What is Push: Definition and 204 Discussions

Push technology, or server push, is a style of Internet-based communication where the request for a given transaction is initiated by the publisher or central server. It is contrasted with pull/get, where the request for the transmission of information is initiated by the receiver or client.
Push services are often based on information preferences expressed in advance. This is called a publish/subscribe model. A client "subscribes" to various information "channels" provided by a server; whenever new content is available on one of those channels, the server pushes that information out to the client.
Push is sometimes emulated with a polling technique, particularly under circumstances where a real push is not possible, such as sites with security policies that require rejection of incoming HTTP/S requests.

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  1. P

    Chinese bridge jumper gets push from passer-by.

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8064867.stm If you were a Chinese official in a position of authority, what would you have done regarding Mr Lai's actions? How would you have treated the situation? Basically, would you have had him arrested and charged or would you secretly (or...
  2. E

    Push a 22kg crate up a frictinless incline

    Homework Statement To push a 33 kg crate up a frictionless incline, angled at 15° to the horizontal, a worker exerts a force of 100.4 N, parallel to the incline. As the crate slides 1.50 m, (a)how much work is done on the crate by the worker's applied force? (b) How much work is done on the...
  3. A

    Why one cannot push light but just in the normal direction to the ray?

    ¿Why one cannot push light but just in the normal direction to the ray? NAIVE QUESTION: I understand I cannot push a light ray (I mean, to sum speed vectors) in its propagation path, but ¿why I can certainly push it in the normal direction to the light ray? Is there some info on this...
  4. J

    How much pressure/force to push a mobile phone key

    Homework Statement This isn't homework, I just can't find any information on the internet, and I don't have the neccesary equipment available to perform a test. Just wondering if anyone knows an average amount, or at least a link to a paper that has done something as mundain as this. How...
  5. A

    Push Limits: Good Morning Questions

    Good morning :) I got a couple of question, hope I won't bother you guys too much.. its about function limits. 1) http://www.upit.ws/uploads/53401353963d7.JPG Homework Statement what I tried to do was to say that for all delta>x-(7/4) there is 3x/(4x-7)>M than I tried...
  6. L

    News Bush Launches Last Minute Deregulation Push

    The article is now unavailable at MSNBC, and I couldn't find it at the Washington Post. Any confirmation on this?
  7. K

    Work to push a sled up a hill: Friction, inclines,force,work

    Homework Statement We are pushing a sled up a hill. Our push is horizontal. The hill is inclined at 15 degrees. The sled masses 35 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction is .2. The hills height is 3.6 m. We push at a constant velocity. How much work do we do in pushing? Homework...
  8. D

    Two stacked blocks, push using one block, static friction between blocks

    Newtonian mechanics problem with blocks Problem: m_{1} and m_{2} each interact with m_{3} via static friction, with the same \mu_{s}. The horizontal surface below m_{3} is frictionless. An external force F_{ext} acts on m_{1} from the left and the entire system of three connected masses...
  9. P

    Push a Block against a Wall- Static Friction

    Homework Statement A 9 N horizontal force F pushes a block weighing 13.0 N against a vertical wall (Fig. 6-21). The coefficient of static friction between the wall and the block is 0.62, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.42. Assume that the block is not moving initially...
  10. rootX

    C/C++ How to properly insert an element at the end of a linked list in C++?

    Following inserts new element at the list end. The class has list_head, list_tail, and count ... Problem: I don't know if node should be deleted or not. //inserts an element at the end template <typename Object> void Single_list<Object>::push_back( const Object & obj ) { //makes...
  11. P

    Force needed to push box down incline plane

    Homework Statement a) if a force of 86N parallel to the surface of a 20 degree incline plane will push a 120N block up the plane at constant speed, what force parallel to the plane will push it down at constant speed? Homework Equations \SigmaF(X)=F(A)-F(fr)-mgcos\vartheta=0...
  12. L

    Calculating 'Push' Force to Maintain Constant Speed

    Homework Statement A conducting rail in contact with conducting wires, oriented perpendicular to both wires, is pushed with constant speed, causing an induced current of 0.69 A. B = 0.50 T and R (Resistor) = 2.0 Calculate the "push" force necessary to maintain the rail's constant speed...
  13. D

    What is the torque required to push an EV?

    Hi, A normal query regarding moviement of the wheel of an EV. In the designing of an EV, I calculated the torque required to pull the wheel of my EV on normal surface as T=F*r (keeping in mind friction and other factors too),where 'r' is the radius of the wheel. Similarly, I calculate the...
  14. C

    What Forces and Powers Are Involved in Moving a Wire Through a Magnetic Field?

