Quantum Definition and 999 Threads

  1. Jamister

    A Homodyne detection quantum state tomography

    In balanced homodyne detection, it is claimed that one can do state tomography. I understand most of the derivation except one part. Here is a figure describing homodyne detection. the operator that is being measured is $$ R=N_{1}-N_{2}=a^{\dagger} b+b^{\dagger} a $$. taking the mode b to be...
  2. tworitdash

    A Quantum weak measurement parameter estimation vs Classical Estimation

    I am not an expert in quantum theory. I want to carry out some parameter estimation on a set of data I have. I have a model for the data with the parameter(s) of interest as variable(s). The data available is sporadic, meaning non-statistical or techniques involving no prior knowledge on the...
  3. G

    I Conventional description of the matter wave

    I have been working on a relatively simple problem. Just take a quantum wave function for which a physical requirement is that an arbitrary displacement of x or an arbitrary shift of t should not alter the character of the wave, and I want to find the state function solution. A possible guess...
  4. bbbl67

    B Is gravitized quanta the solution rather than quantum gravity?

    Usually we hear about people working on a theory of quantum gravity, in order to avoid the singularity in the center of a black hole for example. But what if it's the other way around to some extent as well? What if it's gravity keeping quantum objects from doing their greatest reality-defying...
  5. J

    Preparing for a Quantum Computation Course: Superconducting Qubits

    Summary:: Looking for articles/books to prepare myself for the course: Quantum computation with superconducting qubits Hello everyone. I am about to take a course in Quantum computation with superconducting qubits and I am searching for material to prepare it. I took a first course on that...
  6. P

    A Position basis in Quantum Mechanics

    Can I conceive a countable position basis in Quantum Mechanics? How can I talk about the position basis in the separable Hilbert space?
  7. ubergewehr273

    I Capping layer in semiconductor quantum dot fabrication

    Hi everyone, I've been studying about semiconductor heterostructures and in particular quantum dots. I was wondering, why is there a need to have a "capping" layer above the layer where the quantum dots are formed within a sample? Thanks in advance!
  8. T

    I want to learn about Quantum Computing

    I want to learn about Quantum Computing (QC). I am familiar with Quantum Mechanics. So far I have found two types of literature: (1.) Introductions to QC for the layman, and (2) Literature for people who are already knowledgeable about the field. Can someone recommend a mid-level source along...
  9. D

    Is the Bohr Model Defined by Equating Coulomb and Centripetal Forces?

    So for this question I just want to make sure that 1. Bohr model is that F_coulomb = F_centripetal? and then get w(r) is called determind? 2. for (b) calculate the frequency, should I use Rydberg formula or what?
  10. mohamed_a

    I Classical analogy approach to quantum mechanics

    I have read about several approcahes to bypass some classical restrictions to quantum facts such as the electron being in a torus-like shape to avoid ,the greater than speed of light, rotation paradox . Could you recommend websites , sources or books that give good classical analogy to quantum...
  11. A

    A A good quantum number for Cnv symmetry?

    Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to define good quantum numbers in solid state physics or chemistry when systems posses a discrete cylindrical symmetry Cnv. I know that in terms of angular momentum, L and L_z will be good quantum numbers for spherical symmetry, then only L_z is a good...
  12. K

    I Particle on a sphere problem in quantum mechanics and its solution

    To solve a particle on a sphere problem in quantum mechanics we get the below equation :##\left[\frac{1}{\sin \theta} \frac{d}{d \theta}\left(\sin \theta \frac{d}{d \theta}\right)-\frac{m^{2}}{\sin ^{2} \theta}\right] \Theta(\theta)=-A \Theta(\theta) ## To solve this differential equation, we...
  13. Mr_Allod

    Edge States in Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE)

    Hello there, I am having trouble understanding what parts b-d of the question are asking. By solving the Schrodinger equation I got the following for the Landau Level energies: $$E_{n,k} = \hbar \omega_H(n+\frac 12)+\frac {\hbar^2k^2}{2m}\frac{\omega^2}{\omega_H^2}$$ Where ##\omega_H =...
  14. Tan Tixuan

    I Classical field in quantum field theory?

    In quantum field theory, we have the following expansion on a scalar field (I follow the convention of Schwarz's book) $$\phi(\vec{x},t)=\int d^3 p \frac{a_p exp(-ip_\mu x^\mu)+a_p^{\dagger}exp(ip_\mu x^\mu)}{(2\pi)^3 \sqrt{2\omega_p}} \quad p^{\mu}=(\omega_p,\vec{p})$$ With commutation relation...
  15. Mr_Allod

    Quantum Harmonic Oscillator with Additional Potential

    Hello there, I am trying to solve the above and I'm thinking that the solutions will be Hermite polynomials multiplied by a decaying exponential, much like the standard harmonic oscillator problem. The new Hamiltonian would be like so: $$H = - \frac \hbar {2m} \frac {d^2}{dx^2}\psi + \frac...
  16. Bob Walance

