Random Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. M

    "Understanding Random Process X(t) and Its Sample Realizations

    Problem statement: Define the random process X(t) = C where C is uniform over [-5,5]. a) Sketch a few sample realizations I need reassurance that if I do a a few sample realizations of this random process they are all going to look the same. They are going to be an horizontal line with...
  2. T

    Problem with probability theory and random variables

    Hello. I have a problem with probability theory task. The task is: X and Y is independent random variables with same density function fx=fy=f. What will be probability of P(X>Y). This P(X>Y) reminds me a cdf: P(X>Y)=1-P(X<Y)=1-cdf of X. Cdf of x is equal to integral ∫f dx from -inf to...
  3. M

    Is a Binomial Distribution the Correct Approach for a Random Walk Problem?

    Random walk or binomial?? Statement: A drunk person wonders aimlessly along a path by going forward 1 step and backward 1 step with equal probabilities of ½. After 10 steps, a) what is the probability that he has moved 2 steps forward? b) What is the probability that he will make it to his...
  4. M

    Probability of Random Walk and Reaching a Destination with Equal Probabilities

    Statement: A drunk person wonders aimlessly along a path by going forward 1 step and backward 1 step with equal probabilities of ½. After 10 steps, a) what is the probability that he has moved 2 steps forward? b) What is the probability that he will make it to his front door within 20 steps...
  5. E

    The average of a random process

    Hello all, I have the following continuous-time random process: v(t)=\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}\alpha_k(t)d_k+w(t) where d_k are i.i.d. random variables with zero mean and variance 1, alpha_k(t) is given, and w(t) is additive white Gaussian process of zero-mean and variance N_0. Can we say...
  6. P

    Pdf of weighted uniform random variables

    Let x(1),...,x(N) all be independent uniformally distributed variables defined on (0,1), i.e. (x(1),...,x(N)) - U(0,1). Define the random variable y(i) = x(i)/(x(1)+...+x(N)) for all i=1,...,N. I’m looking for the pdf of the random variables y(1),…,y(N). Has anyone come across such random...
  7. Jameson

    MHB Transformation of a random variable (exponential)

    Problem: Suppose that $X \text{ ~ Exp}(\lambda)$ and denote its distribution function by $F$. What is the distribution of $Y=F(X)$? My attempt: First off, I'm assuming this is asking for the CDF of $Y$. Sometimes it's not clear what terminology refers to the PDF or the CDF for me. $P[Y \le y]=...
  8. Jameson

    MHB Transformation of random variable (uniform)

    This is something that when I see the work done it makes sense, but I find it difficult to do myself. I'm also aware there is an explicit formula for doing this but that involves Jacobians and a well-defined inverse, so I think it's more intuitive to do it step-by-step. Problem: Suppose $X...
  9. A

    MHB How Does Professor Roberto's Grading System Affect Student Scores?

    Professor Roberto has to take an oral examination. The grading scale is as follows: 5: = best and 1: = worst. At most he only gives the note 4. Each student under review is questioned if he is a Lakers fan. The student's grade is based on his answer (is a fan / not a fan) and on the language in...
  10. G

    Function of two random variables

    Homework Statement We have two independent, exponentially distributed random variables X and Y (with parameter a). Z = X/(X+Y) What is Z:s distributon function? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think I need some intuition to what I'm really doing with these, I'm having a...
  11. G

    Function of random variable, limits of integration

    Homework Statement X is uniformly distributed over [-1,1]. Compute the density function f(y) of Y = 2X2 + 1. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution FY(Y) = P(Y < y) = P(2X2 + 1 < y) = P(X < +\sqrt{1/2(y-1)} = FX(+\sqrt{1/2(y-1)}) We have that f(x) = 0.5 for -1 < x <...
  12. E

    Correlation between random variables

    Homework Statement Find correlation between random variables x and y in the following: $$P_{x,y}(x,y)=A \ xy \ e^{-(x^2)}e^{-\frac{y^2}{2}}u(x)u(y)$$ Homework Equations The co-variance ##\sigma_{xy}=\overline{(x-\bar{x})(y-\bar{y})}## or ##\sigma_{xy}=\overline{xy}-\bar{x}\bar{y}##...
  13. I

    Random variables and Random processes.

