Response Definition and 538 Threads

The dose–response relationship, or exposure–response relationship, describes the magnitude of the response of an organism, as a function of exposure (or doses) to a stimulus or stressor (usually a chemical) after a certain exposure time. Dose–response relationships can be described by dose–response curves. This is explained further in the following sections. A stimulus response function or stimulus response curve is defined more broadly as the response from any type of stimulus, not limited to chemicals.

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  1. A

    How can I plot the frequency response graph for 800Hz using the calculated FRF?

    Hi all, I have a problem with calculating frequency response function from measured acceleration and excitation force. The following sentences tell the method to follow. "In each test case, excitation signals from the shaker to the base were random. Each time signal gathered consisted of...
  2. A

    Relation between Polarization and electric field for instantaneous response

    Dear all In case of a material that instantaneous responds to an external applied field is P(r,t)=χE(t) Is the suseptibility then time independent? And if so, how it is possible to derive from the above equation an equation in the frequency domain? Yours
  3. G

    Effect of large battery on loop response

    I'm not sure I'm providing enough information in order to get a meaningful reply, but I'll try anyway: Lets say you have a regulator of some sort, with a LC filter on the output, and some sort of feedback loop with an unknown transient response (i.e. you lack info on the system's phase...
  4. S

    Engineering Solving RLC Circuit Response: Converting to Phasor Notation and Troubleshooting

    the problem statement is attached. i've begun by converting everything into phasor notation but I'm not quite sure where to go from here. when i try to add the C and the L phasors, i get zero. this doesn't seem right. another problem is i have no idea what to do when i get the impedances of...
  5. D

    Impulse response of recursive DT system

    Homework Statement y[n] - 1.8\cos (\frac{\pi }{{16}})y[n - 1] + 0.81y[n - 2] = x[n] + 0.5x[n - 1] Determine the impulse response h[n] by calculating the zero-state response with x[n] = \delta [n] Homework Equations y[n] - 1.8\cos (\frac{\pi }{{16}})y[n - 1] + 0.81y[n - 2] = x[n] +...
  6. C

    2D collision response with friction

    I'm writing a little 2D physics engine. The collision response is calculated by working out the impulse (and so, change in momentum) on each object, and takes into account the objects' velocities, angular velocities, and the fact that the collision normal may be in a different direction to the...
  7. P

    Exploring NiTiNOL and TECs for Response Time Improvement

    So I posted this in the Electrical Engineering forum, and with 41 views and no replies, it appears I put it in the wrong forum, so here we go... Hi, I'm currently working on a project and I was wondering whether you guys were familiar with these "devices". SMA's are shape memory alloys, and...
  8. P

    Exploring SMA & TEC Devices for Response Time Improvement

    Hi, I'm currently working on a project and I was wondering whether you guys were familiar with these "devices". SMA's are shape memory alloys, and TEC's are thermoelectric coolers/peltiers. I tried looking for a pretty long time to find the specs on shape memory alloy (more specifically NiTiNOL)...
  9. N

    HELP Impulse Response h(n) problem

    HELP! Impulse Response h(n) problem Please help me solve this problem. Atleast the correct answer indication is also very much appreciated. A system has impulse response h(n) = (1/2)^n-3 U(n-3) and the input is x(n) = 3^n U(n) a)Find the output by direct convolution. b)Find the output...
  10. H

    Dsp help - impulse response of system in z domain

    Homework Statement I am given an LTI system where I need to obtain the impulse response and difference equation of H(z). H(z) = (1-0.5z^-3) / [(1-0.5z^-1)(1-0.25z^-1)] and |z| > 0.5 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am pretty lost about what to do. I...
  11. N

    I have a frequency response diagram(frequency vs head) of discrete

    I have a frequency response diagram(frequency vs head) of discrete values. I have to perform Fourier analysis on these discrete values. The resultant frequency and head should be in FREQUENCY DOMAIN. how I can do this... by using FFT or any other ... using Nyquist frequency... please tell me...
  12. X

    Impulse Response for a 2nd Order Diffy Q

    y'' + 6y' + 4y = x(t) I found the eigenvalues to be -.764 and -5.24, no problems here. Next, since the order of the response is greater than the order of the excitation, I assumed the unit response took the form: h(t) = k_1e^{-.764t} + k_2e^{-5.24t} So now I must find the values for k_1 and...
  13. D

    How to Determine Relay Operation Cycle Time Using Natural and Forced Response?

