What is Relative: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In music, relative keys are the major and minor scales that have the same key signatures (enharmonically equivalent), meaning that they share all the same notes but are arranged in a different order of whole steps and half steps. A pair of major and minor scales sharing the same key signature are said to be in a relative relationship. The relative minor of a particular major key, or the relative major of a minor key, is the key which has the same key signature but a different tonic. (This is as opposed to parallel minor or major, which shares the same tonic.)
For example, G major and E minor both have a single sharp in their key signature at F♯; therefore, E minor is the relative minor of G major, and conversely G major is the relative major of E minor. The tonic of the relative minor is the sixth scale degree of the major scale, while the tonic of the relative major is the third degree of the minor scale. The minor key starts three semitones below its relative major; for example, A minor is three semitones below its relative, C major.

The relative relationship may be visualized through the circle of fifths.

Relative keys are a type of closely related keys, the keys between which most modulations occur, because they differ by no more than one accidental. Relative keys are the most closely related, as they share exactly the same notes.

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  1. A

    Why does time and space have to be relative?

    The lorentz-transform shows that both length and time are relative concepts. My question is: Why does both time and length have to be relative? Why can't you mathematically construct a transform which transforms your x' relative to x such that light has same speed in both the x and x' frame...
  2. A

    What Is the Point of Finding the Relative Error in a Vector?

    Hi all, I have a general question about relative error. Suppose that we have a vector of measurements \hat{b}=\left(\hat{b_{1}},\hat{b_{2}},...,\hat{b_{n}}\right). Furthermore, suppose that these measurements are accurate to 10%. My natural interpretation of this statement is that there is...
  3. T

    Relative motion with angular velocity

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution Do note I switched up the i, j and k vectors. I am getting half the answer correct. -7.2 is correct according to the answer key but my other solution -3.24 is clearly wrong. Does anyone know what I did wrong? I tried to be neat as...
  4. ElijahRockers

    Lorentz transformations - relative speeds of frames

    Homework Statement Suzanne observes 2 light pulses to be emitted from the same location, but separated in time by 3μs. Mark sees the emission of the same two pulses separated in time by by 9μs. a) How fast is Mark moving relative to Suzanne? b) According to Mark, what is the separation in...
  5. X

    Questions pertaining to constant velocity + acceleration and relative motion

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  6. D

    Solving an intial value problem using relative extrema

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  7. D

    Relative velocity between two accelerating observers

    Suppose two observers A and B are accelerating at the same rate with respect to an inertial reference frame. In A's frame, does B move at a constant velocity? I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that the answer is yes, but even if it is I can't think of a justification.
  8. U

    Swimmer's velocity relative to the shore (vectors)

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  9. P

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  10. G

    Is spacetime quantized or relative?

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  11. M

    Change of relative permittivity of liquid and solid water

    Dear Physics Forum Users Commonly, the relative permittivity of liquid water is reported to be \epsilon_r = 78.0\epsilon_0, \epsilon_0 being the dielectric constant of the vacuum. For ice (solid water), \epsilon_r = 4 \epsilon_0 (heard it in a talk once). Is it correct to interpret the...
  12. Q

    Is the wave function a relative wave (entanglement)

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  13. S

    Can light act like an object in motion and stand still in an ideal environment?

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  14. AGNuke

    Which ions exhibit greater stability: N vs O, P vs N, or S vs N?

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  15. N

    Relative difference in laws of electrodynamics

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  16. N

    Instant Center and Relative Velocity/Acceleration Questions

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  17. Artlav

    Relative and absolute potential?

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  18. K

    Orientation of magnet relative to coil and it's effect on inductance

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  19. J

    Does relativity restrict velocity relative to an observer?

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  20. B

    Why are mass, length, and energy relative?

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  21. C

    Finding where an electron is relative to a charge?

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  22. atyy

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  23. 1

    How do I combine relative errors in particle energy measurements?

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  24. F

    Is the Planck length relative?

