Random variables Definition and 351 Threads

  1. N

    CDF of correlated mixed random variables

    Hello, i m trying to evaluate the following: r*x - r*y ≤ g, where r,x,y are nonnegative random variables of different distribution families and g is a constant nonnegative value. Then, Pr[r*x - r*y ≤ g] = Pr[r*x ≤ g + r*y] = ∫ Fr x(g + r*y)*fr*y(y) dy, where F(.) and f(.) denote CDF and...
  2. L

    Sum of IID random variables and MGF of normal distribution

    If the distribution of a sum of N iid random variables tends to the normal distribution as n tends to infinity, shouldn't the MGF of all random variables raised to the Nth power tend to the MGF of the normal distribution? I tried to do this with the sum of bernouli variables and...
  3. P

    Sum of two independent uniform random variables

    Hi, http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/teaching_aids/books_articles/probability_book/Chapter7.pdf (see page 8, sum of two independent random variables). I don't understand why they had to go further into the limits, 1 < z < 2. Why do they have to do that? And also, where did they get it...
  4. S

    Expected values of random variables

    I don't completely understand why the area of the proof circled in red is true. Any advice would be appreciated. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33103477/Q1.jpg
  5. D

    Discrete Random Variables - Mean and Standard Deviation

    Homework Statement There are a set number of marbles in a bag; the marbles consist of two colors. We are given the mean number of marbles of color 1 in the bag, as well as color 1's standard deviation. We are then asked to find the mean and standard deviation of color 2.Homework Equations How...
  6. I

    Density of continuous random variables?

    Can you please help me find the density of the following functions? The density of an absolutely continuous random variable X is: fX(x) = { (3x^2-1)/12 if 1<x<2 { 1/2 if 2<x<3 { 0 elsewhere Find the density of Y where Y = 4X-2 Find the density of M where M = (X-2)^2 Thank you!
  7. E

    Covariance between functions of 3 random variables

    Find cov(Y,Z) where Y = 2X_1 - 3X_2 + 4X_3 and Z = X_1 + 2X_2 - X_3 Information given E(X_1) =4 E(X_2) = 9 E(X_3) = 5 E(Y) = -7 E(Z) = 26 I tried expanding cov(Y,Z) = E(YZ) - E(Y)E(Z) but can't figure out how to calculate E(YZ)
  8. R

    Chebychev's inequality for two random variables

    (I wasn't sure how to title this, it's just that the statement resembles Chebychev's but with two RV's.) Homework Statement Let \sigma_1^1 = \sigma_2^2 = \sigma^2 be the common variance of X_1 and X_2 and let [roh] (can't find the encoding for roh) be the correlation coefficient of X_1 and X_2...
  9. R

    Evaluating Conditional Probability of Several Random Variables

    Homework Statement Let X_1, X_2, X_3 be iid with common pdf f(x)=exp(-x), 0<x<infinity, 0 elsewhere. Evaluate P(X_1<X_2 | X_1<2X_2)Homework Equations f(X|Y) = f(x,y)/f(y) The Attempt at a Solution Since P(X_1<X_2) is a subset of P(X_1<2X_2), the intersection (edited, at first said union)...
  10. J

    Difficulty with summation of non-central chi-squared random variables

    Hi, I am struggling trying to find the (equation of the) pdf of the sum of (what I believe to be) two non-central chi-squared random variables. The formula given on wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noncentral_chi-squared_distribution) shows that the random variable associated with...
  11. Y

    Bivariate Transformation of Random Variables

    Homework Statement Two RVs X1 and X2 are continuous and have joint pdf f_{X_1,X_2}(x_1, x_2) = \begin{cases} x_1+x_2 &\mbox{for } 0 < x_1 < 1; 0 < x_2 < 1 \\ 0 & \mbox{ } \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} Find the pdf of Y = X_1X_2.Homework Equations I'm using the transformation "shortcut' that...
  12. R

    Probability that sum of two random variables is greater than 1

    Homework Statement Let us choose at random a point from the interval (0,1) and let the random variable X_1 be equal to the number which corresponds to that point. Then choose a point at random from the interval (0,x_1), where x_1 is the experimental value of X_1; and let the random variable...
  13. K