    I have this circuit that I have attached with the question, Its given that V=100 V, R1= 30, R2= 70 and R3 = 3. L = 1/11 H The switch in the circuit represents a current operated relay, the contact of which close when current through inductor is 0.9 A and opens again when current is 0.25 A...
  14. J

    Action and Response functions.

    Dear colleagues, I have the following question in my head: Give two canonical coordinates P, Q, and a corresponding set of equations of motions, not necessary solved. Is it possible to find analytically the action S and response Rfunctions of the system, which satisfy the relations...
  15. N

    Understanding Frequency Response & Gpath

    i can't understand how they got the praph of the capacitator i clearly see that as the frequency goes up so does omega so the denominator goes up and the whole expression decrisses why does the gpath goes up as the frquency goes up
  16. K

    Transient response of a control system.

    Hi guys. I am a Mechanical Engineering Student but we've a course called Control systems. My question is why does any system(physical like fan,motor or electronic like amplifier) have a TRANSIENT RESPONSE and specially why do electronic components like amplifiers,diode or for that matter any...
  17. D

    How to Optimize Accounts Receivable Using Discrete Response DOE?

    Hi Everyone, I am looking for some assistance on a problem that I have been working on for the last few weeks. I would like to optimise the performance of an accounts receivable department. In this dept there are several tools available to obtain a commitment to pay such as letters...
  18. A

    How can I obtain Frequency Response Functions from ANSYS software?

    Hi all, I want to get Frequency Response Functions from ANSYS software. Can anyone give me a guideline? Thank you.
  19. A

    Engineering Determine the response of the circuit H(s) i divided the circuit into two halves. i did the first half which is from X(t) till A. i got [(1+Rb/Ra)*1/(R1C1)]/[S+1/(R1C1)] but I'm not sure if i did it right and i don't know how to do the second part. can anyone help me please
  20. D

    Frequency Response Function - Random Vibration

    Hi looking for some help on the below I'm a little bit stuck. The effect of an earthquake on an elevated water tank is to be investigated. The water tank has mass m=2x10^6 kg and natural frequency wn=10.6 rad/s and a damping coefficient of 12% critical damping. Ground acceleration can be...
  21. C

    Transfer function from amplitude response?

    Hi, in the paper I've attached, they give a method for generating a polynomial g for the amplitude response of a filter that gives arbitrary flatness and roll-off characteristics. \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+g}} And then they say the transfer function can be easily determined from this, but they...
  22. Q

    What Is the Step Response of This LTI System?

    Hi lads, need help with this question from a signals and systems course. LTI system is defined as follows H(s) = \frac{1}{ s^2 - 2rs cos(theta) + r^2} where r = 20pi, theta = 1.47. Find an expression for the step response of the system I think...
  23. V

    Control Systems: Frequency response Bode plots and analytical expressions

    Homework Statement Find analytical expressions for the magnitude and phase of the frequency response for each G(s) below: (a) G(s)\,=\,\frac{20}{s\,\left(s\,+\,5\right)\left(s\,+\,5\right)}(b) G(s)\,=\,\frac{2\,\left(s\,+\,5\right)}{\left(s\,+\,1\right)\,\left(s\,+\,10\right)}(c)...
  24. B

    Calculus open response question

    As shown in diagram attached: A clock sits on a desk so that its center is 35 inches from the floor. The MINUTE hand is 5 inches long. Let theta (θ) be the angle between the 12 o'clock position and the minute's hand...
  25. Q

    What is the difference between pulse response and impulse response?