    I didn't post this in the probability section cause the questions I have are more regarded to communication system engineering. I haven't actually been able to wrap my head around these concepts mainly cause all the study material I use have these really ambiguous explanations of each...
  14. Evo

    Can PF Random Thoughts be Split to Help with Server Load?

    In order to help with server load, we are splitting up the larger threads. This is a continuation of the original Random Thoughts thread located here https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=338126
  15. D

    Density of probability/function of random variables question

    Hi everyone, I have the following exercise. Fx(x)=0, x<-1 or x>1 Fx(x)=1/2, x=[-1;1] g(x)=x^2+1 --- this is the function of random variable I must calculate Fy which is the sum of solutions of g(xk)=y , Fy(y)=sumFx(xk)/|g`(xk)| g(x) is bijective on [-1;1] y=x^2+1=> x=+sqrt(y-1) or x=-sqrt(y-1)...
  16. M

    CMB Angular Distribution: Understanding Gaussian Random Fields

    Dear all, I don't understand why the Cosmic Microwave Background's angular distribution is considered to to a Gaussian random field initially. The rest of the analysis is roughly clear to me, COBE/WMAP/PLANCK measure the CMB Photons and show the temperature fluctuations w.r.t. the mean...
  17. S

    Difference between systematic and random errors

    I learned that random errors cannot be controlled and cannot be eliminated but only be reduced (averaging allows a result that is below the accepted answer to be accounted for by another result that is higher than the accepted result) and so it would cause bad precision. While systematic errors...
  18. S

    Pdf of angle formed by two normal random variables

    Hi Everyone! I have two normally distributed random variables. One on the x axis, the other on the y axis, like a complex normal random variable. I'm trying to find the pdf of the angle between a fixed point on the x-y plane(let's say point 1,0) and the vector formed by combining the two...
  19. T

    Definition issue frequency domain - Random Signal Processing

    Hello i have a question about Random Signal Processing and the frequency domain. If i understand correctly one cannot use the Fourier transform to represent a stochastic process in the frequency domain. What is therefore used is the Power Spectral Density: S_X(f)=F\{R_X(\tau)\} Were F...
  20. twoski

    Generating a Random Variable with a Specific Distribution Function

    Homework Statement Give a method for generating a random variable with distribution function F(x) = 1/2(x+x^{2}) 0<x<1 The Attempt at a Solution From what i can tell i am supposed to do something like: Let U be a uniformly distributed random variable over (0,1). U =...
  21. D

    What is the Cumulative Distribution Function for a Continuous Random Variable?

    The cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variable is given as follows: 0 0 ( ) 0 5 5 1 5 X if x x F x if x x           a. Determine and name the density function of . [02] b. Use both and ( ) X F x to find P(X  3) . [05] c. Find the variance of ...
  22. T

    What Is the PDF of X^2 for a Uniformly Distributed Variable X?

    Oke this is a simple question but it has me a bit stumped. Given a random variable X with a uniform probability distribution between [0,2]. What is the probability distribution function (pdf) of X^2 ?
  23. S

    Joint, Continuous Random Variables Question

    Homework Statement Let X and Y have the joint probability density function f(x,y)=k(1-y), if 0<x<y<1 and 0 elsewhere. a)Find the value of k that makes this pdf valid. b) Find P(X<3/4,Y>1/2) c) Find the marginal density function of X and Y d) Find the expected value and variance of X and...
  24. E

    Joint PDF of two continuous random variables

    Homework Statement The joint PDF (probability density function) ##p_{X,Y}(x,y)## of two continuous random variables by: $$ p_{X,Y}= Axy e^{-(x^2)}e^{\frac{-y^2}{2}}u(x)u(y)$$ a) find A b) Find ##p_X (x), \ p_{y}, \ p_{X|Y}(x|y), and \ p_{Y|X}(y|x)## Homework Equations The first...
  25. L

