Program Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. J

    Help Needed: Writing a MIPS Program w/ 2 Instructions

    I need to write a MIPS program (using only 2 true-ops) to take in 1 signed integer argument into register $a0, and return (into $v0) a 1 if the input was negative, and a 0 (into $v0) otherwise. Can anyone offer help. I'm not sure since I can only use 2 instructions.
  2. A

    Programs Can a biology major enter a bioengineering grad program?

    I am in my first year at the university as a Bachelor of the Arts student rather than as an engineering student. Though I may be able to switch in my second year, this isn't likely given the first-year course load in the engineering school. If I were to get the B.A., would I be able to enter a...
  3. D

    How to Create a Logical Structure with Multiple Alternatives in Java

    Write a program to input a whole number n using the Scanner class. If the number is less than 0, your program should print an error message. If the number is 0 or 1, the actual number should be printed. If the number is greater than 1, compute the sum of all integers between 1 and the given...
  4. M

    [Multivariable Calculus] Flux and Maple Program

    Homework Statement It would help if you guys had access to Maple Anyways here is the problem: It is on question 12 asking for flux and the questions after that. Homework Equations In the link The...
  5. smokingwheels

    Frequency to period adjustment in program loop calculation

    Homework Statement Adjust a program loop so frequency will change linearly with a keyboard increment or decrement. The current calculation adjusts about 40 counts in the delay loop but when the frequency gets high the step is frequency is very large with each decrement in the loop. A...
  6. K

    Hi i with this perfect number program Please help

    Perfect Number Program Java Methods A perfect number is a positive integer equal to the sum of all its divisors (including 1 but excluding the number itself). For example: 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 According to Euclid, any solution to (2n-1) that results in a prime number will indicate that...
  7. 0

    Need simulate program for fresnel biprism diffraction

    need simulate program for fresnel biprism diffraction(urgent) Dear friends I am student learning phyisics (8th term or 4th year) this is my last term and I have optic My teacher told us that he want some programs to simulate some optice expriments like : prism - young expriment - loid...
  8. S

    Engineering  Calculate Equivalent Resistance of Resistors in C++

    Write a program that prompts the user to enter the resistance of each resistor continuously by using a while loop until a zero resistance is entered and store it in an array, then calculates the equivalent resistance R. Also count the number of resistors n. Test your program with R1 = 1 kΩ,R2 =...
  9. H

    Comp Sci Counting Words and Characters in a Text File: A Java Program

    Homework Statement Write a program that takes a file name as argument and counts the number of words and the number of characters (without spaces) in the document. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution How exactly should my program take a .txt file as an argument? Do I simply: String...
  10. R

    3D Distance Formula Calculator Program

    Hello. I have the distance formula programmed into my calculator and I searched for a distance formula that includes the z-axis but I couldn't find any. Does anyone know how to make such a program for the TI-84? Thank you.
  11. Q

    Would it be weird to show a program I wrote to my professor?

    I'm a second year Comp E student, and in an intro class we're learning 8085 assembler. The professor wrote his own simulator for the class, but it's kinda buggy and I feel like it's been given minimal updates since he wrote it some 15 years ago. I was looking for a programming project, so I...
  12. D

    Comp Sci Erase line in C++ console program

    Homework Statement How do I erase previous lines displayed from printf function? (use printf, scanf etc) Welcome to Sample Program [Press Enter to Start] When I press Enter, the [Press Enter to Start] should disappear. Homework Equations - nil - The Attempt at a Solution...
  13. L

    Can a Worm Ever Reach the End of a Continuously Stretching Rope?

    Homework Statement Write a Java program to solve the following problem. An elastic rope starts out with length 100 meters. The start of the rope is fixed to a pole and a worm is placed on the rope at the start and the worm starts crawling towards the end. Each day the worm crawls 6 meters...
  14. H

    Comp Sci Caesar Java Program: Writing Code & Decrypting Messages

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution public class Caesar { public static void main(String[] args) { int k = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); char c; String strMsg = StdIn.readString(); System.out.print("Encrypted sentence is: " ); for (int i = 0; i <...
  15. A

    Java Simple Java Grade Program - Calculating Exam Scores and Grades

    Hi i am looking for following far I am only getting result for total no of grades.I am getting 0 for A B C D and F.
  16. H

    Java Why is Not Working in My Program?

