Program Definition and 1000 Threads

A computer program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task.
A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language. From the program in its human-readable form of source code, a compiler or assembler can derive machine code—a form consisting of instructions that the computer can directly execute. Alternatively, a computer program may be executed with the aid of an interpreter.
A collection of computer programs, libraries, and related data are referred to as software. Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines, such as application software and system software. The underlying method used for some calculation or manipulation is known as an algorithm.

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  1. H

    C program using functions to convert Fahrenheit and Celsius

    Homework Statement Hi i have an assignment that is asking me to convert 3 temperatures in fahrenheit to celcius and vice versa. I am very new to programming only 2 weeks in(and i learn by playing with the program) so I do not know all of the terminology / principles. I am not allowed to use...
  2. W

    Saving SQL queries in .sql file -- What Program to Use?

    Hi all, I have some queries to do, which I want to save as an .sql file. What program can I /must I use to do this? I think I remember at some point using plain old Notepad to write the queries, since these are made of standard English commands, nothing too fancy. Would this work? Thanks.
  3. Marcin H

    Roman Numeral Converter Program

    Homework Statement Make a program that converts numbers into roman numerals. Use strings, looping, and branching. The code posted is what I have so far, but I have no idea how to continue this program. I'm not sure if what I have so far is right or will even work or if I can use it at all...
  4. N

    Making a program to model the Double Slit Experiment?

    Hey guys the Idea of simulating the DSE with a program caught my interest but I just had a few questions regarding the DSE Is there a function that models the probability of finding an electron at a certain point ONCE It's BEEN FIRED FROM AN ELECTRON GUN? like an amplitude function squared or...
  5. Mark44

    Program to list specific permutations of 5 digits

    Not long ago, a member posted a problem in the Homework section, concerned with determining which of the five-digit permutations of 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 were divisible by 8. I first thought about writing some C code to figure this out, but when I discovered that Python has some functions that...
  6. Prins

    Physics GRE Test: Preparing for a PhD Program

    I'm thinking of giving gre test i don't know if i need only to give the subject test or general is must. i'm thinking of getting into physics Ph.D program so Physics GRE test. Please someone explain how am i supposed to give the test to be considered for a phd thanks
  7. A

    C program to calculate area and a few other things

    Mod note: Edited the following to remove spoiler tags and to put code in code tags Homework Statement Hi, currently I have this assignment: Write a program by going through the 6 problem solving steps that reads in the length and width of a rectangular yard in feet, the length and width of a...
  8. C

    MHB Create a multiplication table program

    Create a program in C++ that makes a multiplication table. Ask the user how many numbers should be in the table. Requirements Store all of the data in a 2-dimensional vector of ints. Allow the program to run repeatedly until the user is finished. Do not allow inputs outside the range of 1-9...
  9. C

    MHB Calculate Grains of Wheat: A Program for Chess Inventor's Request

    There is a story of the inventor of chess. The king wanted to reward him with riches, but he only asked for the following. One grain of wheat for the first square, two on the second, four on the third, doubling the amount for each square until 64 squares are accounted for. Questions 1) Design...
  10. RJLiberator

    In search of a Graphing Program for Excel data

    Here is essentially what I need to do for a school essay: I have an excel sheet with 200 points (x corresponding to A1 column values, y corresponding to B1 column values). I need to find a way to transfer this to a graphing program in quadrant 1 (all x,y coordinates are >= 1 and less than or...
  11. C

    C/C++ How do I compute N factorial in C++?

    Write a program that let's a user enter N and that outputs N! (meaning N*(N-1)*(N-2)*...*2*1). Hint: Initialize a variable totalValue to N, and use a loop variable i that counts from N-1 down to 1. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int totalVal = 0; int userInt = 0...
  12. tomdodd4598

    Program to solve coupled ODEs?

    Hi there, I have been using Leonard Susskind's lectures on classical mechanics to learn about Lagrangians and Hamiltonians, and decided to try to create a Lagrangian for the double pendulum and another pendulum-related system. I found the equations of motion, but they were unlike any...
  13. A

    Programs Is this overlap of class intended for stats major program? above is an url to the stats major program at my school. In red are the two classes that overlap. Is it likely that the overlap is intended, or a typo? Do universities ever allow such overlap (an emphasis class overlaps with a core class)? They changed it a...
  14. Lagraaaange

    C/C++ How did you learn to program? (C++, Mathematica, etc)?

    Did you guys self study or take a class?
  15. santhoshetty

    Can I get into a good Nuclear Fusion graduate program?

    I finished my bachelors in electronics and communication in 2014 from India. Since then I have worked as an Application Engineer in the VLSI domain at a reputed company. I would like to transition to Nuclear Fusion Physics. I am planning to give my Physics GRE in October 2015. Some background...
  16. AliGh

    HTML/CSS CSS3 and HTML5 generator program?