    Showing a random Variable has a continuous uniform distribution

    f(x)=1, θ-1/2 ≤ x ≤ θ+1/2 Given that Z=(b-a)(x-θ)+(1/2)(a+b) how would you show that Z has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval (a,b)? Any help would be much appreciated.
  26. twoski

    Solving Normal Random Variable Equations for P(X(X-1) > 2) and P(|X| > a)

    Homework Statement X is a normal random variable with mean 1, variance 4. 1. Find P( X(X-1) > 2 ) 2. Find a value 'a' for which P(|X| > a ) = .25 The Attempt at a Solution I had no idea how to start 1. For 2, i got this far then got stuck: P(|X| > a) = 1 - P((X-1)/2 <=...
  27. S

    Random Walk on a Circle: How Does the Last Unique Position Visited Distribute?

    Homework Statement Consider a random walk on a circle of N points, labeled {0,1,...,N-1}. Let the initial state be X = 0 and define T to be the first time all points have been visited at least once. Show that the distribution of X[T] (i.e. last unique position visited) is uniform over...
  28. T

    Dealing with Random Coefficients in Linear Differential Equations

    How does one go about dealing with a linear differential equation with random but constant coefficients (e.g. X''(t) + A*X'(t) + B*X(t) = 0 where A and B are random variables, but are constant with time)? I've searched for things like random differential equations and stochastic differential...
  29. M

    Random process derived from Markov process

    I have a query on a Random process derived from Markov process. I have stuck in this problem for more than 2 weeks. Let r(t) be a finite-state Markov jump process described by \begin{alignat*}{1} \lim_{dt\rightarrow 0}\frac{Pr\{r(t+dt)=j/r(t)=i\}}{dt} & =q_{ij} \end{alignat*} when i \ne...
  30. M

    MHB Probability of Random Card Selection from 32-card Deck

    Three cards are randomly selected, without replacement, from a deck of 32. (without King of spades, Jack of hearts, jack of spades and queen of clubs) Find the probability a) That the cards are without spades and of choosing at least one ace b) of choosing the same suit and there are no face...
  31. V

    Product of random variable with Unif dist and its variance

    First of, I apologize for the vague title, I didn't know how to summarize this issue. Homework Statement Suppose that the interest rate obtained in month i is a random variable Ri with the uniform distribution on [0.01, 0.03], where R1,R2, . . . are independent. A capital of 1 unit...
  32. J

    Bootstrapping using a random number generator?

    I've been using this MATLAB function a guy gave me to crunch numbers on some EEG data from patients. If you have any idea what it does, let me know. From what I can tell it's somehow using random numbers to calculate the probability of getting certain power values? He doesn't comment his code...
  33. B

    Simulating a probability, use a random number?

    Hello, I looking for some advice for a simulation. I know that when an electric car arrives at a destination there is a 70% chance that a charging point will be available. I'm building a model that models electric car journeys. When a car arrives at a destination would I simulate a random...
  34. D

    Random oceanography related mathematics

    Problem Given: Scientists estimate that the flow southward of the North Atlantic deep-water current is 10 Sverdrups. (A Sverdrup is 1 million meters3 per second) If the volume of the Atlantic Ocean is 3.24 X 1017 meters3, how many years would be required for the entire Atlantic Ocean to...
  35. twoski

    Probability and Poisson Random Variable

    Homework Statement A trial consists of throwing two dice. The result is counted as successful if the sum of the outcomes is 12. What is the probability that the number of successes in 36 such trials is greater than one? What is this probability if we approximate its value using the Poisson...
  36. S

    Debugging Random Function in C: Generates Only "3

    Can someone tell me why this random function is not random? I copied it exactly from my textbook, however, it only generates a "3", rather than a random number (1, 2, or 3). int randomMove ()//generates a random move for player 2 { int x = rand () % 3 + 1; return x; } int...
  37. Government$

    Is QM truly random and many world theory

    Hi everybody, i didn't wanted to create two separate threads so merged them into one. i got confused watching Brian Green explaining QM on one of his shows. He compared distribution in double slit experiments with throwing a ball on a roulette. He said that casino doesn't have to know...
  38. *Kia*

    Who Are These Adorable Cats on Kia-Glitz?