    B A homebrew quantum computer simulator

    A while ago I started writing a quantum computer simulator in order to learn more about quantum computing. It certainly has helped me. The simulator is written in Python and the development was done on a Raspberry Pi 4. It has also been tested on a pc. In order to see it do something useful I...
  17. F

    B Quantum entanglement and energy conservation

    As my current studies have proven conservation of energy is a universal law. How is it possible for two entangled particles to be equally or similarly affected when a force or energy is applied to a single member of the entangled pair? The production of such a pair would be invaluable to...
  18. Salmone

    I Inner products with spherical harmonics in quantum mechanics

    Let ##|l,m\rangle## be a simultaneous eigenstate of operators ##L^2## and ##L_z## and we want to calculate ##\langle l,m|cos(\theta)|l,m'\rangle## where ##\theta## is the angle ##[0,\pi]##. It is true that in general ##\langle l,m|cos(\theta)|l,m'\rangle=0## ##(1)## for the same ##l## even if...
  19. microatx

    B Does the quantum vacuum have information?

    Hey everyone, My question is simple. Has quantum vacuum information ? And can we measure it with Shannon Entropy and the other ways. By the way I just started to learn english so ı have any grammer mistake please tell me. I know this is out of subject but thank you.
  20. atyy

    A Calmet & Hsu: Quantum hair and black hole information

    https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60708711 Scientists claim hairy black holes explain Hawking paradox https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05171 Quantum Hair and Black Hole Information Xavier Calmet, Stephen D.H. Hsu It has been shown that the quantum state of the graviton field outside a...
  21. guyvsdcsniper

    Finding the quantum number using Morse Potential

    This problem had me take the taylor series of the Morse Potential, until I got the first non zero term. My result was U(x)=Aα2(x-x0)2. I know to find the quantum number I can use En=(n+1/2)ℏω and I know I can relate that to the potential energy of a harmonic oscillator, 1/2kx2. So if this...
  22. H

    A Exploring Quantum Measurements and Unitary Operators

    Hi Pfs I read this answer in https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/136/if-all-quantum-gates-must-be-unitary-what-about-measurement Quantum measurements are special cases of quantum channels (CPTP cards). Stinespring dilation states that any quantum channel is realized by...
  23. GiuliettaL

    How Can I Effectively Structure a 1500-Word Essay on Quantum Magnetism?

    (I have to write a 1500 word essay briefly explaining quantum magnetism. But i am having a hard time structuring my essay as I need to select what is crucial and what is not since 1500 words is not a lot. is there anyone with any input for me? Ideas, recommendations, sources anything is...
  24. C

    A Absorption and emission spectrum in quantum optics

    The emission spectrum or resonance fluorescence for a quantum dot, atom or defect center are discussed in many quantum optics textbook, for example see "Quantum Optics" by Marlan O. Scully and M. Suhail Zubairy Chapter 10 , "Quantum Optics" by D. F. Walls and Gerard J. Milburn Chapter 10 and...
  25. thedubdude

    B Special Relativity violation via Quantum Mechanics?

    We know that both momentum and position can not be known precisely simultaneously. The more precisely momentum is known means position is more uncertain. In fact, as I understand quantum mechanics, position probability never extends to 0% anywhere in the universe (except at infinity) for any...
  26. F

    I How to define expectation value in relativistic quantum mechanics?

    In non relativistic quantum mechanics, the expectation value of an operator ##\hat{O}## in state ##\psi## is defined as $$<\psi |\hat{O}|\psi>=\int\psi^* \hat{O} \psi dx$$. Since the scalar product in relativistic quantum has been altered into $$|\psi|^2=i\int\left(\psi^*\frac{\partial...
  27. jedishrfu

    So You Wanna Program a Quantum Computah Just Twist

  28. Arquimedes

    I What is the physical meaning of concurence (quantum information)?

    Hello, I am currently studying about entanglement on spin-1/2 chains and I was able to find some information about the mathematical point of view of concurrence but I can't understand the physical meaning of it . Can somebody help me, please?
  29. C

    I Building Quantum GR out of quantum rulers and quantum clocks

    Hi, has anyone tried to build "quantum GR", using the expectation value of |Psi(x)> as a "quantum ruler" and |Psi(t)> as a "quantum clock" to build up the idea of a "quantum metric"?
  30. A

    I Plasma-like Description for Elementary and Composite Quantum Particles

    My article has been published in Entropy . Abstract: Schrödinger noticed in 1952 that a scalar complex wave function can be made real by a gauge transformation. The author showed recently that one real function is also enough to describe matter in the Dirac equation in an arbitrary...
  31. A

    Quantum Need book recommendations for Quantum Chem/Nanomaterials

    I am trying to learn about quantum chemistry for the purpose of understanding electronic structures of nanomaterials, or perhaps more generally some theoretical computational approaches to understanding interactions of nanomaterials/small molecules and high energy (keV to MeV) radiation. I'm...
  32. jedishrfu

    How Effective is Credit Card Information Theft?

  33. A

    I Why Are There So Few Quantum Time Machine Models?

