Project Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Britmer

    Optimizing Toothpick Egg Drop Project Design

    Homework Statement I have to build a egg drop project out of only toothpicks and glue. I can have a plastic bag to hold the egg (and avoid cleaning up a mess). It has to weigh 40 grams or less. The egg must be dropped from a height of three meters. I attempted to build it. I had a cube to hold...
  2. S

    What are some interesting BS-MS project topics in QFT for a 1 year duration?

    I would like to know some of interesting topics in QFT for my major project (BS-MS); of 1 year duration... can anyone help me with topics? Thanks...
  3. G

    Morse Code Project: Building Circuit for 7 Segment Display

    Homework Statement Hi everyone. I am currently embarking on a Morse Code project which involves building a circuit to display Morse codes, eventually displaying the Morse code with a 7 segment display. I am currently stuck at the first stage as I am not sure of what to do, i.e. what chips to...
  4. T

    How Can We Optimize Antenna Design to Harness Radio Waves Efficiently?

    Alright, so for a school project that I am doing right now involves harnessing the power in the air from radio waves and the picking it up with a 75 ft of coated copper wire antenna then having the AC current go through a diode bridge to convert it to DC current and get measured. I did this...
  5. gauss44

    Home Improvement Project & PV=nRT

    I live in an attic apartment and have been suffering a problem lately. Convection seems to be pushing (nasty kitchen smelling) air up to my apartment from my neighbors who live below me in the same building. This nasty air current primarily seems to be coming from a specific crawl space inside...
  6. M

    Energy project for Universities implementation

    Hello all, this is my first time posting here so please excuse if this maybe isn't the appropriate thread to post this in but I figured it may be the most relevant. I am working on writing a proposal (small, just 450 words), that aims to address the energy efficiency of a university, ie...
  7. Killjoywannabe

    Egg Drop Project: Creative Designs with Limited Materials

    Okay. I have to do the egg drop project tomorrow and I need help with ideas for designs. Available materials: 2 sheets of printer paper 1 meter of tape I have to build something that can withstand about a 5 meter drop. Additional materials can be 'purchased' with grade points, but only more...
  8. N

    Needlestick Prevention Survey - High Schoolers Need Input

    My group and I are high schoolers working on an engineering project and need input. The project concerns preventing needlestick injuries and we would greatly appreciate anyone that takes the time to answer our survey. Thank you. << Survey link deleted by Moderator >>
  9. Pythagorean

    Good Science Project for a 5-year-old

    Just looking for ideas here. My initial thought was wave property of light, just using a pinhole image and a water analog, but still thinking of ideas.
  10. C

    8th Grade Science Project Ideas

    Hi guys, I need to create a science project, but first I need an idea. I have already come up with an idea, which was measuring stress level under timed and untimed tests, but my teacher said that it was too simple. Do you have any suggestions on any 8th Grade science projects I could do, that...
  11. Duckwagon

    Concept Design/Comic Project Help

    So I'm no physics expert, by no means. But I'm working on a project that involves some weird physics elements, and I'd like it to be scientifically accurate; (if somewhat pseudo-scientific or liberally applied for flavor) and I'd like some feedback and help. The goal, in other words, isn't to be...
  12. R.C

    What are the design considerations for a heat exchanger for an MX5 sports car?

    Hello, I have to design a heat exchanger for my uni course and am a little stuck with where to start. I know a little about LMTD and OHTC etc etc. my main starting problem is finding material properties for ethylene glycol, I have tried Engineering Toolbox but for the maximum temperatures I am...
  13. F

    Egg drop project landing module

    Homework Statement For my 8th grade honors science class we are currently doing astronomy. We got assigned a project where we have to create a landing module like the module that people land back on Earth in. The catch is that it has to be able to fit in a 10cm x10cm x10cm box and be able to...
  14. Dishsoap

    Ideas for an experimental physics project

    Next semester I will be taking Experimental Physics II. The gist of the class isn't to do an experiment per se, but to build a device which could be used in an experiment in Experimental Physics I. In the past, students have built things like an inverted pendulum, a magnetic pendulum, and a...
  15. M

    How to Design a Hot-Melt System for Bead Deposition?

    Hi, I have been given a project to design a system that can "bead deposit" thermoplastic. I have found this resource, It is basically an adhesive deposition system used for packaging in industry. So I think this is a good place to start, by trying to create a simplified version of this. I...
  16. W

    Someone know a bit about Generators? (windmill project)

    Hi just started working on a hobby project with making a wind mill. I got to the part were i have made the blades and the casing, for the wind mill. I was wondering what type of generator should i use for a 1,5m diameter blade. I really don't have anything special that i want the power to go to...
  17. A

    How Does Fan Descender Mechanics Work for Construction Sites?

