Project Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. T

    Schools Physics Project Ideas for High School Student

    For the final project I do at a high school level, we are required to construct an experiment regarding any topic of physics. The experiment should yield quantitative data which can then be analysed through equations or trends. Essentially, I need to be able to discuss and critique the work...
  2. Arman777

    Finding Prime Families by Digit Replacement

    Homework Statement By replacing the 1st digit of the 2-digit number *3, it turns out that six of the nine possible values: 13, 23, 43, 53, 73, and 83, are all prime. By replacing the 3rd and 4th digits of 56**3 with the same digit, this 5-digit number is the first example having seven primes...
  3. NTL2009

    Electronics Using photos for project front panel labels/artwork

    There are many web sites and videos about various methods for producing one-off labels/graphics for our DIY project front panels. Most of the ideas I've seen involve printing on a laser or ink-jet, and transferring this (laser), or applying it (ink-jet) to the front panel with adhesive or...
  4. Paola Flores

    Auto/Motor Can a Reeling Motor Tow a Car Faster Using a Speed Reduction Arrangement?

    Hello, I'm a engineering student currently taking Thermodynamics and we have this project for our finals which is a sort of reeling /towing device, the assignment consists in a reeling motor that has to tow a small car up along a slope, loaded with a certain weight, the team that is able to...
  5. mastermechanic

    Misc. Bicycle Design (Individual Project)

    Hello everyone, I have not been here for a long time. Now I'm here for a DIY project. Purpose: I want to design and manufacture my own road bike and ride it as soon as possible. I want to design nearly all parts on a bike except for the wheels, chain, saddle, cables, maybe shafts and bolts and...
  6. Wrichik Basu

    Other Internship/research project topics in Physics

    I recently found that Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS), (located in Kolkata near my house) allows students to use their laboratory for a fee. Moreover, I have received a scholarship from them, and as a consequence, they will let me do anything I like in their lab provided...
  7. I

    Assistance with practical electromagnetism project

    Good afternoon, I am carrying out a practical magnetism project which involves 2 small (2mm x 2mm - 0.6kg) neodymium magnets attached together, and an electromagnet to create a push-pull force from below in order to part them. For those that also build model railway/railroads, this will be a...
  8. M

    Gravitational Potential Energy Project Thor

    Homework Statement Project Thor is a proposed (and terrifying) weapon system where a cylindrical tungsten rod (19600 kg m3 ) about the size of a telephone pole (6.10 m long and 0.300 m in diameter) is dropped from Earth orbit. Imagine you dropped one of these from an orbit 10,000 km above the...
  9. isukatphysics69

    Gravitation between the Moon and the Earth: physics project

    Homework Statement Homework Equations f = ma m1 = mass of moon m2 = mass of earth The Attempt at a Solution Ok this is crunch time here and i am NOT Kobe Bryant I have chosen gravitation between the moon and Earth for this project. I will start with the net force on the moon as ∑FSystem =...
  10. JorgeM

    Ideas for a physics or math programming project?

    Hello! I am going to make a project for my programming class. So I am just looking for some ideas about what can I make my project about. I mean, I try to make something that would have an special significance for PHYSICS or even MATH (Modeling or solving) , and something that would be a...
  11. J

    B Electron Gun for a Grade 9 Physics Project?

    I am in grade 9 in the IB curriculum and next year I have to do something called a "Personal Project" where I have to make something and explain why I did it. I would like to recreate the double slit experiment. However, I have to obtain a electron gun and they are quite hard to come across. So...
  12. Jalon Young

    Quick Question about a Piezoelectric shoe for project

    I am currently working on a piezoelectric shoe and the objective of the project is to charge a phone I am aware a phone is DC and piezoelectric disc generate AC I know I need a bridge rectifier to convert My question is: Would I generate more volts if I Use a bridge rectifier to convert AC to DC...
  13. Arman777

    Project Euler-Problem 11 data taking

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data 2. Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution I need to take those data and I want to convert them into a string to proceed. But I can't turn it into the string since there are gaps between...
  14. M

    Schools I have to submit a physics project in my college

    I have to submit a physics project in my college, is there any theory that can be proved, or any other similar thing using the ephemeris of a satellite? or any other good project idea that doesn't consume too much time.
  15. Kaura

    Designing a Disc Golf Launcher: Feasible & Accurate?

    For my Engineering class I have to work with three other people to design a device that launchers a disc golf. So far we have a basic design plan but we are unsure if it is actually viable. Essentially there will be a platform that holds the disc in place and will be propelled by 2 to 4...
  16. FA22raptero

    Building a Hydroelectric Dam Project for Grade 7 Students

    Howdy folks, I took a course way back in undergrad on the fundamentals of energy sustainability, so I have a good preconception how how hydropower works in general, but not in detail. So when my little sister (grade 7) came to me asking for help on a hydroelectric dam project, then I thought it...
  17. Prof Sabi

    What is the best Cubesat or Tubesat project available now?

    I have been thinking over this for a long time but now I am asking to you physics family. Do you know which is the best and affordable cube or tubesat project available currently?
  18. F

    Poll: Database Mini Project of an Ancient Civilization -- Which One to Choose?

