What is Relative: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In music, relative keys are the major and minor scales that have the same key signatures (enharmonically equivalent), meaning that they share all the same notes but are arranged in a different order of whole steps and half steps. A pair of major and minor scales sharing the same key signature are said to be in a relative relationship. The relative minor of a particular major key, or the relative major of a minor key, is the key which has the same key signature but a different tonic. (This is as opposed to parallel minor or major, which shares the same tonic.)
For example, G major and E minor both have a single sharp in their key signature at F♯; therefore, E minor is the relative minor of G major, and conversely G major is the relative major of E minor. The tonic of the relative minor is the sixth scale degree of the major scale, while the tonic of the relative major is the third degree of the minor scale. The minor key starts three semitones below its relative major; for example, A minor is three semitones below its relative, C major.

The relative relationship may be visualized through the circle of fifths.

Relative keys are a type of closely related keys, the keys between which most modulations occur, because they differ by no more than one accidental. Relative keys are the most closely related, as they share exactly the same notes.

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  1. S

    How Does Moving at 20sqrt(2) m/s Affect the Projectile's Trajectory Equation?

    Homework Statement To an observer not in motion in the ground, the trajectory of a projectile is described by: y = x - 10^{-3}x^2(In SI units) Where it was adopted x = 0 and y = 0 for the origin point. Determine the trajectory equation for an observer that moves at 20sqrt(2) m/s in relation to...
  2. C

    Why is Carbon-12 used as the measurement of relative masses?

    Hi everyone, This is really annoying me, so, I am aware of the story why oxygen was replaced with carbon-12, (because chemists were using natural occurring oxygen which was a mix of oxygen-16,17,18 and therefor was an avg?, but physicists wanted pure, isolated oxygen-16 so there was two...
  3. D

    Help with relative star flux and luminosity

    Homework Statement A star as an apparent visual magnitude of 14 and an absolute visual magnitude of 14.7. I have worked out that its distance is 7 parsecs. The sun has an absolute visual magnitude of 4.8 and an effective temperature of 5800k. If the star has the same effective temperature of...
  4. V

    Comparing the Acidity of H2S and H2O: The Role of Hydrogen Bonding

    Which is more acidic H2S or H2O?And why?
  5. L

    Physics - Relative Motion Homework Help

    Homework Statement A ferryboat, whose speed in still water is 4.00m/s, must cross a river whose current is 3.00m/s. The river runs from west to east and is 128m wide. The boat is pointed north. a) If the boat does not compensate for the flow of the river water and allows itself to be...
  6. mishima

    Relative Abundance of Light Frequencies?

    I was curious if anyone had ever seen information about how often one frequency of electromagnetic radiation appears in the universe compared to the other. What is the most common frequency or range of frequencies, etc? Is there a way to even estimate this?
  7. B

    Relative Circular Speed given radius and time

    Homework Statement What is the speed of the object (a bird) relative to the ground? We are given that a bird is flying in a spiraling path and rising on a thermal, making circles with a radius of 6m every 5s and rising strait up at a velocity of 3m/s.Homework Equations V=d/t C=2πr=d The...
  8. R

    How Fast Is the Water Level Rising in a Trough as It Fills?

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  9. I

    Speed Relative to an Observer on the Ground

    Homework Statement A shuttle is orbitting around the Earth at a velocity of (7.7x10^3) m/sec. The distance between a point on the Earth to the shuttle is (6.7x10^6)m. Calculate the speed of the shuttle relative to an observer on the earth. Completely lost! I was able to solve the...
  10. P

    Two dimensional relative motion; boat and river problem

    Homework Statement Mary needs to row her boat across a 100-m-wide river that is flowing to the east at a speed of 1.0 m/s. Mary can row with a speed of 2.0 m/s. a) If Mary points her boat due north, how far from her intended landing spot will she be when she reaches the opposite shore? b)...
  11. M

    Is relative mass making gravitational field?

    Hello When you have something and it gains a lot of mass m due to its high kinetic energy, so it gains a lot of relative energy. So, every object has its own gravitational field. So is the RELATIVE mass making a gravitatinal field? mathematically if g=GM/Rˇ2 does work, where you MUST add...
  12. J

    How Do Velocities Affect Collision and Proximity in Particle Dynamics?