    Questions about Linear Combinations of Random Variables

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Y=1/2*(X1-X3)^2+1/14*(X2+2X4-3X5)^2The Attempt at a Solution For (a) part, I have only learned to find the moment-generating function of Y, but not finding the p.d.f. Moreover, the examples I have seen only involves random variables Xi to the power 1, but...
  14. M

    Sum of independent Random Variables

    Homework Statement Three yearly losses. First: Exponential Second & Third: Weibull Losses are independent. Find the 95% VaR of the min loss Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My first thought was: Let L be total loss, A be first Loss, B be second loss, C be third...
  15. N

    MHB Mgf of continuous random variables

    i have a simple enough question Find the MGF of a continuous random variable with the PDF: f(x) = 2x, 0<x<1 I understand MGF is calculated as: $$M(S) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} e^{Sx} f(x)dx$$ which would give me $$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} e^{Sx} 2xdx$$ but how would i compute this...
  16. J

    Need Some Mathematical Guidance Regarding Random Variables

    This is not a homework question but I project I am working on and need someone with more mathematical prowess than myself. I am using a computer program to draw random numbers from two independent distributions, x1 and x2, for two different cases and I want to establish a theoretical...
  17. J

    Expected Value of dependent random Variables

    Homework Statement We are given the following table and need to find the E(XY) X|Y y = 17 20 23 35 48 p(x) x = -20 0.02 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.2 0 0 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 1 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.2 3 0.01 0.02 0.03 0 0.04 0.1 17 0.18 0.04 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.3 p(y) 0.26 0.17 0.18 0.15...
  18. E

    Are random variables based on the same pmf or pdf always independent?

    Are they always independent from each other so that you can multiply their E[X] together to form another E[X] with the same distribution and pmf or pdf?
  19. trash

    Convergence of random variables.

    Homework Statement Given a sequence of independent random variables {X_n}, each one with distribution Exp(1). Show that Y_n = \displaystyle\frac{X_n}{\log(n)} with n \geq 2 converges to 0 in probability but it doesn't coverges almost surely to 0. Homework Equations Density for each X_n...
  20. L

    MHB Distribution of Fractional Polynomial of Random Variables

    Hi all, I would like to find the distribution (CDF or PDF) of a random variable Y, which is written as Y=X_1*X_2*...X_N/(X_1+X_2+...X_N)^N. X_1, X_2,...X_N are N i.i.d. random variables and we know they have the same PDF f_X(x). I know this can be solved by change of variables technique and...
  21. A

    MHB Property of independent random variables

    hello! I'm trying to understand the following property: Let X and Y be independent random variables z: = X + Y. Then http://imageshack.us/a/img268/9228/71pe.png where fZ (z) is the probability mass function for a discrete random variable defined as follows...
  22. P

    Calculating ρ(Y,Z) for Independent Variables X1..Xn+Xn+1

    the random variables X1,X2... are independent and they take 0 and 1 values and they have expected value 0 if we have Y=X1+X2+...+Xn and Z=X1+X2+...+Xn+Xn+1 what is the ρ(Y,Z) for n=46 i know that ρ(Y,Z)=cov(Y,Z)/(sqrt(var(Y)*sqrt(var(Z)) but i need some help on how to find the cov and vars...
  23. Barioth

    MHB Z = X/Y independant continuous random variables

    Hi, Let's say I'm given X and Y identical independant continuous random variables. We pose Z =X/Y, I remember there is a way to find the density function of Z, altough I can't get to remember how to do it and my probability book is out of town.(And I'm not so sure what to look for in google)...
  24. T

    Problem with probability theory and random variables

    Hello. I have a problem with probability theory task. The task is: X and Y is independent random variables with same density function fx=fy=f. What will be probability of P(X>Y). This P(X>Y) reminds me a cdf: P(X>Y)=1-P(X<Y)=1-cdf of X. Cdf of x is equal to integral ∫f dx from -inf to...
  25. P

    Pdf of weighted uniform random variables

    Let x(1),...,x(N) all be independent uniformally distributed variables defined on (0,1), i.e. (x(1),...,x(N)) - U(0,1). Define the random variable y(i) = x(i)/(x(1)+...+x(N)) for all i=1,...,N. I’m looking for the pdf of the random variables y(1),…,y(N). Has anyone come across such random...
  26. G