    As of today, there are plenty of time machine mathematical models based on general relativity theory (warp drives, wormholes), but few ones based on quantum physics. However, back in 2010, Seth Lloyd wrote: "quantum mechanics supports a variety of counter-intuitive phenomena which might allow...
  34. Lynch101

    I Quantum Ball and Cup - Thought Experiment

    I'm sure most will be familiar with the well-known ball and cup trick. The dynamics of the game itself are unimportant, we just need to have the image of 5 cups with a single ball being revealed when the relevant cup is lifted. The Set-up Imagine a machine which has a conveyor belt coming out...
  35. entropy1

    I Quantum Mechanics without time?

    Is there a view in quantummechanics, of quantummechanics, without time as a concept?
  36. M

    I Informational Interpretation of quantum mechanics?

    I heard something today about the "informational interpretation" of quantum mechanics and a phrase used was "it from bit." Is there actually such a thing? What does it mean, and how is it distinguished from other interpretations like MWI or Copenhagen?
  37. W

    Does Quantum Entanglement Define Our Existence?

    hello: I don’t know where to post this and I think this is as good a place as any here. question: does quantum entanglement explain how we are? I am having trouble Even trying to express the question above. But, I just viewed PBS space-time series 6 episode eight: “how do quantum states...
  38. Haorong Wu

    A About Ruling Out Real-Valued Standard Formalism of Quantum Theory

    https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.040403 In QM, I was taught that the imaginary unit ##i## in wave functions is merely a mathematical tool. It has no physical meaning. We can always take the real part of the complex wave functions. Therefore, there should be some...
  39. K

    I Definition of magnetic moment in quantum mechanics

    * The general formula for the magnetic moment of a charge configuration is defined as ##\vec{\mu} = \frac{1}{2} \int \vec{r} \times \vec{J} \,d^3r##* For an electron it's said that the correct equation relating it's spin and magnetic moment is is ##\vec{\mu} =g\frac{q}{2m}\vec{S}## * It's...
  40. phoenix-anna

    I Applications of the proposed global quantum network of clocks

    Physicists have proposed linking a global network of cesium clocks in a phase-coherent entangled state, for example in the article A Quantum Network of Clocks (arXiv:131045v1). My audience would like to know how better synchronization or more accurate timekeeping would lead to advances in our...
  41. D

    I Frequency of EM waves in classical and quantum physics

    in classical physics, when a charged particle oscillates, it emits an electromagnetic wave, and the frequency of the wave depends on the frequency with which the particle oscillates. But in quantum physics, when an excited atom emits a photon, the energy of the photon depends on the magnitude of...
  42. L

    B Quantum Entanglement information transmission idea to knock down....

    I work in IT and am a layman in the quantum world. I have obviously misunderstood something in my amateur reading of quantum, but if someone could explain my mistake in the above scenario it might be very insightful for me! Forgive me if the terminology is not correct - or if indeed lay folks'...
  43. hyksos

    A Call for experiment : Delayed Choice and Quantum Zeno Effect

    Under several historical experiments, measurement back-action has exhibited the ability the suppress a system's transitions to other states, especially when measurements are taken at a high frequency in time. This phenomena has become known as the Quantum Zeno Effect. In short, a quantum...
  44. Ravi Mohan

    What Are the Dimensions of Hilbert Space Elements in Quantum Mechanics?

    Hi Fellas! My first post after a long hiatus from forums. Feeling nostalgia (this is the place where it all began, my fuel for quantum fascination so to speak). I am revisiting the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics with the dimensional (MLT) perspective. I want to understand what...
  45. M

    I Is quantum gravity still an immensely popular field?

    I was just wondering how much work is being done in the field of quantum gravity nowdays. Is there still a huge volume of research published on the topic? Are we closer to a "solution" nowdays than we were a few years ago? And also, what exactly would constitute a solution to such problem?
  46. benagastov

    Finding all possible energy states faster without using a calculator

    I tried to find states in direct method using ##\frac{E}{E_0}=\:nx^2+ny^2+nz^2## and ##100\:<nx^2+ny^2+nz^2\:<\:136## But it was too long, found it using phi approximation there are around 300 energy states, and Python find around 271 states using direct method but I need manual or recursive...
  47. Somaiyah

    Help with deciding electives: Differential Geometry or Quantum Info

    Hello everyone, I wanted some help deciding which elective to choose. I am a junior and for my next semester I have the option to pick either Differential Geometry-I or Quantum Information. I am confused which one to choose. We will be doing QMII as a compulsory course next semester and I have...
  48. M

    Help on Learning Quantum Mechanics (Undergraduate)

    Summary:: I am in the highest level Quantum class at my university- technically considered a grad class. I am an undergrad and need advice on just how to learn it. What study tips? Good Youtubers? Physical simulations? Anything that helped you in quantum mechanics. Hello! I am an undergrad...
  49. Vectronix

    Quantum Modern Quantum Mechanics 3rd Ed: J. J. Sakurai & Jim Napolitano Review

    Is Modern Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Edition, by J. J. Sakurai and Jim Napolitano a good book to learn quantum mechanics from?