    I would like to know the difference between pulse response and impulse response. I looked for "pulse" and "impulse" on the internet and found that on some websites they had been used interchangeably. Apart from that I checked out some books and found that they use the term "impulse response"...
  26. E

    Temporal Impulse response of one electron

    Hi, I am a little bit confused about the impulse response of one electron. Assume that we have LTI system characterized by impulse response h(t) with unit gain, int{h(t)} = 1. Let the input is current i(t) [Amp]. So the output current will be i(t)*h(t). We can view it as i(t) is...
  27. U

    Over damped response transfer function (help pls)

    Hi, Not sure on where to post this tread since it involved some fluid mechanics and Maths/ Control theory. I have found the response of a ball flouting in a vertical jet stream of air and the result is a highly non linear system. That is, there is different open loop response as the ball...
  28. K

    Find Open Loop Response to G(s)=10e^(ts)/s+3

    Hi,I have the equation G(s)=C(s)/M(s)=10e^(ts)/s+3 and I have to find the open loop response c(t) with a unit step which is 1/s The explanation in the Text book is quite confusing, does anyone know if there are easier explanations like worked exampled on the internet so I can work though then...
  29. T

    What Happens When Light Radiation Time Is Shorter Than Photodiode Response Time?

    Hello everybody, When I came up to my problem, I searched all over our forum but I could not find the appropriate solution. Would you please help me: 1) is the description about the response time of photodiodes and I can find the...
  30. S

    Computing impulse response (help)

    I am trying to find the impulse response h[n] of a LSI system: y[n]+ay[n-1]=bx[n]-cx[n-1]. The way that I think to solve this problem is compute the z-transform, and from this H(z)=Y(z)/X(z). Then take the inverse z-transform to find h[n]. Is there another way to compute this? Also, for H(z)...
  31. 0

    Integration and RC Step response

    Integration Homework Statement Hi everyone, I'm new here. This is my first post. I found physicsforums when researching on google a solution for a doubt I've had when trying to solve rc step response. Basically, the RC analyse showed at...
  32. V

    Step response of a first order system

    Homework Statement Find the unit step response of the transfer function... a) G(s)\,=\,\frac{4}{s\,+\,4} b) G(s)\,=\,\frac{2}{0.2s\,+\,1} Homework Equations General first order step response equation... C(s)\,=\,R(s)\,G(s)\,=\,\frac{a}{s(s\,+\,a)}, where R(s)\,=\,\frac{1}{s} then do an...
  33. 0

    Magnetism AP Free Response Problem, HELP

    Homework Statement for pic. The magnitude of the magnetic field in teslas at a distance d from a long straight wire carrying a current I is given by the relation B = 2 X 10-7 I/d. The two long straight wires shown above are...
  34. S

    Help regarding fast response photodetection

    Hi there... i'm working on my college project and wanted to design a high speed photosensor. The intensity of light source is quite high (actually a bomb explosion), so noise signals are not a problem. The photosensor is required to trigger other sensing devices. So which type of photosensor...
  35. G

    2008 AP Physics B Free Response MISTAKE?

    2008 AP Physics B Free Response MISTAKE? Homework Statement Question number two can be found here... Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok I was working out question number two and was...
  36. G

    Forced vibration system response

    I designed a spring and mass system (damping unknown) that is vibrated by applying a sinusoidal force to the mass using an electrodynamic shaker. The mass is estimated to be 100 Kg. The spring is actually 4 springs, each with a k value of 63.55 N/mm, supporting a platform (one spring at each...
  37. C

    Earth's response to CO2 underestimated
  38. S

    Spring response to sinusoidally varying force

    Can one model how a spring (fixed at one end) responds to a sinusoidally varying applied force ? For example, in electric circuits, the reactance of a capacitor is modeled as 1/j(omega)C and is used to obtain the current when a sinusoidally varying voltage is applied.
  39. Z