    Function of two random variables

    Homework Statement We have two independent, exponentially distributed random variables X and Y (with parameter a). Z = X/(X+Y) What is Z:s distributon function? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think I need some intuition to what I'm really doing with these, I'm having a...
  27. E

    Correlation between random variables

    Homework Statement Find correlation between random variables x and y in the following: $$P_{x,y}(x,y)=A \ xy \ e^{-(x^2)}e^{-\frac{y^2}{2}}u(x)u(y)$$ Homework Equations The co-variance ##\sigma_{xy}=\overline{(x-\bar{x})(y-\bar{y})}## or ##\sigma_{xy}=\overline{xy}-\bar{x}\bar{y}##...
  28. I

    Random variables and Random processes.

    I didn't post this in the probability section cause the questions I have are more regarded to communication system engineering. I haven't actually been able to wrap my head around these concepts mainly cause all the study material I use have these really ambiguous explanations of each...
  29. D

    Density of probability/function of random variables question

    Hi everyone, I have the following exercise. Fx(x)=0, x<-1 or x>1 Fx(x)=1/2, x=[-1;1] g(x)=x^2+1 --- this is the function of random variable I must calculate Fy which is the sum of solutions of g(xk)=y , Fy(y)=sumFx(xk)/|g`(xk)| g(x) is bijective on [-1;1] y=x^2+1=> x=+sqrt(y-1) or x=-sqrt(y-1)...
  30. S

    Pdf of angle formed by two normal random variables

    Hi Everyone! I have two normally distributed random variables. One on the x axis, the other on the y axis, like a complex normal random variable. I'm trying to find the pdf of the angle between a fixed point on the x-y plane(let's say point 1,0) and the vector formed by combining the two...
  31. T

    What Is the PDF of X^2 for a Uniformly Distributed Variable X?

    Oke this is a simple question but it has me a bit stumped. Given a random variable X with a uniform probability distribution between [0,2]. What is the probability distribution function (pdf) of X^2 ?
  32. S

    Joint, Continuous Random Variables Question

    Homework Statement Let X and Y have the joint probability density function f(x,y)=k(1-y), if 0<x<y<1 and 0 elsewhere. a)Find the value of k that makes this pdf valid. b) Find P(X<3/4,Y>1/2) c) Find the marginal density function of X and Y d) Find the expected value and variance of X and...
  33. E

    Joint PDF of two continuous random variables

    Homework Statement The joint PDF (probability density function) ##p_{X,Y}(x,y)## of two continuous random variables by: $$ p_{X,Y}= Axy e^{-(x^2)}e^{\frac{-y^2}{2}}u(x)u(y)$$ a) find A b) Find ##p_X (x), \ p_{y}, \ p_{X|Y}(x|y), and \ p_{Y|X}(y|x)## Homework Equations The first...
  34. L

    Problem with discrete and continuous random variables

    Homework Statement A binary information source produces 0 and 1 with equal probability. The output of the source, denoted as X, is transmitted via an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The output of the channel, denoted as Y, satisfies Y = X + N, where the random noise N has the...
  35. M

    MHB Discrete or Continuous: 4 Random Variables

    Classify the following as discrete or continuous random variables. (A) The number of people in India (B) The time it takes to overhaul an engine (C) The blood pressures of patients admitted to a hospital in one day (D) The length of a centipede
  36. J

    Stats: Covariace of 2 Random Variables

    Homework Statement Let X ~ Exponential(3) and Y ~ Poisson(5). Assume X and Y are independent. Let Z = X + Y. Compute the Cov(X,Z).Homework Equations I know Cov(X, Z) = E(XZ) - E(X)E(Z). But how do I compute E(XZ) and E(Z) ?? Since for E(XZ), I would need the pdf/pmf (Exp is abs cts, while...
  37. M

    Calculating Density Function of Joint Independent Exponential Random Variables

    X and Y are independent, exponentially distributed random variables - with possibly different parameters Determine the density func. of Z = X / Y How to attack ?
  38. A

    Discrete Bivariate Random Variables

    Here is the question: Consider the experiment of rolling two tetrahedra that are unfair in the sense that each has the following probabilities for each of the four faces: P{1 dot}=1/10 P{2 dots}=2/10 P{3 dots}=3/10 P{4 dots}=4/10 Let X be the total of the outcomes in the two...
  39. C

