Ring Definition and 1000 Threads

In molecular biology, a RING (Really Interesting New Gene) finger domain is a protein structural domain of zinc finger type which contains a C3HC4 amino acid motif which binds two zinc cations (seven cysteines and one histidine arranged non-consecutively). This protein domain contains 40 to 60 amino acids. Many proteins containing a RING finger play a key role in the ubiquitination pathway.

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  1. A

    Direction of induced current in conducting ring due to motion of bar m

    Homework Statement Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution The relative velocity of magnet with respect to ring is 5−4=1m/s How can I find the Direction of induced current in conducting ring due to motion of bar magnet? I searched online and found this ...
  2. S

    Force distribution of a tilted 20 ton Ring?

    Hi dear PF'ers, I have to develop a tank lifting system similar to the picture : http://www.astanks.com/Lifting%20method.JPG . The lifting would be distributed evenly over a dozen of chain hoists pulled by motors. Each chain hoist has a maximal load of 5 metric tons. Because the motors...
  3. T

    Kleppner & Kolenkow 4.7: Ring & Beads Rise if m>3M/2

    This problem is Kleppner and Kolenkow's 4.7. A ring of mass M hangs from a thread, and two beads of mass m slide on it without friction. The beads are released simultaneously from the top of the ring and slide down opposite sides. Show that the ring will start to rise if m>3M/2, and find the...
  4. V

    Friction on a casing on a metal ring

    Homework Statement A casing of mass m can glide along a thin metal ring lying horizontally. It has an initial speed of v0. How long a distance s will it glide before stopping if its friction coefficient is μ? The answer is given as s = r/2μ * ln( v02 + √(v02 + g2r2)/ g * r ) The task is to...
  5. N

    Piston Ring End Gap: Are We Doing It Right?

    Im an intern at a manufacturing company looking at whether our end gaps are too small on piston rings. Can someone take a look at this and tell me if I'm doing it right? We have a piston ring that goes into a 9 5/8" bore. The upper limit of the end gap is 0.136. Max temperature is 300°F. For...
  6. 0

    Static Equilibrium Two Pulleys and Weights With Ring

    I have a problem. Lets say there were two pulleys put at equal height. You have a metal ring and attach three wires to it. At the end of each wire, have three weights of mass w. One weight hangs down, one weight goes over one pulley and the other over the other pulley. The system goes to...
  7. N

    Finding Chiral Centres in Ring Structures

    How to find chiral centres of rings structures?For example take the following ringhttp://img203.imageshack.us/img203/7994/8vmq.jpg How to calculate no. of chiral centres?? thanks
  8. B

    Proving the scalar matrices are the center of the matrix ring

    I read that scalar matrices are the center of the ring of matrices. How would I prove this? Tips are appreciated. It is already obvious that scalar matrices commute with all matrices, but the converse seems tricky. BiP
  9. T

    How Do You Calculate the Electric Field of a Ring?

    Homework Statement I am suppose to find an expression for the electric field of a ring. Homework Equations E =\frac{Kq}{r^2} The Attempt at a Solution I calculated my results and I reached up to this: \frac{Kx\Delta q}{(R^2 + x^2)}^{3/2} where R = radius, x = distance, K =...
  10. Math Amateur

    MHB Rings of the form R[X] - Ring Adjunction

    I am reading R.Y Sharp's book: "Steps in Commutative Algebra". On page 6 in 1.11 Lemma, we have the following: [see attachment] "Let S be a subring of the ring R, and let \Gamma be a subset of R. Then S[ \Gamma ] is defined as the intersection of all subrings of R which contain S and...
  11. Krizalid1

    MHB Commutative ring | Exam question

    This is a question I gave in one of my exams. :D If $I$ is an ideal of the commutative ring $A$ (with unity), then prove that for each ideal $\overline J$ of the quotient ring $A/I$, exists an ideal $J$ of $A$ that contains the ideal $I$ and the lateral classes of $I$ defined by the elements of...
  12. E