    I want to use StdIn and StdOut in my program as instructed. Our teacher told us to put the file inside the same folder as the source file (the program I am writing). But that is not working. Always gives me an error when I use the commands. Am I doing it wrong? Is there another way...
  17. D

    Writing a Linear program as a semi definite program

    I am comparing LP's and SDP's and have come across a lot of papers where they show all of the differences, but I am trying to put an lp is sdp form. The reason being I have solved an advanced sdp using an online solver and can solve basic/advanced lps on my pc, but I now want to take a lp and...
  18. G

    Calculators Mastering TI-89 Programming for Cartesian to Spherical Coordinate Conversion

    Hey guys, I recently tried to program something to convert cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates. I have been using the TI-89 Titanium and my limited programming ability to program it. I know of the temporary input function where x^2|x=2 makes the output 4, but how do I input multiple...
  19. R

    MATLAB I writing a program on MATLAB to implement Newton Raphson method

    Did anyone write a program before for Newton Raphson method on MATLAB. I need to try the program to solve 2 equations: cox=x^3 and x^4-0.5(x^3)+3(x^2)-x+3=0 Please Help me in this manner ASAP. AND THANK YOU
  20. H

    Comp Sci Check if a String is Palindrome with Java Program | Homework Statement

    Homework Statement Write a method isPalindrome that accepts a string as argument and returns true or false indicating if the string is a palindrome or not. A palindrome is string that can be read the same way forward and backward. Your method must handle upper and lower case characters (the...
  21. L

    Calculators Finding a Good FEA Program for TI89

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had or knew where to get a good FEA program for my ti89. My homework has begun to take forever what with defining mass matrices and all this nonsense. Any help at all would be much appreciated!:smile:
  22. A

    Java I with this java program that has to use do while loop?

    here is import java.util.*; public class oddNumbers { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("enter two number"); Scanner kb=new Scanner(System .in); int number=kb.nextInt(); int number2=kb.nextInt(); int s=number2/2; String decision...
  23. T

    Fortran How to Execute an Nbody Simulation in Fortran Without Prior Experience?

    Hi! I've never done any programming in fortran and got stuck trying to test run a program. Note that I am not learning how to program in fortran, this is for an astrophysics course. Basically what I need is an instruction how to run a fortran code if I have some .f files and .o files as well...
  24. P

    Comp Sci C++ Program Help (Newtons method)

    I'm new to programming. my assignment wants me to create a program using c++ that can find the square root of any number using Newtons Method. The user has to enter a number (y) and the program has to calculate the root and has to show each iteration. the initial guess (x0) has to be y/4...
  25. C

    Involves physics but I have to program, can't figure out equation

    Involves physics but I have to program, can't figure out equation! Homework Statement Imagine an experiment performed on an infinitely long “billiards” table. This table is bounded at the far side and the near side, and these sides are a distance w apart. A ball (of diameter 0) is adjacent to...
  26. Pyrrhus

    Programs When to stop taking courses in a PhD Program?

    I have already completed all my core courses, and more than minimum requirements (bunch of courses in Operations Research and Transportation Systems). However, it always seems to me that there is just more stuff I want to keep learning (mostly in Applied Math). I usually don't take more than one...
  27. M

    Getting into a top graduate program in Mathematics/Physics

    Hi, I'm an international student and I'm looking to apply to a few colleges in the USA. However, due to the random nature of the admissions process, I may or may not get in. Experience has taught me that I have to think of a rough course of action in case things don't go as I would like them...
  28. N

    REU program Letters of recommendation

    I plan on applying for an REU program this summer. I know my research mentor will write a very good recommendation, and is well-known in the field. However, I have no other connections. The applications are due in March, so I think I shouldn't place too much stock in next semester's...
  29. nukeman

    Comp Sci My C++ simple program is not compiling - Need help, thanks

    Homework Statement Ok, I just finished my code for my program. And its not compiling, and I am not sure what's wrong. Below is an image of the errors and the code. And my full code is below here: MOD NOTE: I indented the code below to make it...
  30. D

    Java Simple Java class + driver program help. Program isn't working, but should be.

    Hi :) I'm taking my first java course. I took two C++ courses last year, and I understand OOP pretty decently, but I cannot get this java program to work! And I'm beginning to get really frustrated because I can't find my mistake. This is my class file: package studentsjav; __________...
  31. S

    What it takes to get into M.S. program in MIT

    The title says it all, but I am going to introduce myself first. Right now, I am pursuing (and enjoying) Bachelor's degree course in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. It has just been a little more than 2.5 months since I joined college. I have been dreaming to...
  32. C

    Is anyone here familiar with the program masterphysics?

    Homework Statement Ok, so masteringphysics has rejected an answer I think is right. The question is set up with "insert value" and then "insert units" Heres the question. A 5.00 kg crate is suspended from the end of a short vertical rope of negligible mass. An upward force F(t) is applied to...
  33. Y

    REU program for math+physics freshmen

    Hey everyone, I am a 1st year student with junior year standing in math and physics at univ. of Kansas and I just wanted to see if I have enough qualifications to have good chances at REU progrmas in math/physics for next summer. In math, by the end of this year, Ill have had 2 semesters of...
  34. E

    Comp Sci C++: Simple summation program won't work correctly

    Homework Statement Write a C++ program to determine and print the sum of the series (1/3 + 1/6 + 1/9 + ... + 1/(3*n)) for a given value of n. In case you don't see the patter, the series can also be written as 1/(3*1) + 1/(3*2) +1/(3*3)+ ... + 1/(3*n). The value of n should be given...
  35. H

    Java Java program that prints 1000 times.