    Homework Statement The 10-cm-wide, zero-resistance slide wire shown in the figure is pushed toward the 2.0\Omegaresistor at a steady speed of 0.50 m/s. The magnetic field strength is 0.50 T. A) How big is the pushing force? B) How much power does the pushing force supply to the...
  15. U

    Calculating Force Needed to Push Water Through a Hose

    I was wondering if someone could tell me a formula for how much force is required to push water through a hose. I am going to try to figure out how much force is needed to push water vertically 40 cm through 5/16 inch tubing.
  16. R

    Forces to push a trolley up a slope

    I'm a Health and Safety advisor having a blonde moment. Trying to find the equation to use, think it's something to do with F=ma any help please. A 4 wheeled trolley will be pushed up a slope of 40 degrees and the maximum amount of force that can be applied is 15kg to get it moving and...
  17. K

    Calculating Work Done by a Push: Weight vs Push Forces

    my teacher gave the class a quiz and one of the questions was to calculate the work done. the formula for work is force x distance. my problem was that their were two forces given, the weight and the exerted push.. which one should i have used?
  18. N

    Push up weight distrubtion problem

    Homework Statement While doing push ups part of the weight of an 80kg young man is supported by his hands and part by his feet. His center mass is located 60cm from his hands and 1m from his feet. (The hand ot feet distance is 1.6m) How much of the total weight is supported by his hands...
  19. S

    How Much Work is Done When Pushing a Sled with Different Friction Forces?

    Homework Statement A girl pushes her little brother on his sled with a force of 300N for 750m. How much work is done if the force of friction is a) 200N and b) 300N? Homework Equations W = F \Delta x The Attempt at a Solution F_{net} = F_p - F_f F_{net} = 300N - 200N = 100N...
  20. P

    More Work Required for 4kg Lift than 1kg Push

    Is More work is done to lift a 4.00-kg object a distance of 1.00 m at a constant velocity than to push a 1.00-kg block a distance of 1.00 m with a force of 39.2 N? I can find the work done in the 2nd case using W=fd= 39.2 J.
  21. D

    How hard must you push a box to move it with a constant speed?

    Homework Statement How hard do you need to push a 2kg box which has .2 coefficient of kinetic friction so that it moves with a constant speed of 5m/s? [The Attempt at a Solution (I'm calling g 10m/s2 not 9.8) F(kinetic friction)=(.2)Fn=(.2)mg=(.2)(20N)=4N so...since the acceleration is...
  22. I

    Push the dielectric half way into the capacitor

    This is a general question because I cannot find any example problems to base this question off of. Suppose we have two parallel plate capacitors, what work is needed to push the dielectric half way into the capacitor and why does the slab feel a pull into the capacitor?
  23. D

    'pull' & 'push'- electromagnetic force?

    how can wec trace the origin of push and pull to electromagnetic forces? I mean when we push a thing what actually are we doing? What are the atoms at the contact surface actually doing?
  24. J

    Can you push down more than your weight?

    quick question...is it possible to press down more than you weigh without being strapped in ?
  25. A

    What happens when two spheres of different masses are given a slight push?

    There are two spheres in contact in a row. The mass of the left one is m and the right is 2m. If there's a slight push of F to the right on the left ball. What would happen to the two balls? Thanks!
  26. D

    Need a little push in the right direction

    I have two questions. First: a coffe-cup clorimeter, 125 mL of a 2.75 M solution of silver nitrate at 25.00 degrees C is comined with 350 mL of a 4.00 M strontium chloride solution, aslo at 25.00 C. The temperature of the final solution is 32.15 degrees C. If the density of the final...
  27. C

    How Do Newton's Laws Explain the Motion of a Pushed Chair?

    :confused: Homework Statement A chair of mass 13.0 is sitting on the horizontal floor; the floor is not frictionless. You push on the chair with a force = 45.0 that is directed at an angle of 40.0 below the horizontal and the chair slides along the floor. [b]2. Homework Equations...
  28. H

    Can girls do more push ups than boys?

    My friend said that girls can do more push ups than boys since boys are heavy weight. Then in military service, why are there more push ups for boys to pass? That's the question.
  29. P

    Does Turning Off the Lamp on a Push Bike Increase Coasting Distance?

    Homework Statement The dynamo (generator) of a push bike is made to turn when the bicycle wheel turns. The generator provides energy to light the bicycle’s lamp. Would a cyclist coast further if the lamp connected to the generator were turned on or off? Why?Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  30. I

    Max Height of Lamp Push for Sliding vs. Tipping

    Homework Statement A person wants to push a lamp(mass 9.6 kg) across the floor a) Assuming the person pushes at a height of 60 cm above the ground and the coefficient of friction is 0.20, determine whether the lamp will slide or tip over b) Calculate the maximum height above the floor at which...
  31. R

    Finding Speed to Push Cart up Hill

    Homework Statement I have to find the speed needed to push a cart on top of a hill and I only have the height as a number. Homework Equations A boy places his matchbox car at the top of the track he has set up with his brother. If the track starts atop the 55 cm toy box, descends to the...
  32. B

    Why is push gravity concept considered not viable by mainstream science?