    1.Two particles A and B have velocities 3i and vj respectively (in m/s). (a) Find the position of B relative to A for all t given that r (b relative to a) (t=0) = -9i+6j (in metres). (b) Find the value of v such that A and B collide. (c) If v=1 m/s, find the time and distance when A and B are...
  13. M

    MATLAB Calculate Relative intensity noise using laser Rate equations matlab

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  14. M

    Pretty easy relative max problem calc 3

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  15. M

    Calculate Relative intensity noise using Rate equations

    Hello Everybody, I'm trying to plot the frequency spectrum of RIN using Matlab. I've the following code function p=rateblock tau_s = 3e-9; N0 = 1e24; A =1e-12; P0 = 1/(A*tau_s); TSPAN = 0:1e-2:10.23;; Y0 =[0 0]; [T,Y] = ODE45(@rate_equation,TSPAN,Y0); subplot(2,1,1)...
  16. F

    Time dilation effects of relative velocity vs gravitational force?

    I've been wondering.. If a person (A) is, say, on top of Mt. Everest, he would be moving faster than a guy (B) at the foot of the mountain since A is further from the center of the earth, but he would also be experiencing a weaker gravitational force than B. So, for which of the invidividuals...
  17. I

    Speed of time immediately after big bang relative to now?

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  18. genphis

    Is the definition of space relative ?

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  19. U

    Equations for relative velocity

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  20. maistral

    Relative humidity calculations.

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  21. L

    Calculating Energy Transfer and Work Done by a Crane

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  22. B

    Relative Max/Min: Solving for Minimum in f(x)

    I'm taking AP Calc AB this year and this is a question I've come across while doing work on my own and I won't be seeing my teacher for a few days, so I' figured I'd ask some of you guys. Let's say you have an equation f(x)=(x^3)+(5x^2) and you need to find the relative minimum of that function...
  23. D

    Find coordonates of a point relative to a second plane in 3D

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  24. S

    Question about relative angular velocity

    I am not clear about the concept about relative angular velocity. So i can't solve the first question please help me
  25. M

    Relative velocity video (review and rate)

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  26. S

    Relative Error Propogation in Equations

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  27. S

    Show the mathematical relationship between Relative Risk and Difference in

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  28. F

    Understanding the Effects of Relative Curvature and Mass on Space and Observers

    Mass curves space. And speed near the the speed of light increases mass. So for someone traveling near c and is passing a partice at rest, the traveling observe feels like he's at rest and the other particle is moving. So if the other particle is moving wrt his rest frame, does he see an...
  29. P

    Question about pulley with relative motion

    for part(i) the answer is g/4 + g/2 = 3g/4 ms^-2 how to calculate the acceleration of the 9N blcok relative to the small pulley to be g/4?? Did I miss something? thank you so much!o:)
  30. P

    OL Exam Question on Relative velocity

    correction -->it should be a high-level exam question. Homework Statement Two ships A and B move with constant speeds 48 km/h and 60 km/h respectively. At a certain instant ship B is 30 km west of A and is traveling due south. Find (i) the direction A should steer in order to get as close as...
  31. S

    Is the Temperature of Light Relative?

    If Einstein's relativity tells us that movement is relative to the observer, and if temperature is determined in the following way, movement creates friction and friction creates heat, then is temperature not relative to the observer also?
  32. C

    Relativistic relative velocity

    Hi. I'm reading some quantum field theory and I'm a bit rusty in my relativistic kinematics. I stumbled across the formula E_1E_2 v_{rel} = ((p_1p_2)^2 - m_1^2m_2^2)^{1/2} where 1 and 2 are two collinearly colliding paritcles with their respective masses and v_{rel} are their relative...
  33. C

    Relative motion of train and platform observer

    Homework Statement A train is passing a platform at 0.75c, and an observer, stationary and at the middle of the platform, sees two bolts of lightning simultaneously hit the front and back of the train when the train's middle was adjacent to the middle of the platform. A passenger on the train...
  34. J

    Two Observers with clocks in space moving at vrel relative to each other

    As the title says, imagine two observers with clocks A and B in space which move at vrel relative to each other. Just when clock A passes by clock B, the clocks counter shows zero. Observer A will conclude clock B to tick slower, while observer B will conclude clock A to move slower (both using...
  35. H

    How Fast is the Other Car Going Relative to You?