    I'm looking for a program or an IDE which generates HTML5 and CSS3 (Would be better if it could generate some javascript too) any suggestions ? I saw some websites like : They are good but i want something that i can use offline and easily accessible
  17. Robin04

    C/C++ [C++] What's wrong with my program?

    Hi, I made a small program that simulates the motion of a body attached to an ideal spring and released from a horizontal position. Some more info here (especially #1 and #3): I've been thinking...
  18. Crush1986

    Which Program is Best for Creating Tables and Graphs with Large Numbers?

    Homework Statement So, I want to make a table and a graph of the multiplicities of a system with two Einstein Solids. I was trying to use Excel but the numbers I guess were too big (300!) being the biggest. There are many more problems I'd like to do where there will be larger numbers too. Can...
  19. AliGh

    Can ATmega16 be used for controlling lamps via USB or LAN cable?

    A friend asked me to write him a program that contorls a lamp with USB or LAN cable I've seen people using printer cables with Matlab to control an LED matrix .. I use c# as programming language if there is any way or any command that i can use to control it with windows form application or...
  20. EJC

    Suggestions for Quantum Computation Ph.D Program?

    I am going to be applying to grad schools in the coming months, and plan to apply to many schools. I'm looking for programs in quantum computation, quantum information, quantum optics, etc... (related research often falls under many different names). These programs generally are categorized in...
  21. I

    What does this mean? (how good a school/program is)

    Hi, I often hear people say that a certain program (i.e. computer science, maths, etc) is better at one school than at another. For example, here in Canada a lot of people say that if you want to enter into computer science you should go to the University of Waterloo, because they have a...
  22. T

    Question about the astro imaging program ds9

    Hi there, I am having a lot of struggles with program. I am not using this for any true kind of publication but more so we can reference material. However, it is very important that I have a coordinate system where I can plot the WCS. Whenever I try to save as a PNG or JPEG it does not...
  23. neosoul

    Getting Accepted into Joint PhD/JD Program

    PF Family, What is a good way to increase my chances of getting into a joint PhD/JD program. I'm physics major with a 3.86 GPA, a rising junior, and have plenty of math electives (if that helps). I am currently in an REU program at my school, and we are doing climate modeling. I am also doing...
  24. M

    Convert and Calculate Dimensions with Ti-89

    I was wondering if anyone here has a program for their ti-89 that can add and subtract dimension in ff.iiss format. Also it would be great if you could convert ff.iiss to decimal feet and vise versa. For example I would want to enter in 10.0608 (10 feet 6 and a half inches) and convert it to...
  25. angelos_physik

    Fortran Solving Large/Infinite Results w/Yee 1D FDTD Code

    Hello to all! I have written this 1D FDTD code but the results I take are very large and after some timestep they get to infinite/NaN... I really don't know what's wrong. The expressions I have used are the exact given solution for the Maxwell equations. Thank you for your help. program yee...
  26. O

    Java Help coming up with a program idea

    Hello, I have a working calculus library for java and want to use it in a program. I don't have very many ideas. I have limited Calc. II knowledge but a strong understanding of Calc. I. I have an intermediate understanding of java (took 3 courses at my high school of it), and a solid algebraic...
  27. H

    Admissions Applying for PhD program in spring 2016 vs fall 2016

    Generally is it as difficult to get into a PhD program in physics during the spring then it is during the fall? I'm asking because many of the schools I'm applying to say that most students are admitted during the fall but they give you the option to apply for the spring as well.
  28. Futurestar33

    MATLAB What is program is better mathematica or matlab?

    If you are a professor is it better to use Mathematica or Matlab when it comes to publishing papers, which program creates the best graphs. I have origin as well.
  29. L

    Chances of getting into a PhD program after failing Calc III

    SPOILER: This will be a somewhat depressing rant. I like math (or, I THOUGHT I did), but have been feeling incredibly lazy and powerless recently. I'm currently a freshman undergrad, and I just failed Calc III. I've been barely scraping by recently, having gotten a 40 on the first midterm and a...
  30. pdm0118

    Medical Phyiscs master's program at OSU/OHSU vs. SDSU

    Hello forum, I am a soon-to-be-graduated Radiation Health Physics student who plans to study medical physics in the future. I have applied for a few schools and I have been admitted to San Diego State's medical physics masters so far. And I am still waiting to hear from Oregon State/Oregon...
  31. L

    Any ideas for a summer program project for high school science students?

    Hello guys, I'm a master's here in California and just accepted a job offer for the summer. I will be in charge of a pilot program where I am in charge of 15 students (juniors and seniors interested in science) for 2.5 hours a day, monday through thursday, for 5 weeks. I have to have them...
  32. elijag

    What HBCU has the best physics program

    I was looking at Morehouse, Hampton, and others
  33. R

    Mathematical Physics graduate programs?