    Okay. So, I'm taking up a beginning Java course in college and we have been assigned a rather simple (?) homework. We have to code a program that prints a statement a thousand times, but without the use of loops, only methods. I know I can create a method that contains a number of the...
  36. P

    Is CERN shutting its Higgs Program?

    This is an extremely speculative post. I came to know through a friend of mine, that his professor told him that CERN is going to announce by spring 2012 the closure of all Higgs and Supersymmetry related programs. I do not have any citation for this claim. More knowledgeable people can tell me...
  37. N

    Schools Graduate Program in Same University System Bad?

    I've heard that some employers/universities look down upon going to the same Undergrad as grad institution (unless the program is top ranked, or circumstances, etc) but what about going to a different university campus within the same university system? I would see nothing wrong with that...
  38. T

    Programs Is it acceptable to leave a PhD program after a semester or a year?

    I'm currently in my first semester of a physics PhD program, straight out of undergrad. At the end of my senior year of undergrad, I was already feeling burnt out and tired of course work, but my profs pushed grad school as the smart and best choice. So I went. Since I moved here (14 hours...
  39. T

    Programs Which applied math phd program to apply to?

    Hi guys, I am trying to figure out what Applied Math PhD programs I should I apply to this fall. My main interests are in computational science, specifically numerical methods and stochastic methods. My profile is as follow: Undergrad: big state school, solid reputation in math Major...
  40. A

    Programming Robot Arm Offline: Methods & Tips

    How does a programmer programme a robot arm offline?ANd through what ways?
  41. N

    What is causing the segmentation fault in my program when reading a txt file?

    I wrote a program to read a txt file. When its running, system appear "Segmentation fault <core dumped>" the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define BUF 1024 #define pi 3.14159 typedef struct skymapdata { double ra; double dec; double p...
  42. nukeman

    Comp Sci Need help writing C++ program that counts non-whitespace characters ?

    Need help writing C++ program that counts non-whitespace characters...? Homework Statement Here are instructions... Write a program - stored in the file charcounter.cpp - that will read and count non-whitespace characters from the standard input stream - until some special character is...
  43. nukeman

    Comp Sci Simple c++ program error ? Help, thanks

    Homework Statement Its a simple temp conversion program. NOW, my problem is when ever I enter a temperature to convert, it just keeps repeating NON stop until i hit ctr-C - Here is the code below. What am i missing and how do i fix this little error? / This program ...This program...
  44. C

    Comp Sci Spring pendulum system fortran program

    I just want to know if someone has the fortran code for the numerical solution of the pendulum with a spring. And if it is so, can it write it here?
  45. V

    Help Help Help what is the function of this program?

    SUBROUTINE STIKA (X,N) DIMENSION X(N) IF (N. LT. 2) RETURN DO 20 I=2, N DO 10 J=1, I IF(X(I) .GE. X(J)) GOTO 10 SAVE = X(I) X(I) = X(J) X(J) = SAVE 10 CONTINUE 20...
  46. K

    I'm getting killed in math already (3 weeks into math program)

    I'm getting bombarded with trying to understand the epsilon delta proof. I'm also getting killed in fields and proving things in that class. The only ones i feel like i have any chance are my computer science classes and discrete math class. What do you guys recommend me? I'm not particulalrily...
  47. Y

    My HP printer installation program cannot see the printer

    My HP printer installation program cannot see the printer! I have a HP All In One 7400 office jet and is working for many years. It only work with XP only. I have had no problem installing this into many computers and late as a week ago. But all of a sudden, when I try to install the printer on...
  48. marcus

    Has anyone tried Victor Stenger's MonkeyGod toy universe program?

    Has anyone tried Victor Stenger's "MonkeyGod" toy universe program? I haven't yet. I heard about it on the Cosmic Horizons blog: which was...

    News NOVA program on Enigineering 9/11

    Did anyone see the NOVA program on engineering the new WTC and the 9/11 memorial? I thought it was a very good episode. Thanks Matt
  50. B

    Strange glitches in my C sorting program

    Homework Statement I have to write a program that takes in a file that looks like this: 3424: 313 4334: 543 etc. and sorts the numbers on the write. Everything for getting the file into an array was done for me so I know it's correct. I'm having two strange problems. First, whenever I'm...