I'm a _n^e_w^b_i^e (that looks cool :redface: ) in physics, and have many doubts about the current model of gravity.
I'm having a hard time viewing gravity as a pulling force. To me, it makes no sense. There is a new proposal, although very little have accepted it, on how gravity works...
In this society, monoamorous relationships are what pretty much everybody expects/demands. When someone's partner has sexual relations with someone else, it is considered "cheating", and it is taboo. If you ask your partner if you can have a polyamorous relationship, you are liable to be...
Hi. This forum seems to be just what I'm looking for!
My friend and I have just been having one of those drawn out debates over a hypothetical physics model and I guess (although it was an animated discussion) neither of us was 100% convinced we were correct what we were saying. We were...
for a table on a rough surface, if i give it a push, it would slide for a distance then topple over..what cause it to topple over?
why the friction would not just stop the table from moving??