    Hello everyone! So, this is my varsity project to create a mini database. Since I love history and geography, I've thought to come up with that. So, I thought to do a project on an ancient civilization or similar.. I googles and found out top 10 civilizations: 10. The Incas Civilization 9...
  19. Y

    Physics involved in an egg-drop project

    Apparently I'm absolutely clueless on how to stick to this format I will try my best regardless, don't kill me if I mess up...I don't need another thread deleted...I'm not ready for my flame to be snuffed :p 1. Homework Statement So like...the egg drop project (Yes we are only on this, I feel...
  20. Delta31415

    I Question about the Divisor Function/Sums and Project Euler

    So I am kind of lost... I don't really know how to ask this. Project Euler is a website that hosts multiple programming contests and I am interested in this problem but my question isn't truly about this problem but a more solution. I know that the Divisor...
  21. egetunc

    Looking for a project for modern physics class

    For my modern physics course our group(3 people) need a project to build in 12 week,(so not short, 2-3hours work for each person per week) Our topics are: Relativity Waves and Particles I Waves and Particles II Bound States: Simple Cases Unbound States: Obstacles, Tunneling and Particle-Wave...
  22. A

    Other Senior Quantum Mechanics Research Project

    I am going to be doing a high school senior research project on how Quantum Physics will change the world in the future. Basically my current idea is to describe what quantum mechanics is, and then give examples that I explain and I state how they will change the world and the estimated time...
  23. M

    Other Doing my PhD in a multidisciplinary project -- I need advice please

    I started my PhD in physics at a position associated with a project. In the project I'm the only one working in my field and the only one working full-time that knows how to program (a computer scientist is also working on the project but only 50% and has another supervisor in his field). I...
  24. stargateengineer

    Courses What type of courses/ education do I need for this project?

    Already in my mind I envision designing, and to have produced a unique design of boat. I know right now from the get go, that my design is going to be simple, inexpensive, but I am going to give it that which will make it special. I will give it certain features that will make it very...
  25. T

    Possible Line Power Conditioner hobby project

    Hi All, [This thread has been re-started to accommodate modification of the project for the benefit of anyone that isn't a qualified Professional. Specifically the use of a Low Voltage isolated Source.] I want to get the opinion of people with more experience than me, regarding a project I was...
  26. Nabin kalauni

    How can I design a circuit for my project?

    I am a first year high school student designing a project. I want to build a circuitry that enables wet clothes to enter the house once it starts to rain. For this I decided to use a simple water sensor and a motor to move the rope with clothes. But after that I have not found a satisfactory...
  27. nmsurobert

    Astronomy Projects for 12th Grade Class

    I teach a 12th grade astronomy class. First semester we spoke about the planets. I gave three research/group projects. 1. "Vagabonds of the solar system" 2. "The moons of Jupiter and Saturn" 3. "Design a solar system mission" We are now moving on beyond the solar system. Stars, galaxies, and...
  28. B

    What Are Some Good Ideas for a Senior Project in Nuclear Physics?

    What are some good ideas for a senior project in nuclear physics? So far I've taken the following courses (important ones): Analytical Mechanics, E&M, Introduction to Modern physics, Introduction to Nuclear physics. Right now I'm enrolled in the QM course (as well as others). I should be...
  29. F

    Examination project of EEG, Opinions and feedback

    Hello! I don't really know how High School ends in other countries but in Sweden it ends with an examination project depending on the programme you've selected. Anyhow we were free to choose one research topic that is related to mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry. I choose the brain...
  30. N

    Other How Can an Undergrad Find a Mathematical Physics Research Project?

    Although I am an undergrad in mathematics and physics, I would place myself at a graduate level. I have gone through many textbooks on my own and currently I am studying the Landau and Lifshitz series. The reading and exercises are fun, but now I want to do something with it. More specifically...
  31. M

    I What Are Fascinating Examples of Emergence for a School Project?

    For a school project, I've got to choose a subject. I chose "Emergence", but I have to narrow it down a little bit. So, that's why I'm creating this topic. The definition of emergence that I use: By emergence, I mean the fact that proprieties of one scale implies other proprieties by changing...
  32. P

    How Can I Create a Portable Egg Catcher That Meets Strict Requirements?

    I must drop an egg from 2m, 6m, and 8m without cracking it. The egg cannot be attached to anything or encase in anything. I must drop just a plain egg into something to catch it. The "catcher" must not be taller than 5 cm. , and the catching area must be less than 2000 cm^2. The device must be...
  33. Domenicus

    How to project a high power white line

    Hi I have a personal art project and I am stuck, because of very limited knowledge. I'd like to project an 1-2 meter white line from 1-3 meter distance. The projected line should be as thin as possible (3-10mm) and as powerful as possible. I created a DIY projector, but my problem is that, the...
  34. G

    Efficient 12V Electromagnet Design for Extended Use

    Homework Statement Need to build an electromagnet. Want to build one to work on 12v 7Ah battery with a switch. Needs to be on for up to a minute. Gets pretty hot. Any ideas what components can be wired into circuit and how to control current to retain magnetic field strength but reduce the heat?
  35. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Other Deciding on my senior thesis project

