I'm currently busy with a 'small' project of translating an analog device (synthesizer, based on schematics) into a digital counterpart.
What I do is basically simulate the device using a SPICE model. Then I look at the outputs, and see if can fit some equation on it.
Based on the...
This question is for a DSP class. I hope that I am posting somewhere appropriate.
So given the impulse response:
find y[n].
Where do I start? I don't need an answer, just a nudge in the right direction.
Homework Statement
Consider you are conducting an experiment of using a photometer to measure the radiation from a blackbody source. Write down the expression for the received flux from the blackbody for two different cases:
a) your photometer has a square-response function going from...
Homework Statement
I need to use MATLAB to solve these problems.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
% defining the polynomial constants
Homework Statement
y(t) = \int ^{t}_{-\infty} e^{-(t-\tau)} x(\tau-2)d\tau
Find h(t), given that the continuous time linear time invariant signal has input x(t) and output y(t).
2. The attempt at a solution
I was wondering if I can simply manipulate the expression until i get it in the...
Hi, I am taking my first college physics class, and it says I need a response card clicker. Does somebody know what this is? What's its purpose? What does it do? How does it help me learn?
Just wondering, any answers would be appreciated.
Homework Statement
I am going to do some paraphrasing here, because the question is for automotive dynamics class, but is a pretty general question in its simplest form (1 degree of freedom):
Find the time response to a step input of y=10cm.
This is for a vertically oriented...
Homework Statement
Find the voltage across each component is an overdamped RLC circuit. The circuit is powered by a square wave of peak voltage 2 V. The square wave is used to model a DC source.
Homework Equations
Vs(0)=-2 (Everywhere else in the transient response, Vs=2)...
Homework Statement
I need to find the forced response of a mass-spring-damper system by using Laplace Transform.
Homework Equations
Equation of motion:
\ddot{x} + 2 \zeta \omega_n \dot{x} + {\omega_n}^2 x = \frac{F}{m} cos \left( \omega t \right)
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
Block A of mass 2M hangs from a cord that passes over a pulley and is connected to block B of mass 3M that is free to move on a frictionless horizontal surface. The pulley is a disk with frictionless bearings, having a radius R and moment of inertia 3MR^2. Block C if mass...
If I have a transfer function, and I need the frequency response of it, how do I go about doing it?
Is there a easier way than inverse Laplace transforming it, then Fourier transforming that?
how can i find collision response between rectangle and circle like in this picture :
i want to identify the direction and magnitude of V1 vector and the V2 vector after they collided , does anyone have some idea about this ?
I have a forced 2 degree of freedom system that I am trying to find the steady state responses to. I have determined the two equations of motions and found the [m], [k], [c], and {f} matrixes.
However when i try to use eigen analysis ( q=phi'*[m]*phi ) I am unable to uncouple the two...
I am looking for a data acquisition system to replace an old Spectral Dynamics Siglab 42-20 system that I use to collect the frequency response of a smart material actuator our company manufactures. We currently run a stepped sine test between 50Hz and 2000Hz. This tests dwells at 50Hz, collects...
I'm trying to model the frequency response of a thin PZT disc using COMSOL, but I am not sure how to calculate the impedance Z vs frequency. I defined the current density at the top electrode as I=-imag(nJ_smpz3d) and then plotted V/I using the domain plot parameters in the postproc menu...
Consider a system with m = 100, c = 100 and k = 400. If y(t) = 3sin(1.5t), determine x(t) and ft(t).
I don't have a picture handy but the equations for the system turn out like this.
mx''+cx'+kx = cy' + ky
Transfer function = x/y = cy' + ky / mx'' + cx' + kx
then w/a laplace...
Hey does anyone understand how to do the 1995 Free Response AP Physics Mechanics question?? Specifically, the question about Potential Energy? I understand that F=-dU/dr but that is about it!
How do i plot an output response curve when input unit steps are (undamped natural frequency is normalised to 1):
damping ration = 0, 0.1, 0.4,0.6,0.8,0.9 1 and 2
1) how do i plot a 2d plot for all curves on same graph. Time scale 0 - 10, steps of 0.2 seconds.
2) How do i make use of a 'for...
Here is the information for the free response question. Please help me!
Answers must be in essay form. Labeled diagrams may be used to supplement discussion, but in no case will a diagram alone suffice. It is important that you read the question before you begin to write.
1. This transparent...
Homework Statement
For circuit B on page 2, find:
a) the time domain response v0 for a unit step input
b) input/output transfer function T(s) = v0/v_in
c) plot v0 vs. time
d) plot sinusoidal steady state vs. frequency: the magnitude in dB and phase in degrees of T(s)
Please forgive my ignorance on what may be simple topics for most of you. I'm just trying to get my head conceptually around a ball launching pet project I'm fiddling with.
If you take a rubber (tennis) ball, say of 5 oz mass, and blast it with a sprung plate moving at 70 mph, will the ball...
This is more of a math question but i feel like i will get more help among Electrical Engineers.
I successfully found the step response of an RC circuit in the time domain using Laplace Transforms.
But i can't seem to figure out how to do it with an RLC transfer function.
I have the following...
I have to do a coursework on this topic.
Do you maybe know any useful websites i can use?
Well, for my coursework i am going to investigate how the voltage and current from a solar cell varies with distance from a light source- Is it right to say the more far away the cell is from the light...
hello..can anyone help me?
i have the figure in the attachement, and i need to determine the final output value and the rise time..can first anyone explain to me what do we mean by output value and rise time..then what is the formula to calculate them?or we must use MATLAB commands to do it...
hello all
i just want to know why we use the inverse impulse response ? and i need a practical example on it ?/ and how?/?
i need Quiqly answer as soon as u can please...:smile:
In my control theory textbook, frequency response descriptions is one of three main areas of the subject (the others being Laplace transfer functions and state space representations).