    Spice http://www.kia-glitz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Spice-Watching.jpg Staring wistfully out the window into the night http://www.kia-glitz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Spice-CloseUp2.jpg Isn’t he just adorable? Pepper...
  39. A

    Cdf of a discrete random variable and convergence of distributions

    In the page that I attached, it says "...while at the continuity points x of F_x (i.e., x \not= 0), lim F_{X_n}(x) = F_X(x)." But we know that the graph of F_X(x) is a straight line y=0, with only x=0 at y=1, right? But then all the points to the right of zero should not be equal to the limit of...
  40. W

    Expected Value and Binomial Random Variable

    1. In scanning electron microscopy photography, a specimen is placed in a vacuum chamber and scanned by an electron beam. Secondary electrons emitted from the specimen are collected by a detector and an image is displayed on a cathode-ray tube. This image is photographed. In the past a 4- ...
  41. L

    Problem with discrete and continuous random variables

    Homework Statement A binary information source produces 0 and 1 with equal probability. The output of the source, denoted as X, is transmitted via an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The output of the channel, denoted as Y, satisfies Y = X + N, where the random noise N has the...
  42. M

    Fortran How Does Fortran Generate Random Numbers?

    Fortran's Random numbers! Hi everyone! I have a doubt about random numbers on Fortran: how does the computer choose random numbers? Why don't they change each time I run the programme? Are they really random then? Thanks!
  43. O

    MHB Discrete-continuous random variable

    Hello everyone! I'm looking at the following random variables: $Z_1$ is normally distributed with zero mean and variance $\sigma _1 ^2$ $Z_2$ is normally distributed with zero mean and variance $\sigma _2 ^2$ $B$ is Bernoulli with probability of success $p$. $X$ is a random variable that...
  44. E

    Convergence of non increasing sequence of random number

    I have a non-increasing sequence of random variables \{Y_n\} which is bounded below by a constant c, \forall \omega \in \Omega. i.e \forall \omega \in \Omega, Y_n \geq c, \forall n. Is it true that the sequence will converge to c almost surely? Thanks
  45. M

    MHB Discrete or Continuous: 4 Random Variables

    Classify the following as discrete or continuous random variables. (A) The number of people in India (B) The time it takes to overhaul an engine (C) The blood pressures of patients admitted to a hospital in one day (D) The length of a centipede
  46. C

    What is the Asymptotic Volume Fraction of Randomly Distributed Spheres in a Box?

    Hey guys, I need to fill up a box with uniformly distributed set of non-overlapping spheres. This is quite easy to do numerically. I was wondering what is expectation value for the asymptotic volume fraction of the spheres. Suppose I have a big box with side L, and spheres with radius R<<L. I...
  47. J

    Fourier representation of a random function

    Consider continuous function x(t), which has zero time average: \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{T}\int_{-T/2}^{T/2} x(t)\,dt = 0 and exponentially decaying autocorrelation function: \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{T}\int_{-T/2}^{T/2} x(t)x(t-\tau)\,dt = C_0e^{-\gamma |\tau|}...
  48. J

    Discrete-time discrete-valued random process

    I have the random process: Sequence 1: 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ... Sequence 2: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ... Sequence 3: 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ... where let nature choose one of these sequences at random with equal probability 1/3. Can we say anything about this...
  49. C

    Find Cartan Subalgebra for Algebra Given Generators

    Hey! I am studying group theory for particle physicists right now and I came across the following general question (Tell me if you think this rather belongs to the homework section, I am new here.) Say I am given a set of matrices which represent the generators of an algebra, but I don't know...
  50. suyver

    Is the Mean of a Sum of Randomly Chosen Numbers Always 1?

    I choose a random number p_1 \in [0,1) and a subsequent series of (increasingly smaller) random numbers p_i \in [0, p_{i-1}). Then I can calculate the sum \sum_{i=1}^\infty p_i. Naturally, this sum is dependent on the random numbers chosen, so its particular result is not very insightful...