What is Rod: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Röd (Swedish for Red) is the eighth studio album by Swedish alternative rock band Kent. It was released as digital download exclusively through the band's website on 5 November 2009 and physically on 6 November 2009. The first single from the album, "Töntarna", was released as digital download on 5 October 2009.
Röd is available in a standard edition and a deluxe edition box. The deluxe edition box version features the 11-track CD, a USB flash drive with high quality MP3 files as well as AIFF files, three 10" records which between them contain the whole album, and a 118-page book containing lyrics, abstract pictures and photographs. Due to distribution difficulties the deluxe edition was delayed until 11 November 2009.

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  1. W

    Rotational Motion of a thin rod about a pivot

    Homework Statement A uniform thin rod of Length L and mass M is pivoted at one end is held horizontally and then released from rest. Assuming the pivot to be frictionless, find a) Angular velocity of the rod when it reaches its vertical position b) The force exerted by the pivot at this time...
  2. T

    I Rod falling through the event horizon of a black hole

    Having discussed recently https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/rod-falling-radially-towards-the-center-of-a-mass.871169/ I'm now puzzled by the question, what happens to the rod during his radial fall through the event horizon and what would the hypothetical observer at ##r=2M## measure...
  3. deusy

    Acceleration of the end of a hinged rod in a pulley system

    Homework Statement As shown in image. 2. Homework Equations Moment of inertia of pulley = 1/2*M*R^2 Moment of inertia of rod (about end) = 1/3*M*L^2 Acceleration of end of rod in theta direction = L*α Acceleration of end of rod in radial direction = L*ω^2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  4. D

    Accounting for Angular Acceleration in a Tensioned Rod System

    Homework Statement https://holland.pk/uptow/i4/ae8d3da6c3ce3cad10eb98dd3208a955.png Homework Equations τ=I⋅α The Attempt at a Solution I want to discuss in part (a) of the question Tension in 5 kg block string=mg=5*9.8=49N Taking moment at the pivot, a net torque acting on 15 kg post is...
  5. S

    Mysteries of the Lightning Rod Underground

    I want to know when the lightning rod in the under ground about 200 years, what happens it..? specially want to mention it has been hit by more and more lightnings... so is it contained some energy source...? and there are no any plants that grown up... and even there are no any insects close in...
  6. M

    What is the Force Exerted by a Falling Rod on a Hinged Support?

    Homework Statement Consider a rod of length ##L## that is attached to a hinge making an angle ##\theta## with the horizontal. There is a force ##\vec{F}## acting vertically on the rod that creates constant angular velocity ##-\omega##. If there is fluid under the rod with constant density...
  7. Vitani11

    What is the horizontal force exerted by the pivot on the rod

    Homework Statement A rod swings freely about a pivot. Is has mass M and length L. The average force and duration of hit are Fo and t respectively. A) What is the speed of the com of the rod just after It is hit? B) what is the horizontal component of the force exerted by the pivot on the rod...
  8. brotherbobby

    Problem - Different weights on a swinging rod

    The following problem is from Sears and Zemansky's textbook. A wooden rod of negligible mass and length 80.0 cm is pivoted about a horizontal axis through its center. A white rat with mass 0.500 kg clings to one end of the stick, and a mouse with mass 0.200 kg clings to the other end. The...
  9. D

    How to Calculate the Resultant Electric Field from a Line Charge?

    1. Homework Statement Calculate the resultant electric field acting on some point ##x##. The electric field is generated by a long thin rod and the line charge density is given. ##p_l=\frac{dQ}{dL}## Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I have uploaded two images, one of the...
  10. G

    Does a lightning rod also avoid lightning?