    Calculating E-field and potential of a charged ring

    Hello folks! I've been trying to calculate the E-field of a charged ring. It seems well documented for a symetric point(a line from the center etc.) but what I'm interested in is say if I'm slightly of the center of the ring, how can I make a more general equation? I've tried calculating...
  13. L

    Invertible elements in a commutative ring with no zero divisors

    Homework Statement Suppose that a commutative ring R, with a unit, has no zero divisors. Does that necessarily imply that every nonzero element of R is invertible? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution We have to show that there exists some b in R such that ab = e. Having...
  14. B

    Electric Field Due To A Ring and Disk

    Homework Statement Assume a uniformly charged ring of radius R and charge Q produces an electric field Ering at a point P on its axis, at a distance x away from the center of the ring. Now the same charge Q is spread uniformly over a circular area the ring encloses, forming a flat disk of...
  15. A

    Magnet Phenomenon: The divergent region of a ring magnet

    Magnet Phenomenon: The "divergent" region of a ring magnet Here's a puzzler: I have a NdFeB ring magnet, 1.75" outer diameter x 1.375" inner diameter x 0.25" thick, N40 grade. It is axially magnetized so that the north pole is toward one face and the south pole is toward the opposite face. The...
  16. A

    Ring moves on curved path faster

    A ring on curved path (say on bent rod) will move longer distance than the one moves on straight line in same interval of time (the two rings are released simultaneously - one moves on curved path and other one moves horizontally) - How to explain? by which principle one can explain?
  17. A

    Potential of ring with sphere inside it

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm trying to find the potential of conducting grounded sphere with radius Rs which located in the center of charged ring with Rr (>Rs) with charge density λ, h meters up to the z axis (see the attached images) Rs=4.3[cm] Rr=6.6[cm] h=13.1[cm] λ=1.0[esu/cm]...
  18. D

    Electric Field of Uniformly Charged Ring: Derivation Explained

    hi every one on an exercise on book we ask us to find the electrical field for a uniformly charged ring where we going to find : E=kqz/(z2+R2)3/2 then we have to derivate it wth respect to z and we find : dE/dz=kq*(R2+2z2)/(z2+R2)5/2 so my question is how do we get this derivation ?
  19. Saitama

    Motion of charge at centre of ring

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I started by calculating potential energy at a distance x(<<R). I used the approximation and differentiated the result to get an expression for force which came out to be F=-\frac{kQqx}{2R^3}\Rightarrow a=-\frac{kQqx}{2mR^3} This...
  20. Saitama

    Calculating Ring Capacitance: MKS Units & Math Involved

    I was reading the following thread at stackexachange. http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/9830/tension-in-a-curved-charged-wire-electrostatic-force-does-wire-thickness-mat The first answer calculates the radial force using the capacitance of ring. Any ideas how the poster derived the...
  21. T

    At which distance can you see Saturn's ring with a naked eye?

    At which distance can you see Saturn's ring with a naked eye? I guess you would not be able to see it from Mars?
  22. M

    Understanding Newton's Ring Experiment & Why Rings are Circular

    Hi... Having problen in understanding Newton's ring experiment ? And why are rings circular in shaoe ? Thanks in advance...:)
  23. S

    Net force of two forces in a ring

    Homework Statement Consider the following ring: Considering that \theta = 30°, determine F1 and F2 in order for the net force to be oriented downards with magnitude 10^3 N and without any horizontal component. The Attempt at a Solution Alright, so, the problem is I find two conflicting...
  24. M

    Mechanics Problem: Finding the speed at the center of a ring

    Homework Statement A homogeneous ring lays horizontally on two identical parallel rails. The first rail moves parallel to itself, with a constant speed v; the second rail is at rest. The angular distance between the ring-rail contact points, as seen from the center of the ring, is 2α for the...
  25. G

    Calculation of the magnetic field ring current and the magnetic flux t

    This work was motivated by the lack of open source analytic formulas for calculating the magnetic field of a current ring at any point in space As the result of the theoretical calculations, which are based on the law of "Bio Savart Laplace", the analytical formulas giving the ability to...
  26. P

