Reason Definition and 290 Threads

  1. A

    News The reason you cant be flat footed in the military

    the reason you can't be flat footed in the military is because you have a lot of back, hip, and knee problems. I have wanted to join the military since i was a little kid. but recently i have just found out that i can't since i am flat footed. and that is the reason. I know for a fact because I...
  2. V

    For some reason, the syntax is not working and will not print what I

    For some reason, the syntax is not working and will not print what I am coding so I will just direct you to this link:" I am trying to analytically find a solution to the second order differential equation for the case n = 5. I...
  3. R

    Genes are the reason for this and that

    There's constantly people saying that genes are the reason for this and that. But I don't get it, as far as I know we have somewhat of an understanding of what genes do. And if I'm not completely mistaken what genes do is encode a certain family of proteins and regulate their expression in the...
  4. R

    Medical What is the reason for that tiny dirt?

    Dear All, May i ask you all one important question? Sometimes, yes, many times, we get some sort of dirt in our eyes (very light yellow color). What is the reason for that tiny dirt? why one get it ? Is that really a problem ? Or if one works all the time in front of a PC will get it ? WHat is...
  5. M

    What is exact reason behind choosing basic primitive shapes for elements in FEA?

    what is exact reason behind choosing basic primitive shapes for elements in FEA? Why it can't be hexagonal, pentagonal, octagonal, etc. in both cases 2D and 3D... Thanks in advance...
  6. 2

    Microscopic reason why refractive index typically increases with frequency?

    I'm thinking of normal dispersion, of course, far from any resonances, say in bk5 glass or water. I thought it might be due to higher-frequency light undergoing more collisions, but I'm not sure. Thanks!
  7. J

    Medical Reason for taking birth control pills

    Reason for taking "birth control" pills One time my sister told me she was taking 'birth control' pills. She has never had sex. She never does either. I asked her why she was taking them and she couldn't give me an answer. So my question is, why would someone take them if they have no risk of...
  8. W

    Do Scientific Models Need to Reflect Underlying Realities to Be Valid?

    While I know next to nothing about the philosophy of science, I would think about scientific models and explore whether there are features of these models that should be required in order to say they make a good theory or whether any model that predicts the data is as good as any other. From...
  9. 2

    The real reason why I care about mathematical models for flirting

    Hopefully you don't mind me saying this, I get the impression PhysicsForums is trying to tell me to turn my mind into a vegetable because all thoughts/feelings are automatically found in a book no matter what and so you have to purge all your feelings. I wonder if coming up with some...
  10. C

    What Caused My Account to Be Disabled? A Scientist's Perspective

    Hello again everyone. I am chaoseverlasting, for some reason my account got disabled. Is it the name length?
  11. S

    Why Is Earth's Potential Set to Zero? Exploring the Reason

    Hi all I want to know that why Earth potential is set to zero? what is the reason?
  12. N

    The real reason why women wear high-heeled shoes.

    This thread is to honor the 200th birthday of the great Charles Darwin coming up this February. Anyway, back to the topic at-hand. I hypothesize that the reason why female humans wear high-heeled shoes ("pumps") is to gain a deceptive advantage in their physical height. This will make them...
  13. dextercioby

    Why Does Term Not Appear in Classical Lagrangian for Spin 1/2 Electrodynamics?

    There's been quite a while since reading some serious physics, so i forgot some key points. The question I'm about to ask may seem trivial for a knowledgeable person, but I can't find the answer and I thought it is easier to get a right answer here, than wondering through a dozen of QFT books...
  14. H

    Reason for Resistor Before an Op-Amp Follower?

    I'm designing a circuit for experimental use. I'll make this as quick as possible. Browsing other circuit designs on the web, I initially noticed "followers" placed between other op-amp app's (adders, integrators, inverters, etc). From what I can tell, putting in followers like this must be...
  15. N

    Why Integrate from 0 to I for Inductor Energy Calculation

    why they integrate in from 0 till I in order to find the energy on the inductor
  16. H

    Reason for Incorrect Algebraic Equation?

    The first equation is false whil second is true. What is reason?
  17. L

    Is there an evolutionary or other reason that men get bald but women don't?

    I'm not looking for any causal explanations, i.e. "men stop making testosteron which causes baldness". I'm not saying this is the case - just so you know what i mean. But is there a reason evolutionary reason, or anything similar, that men lose their hair whereas women don't?
  18. V

    Embarrassment Over Equations: Is It Justified?

