an audio signal. Let me give you an example: Let's say I have some audio signal, which I convert to a spectrum (in LabView, using a direct cosine transform (to avoid...
  29. B

    Image processing matrix image rotation

    Homework Statement image processing I would like to rotate an m*n image matrix by any input degree, simplest cases 90, 180 and 270 on MATLAB without using any of the built in functions i.e. purely mathematical Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution \left[...
  30. S

    Optimal division of a matrix for processing

    I apologies if this is in the wrong place! I'm a Computer science person with a keen interest in maths and occasionally the two topics cross paths. I am working on an matrix manipulation package in Java/C but seriously require some help with the maths, I am witting into it, parallelization at...
  31. B

    Exploring a Career in Digital Signal Processing

    Career in DSP! I am doing b.e electrical and electronics from bits-pilani , india. I have just completed my second year. I had a course on signal and systems(fourier, laplace, sampling etc.) in my fourth semester.It has aroused my interest in dsp field. Can anyone here guide me on how to...
  32. R

    Image/video processing project ideas?

    Ok, so I'm about to start my final year project for engineering at university and I'm planning to do it in image/video processing, so does anyone perhaps have an interesting project idea (I have a few of my own, but would like to hear what other like minded people have to say) :smile:
  33. W

    Mastering Parallel Computing on Linux: From Cluster Setup to 16 Processors

    i asked a question that " i need to make a parallel processing " but still wants to know from where i start I need to learn Parallel computing processes i.e. I hope to build cluster Linux Parallel Processing Using Clusters we have 16 processors
  34. W

    Start Parallel Processing: Learn with 16 Computers

    I graduated from the Faculty of Science Department of Physics and i want to know about parallel processing from where i start ? and i have 16 computer, what i can do to make a network between them to produce a parallel processing.
  35. M

    What method does COMSOL use to interpolate post processing data?

    I'm computing the potentials in a volume conductor. I can get the potentials at any arbitrary location using the File->Export->Post Processing Data. Anybody know what method (and its order) COMSOL uses to interpolate the potentials at the arbitrary locations?
  36. D

    Information Theory: Data Processing Inequality, violation?

    Let's suppose I have a speech signal with frequency content >300 Hz. I then add noise to this signal, that happens to be somewhere below 300 Hz. I then high-pass filter the signal (300+ Hz) and I have increased the mutual information and seemingly violated the data processing inequality. Can...
  37. S

    Can You Recommend Literature on the Wet Milling Process for Corn Processing?

    I am doing a project on the wet milling process for processing corn into CSL, oil, protein, fibre and starch. It seems that there are a lot of big wet milling plants out there, but I am struggling to find detailed information about the process. Is there anyone that can reccomend some...
  38. E

    Important Question about RNA processing

    I had a question about how the RNA processing occurs. I know that the RNA is transcribed off the DNA, and then the introns are removed(sometimes in different orders), and then the capping occurs. My question is whether or not different segments of RNA can fuse together before during the...
  39. Saladsamurai

    Processing of Tin Can you help find some micrigraphs?

    For a project I am working on, I need to find some micrographs of tin samples that have been processed in different manners so that I can compare and contrast the resulting microstructures. I need to find tin (preferably pure) that has been processed by: 1. Powder metallurgy 2. Drawing...
  40. L

    Signal/Image Processing & Communications Careers?

    Can you tell me about your career in Signal/Image Processing, Communications, or Intelligent systems? I would like to know what a career in these industries is like with and without a phd. Also, what skills are needed? I'm sure mathematics is one but to what level? Thank you
  41. J

    Signal processing + parameter estimation

    Is parameter estimation in DSP concerned with things such as bit error rates, maximum likelihood detection etc ... ? If not, can someone point me in the right direction so I can find some learning material. thanks
  42. C

    Very challenging Digital signal processing.

    Homework Statement Signal x(n)= (1/sqrt(n)) * u(n) 1.Find the energy of the signal. 2.Is the energy finite or infinite? Homework Equations sum|x(n)|^2 = energy The Attempt at a Solution
  43. D

    C/C++ File Processing via seekp and seekg C++

    Hello, I am working on a program about credit card that basically, generate 16 ramdom digits, a starting balance and write it to a file. The file works as an database and can be updated later. Here is my credit card class class CCard { // variables section private: //sixteen digits of a...
  44. L

    Processing of natural languages: where is work being done?

    Hi, I'm a 2nd semester student in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. My fields of interest are AI, particularly machine learning, pattern recognition etc. I have done a project on pattern recognition in the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. I've some ideas about constructing...
  45. A

    How Do I Process AR and Speech Signals in MATLAB?

    matlab help! I have a task : Two different signals will be used as input signal u . The first one is an AR model generated signal. The second one is a speech signal recorded with 16bits/sample at 8kHz sampling rate. The name of the speech file is speech.mat **Generating an order 40 AR...
  46. L

    Image Processing Software; suggestions?

    Hi, I'm in an astrophysics lab course - and the CCD image processing software on the physics department computers are .. frustrating to say the least. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for something i could download and run on my mac; preferably free. Thanks,
  47. T

    Learn Signal Processing: Questions on Fourier Series & Transformations

    One subject that I've always been interested in, but have never found the proper introduction to is signal processing. I thought PF might be an appropriate place to ask (tough, I'm not even sure which forum it would be most appropriate, but since I'm stronger in math than physics, I'm posting...
  48. P

    Moments of inertia in image processing

    Hi, I'm currently working on an imaging problem that oddly requires some physics. Basically, I'm given a set of gray scale pixels and I have to determine whether they're a fiber or just random noise. My question is, how do I calculate the moment of inertia of the pixels while considering...
  49. F

    Schools Graduate School - DSP, Signal Processing

    Graduate School -- DSP, Signal Processing What are the top graduate schools for signal processing? I am currently looking at Georgia Tech. Any other recommendations? I would like (if possible) courses in radar.
  50. K

    How Do You Use FFT in Matlab to Determine Signal Phases and Strengths?

    Hello all. how to find relative phases, strengths of a signal by using Matlab.