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  25. K

    Two Relativity Problems on relative length

    Homework Statement Travelling at 0.8c in your 100m long spaceship you pass a second, identical ship t rest. How long does the second ship appear to you, and how long does our ship appear to it? Homework Equations l = (1 - v2/c2)^1/lo The Attempt at a Solution l = (1 - v2/c2)^1/lo...
  26. K

    Does Q remain stationary with respect to P all the time?

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  27. G

    Correctness of my equation relative to the standard given in the text

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  28. S

    Is speed of light relative to eather flow?

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  29. C

    Evaporation in 100% relative humidity

    hello guys if the water surface is at same temp as air above, and humidity is 100%, do any wataer molecules leave their liquid state to become vapour ie evaporate? I couldn't remember what professor said exactly, so i checked up on internet and it says water can't evaporate at 100%...
  30. I

    Where Does Object A Come to Rest Relative to Wagon B?

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  31. R

    Speed of light in relative frames and acceleration

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  32. E

    Relative magnetic field direction question

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  33. N

    Helmholtz Decomposition: Magnitude of Irrot. & Solenoidal Comp.

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  34. A

    Question about calculating ratio of Relative Difference

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  35. D

    Potential difference in a sphere relative to infinity

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  36. U

    Relative Permitttivity & Relative Permeability Dependency

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  37. D

    Solving Relative Momentum and Rest Mass Confusion

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  38. V

    How does deceleration affect relative time

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  39. J

    Chemistry Calculate fraction of relative molecular mass

    Can anyone help with the following question - see attachment. Answer C is correct. I have been told that it can be solved thus: As our compound contains carbon and hydrogen we need to calculate these masses and deduct them from 128 to give us the mass of the chlorine and bromine...
  40. W

    Conservation of Momentum and Relative Velocity

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  41. S

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  42. coktail

    Relative motion and accumulated time dilation

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  43. coktail

    Faster than light relative speeds (I know it's impossible)

    We have particle accelerators on Earth that can speed up particles to near the speed of light. Earth itself is hurtling through space, as is the solar system and galaxy that its a part of. If an observer were to float outside of our galaxy and observe those speeding particles in the...
  44. binbagsss

    Relative Velocity Problem: What is the True Velocity of the Wind?

    When a women cycles N at 40kmh^-1, the wind appears to be blowing from a E direction, however when she cycles S at 50kmh^-1, the wind appears to be blowing from the SE. Find the true velocity of the wind. My attempt is attached - I have tried to solve through components and usingthe fact...
  45. D

    Relative velocity inside a train

    Hello Everybody! I have a question - If I'm standing inside a train and I jump up in the air I will land in the same place, I think. Likewise, if I'm holding a pen in my hand and I throw it up in the air it will land again in my hand. But if I stood on top of the train, on the roof, and I...
  46. G

    Is the inertial mass of light relative?

    By the equivalence principle, the gravitational mass of light is its inertial mass, which it has because it has momentum. Light can impart some of its the momentum to massive objects, upon which it will lose energy, which is manifested by its frequency (the basic principle behind doppler...
  47. M

    How Can the Relative Speed of Photons Exceed the Cosmic Speed Limit?

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/258790870808892/#!/photo.php?fbid=2797441950335&set=o.258790870808892&type=1&theater[/EMAIL] Can anyone explain how is here relative speed exceeding the cosmic speed limit?
  48. O

    How Does Throwing a Sack Affect Scale Readings?

    Homework Statement A man with a mass of 100kg stands on a scale with a sack of potatoes weighing 20kg. He throws the sack straight up. At the instant before he releases the sack, what does the scale read, in kg?Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution I assumed that because the sack...
  49. R

    Relative Humidity: Find Optimum Off Coil Air Temp.

    [b]the total load in the conditioned space is equal to 320 mBh with a sensible heat ratio equal to 0.90. Outside air equal to 20% of the blower air volume will be used for ventilation. The space setpoint is 75°F db, 45% relative humidity. The outdoor air is 90°F db, 78°F wb. What relative...
  50. R

    RELATIVE Space/Time and Lightspeed question

    Hey everyone, First off I am not a physics major or a math guru. Physics has always been some thing that I have been interested in though. Physical science and the way things work has always interested me. I mention this, because I do not want to come off sounding like an idiot. I know most...