    Characteristic function of Sum of Random Variables

    Homework Statement Let X,W,Y be iid with a common geometric density f_x(x)= p(1-p)^x for x nonnegative integer and p is in the interval (0,1) What is the characteristic function of A= X-2W+3Y ? Determine the family of the conditional distribution of X given X+W? Homework Equations...
  40. N

    Integration of random variables

    Homework Statement f(x,y)= (4/5)(x+3y)exp(-x-2y) for x,y, >0 Find E[Y|X] Homework Equations E[Y|X] =integral y *f_xy (x,y)/ f_x (x) dy The Attempt at a Solution f_x (x) = integral [o,∞] [4/5](x+3y)exp(-x-2y) dx = (2x+3)/(5exp(x)) When taking the integral of y[(4/5)(x+3y)exp(-x-2y)] /...
  41. S

    Sum of binomial random variables

    Homework Statement let y_1 and y_2 be iid bin(5,1/4) random variables let v=y_1+2*y_2 and u = 3*y_1 -2y_2 find f_uv (u,v) and the cov(u,v) Homework Equations f_y (y) = (5 choose y) (1/4)^y (3/4)^5-x for x=0,1,2,3,4,5 covariance=E(uv)-E(u)E(v) The Attempt at a Solution...
  42. G

    Conditional expectation of a product of two independent random variables

    Suppose that α and β are independently distributed random variables, with means; μ_α, μ_b and variances; δ_α^2, δ_β^2, respectively. Further, let c=αβ+e, where e is independently distributed from α and β with mean 0 and variance δ_e^2. Does it hold that E(αβ | c) = E(α|c)...
  43. A

    Random Variables and Transformations

    In the last question in this link: http://pages.uoregon.edu/csinclai/teaching/Fall2009/files/hw8.pdf 1) I did not understand how they got the region for y1, y2, and y3... 2) How would the solution be different (or not possible) if X1, X2, and X3 were not iid? Thanks in advance
  44. iVenky

    What is the pdf of multiplication of two random variables?

    We have two independent random variables X and Y whose pdfs are given as f(x) and f(y). Now when you multiply X and Y you get a random variable say Z. Now what is the resulting pdf f(z)? I mean how is that related to the pdf of f(x) and f(y)? From what I read it looks like f(z)=f(x) *...
  45. E

    Explain p.d.f. of the sum of random variables

    Hi, I need your help, Say we have two random variables with some joint pdf f(x,y). How would I go about finding the pdf of their sum?
  46. I

    Placing random variables in order

    Hello Let's say we have some continuous i.i.d random variables X_1, \ldots X_n from a known distribution with some parameter \theta We then place them in ascending order X_{(1)}, \ldots X_{(n)} such that X_{(i)}, < X_{(i+1)}. We call this operation T(\mathbf{X}) where \mathbf{X} is our...
  47. A

    Bernoulli Distribution/ Random Variables

    Homework Statement Take Ω = [0, 1] and P the uniform probability. (a) Give an example of two random variables X and Y defined on Ω that both have the same Bernoulli distribution with parameter θ = 1/3. (b) Give an example of such random variables that are independent, and not independent...
  48. S

    Cumulative distribution of binomial random variables

    Homework Statement The probability of being dealt a full house is approximately 0.0014. Find the probability that in 1000 hands of poker you will be dealt at least 2 full houses Homework Equations I can use binomial distribution. The Attempt at a Solution The probability of getting...
  49. M

    The product of exponential and a uniform random variables

    Homework Statement I'm trying to show that U(X+Y) = X in distribution, where X and Y are independent exp(λ) distributed and U is uniformly distributed on (0,1) independent of X+Y.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution X+Y is gamma(2,λ) distributed. But I can't figure out how to deal with...
  50. P

    Can a Discrete Random Variable's CDF Jump at Every Rational Number?

    I have seen the following "extension" of discrete random variables definition, from: pediaview.com/openpedia/Probability_distributions (Abstract) "... Equivalently to the above, a discrete random variable can be defined as a random variable whose cumulative distribution function (cdf)...