    [SOLVED] Why is push gravity concept considered not viable by mainstream science? Hello guys, I would like to know the main reasons why the push gravity concept is not considered as a viable concept by mainstream science. I know it gave rise to numerous published works, amongst which we have...
  33. B

    What is the minimum work needed to push a car

    What is the minimum work needed to push a 1025 kg car 200 m up along a 17.5° incline? (a) Ignore friction. I got 604117.9512J (b) Assume the effective coefficient of friction retarding the car is 0.40? how do I get this one?
  34. M

    Normal force during a push up problem

    A person whose weight is W = 633 N doing push-ups. l=====x====l==0 ______ _____ 0.885 0.358 Assume L1 = 0.885 m and L2 = 0.358 m. Calculate the normal force exerted by the floor on each hand, assuming that the person holds this position. My work so far: thinking L1 + L2 = 633...
  35. C

    The Physics of Boxes with No Friction: 10N Push Test

    If there are 3 blocks weighing 20 kgs each and placed next to each other on a frictionless floor, and I exert 10 N, all 3 blocks will still move right? Do all the boxes receive a 10N push since there is no friction to reduce the force as it transfers? But do I only get pushed back 10N due to...
  36. A

    How Far Will a Box Slide on a Frictional Surface After Being Pushed?

    In preparing for a test I came across this problem: A box is given a push so that it slides across the floor. How far will it go, given that the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2 and the push imparts an initial speed of 3.0m/s? Here's what I've come up with so far: Fapplied -...
  37. C

    Does sunlight push the Earth ever so slightly?

    Considering that the Sun radiates EM photons at many different wavelengths onto the Earth and that these photons carry a momentum which they impart into the Earth upon contact, wouldn't the aggregate of all these 'pushing' photons create a noticeable effect on the the Earth's graviational orbit...
  38. E

    Galaxies, which are the smallest and least luminous type of galaxy?

    Here's my astronomy homework for the week. bold = my answer. Any help is appreciated! Question 1 Multiple Choice 5 points The apparent brightness of stars in general tells us nothing about their distances. In order for the apparent brightness of a star to be a good indicator...
  39. K

    Is it easier to push a lawnmover or pull it?

    The answer is it is easier to pull a lawnmover than to push it. I understand it logically but how do you prove it? My teacher says it has something to do with resolution of vectors. Can someone please explain?
  40. B

    Why is push gravity concept considered not viable by mainstream science?

    [SOLVED] Why is push gravity concept considered not viable by mainstream science? Hello guys, I would like to know the main reasons why the push gravity concept is not considered as a viable concept by mainstream science. I know it gave rise to numerous published works, amongst which we have...
  41. ShawnD

    Why do schools continually push the idea of teamwork?

    This past semester I've been working in a group of 4 to look at a certain ketone found in hazelnuts, and it is by far the most frustrating experience I've ever had; every single problem is because people are expected to work together. The project was 8 weeks of lab, 4 hours per week. First...
  42. D

    How Much Force is Exerted During a Push-Up?

    Hi there, My homework assignment is to find out how much force is exerted by doing a push up. I think it'll obviously be a lot more than my weight...I mean when you curl a bicep of a 20 pounder your usually exerting ~200 lb of force..so I'd say around 400-500 for a push up. The next...
  43. I

    How to Solve a Tricky Integral: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

    ok i got this problem: \int\frac{\sqrt{x-2}} {x+1} \,dx then i have to let u=(x-2)^0.5 then i solve for x in terms of u so i get x= u^2+2 dx=2u du \int\frac{\sqrt{x-2}} {x+1} \,dx=\int\frac{u}{u^2+3}\,2u\,du where when i substitute i get: \int\frac{2u^2} {u^2+3}\,du. after...
  44. D

    Why do the propellers pull an aircraft, but push a ship?

    I think that the title of the topic is very self explanatory. I want to know what the explanation is for the different implementations, I reckon that it might have something to do with the density of air and water.
  45. P

    News Kerry To Push For Bush Impeachment

    Here's the wind up!
  46. G

    Why is it harder for women to do push ups then men?

    Why is it harder for women to do push ups then men?..is it something about their center of mass?
  47. A

    A little push on this trig identity

    A little push on this trig identity please \tan^2(x)= \frac {1-\cos(2x)} {1+cos(2x)} I need a little push I know from my other post that \cos(2x)=\cos^2 (x) - \sin^2 (x) (can someone explain why?)
  48. A

    Push or Pull: Which is the Best Way to Move Heavy Logs with a Wheelbarrel?

    Please help me out with this question ... While using a wheelbarrel to move heavy logs, you bump into a log laying across your path. Would it be easier to pull or push the wheelbarrel over the log blocking your path? And, why? :smile:
  49. T

    Understanding Newton's Third Law: The Case of Box Pushing

    Newton's third law states something along the lines of "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." The problem I have is that I don't understand how it stays true for something as simple as pushing a box. If a push the box (action), how can it be giving an equal opposite...
  50. F

    How can I solve these two physics problems involving work and springs?

    Any Hints?? I'm stuck on these 2 problems.. Any hints would be helpful! 1. What is the minimum work needed to push a 950-kg car 810m up along a 9 degree incline? a) ignore friction, b) assume the effective coefficient of a friction retarding the car is .25. This is what I did, but I don't...