    MHB Proving that a ring is non a PID

    Let R=\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-13}], let p be a prime in \mathbb{N}, p\neq 2,13. Suppose that p divides an integer of the form a^2+13b^2, with a,b integers and coprime. Let P=(p,a+b\sqrt{-13}) be the ideal generated in R by p and a+b\sqrt{-13} and let \overline{P}=(p,a-b\sqrt{-13}). 1)Prove that...
  27. G

    Ring with Infinitely Many Simple Modules

    Homework Statement Give an example of a ring R with infinitely many non-isomorphic simple modules. The Attempt at a Solution I was thinking of setting R=\mathbb{Z}_{p_1}\times \mathbb{Z}_{p_2}\times \mathbb{Z}_{p_3}\times \cdots where p_1,p_2,p_3,\ldots is an infinite increasing list...
  28. S

    Literature Review- Aluminium Ring

    Hi there, I'm a university student and am stuck regarding a literature review for my individual project. I was given a schematic sketch of the setup of my experiment that showed a force acting on a hollow ring, and a strain gauges attached on the ring measured strain for the set force. I was...
  29. Bruce Wayne1

    MHB Prove a ring: showing an element has an additive inverse

    I'm working on showing that Z3 is a ring. The one portion I'd like to confirm is the additive inverse part. So here's what I'm thinking as my proof: Given [x]3 , suppose [3-x]3 is the additive inverse in the set Z3 . Thus: [3-x]3 = [3]3 + [-x]3 = [0]3 + [-x]3 = [0-x]3 = [-x]3 Then, it...
  30. L

    Need help with gauss law and charged ring AP Physics FRQ

    Homework Statement 1. 2. Homework Equations ∫E.dA = Qenc/\epsilon_{o} \lambda=Q/L \rho=Q/V V= q/4πε_{o}r The Attempt at a Solution these types of problems i suck at, i don't know how to do these at all independently, and is there any difference in question 2 if there is an insulator or...
  31. Math Amateur

    MHB Principal Ideals - Need for a ring with identity or a unity

    On page 273 of Dummit and Foote the last sentence reads: (see attachment - page 273) "The notion of the greatest common divisor of two elements (if it exists) can be made precise in general rings." (my emphasis) Then, the first sentence on page 274 reads as follows: (see attachment - page...
  32. Math Amateur

    MHB Principal ideal in a ring without identity

    (Hungerford exercise 31, page 143) Let R be a commutative ring without identity and let a \in R Show that A = \{ ra + na \ | \ r \in R, n \in \mathbb{Z} \} is an ideal containing a and that every ideal containing a also contains A. (A is called the prinicipal ideal generated by a)
  33. P

    MHB Integral closure of rational polynomial ring

    Consider the ring $\mathbb{Q}[X]$ of polynomials in $X$ with coefficients in the field of rational numbers. Consider the quotient field $\mathbb{Q}(X)$ and let $K$ be the finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}(X)$ given by $K:=\mathbb{Q}(X)[Y]$, where $Y^2-X=0$.Let $O_{K}$ be the integral closure of...
  34. H

    Force/torque in a differential / gear ring.

    Hi guys: I have 3 questions: Imagine an open differential that looks like a gear ring : and now let's call the rings (orbital gear) the wheel gear, the gear in the center the center gear. 1. is the reason why torque from input shaft is evenly split to both wheels regardless...
  35. stripes

    How Can the Heat Equation on a Ring Be Demonstrated in a Classroom Seminar?

    Homework Statement I have to give a seminar to my math class about the heat equation on the ring. I will be introducing the heat kernel on the circle to the class, which is as follows: H_{t} (x) = \sum ^{-\infty}_{\infty} e^{-4 \pi ^{2} n^{2} t} e^{2 \pi i n x} . I basically will...
  36. J

    Help understanding E fields for line of charge and ring.

    Homework Statement I am going through the example problems in the book and it shows me how to find the electric field of a line of charge, which is this http://imageshack.us/a/img24/8932/img0303fq.jpg I get to this part where they change ΔQ to (Q/L)ΔY...
  37. S

    Basic proof of units in a ring with identity.