    Hey all, I'm trying to come up with a senior thesis project in the realm of GR. It doesn't have to be new, just new to me. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas (or knowing whether or not they would be good for this). One idea that I just came up with: Numerically solve EFE for the solar...
  36. Vivan Vatsa

    I want to Fetch Ideas for my School Project

    Hello Forumers, Its been very long time since I haven't not been on PF. Today that streak ends! I want ideas for my physics school project. please give me some great ideas & where to find it! please keep the following in mind while giving ideas:- 1. I am 12th Grade student 2. I want a...
  37. V

    Calculating for a distance including vi, vf, time, and Ff

    Homework Statement For a project we have to find a movie scene and calculate using any variables we can find. I am using Back to the Future and want to calculate the distance the DeLorean travels in one of the first scenes when they're first using it. I'd also like to find the acceleration from...
  38. A

    How to calculate the force to cut a log?

    Good morning guys, So i want to make mechanism to cut log with diameter 5 cm and 120 cm length. So how i can calculate the force to cut this log perpendicular and paralel. What is tbe formula i can use? And how i can determine the saw thickness and rpm needed to cut this log? Thanks guys for...
  39. CMJ96

    I What Are the Best Resources to Understand Resonant Tunneling Diodes?

    Hi guys for my group project this year my team needs to apply two computational methods to a real system. The two methods are transfer matrix and finite difference and we have chosen to apply them to a resonant tunnelling diode. Can any of you guys recommend any resources which may be useful to...
  40. S

    Do you have any ideas for an engineering project?

    Homework Statement I am going to get a project in 1-2 weeks about me finding ideas for a project. Basically I need to come up with an idea for a project that solves a possible problem that could exist in my school or elsewhere. I have not been told about parameters yet, I don't think I have any...
  41. ISamson

    Computer Possibilities with DIY IoT Projects and Products

    Hello. While planning to purchase an Arduino MKR1000 or ESP8266 I decided to analyse the possibilities with IoT projects. How far is it possible to go with DIY IoT projects? I have read a number of things on unboxing an MKR1000, setting it up, but it is hard to estimate the possibilities of...
  42. P

    Optics Lab Project Holographic Weapon Sight

    Good evening everyone. For my third year optics course we have to do a research lab that includes a lab component for a project. Our prof has suggested we look into something that interests us an design a lab around it. Personally I have always had an interest in military technology and was...
  43. S

    Building a Self-Contained Egg Tower Device: Grade 12 Physics ISU Project

    Homework Statement For my Grade 12 Physics ISU, basically I have to build a self-contained device (Can complete the task on its own after setting it up) using physics that can pick up an raw egg inside an egg cup and place safely it on a table/tower 1m away then continue 1m past the table. The...
  44. PsychonautQQ

    A Fundamental group of Project Plane with 2 points missing

    edit: fixed typo's andrewkirk pointed out, oops I can cover the projective plane with 2 open sets U,V where each of these neighborhood contains the point that is missing, and the intersection of these two neighborhoods will be simply connected. I was then hoping to invoke the Seifert-Van-Kampen...
  45. dkotschessaa

    Project "Verne's Island" (idea, like biosphere....but not)

    This is an experiment/project idea inspired by Jules Verne's "The Mysterious Island" and also the "Biosphere" experiments. I thought it'd be a cool discussion prompt. In the book, a bunch of men are shipwrecked (well, baloon-wrecked) on an Island. One thing I love about the book, unrealistic...
  46. NFuller

    Finally finished: Tube amp project

    Thought I would share my latest project. I decided to make a stereo amplifier out of Vacuum tubes. I think I finally have the noise and distortion levels as low as I can get them. The amplifier outputs about 88W rms per channel before it clips the output. Here is the internal wiring This is a...
  47. Borek

    Hobby project - how do you choose the solution?

    While the question arose around a particular project, it is much more general. Now and then I see there are many ways of building a device that will do what I want it to do (hardly surprising). But as a beginner I often feel overwhelmed with the plethora of solutions. Cost of the elements and...
  48. X

    High School video project: What is Gravitational Lensing?

    I want to pursue the sciences but I got no green. So I joined the BreakthroughJuniorChallenge in the hopes of winning! I would appreciate it if someone as knowledgeable as the people on this forum could comment and share my video submission. This is the link: It's also fine if you guys just...
  49. gleem

    B Can Elon Musk's BFR Project Meet Its Ambitious Timeline for Mars Colonization?

    Elon Musk presents his updated plan for the colonization of the International Astronautical Congress in Australia. First sending two pilotless supply ships to Mars by 2022 using a new rocket, the BFR,.
  50. Mayed Al-Tunaiji

    Other Senior graduation project (HS)

    Hello, PF, I am a senior in high school and my school requires me to come up with an innovative idea about science and/or engineering. After coming with an idea let's say for example it was an engine of some sort we have to request the parts from the school and build it. my problem is with the...