    I have been tasked to design a controlled descender to be used on a building site to lower tools/rubble to the ground. I'm trying to design a product like a fan descender like that seen at Could anyone help me with the theory side of its operation. Obviously it uses the fans...
  18. M

    Java Having trouble compiling my java project. Help?

    Hey so I have to compile a project... there are two parts to it, one where I just have to display a series of sentence and another one a bit more complicated... I am using because I don't have any compiler on the desktop at school :/ It is unfortunately giving me this error...
  19. P

    Where Can I Find Supplies for Building a Human Robotic Suit?

    hello! I want to build a robotic suit for human body, that will open and close accepting the human body are there any online shops that I can buy stuff to build it? thanks!
  20. V

    Can Musculoskeletal Modelling Improve Existing Bio-mechanics Projects?

    Hi everyone, I need to do a project on bio-mechanics topic which has to be submitted within 2 months. I have no idea about the project because i didn't get any background on that. My professor suggested me to do some literature surveys on any existing project and try to improve it. If i...
  21. A

    Need help for final project idea.

    My idea is about auto braking mechanism on vehicle. help me
  22. S

    School Project using water to deactivate alarm

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical engineering forums, so no HH Template is shown > Hello! My partners and I are trying to create a alarm that is set to go off at a certain time then is turned off by pouring water on a water or moisture sensor. We have a few ideas but they...
  23. C

    How Can I Measure Torque for a Pedal-Powered Rotary Vane Pump Project?

    Hi guys. I am doing a project involving a pedal powered rotary vane pump. I would like to ask how do I measure the Torque. I used a hollow steel shaft with a diameter of 0.75 inches. I was trying out the formula T=Fr but I have no idea how to measure the perpendicular force. In the picture you...
  24. R

    Which final year project should i choose as an Eng undrgrad?

    I am doing Electrical and Electronics engineering. I am current in my 6th sem (8 in total). From the 7th sem i would have to choose a topic/project for my final year, which will go on till the end of the course. I want to pursue physics as my graduate studies. I have been trying to think of...
  25. S

    Should I Do a Summer Project in Plasma Physics for My High Energy Physics Goals?

    Hi! I am in second year of my college. I want to pursue theoretical physics and plan to work on things like String theory and High Energy Physics. Now I was trying to get a summer project in Physics and I have been offered an opportunity to do a project in theoretical Plasma Physics. Is it right...
  26. C

    Superconductor science fair project?

    I'm thinking of doing a science fair project having to do with a superconductor. However, the problem is that I have two things I don't understand, exactly what the science fair is asking for, but that's okay, I can always ask my teacher- And also, how I should start with this superconductor...
  27. A

    Project topics on Geophysics or Remote Sensing or Electronics

    Am a Physics undergraduate student; I need project topics based on Geophysics or Remote Sensing or Electronics
  28. A

    Help needed with an Engineering project

    I'm not quite sure if this is the correct forum or not and I would like to apologise in advance if it is not, I'm new here! So basically I'm in my final year at school, I'll be attending University in October all being well, but before I get there I have to sit my final exams, and where I am...
  29. R

    Ultrasound NDT (non-destructive testing)

    Hi all, I've a question and I hope that I can get some answers here. As what my project has tasked, and what my lecturer had said. He needs me to build a device for NDT Testing. Currently the set up is that I would source for a transducer via olympus coupled with a USB oscilloscope capable...
  30. J

    Need help on designing a conceptual HALE UAV

    Hi everyone, I am a High School student (final year) and am doing an extra-curricular project. Having complete autonomy on what we do the project on, I choose to design a High-Altitude Long-Endurance (HALE) UAV, such as the QinetiQ Zephyr [] or...
  31. A

    Which Material Parameter Determines R_p0,2?

    I'm doing a little project which came to a stop. I calculated expected material stress to be ~10 MPa. (bending) I know that my material (AlMgSi0,5) should carry well that stress, however I'm interested in max allowable stress for this material...
  32. M

    Java Should the project name of my Java application ?

    Should the project name of my Java application must be the same as the name when I save my Java application? Because I'm using Netbeans IDE 8.0.2 and in the project name field, I put First Java Program and after I wrote the Java application, when I save it, I put in the save as...
  33. H

    Passing High Voltage/Amperage Through Tri-State Buffer (car LED project)

    Hi guys, I'm a total greenhorn so please bear with me. I'm designing a circuit in which I use a lot of tri-state buffers. All ICs in the circuit will be powered with 5V, but I need to pass 12V (and up to 15A) from the input to the output of the tri-state buffers when the buffer is enabled...
  34. C

    Solving Catapult Project: Finding Spring Constant

    I'm doing a catapult project but I'm sort of confused. I need to find the spring constant in order to get the elastic potential energy. The force of pulling back the catapult lever to 36 degrees above the horizontal is 4.2 N. Right before the lever is at rest, 90 degrees, the force is 1.4 N. One...
  35. Logan Rudd

