Push Definition and 204 Threads

  1. U

    Gravity: push, pull, or does not exist?

    I'm a _n^e_w^b_i^e (that looks cool :redface: ) in physics, and have many doubts about the current model of gravity. I'm having a hard time viewing gravity as a pulling force. To me, it makes no sense. There is a new proposal, although very little have accepted it, on how gravity works...
  2. Dissident Dan

    Do we overzealously push monoamorousness?

    In this society, monoamorous relationships are what pretty much everybody expects/demands. When someone's partner has sexual relations with someone else, it is considered "cheating", and it is taboo. If you ask your partner if you can have a polyamorous relationship, you are liable to be...
  3. I

    Will a conveyor belt push a hovercraft along?

    Hi. This forum seems to be just what I'm looking for! My friend and I have just been having one of those drawn out debates over a hypothetical physics model and I guess (although it was an animated discussion) neither of us was 100% convinced we were correct what we were saying. We were...
  4. A

    For a table on a rough surface, if i give it a push

    for a table on a rough surface, if i give it a push, it would slide for a distance then topple over..what cause it to topple over? why the friction would not just stop the table from moving??