    Homework Statement Let R be a ring with identity, and a,b are elements in R. If ab is a unit, and neither a nor b is a zero divisor, prove a and b are units. Homework Equations If ab is a unit then (ab)c=1=c(ab) for some c in R. The Attempt at a Solution Assume both a and b are...
  38. P

    What is the maximum mass of the ring in a beads sliding down a ring problem?

    Homework Statement A single large circular Olympic ring hangs freely at the lower end of a strong flexible rope firmly supported at the other end. Two identical small beads each of mass 30 kg are free to slide symmetrically without friction around the ring (the ring passes through the holes...
  39. S

    Thermal Expansion of a metal ring

    Homework Statement A ring of aluminum has a hole in the middle. When the ring is heated: a) the hole decreases in diameter b) the aluminum expands outward and the hole remains the same size. c) the area of the hole expands by the same percent as the area of the aluminum. d) the area of...
  40. C

    Unit in a ring (abstract algebra)

    Homework Statement Is (x^2-1) a unit in F[x]? where F is a field. 2. The attempt at a solution I might say yes, cause we can find the taylor expansion of 1/(x^2-1), is my idea right?
  41. O

    Calculating Electric Field and Potential of a Charged Ring Segment

    Hi everyone, i have been looking at this problem for a few days now and i am pretty stuck, ill explain why first the problem : a charge Q is distributed over a ring section of radius r, between angles 90 and 180. find the V and E at the origin. Now the problem I am having ais everything...
  42. A

    Working Principle of Split Ring Resonators

    What is the physical working principle of SRR's ? How do they result in the negative permeability at a macro level? (either of explanation or decent links will do!) Thanks :biggrin:
  43. P

    Ring theory- zero divisors and integral domains

    Homework Statement Consider the ring Z/mZ, show that S = {[0], [a], [2a], · · · , [m − a]} forms a (possibly nonunitary) subring of Z/mZ when a divides m. (i.e. show that (S,+, ·) is closed the usual addition and multiplication. (We are not require to find a multiplicative identity)...
  44. michael879

    Energy stored in charged ring current

    I'm a little disappointed in myself for not being able to calculate this or find the answer online, but I've hit a bit of a mental block so I was hoping someone could help me out a bit. I was doing a thought experiment involving kerr-newmann black holes, and basically I would like to calculate...
  45. STEMucator

    Proving Ring Isomorphism using the First Isomorphism Theorem

    Homework Statement The question : http://gyazo.com/5372336302b5ef289b305172bcd16a2a Homework Equations First Isomorphism theorem. The Attempt at a Solution Define \phi : \mathbb{Q}[x]/<x^2-2> → Q[ \sqrt{2} ] \space | \space \phi (f(x)) = f( \sqrt{2}) So showing phi is a homomorphism is...
  46. P

    Electric field of ring causing oscillation

    Homework Statement A ring of radius 18 cm that lies in the yz plane carries positive charge of 5 µC uniformly distributed over its length. A particle of mass m that carries a charge of −5 µC executes small oscillations about the center of the ring on its axis with an angular frequency of...
  47. Fernando Revilla

    MHB Communitative ring, map R / ( I /\ J) -> R/I x R/J

    Commutative ring, map R / ( I /\ J) -> ( R/I ) x ( R/J ) I quote an unsolved question posted in MHF (November 25th, 2012) by user needhelp2. P.S. Communicative note: Of course I meant in the title, commutative instead of communitative.
  48. J

    Ring of charge (half positive, half negative)

    Homework Statement Two half-rings of charge of opposite polarity are brought together at the origin (so that the rings create a full circle against the y- and z-axis. Each half-ring has a charge of magnitude Q and radius a. Derive the net electric field at point P, located on the +x axis a...
  49. D

    How Would Gravity Work on a Planet-Sized Ring?

    Hello, I was wondering what the effect of gravity in a planet sized ring would be. If any of you have played the Halo game series, the ring structure is what I have in mind. -Would you be able to walk on the inside of the ring, and what forces will or will not permit you to? -Would you be...
  50. Fernando Revilla

    MHB Solving an Unsolved Math Problem: Ring A & Polynomials

    I quote an unsolved problem posted in another forum on December 5th, 2012.