My questions are: What is the purpose with frequency response in control theory? Why are not transfer...
Homework Statement
A 100 kg box is being pulled along the x-axis by a student. The box slides along the a rough surface and its position x varies accoring to the equation x=.5tcubed +2t, where x is in meters and t is in seconds.
a. Determine the speed of the box at t=0
b. Determine the...
I've run an experiment on an active filter. I am using the NI Elvis prototyping board. The frequency response is taken with the NI Bode analyzer and I saved the output data in a text file. The Bode analyzer amplitude spec is give as 12 or 16 bits, how do I calculate the amplitude error using the...
Homework Statement
A 100 kg box is being pulled along the x-axis by a student. The box slides along the a rough surface and its position x varies accoring to the equation x=.5tcubed +2t, where x is in meters and t is in seconds.
a. Determine the speed of the box at t=0
b. Determine...
Homework Statement
y[n]= (x[n]+x[n-1]+x[n-2]) / 3 is the input output relationship
Homework Equations
Find the Frequency response.
The Attempt at a Solution
Ok I am very aware that I can easily find the impulse response and graph this and I can even get the general format for the...
Homework Statement
A linear time-invariant filter is described by the difference equation
y[n] = x[n] - x[n-2]
a) Obtain an expresson for the frequency response of this system.
b) Sketch the frequency response (magnitude and angle) as a function of frequency.
2. The attempt at a...
Hi, was just hoping that you could clear up a mis-understanding i have:
In a frequency response curve, the y-axis is a decibel scale. Is this a comparison of the microphones response to the reference sound in relation to sound intensity.
eg. If the microphone has a +5 db for a particular...
1. A hammer is pounding a nail straight down into a wooden board. Just before the hammer hits the nail, the speed of the hammer is 1.2 m/s. The hammer drives the nail into the wood and stops after the nail goes in a distance of 0.95 cm. The weight of the hammer head is 6N, and in addition to...
Homework Statement
The problem is to find the motion of the electron of charge -e and mass m which is initially at rest and which is suddenly subjected to an electric field E= E0sin(\omegat).
The following mathematical expression is safe and sound but I am having trouble with the Physics...
Homework Statement
An automobile is traveling west. Can it have a velocity toward the west and at the same time have an acceleration toward the east? Under what circumstances.
The Attempt at a Solution
I wrote "Yes, the car can be moving west and speeding up with a positive velocity...
Homework Statement
Compute the unit-pulse response h[n] for n= 0,1,2,3 for the following discrete time system:
y[n+2] + 1/2y[n+1] + 1/4y[n] = x[n=1] - x[n]
Homework Equations
I think i am supposed to replace the functions of x with delta functions, which are zero at all except n=0...
Homework Statement
Determine the response factors for both Na and K with the Li internal standard
Concentration Ratio
Na : K : Li (in ppm)
5.0 : 5.0: 500
Signal Ratio
Na : K : Li (relative units)
4.9 : 6.4: 36.2
Homework Equations
Ax/x = F(As/s)...
To All,
I did a study and my response is defined as y = b1x1 + b2x2 + e where e ~N(0,1).
I have y~N(4,33). In my data results, I did an ordinary least squares regression model
for y = b1x1+b2x2+ e. The ANOVA is telling me the mean of y is 4, but MSE is 1.
So here is my question. If I...
Hi All,
Firstly this is not homework etc but something i found on the internet that i need some help with. It is for the frequency response of subsurface metal targets. IE Metal Detectors etc.
My take on this as with some others that i have read is...
Homework Statement
A polonium nucleus of atomic number 84 and mass number 210 decays to a nucleus of lead by the emission of an alpha particle of mass 4.0026 atomic mass units and kinetic energy 5.5 MeV. (1 atomic mass unit=931.5 MeV/c^2=1.66x10^-27kg.) The atomic number of the lead nucleus...
I chanced upon an article http://homepage.mac.com/ardeshir/TrainDisprovesRelativity.html which sought to show through a thought experiment that SR is inherently contradictory.
Now I am not a pro in Relativity but from whatever understanding I have built up, here is the response that I...
Homework Statement
Given the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system
compute the impulse response.
Homework Equations
We are supposed to compute the inverse z-transform with partial fraction decomposition but the problem here is the irreducible...
i'm having a LOT of trouble understanding pulse train response in RL and CR circuits... could someone please recommend a good reading over the internet...
i understand LR and RC response fairly better... and use the snapshot idea to get voltage equations etc... but its very confusing and i...
Homework Statement
The function f has a Taylor series about x=2 that converges tp f(x) for all x in the interval of convergence. The nth derivative of f at x=2 is given by f^(n)(2)=((n+1)!)/3^n for n>=1, and f(2) =1.
(a). write the first four terms and the general term of the Taylor series...
Homework Statement
This is related to the frequency response topic.
Given transfer function G(s) = 4/(s+1)
and input is sinusoidal i.e. 2 sin (10t + 10)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have found out that the magnitude of the transfer function G(s) is...
2001 free response Question [urgent]
Hello Physics forum-
Over the past couple of hours I've been trying to solve an AP Chem problem. I'm self studying for the AP exam and i got a copy of a bunch of past free response questions to help me study. Most are hard, and without a class, its even...
The question is: Compute the unit-impulse response h[n] for n=0,1,2,3 for each of the following discrete-time systems.
y[n+1] + y[n] = 2x[n]
I am trying to figure out how to solve this equation. I understand the example in the book but I don't understand what to do when it...