    Homework Statement Your car is going 78 mph on the freeway. Another car is going 58 mph in the opposite direction. How fast is the person in the other car going, relative to you? Homework Equations Your Car's Speed: 78 mph --> Another Car's Speed: <-- 58 mph The Attempt at a...
  36. P

    How Far Will You Travel Before Hitting the Mosquito?

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  37. R

    Set A is open relative to Y iff A also contains points of a set B open in X?

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  38. H

    Find Volume, SF & Uncertainty of Iron Sphere

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  39. L

    Relative Velocity Problem - Finding an angle of a boat going down a river

    Homework Statement A boat is capable of a constant speed of 4 m/s in a river that is flowing at 2 m/s. If the captain wishes to land 10m downriver while crossing a 50m river, then at what angle should the boat be aimed? Homework Equations...
  40. P

    Find the max height of the second projectile relative to seal level

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched at 110.0 m/s at 40.0° above the horizontal off a cliff that is 250.0 m above sea level. After 4.00 s of flight, this projectile launches a second projectile at 50.0 m/s directed at 15.0° below the horizontal. a) Find the max height of the second...
  41. K

    Sensor for Relative Satellite Motion

    Hi, What kind of sensor can be used for finding the relative position between 2 satellites? Thanks.
  42. A

    How Should a Swimmer Cross a Rapid River to Minimize Downstream Travel?

    Homework Statement 1)A swimmer wishes to across a swift, straight river of width d. If the speed of the swimmer in still water is u and the speed of the water is v (> u), what is the direction along which the swimmer should proceed such that the downstream distance he has traveled when he...
  43. F

    Relative Velocity Derivation from Maxwell-Boltzmann

    Hi, I have a specific question about the derivation of the relative velocity between two molecules A and B from the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution (which should equal square root of 2 times the average velocity). In equations, I have been evaluating this integral: \begin{eqnarray*}...
  44. D

    Relative Motion problem that doesn't have right triangle relationship

    Homework Statement a) Find the speed of the boat with respect to the Earth. (km/h) b) Find the speed of the boat with respect to the river if the boat's heading in the water is 60° south east (km/h) Homework Equations v(x) = v cos(θ) v(y) = v sin(θ) v = √(vx^2+vy^2) but can't use it in...
  45. S

    Relative error of radius when derived from diameter

    Hi guys Have lurked the forums for a while but this is my first contribution. I am in first year physics at uni and I was having a discussion with my tutor regarding the relative error for an experiment (circular motion / moment of inertia). (I tried searching for an answer to this with no...
  46. K

    Relative Speeds in River Crossings

    Homework Statement A swimmer heads directly across a river, swimming at 1.4 m/s relative to the water. She arrives at a point 48 m downstream from the point directly across the river, which is 74 m wide. What is the speed of the river current? What is the swimmer's speed relative to the...
  47. I

    Relative velocity practice exam question

    Homework Statement I would like to check my answers for #3 on this practice exam: http://cyclotron.tamu.edu/dhy/sample_exam1_phys218.pdf Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution b) v(plane-wind)x = 30cos30 v(plane-wind)y= 30sin30 + 160 c) 8.44° East of North d) 1.4...
  48. T

    Calculating Horizontal Component of Raindrop Velocity on Moving Train

    Homework Statement When a train's velocity is 12.0 m/s eastward, raindrops that are falling vertically with respect to the Earth make traces that are inclined 30.0 degrees to the verical on the windoes of the train. A. What is the horizontal componenet of a drop's velocity with respect to the...
  49. 3

    How Do You Calculate the Impact Point of a Bomb Released from a Moving Airplane?

    I'm having problems with this question. I don't know how to solve it...I've usually solved questions with some sort of resistance force but this I don't know how to solve. How would I solve this question? 1. The problem A bomber flies horizontally with a speed of 275 m/s relative to the...
  50. W

    Trigonomic algebra to find the inverse of a relative mercator projection

    Hi guys, my first post here. This isn't homework or anything, just a personal project. Homework Statement I need to find the inverse of the relative mercator equation. That is, given an origin latitude/longitude, find the current latitude/longitude from an x,y point. Because longitude is...