    Hi! I'm new here by the way. But I've been pondering on one question for quite a few weeks. Is there any reason to feel embarrased if i don't understand 60% of the equations on this forum? I feel embarrased, but are there any reason to? I'm 15 so I am not really sure wether this is on PHD...
  19. pellman

    Reason for Fourier transform convention in QM?

    I always tended to think that we ought to use formulae which explicitly remind us that position and momentum are on equal footing in quantum theory (even though this may not be ultimately true) and write my transforms symmetrically f(x)=(2\pi)^{-3/2}\int{F(p)e^{ix\cdot p}d^3p...
  20. Cyrus

    One more reason why I hate American Cars

    Not only are they ugly and break down, they screwed their own dealerships left and right! Why anyone would every buy an American car again boggles my mind. The shut down dealerships and ruined those buissness owners lives without a care. Just for that, I'll never, ever buy a GM car as long as...
  21. M

    Reason for dividing peak value by sq. root 2 to get RMS

    I NEED TO GET A DERIVATION SO THAT I CAN MATHEMATICALLY UNDERSTAND WHY: The peak voltage or current is divided by square root 2 to get the root mean square value.please i need a simple derivation just to understand,i will be very greatful for ur consideration.thankyou.
  22. B

    Physical reason for diagonal matrix

    Whats the physical reason for a diagonalized matrix with the eigenvalues of the system as the values? Reading from wiki, it seems that its something to do with the Schrodinger Eqn, but I don't follow that. If someone could explain the point of it to me in plain English (or as close as it...
  23. W

    Investigating Reason: How to Reason about Logic

    How do we investigate reason, when the only tool of investigation we have is reason itself? If we want to test the laws of logic, then we must in the first place reason about them; and we must reason about the outcome of our tests. But then we would have had used the laws of logic in the...
  24. T

    Fundamental reason behind Aufbau principle

    This principle states that the electron starts filling from the lowest energy up. Why?
  25. J

    News What is the reason of demonstration in Greece?

    I have heard the demostration in Greece via news of press. but the news from world-wide press are not correspond to common sense. because press make money from advertisement of corperation, they are apt to disguise reality. I think only death of one boy can not provoke such situation...
  26. P

    Exploring the Natural Value of the Speed of Light

    Is there a reason that c has that particular value?
  27. O

    What is the reason that 1/x is not lebesgue integrable?

    What is the reason that 1/x is not lebesgue integrable where as 1/x^2 is integrable. You can use any theorems: monotone convergence, dominated convergence you want.
  28. V

    Fluid Flow: Pressure vs Gravity Explained

    recently i was asked one question in an interview! How fluids flow? i mean whether it is because of pressure difference or any other reason. one more thing! could anyone explain me what is actually the pressure of a fluid and what is the gravitational force exerted on fluid(i.e weight, as i...
  29. O

    News Andrew Sullivan is a blatant liar-slanders Chomsky on air for no reason

    Is this the new face of intellectual conservatism? Andrew Sullivan, supposedly one of the intellectual conservatives, even writing for the Atlantic (what possibly does he have to say that is profound) continues to lie on nationalism television: uCHBLt-w9wE[/youtube] First of all, he...
  30. N

    Reason behind the definition of Helmholtz free Energy

    What is the reasoning behind defining the helmholtz free energy as F = -kT ln Z? I always wanted to know why it was just defined as the above. Is it as a form of convenience because the macroscopic theromodynamic observables of a system at constant temperature (ie the canonical ensemble) are...
  31. C

    Is there any reason the Universe must have a wave function?

    I believe it does, but I'm having a debate with someone and I'm trying to prove why the universe must have a wave function. I was under impression the best equations for describing our universe involve it having it's own wave but he's asserting it doesn't need one. Can anyone help me? Super newb...
  32. C

    Is there any reason the Universe must have a wave function?

    I believe it does, but I'm having a debate with someone and I'm trying to prove why the universe must have a wave function. I was under impression the best equations for describing our universe involve it having it's own wave but he's asserting it doesn't need one. Can anyone help me?
  33. B

    Could it be possible that gravity is the reason why the universe is expanding?