    A little confused in Zero Input response

    Guys I know how to solve the simple ones but this one has complex roots I have to find the zero input response (D-1)(D2+1)y(t)=(D2+2)f(t) y(0)=4 y'(0)=3 y''(0)=3 D2= D square. Y' = first derivative Y''= secondI know the roots are +1, j and -j But I don't know how to solve or...
  40. H_man

    Freq response of forced sinusoidal motion:

    The book I am currently reading derives the response of an electron to an applied sinusoidal field as: 1/[1 + 2i (w - wa)/g] = 1 / (1 + i delta) where w and wa are the induced and resonance response frequencies and g the damping constant. And delta = 2 (w - wa)/g Up to this...
  41. S

    AP Physics B free response practice questions

    Homework Statement two 10-kilogram boxes are connected by a massless string that passes over a massless frictionless pulley. The boxes remain at rest with the one on the right hanging vertically and the one on the left 2.0 meters from the bottom of an inclined plane that makes an angle of 60°...
  42. D

    How Do You Determine H(s) from a Response Curve?

    Homework Statement Hi, Is the answer = 0.05 / s+0.05? Any quick steps to determine H(S) from cursve like that? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  43. D

    Multi-Step linear systems problem - Build ODE, impulse response, systems balance

    I messed up on the title of the thread.. I had a few questions but ended up solving them on my own. The only question I have is how to solve this ODE. Thanks. Homework Statement Solve the ODE (dx/dt)= f(t) - .1x Where f(t) = 2+sin(t)2. The attempt at a solution I faintly remember doing...
  44. T

    Reset Button Functionality: Pulling High vs. Pulling Low

    EASY QUESTION, URGENT RESPONse when u typically hit a reset buton on a breadboard, it is usually closing the circuit to ground. However let's say u want the reset button to power to vdd when hit and be grounded when not hit. How would u implement this?
  45. F

    Time invariant Green's function (inpulse response)

    Hello Forum, given a input=delta located at time t=0, the system will respond generating a function h(t). If the delta is instead located at t=t0 (delayed by tau), the system will respond with a function g(t)=h(t-tau), just a shifted version of the response for the delta a t=0... If...
  46. C

    Finding impulse response of a system

    Hi, I have a question regarding on how to determine the impulse response of an LTI system which has the following conditions: 1).its input is x(n) = u(n) and output is y(n) = (1/2)nu(n) ,and 2).x(-1) = -1/3; x(0) = 1; x(1) = 1/2, and x(n) = 0 for all other values of n My approach: I...
  47. R

    Solving for Impulse Response h(t) Given z'(t) + 4z(t) = 4x(t)

    1. Find the impulse response h(t) given: z'(t) + 4z(t) = 4x(t) 2. The attempt at a solution I first decided to divide through by 4 (1/4)z'(t) + z(t) = x(t) since we are looking for impulse response I made the following substitutions: let z(t) = h(t) let x(t) = dirac(t)...
  48. R

    What Is the Frequency Response of a Pressure Tube System in an Air Duct?

    A high-frequency response pressure transducer at one end of a 7 inch long (approx. 0.6 inch ID) tube will be used to measure static pressure pulsations in a duct of flowing air. Interest is for air at 70 F and at 460 F. The transducer end of the measurement tube has no appreciable volume...
  49. Z

    How to design an analog filter with arbitrary amplitude-frequency response?

    We can easily design an digital filter with arbitrary amplitude-frequency response, but if we are required to use an analog filter to implement it, how to design? Any suggestion or reference to related paper would be appreciated. Thanks!
  50. A

    News Debating tips - help with a response

    There are much better debaters here than I am, so I seek your advice. My question is, how would you respond to: "So you believe Obama. What do you say about this?" (Then the following link was supplied.) My...