    I have a master's in physics. I'm looking at PhD programs, but I really don't want to take the same courses over and take comprehensive exams (or the damn GRE). I managed to squeeze in a few math classes before I finished. I would like to do research in physics, but from a more math-heavy...
  34. J

    Determining the quality of a physics program

    Hello, I'm not sure if this forum is the right place for this. My son is a Junior in High School, he wants to have a career in Physics. We have been trying to find the right school for him in the northeast, where we live. It has been difficult, however, to determine which schools have great...
  35. Song Junxian

    Get FEMM program to output magnetic field and direction

    Hi all, Does anyone know how to get the program: FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) to output the magnetic field strength and direction in a data file? The program tells me the magnetic field in an output window anywhere i click my mouse on. However, I would like it to output the magnetic...
  36. R

    Starting a BME program in August - Math and physics review?

    Hey guys, I was an average physics major as an undergrad who entered medical school. I graduated from undergrad about 4 years ago and have been inundated with medicine since then - so I haven't had much of a chance to review old mathematics and physics. I will be starting an MS in BME in August...
  37. B

    PhD Program: Biophysics vs. Physics w/ biophysics research

    Hi everyone, Long time lurker here coming out to make my first post. I just finished my B.Sc. in Physics and I am getting ready to apply to graduate schools in the Fall of 2015. I did some undergraduate research in experimental biophysics (understanding the statistics of the transport of...
  38. Ibix

    Interactive Minkowski diagrams tool

    This is a little toy I put together that I thought might be of interest: It's an interactive Minkowski diagram. You can add events and connect them up with straight-line paths, then Lorentz boost either to a specified velocity or to the rest frame of a...
  39. AMMforce

    MATLAB MATLAB program results discrepancy....

    Hi, I'm using MATLAB R2011a in my project, involving matrices of dimensions up to (70 × 20). I had good results, a time ago. Currently, poor results are generated using the very same code -(of good results)- with same parameters settings & relatively smaller matrices (30 × 20) ! I tried...
  40. N

    How to prepare for MIT and Chemistry Olympiad Program

    Hello! I am a fourteen-year-old Freshman in Minnesota and I am very interested in being a possible chemist. I am planning as of now, to go to MIT for a doctorates degree in chemistry and I am anticipating the amount of work that shall take and that is what I would like to ask you people. I was...
  41. S

    Comp Sci Showing that matter has an atomic nature using Java program

    Homework Statement Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I'm confused about what I need to do for the BlobFinder constructor. Someone told me that I should “initialize the ArrayList blobs”, then “create a 2D array of booleans called marked, having the...
  42. Independent

    Schools Choosing Masters Program - Imperial College vs Durham

    After getting several offers, I narrowed my choice to the following two programs: MSc in Particles, Strings and Cosmology in Centre For Particle Theory at Durham University: MSc in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces at Imperial College London...
  43. P

    How can I insert another program in my program in C.

    I have to insert my friend coding in mine and I don't know how to do it can someone help me.
  44. D

    C/C++ Where Can I Find Good Resources for Learning C++ and Game Programming?

    Hey, guys, I would like to learn about programming in C++. Could you point out good pdf textbook or material about this? What about game programming, where should I really start? I would really appreciate the help. Thanks
  45. J

    Re-entry Projectile Analysis Program

    Hi all: I'm writing a program based on simple re-entry physics and can't quite get the algorithm to match the theoretical results. A little background: The equations I'm comparing this to are derivations from the equations of motion and the Sutton-Graves equation for peak heat flux at the...
  46. A

    Engineering Electrical engineer who doesn't like to program

    How common is it for electrical engineers to not particularly like programming very much? A bit more background: I go to a school in which the electrical engineering and the computer science department are very much intertwined, and so there's a big focus on computers in the EE curriculum...
  47. HaLAA

    Python Using VPython program to calculate the E-field

    Homework Statement Charge a ring of radius R=5.0cm laying in the x-y plane to 50nC. Create a VPython program that will allow you to calculate the E-field due to the ring anywhere in space. Homework Equations E_ring=kQz/(R^2+z^2)^(3/2), point P above the xy-plane The Attempt at a Solution...
  48. fluidistic

    Python [Python] Trying to debug my program

    Hi people, I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my code. My goal is to calculate the average number of stones it takes so that 2 stones become adjascent on a 19x19 goban (the board of the game of go), when we randomly pick an intersection and place a stone on it. The answer should be...
  49. Steven Ellet

    Converting Program X to Binary: How to Achieve Optimal Efficiency?

    If I have program X how do I get it in binary form?