    Could it be possible that gravity is the reason why the universe is expanding? When stars die and some create gravity waves, those waves are expanding at/around the speed of light. The waves then are traveling faster than a planets'/suns' gravity. Therefore the wave would pull in until it...
  34. lisab

    News Another reason for me to hate the Yankees

    A Fox News reporter implies that the Obamas' fist bump could have been a "terrorist fist jab": The piece goes on to examine non-verbal communication, but she never explains why the fist bump has terrorist implications. A...
  35. honestrosewater

    The Principle of Sufficient Reason and Incompleteness

    The PSR is stated along the lines of "nothing is without a reason for its being". From Schopenhauer's": His complaint seems misdirected to me. Does the negation...
  36. wolram

    Reason for people crossing their legs - a habit?

    Is the reason for people crossing their legs habit, youngsters do not do it far as my observational skills can tell, i seem to do it automatically.
  37. E

    News One Reason I Can't Take All the Science on Global Warming Seriously

    One Reason I Can't Take All the "Science" on Global Warming Seriously
  38. S

    Whats The answer and reason of this?

    Hi there i was thinking about this question but i can't get the solution for solving it The question is:- A number of capacitors each of 2µF are connected as shown in the figure given below: (Please open the link below) What is the net...
  39. H

    What's the possible reason for that?

    Hi all, I am writing an M-file to solve my non-linear equation system. Finally it works, but the problem is sometimes it takes about 20 seconds for a solution, sometimes the computer is just suspended. Even when I run the 1st time, it's ok, then rerun (same parameters), it gets stuck. Can...
  40. D

    Why do like charges and poles repel in the long run?

    All the forces aim in the direction of minimising their energy to be as low as possible. Gravity pulls things down, energy was put into the object to move it away in the start however gravity is only attractive. It doesn't make sense that with the electric and magnetic forces to have a repulsive...
  41. K

    Okay, what is the official reason planes fly?

    It's very hard to find any answer on the net other than the common explanation of an airfoil using Bernoulli's equations. However, I have heard many times (some on this form) that this explanation is incorrect. Jeff_Reid has said it, and if I remember correctly chroot has some input on the...
  42. R

    Hard mattresses and the reason we need beds

    Why do some people like sleeping on hard mattresses and others prefer softer ones? And why do humans need matresses and beds at all?
  43. S

    Noisy TV's: Is There a Reason for the High Pitch Sound?

    Im curious about this question because of the TV's at school. I can hear a TV on in a house with extrenious noise even if the TV is muted. I asked my science teacher if she could hear the TV when it was on and she said she heard the sound but that's all. I hear a very high pitch noise when a TV...
  44. M

    Reason why multiplication gives fraction of a number

    Why is it that when you do A * b/c the answer is one (b/c)th of A? What is the operation of multiplication doing to the two numbers so that this happens? Also how does this logic work when A is also a fraction?
  45. L

    Evaluating the Reason to Go to War: A Moral Dilemma

    The reason: "Suppose there are two starving tribes on a field. The potatoes just arrive to feed only one of the tribes, who thus acquire forces to go to the other side of the mountain, where there are more potatoes; but if the two tribes divide in peace the potatoes of the field, the two tribes...
  46. H

    Should teacher give a reason for refusal?

    Heh, I fell into a silly accident, and I've done something terribly bad. For now, I don't mind to say what I did. And here's the questions: Should a teacher, tell the reason for not letting a student go to the bathroom? Or in other words, should a teacher explain the refusal of letting a student...
  47. P

    Reason why chromosomes come in pairs

    Is the reason why chromosomes come in paris, the fact that they look like a cross and each 'slash' (i.e / and \) is one chromosome? So two of them together to make an X shape is counted as a pair? We have 23 X or pairs of chromosomes in every cell?
  48. L

    What is the reason behind expensive phone calls?

    Hey everyone, I would like the answer to the above question from an engineer's perspective. So what makes long-distance phone calls more expensive than local ones? I guess the distance over which the message must be carried, but what else? more complex demodulation techniques? bandwidht...
  49. S

    The Reason Behind Electromagnetic Attraction & Repulsion

    Why do like electrical charges repel and opposite charges attract? Is it to do with obtaining lower energy levels through movement?
  50. dextercioby

    Why does orbital angular momentum have to be an integer?

    ... for the fact that the orbital angular momentum weight is NOT a semi)integer positive number, but an integer. Is there such a reason...? I've never seen it in some book. I know there are other reasons for which we conclude that "l" MUST be an integer, see Sakurai's thoughts attached...