    Upper division physics lab -- Project ideas

    As an experimentalist, I am very excited to be taking my first upper division physics lab next semester! The course covers basic electronics (filters, diodes, transistors, op-amps, analog & digital circuits, D/A conversion, and LabView Programming, etc.) and measurement techniques with an...
  36. A

    Sgr. A* - Mathematical calculations

    Hey guys First real thread besides my introductory thread. I'm a Danish student in what is somewhat equivalent to my junior/senior year in the american school system. That was a small attempt at school system conversion. I'm writing a project about the black hole Sgr. A* in the centre of our...
  37. A

    Creative Engineering Projects: Inspiring Ideas for Final Year Projects

    Hello! I'm new here and I really need help from you guys. I'm an engineering student and need to do project proposal for my final year project. We have 6 month to do the proposal and I cannot think of any idea. I have experience in using -Lathe -CNC Turning and Milling -Milling machine -Drilling...
  38. J

    Physics Car Project: Honors Physics Student Seeks Ideas & Help

    Hello all! I am a high school student who is taking my first physics class, Honors Physics. I have taken mechanical engineering classes prior to this class. We have recently been assigned our major project of the year: The Dreaded (by some) Physics Car. Our goal is to design and build a...
  39. D

    Need some helps for a Heat Exchanger Optimization project

    Hello fellow PF members, My teammates and I are working on a project in our Heat Transfer class. It is extremely broad (open ended) and we are not very sure how we should get this project up and going. 1) Project description: We are given an Air Cooled Rankine Cycle. Cooling water, at 70 °C...
  40. H

    View Einstein's Papers for Free on Princeton University Website

    Since yesterday, Einstein's collected papers are freely available for viewing on the Princeton University website:
  41. wnh

    Calculating Power Requirement for Pump Filler for Ice Cream Project

    Im new to this forum and I am seeking some help. I have recently doing a project for ice cream. In order to choose a suitable filler for filling process, i need to calculate the power requirement and capacity for the pump filler. I m really hope that you can show me the step for this calculation...
  42. E

    Lookin for cool ideas for a Bachelor project

    *Looking for cool ideas for a Bachelor project!* Hi everyone! We are a group of 4 mechanical engineering students that will be doing a Bachelor project for a local hydraulic-systems company. We are just thinking of/looking for will not be produced so cost is not a concern. Pretty...
  43. A

    Simple Pendulum Project: Amplitude's Effect on Period | Math Help Included

    nee help with project dealing with simple pendulum.I am supposed to be looking at the effect of changing the amplitude and how it affects the period. The requirements want to show some math( it does not include finding average and error). Need help. what could I show there. Like the time to...
  44. J

    Generator Project: Designing a Self-Powered System with Batteries & PLC

    I'm a graduating student of Electrical Engineering Technology (3 years) and so one of our graduating subject is thesis. We decided to make a generator that can supply the house and supply itself by giving some of the power to back to the motor which rotates it. We also included batteries and...
  45. M

    Building a Tesla Coil: A Student Guide

    Hello everyone, I am interested in building a Tesla coil for fun and education. I am an EE student in my junior year of college, so I have most of the basics down, but I'd like to learn a little more so that I do not set my house on fire. I've been going through the principals of Tesla coils...
  46. C

    Physics Research Project Ideas (First year physics course)

    Hello. I am a first year physics major, and a major component of the first year physics course (for physics majors) is a research project. With a partner, I am supposed to conduct a research experiment in the broad field of physics. The proposal for this project is due friday, in which we must...
  47. rmattila

    Bioinformatics project to help find cure for ALS

    Hello, we (*) are trying to set up a combined neuroscience/information technology project for the following purpose: ALS is a fatal neurological disease that has no known cause or cure and kills its victims within a few years. Our view is that one reason why all drugs have failed in clinical...
  48. S

    Battery school project assistance

    Hello everyone! I'm almost done with a project of mine and I'm creating a battery with an aluminum casing around. Inside I have a copper electrode (cathode) and due to lack of finding a correct dimension I have to resort to using a stainless steel anode (and I'm also running out of time) So I...
  49. F

    Build an Ion Chamber Project with Filip: Tips & Experiences

    Hi all I am a 17 years old student and I want to make a ion chamber to measure the ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere. My project will be connected to a balloon that will fly to a 30 km height. I am going to make our first prototype with my team it will be the most basic ion chamber: I...
  50. A

    School Project Help: FeO3 + Magnets to Solve Water Problem

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the ME forum > Hello, Currently I am a high school junior in Egypt and I have a project this semester to solve the water problem in Egypt from any aspect whether scarcity, pollution or desalination or overuse in agriculture. and I thought of using...