    Hi. I understand a lightning rod reroutes the current of a lightning around an object, e.g. building. The lightning will preferably strike the rod because the electric field is strong at sharp points and the air is more likely to be ionized there. But does it also avoid lightning by giving off...
  11. MickeyBlue

    Clay-stick inertia & energy problem

    Homework Statement A thin stick of mass M = 2.8 kg and length L = 2.2 m is hinged at the top. A piece of clay, mass m = 0.8 kg and velocity V = 2.7 m/s hits the stick a distance x = 1.65 m from the hinge and sticks to it. Q2: What is the ratio of the final mechanical energy to the initial...
  12. P

    Gap Conduction in Nuclear Fuel rod Performance Codes

    Hi, everyone! I'm doing a research in gap conduction calculation models in popular nuclear fuel performance codes. I want to make a sensitive analysis in their behaviors, but unfortunately, I just have access to FRAPCON package. is there anyone who can help me to gather some of the codes...
  13. Jabbar

    Electric field due to a charged rod

    Homework Statement https://gyazo.com/d502fb408d6224ffa70700cf047bad20 (link to problem: #4). [moderator edit: Image inserted for clarity] A total charge Q is distributed uniformly over rod length L. The rod is aligned on the x-axis, with one end at the origin and the other at point x=L. a)...
  14. Hamal_Arietis

    How Is Velocity Calculated When a Rod Falls onto a Mass Connected by a Spring?

    Homework Statement The uniform rod mass m, length L falling into mass M. M is attacked with string k. Find the velocity u of system when the top of rod falling into M. Homework Equations I find this equation, but it seems wrong: Chose origin at equilibrium position. The rod has been divided...
  15. A

    Stress in a rod with a hole for pin-joint

    If a rod is in compression, will the minimum area on rod ( the section where there is a hole for pin) stress free? What if the rod is in tension? The rod BC is in compression and the boom AB is in tension? http://imgur.com/a/6asfB
  16. H

    How does a rod rotate due to gravity?

    Homework Statement Imagine a uniform, symmetric rod, free to rotate around an axis going into the computer screen through the center of the rod. Now say that we start off the rod so that it is not horizontal or vertical, but somewhere in between. My intuition tells me that the rod will start...
  17. Z

    Tension of rod connecting two cylinders

    Homework Statement Two cyllinders of equal size and of mass M (one hollow, one solid) are connected along their common axis by a light rod and placed on an inclined plane with an incline of α (both cylinders are on the same height initially). The system of cylinders then begins to roll down...
  18. K

    Rod rotating and hitting a mass

    Homework Statement A is the pivot at the upper edge of the rod. The rod of length L and mass M stays horizontally. it can pivot round it's edge. suddenly it falls, rotates round A and hits a mass m which gains velocity v. At which angular velocity the rod reaches the mass What is the rod's...
  19. Strife_Cloud

    Rod Motion -> power level calc +loss of all station air

    HELLO PEOPLE! Sorry for the enthusiasm but, this is my first post. I am in the process of getting my masters in material science and engineering and I liked my nuclear materials course so I decided to jump right into the integration of mechanical systems in nuclear engineering this summer. I...
  20. V

    Ball colliding with rod elastically

    Homework Statement Ans D) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The problem I am having in this question is that mass and speed of ball is not given . I think it is not possible to solve this question without this data . Am I correct or is data sufficient in this problem ? Thanks
  21. A

    Why do tightrope walkers carry a rod?

    Intuitively I guess that what matters is a) the position (lowers CoM) b) the weight ( probably weight equal to the body is best) c) length of the rod (larger L) d)... but I can't say why point c helps or if thereare other factors Can you give some technical explanations on all points?
  22. t_r_theta_phi

    I Metric for Infinite Rod in Gen. Relativity

    What is the metric for the spacetime around an infinitely thin, infinitely long, uniform rod? Could it be written in the form ds2 = A(r)dt2 + B(r)dr2 + C(r)dh2 + r2dθ2 where h is the coordinate along the rod and r is the radial coordinate, or would it be something more complicated?
  23. P

    Angular velocity of suspended rod

    Homework Statement A uniform rod of length L & mass m is suspended through an end. It is shifted through an angle of π/2 radian i.e. made horizontal and then released. Find angular velocity when rod is vertical.[/B]Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution My attempt to a problem is attached...
  24. W

    Moving rod viewed in different inertial frames

    Homework Statement Two inertial frames S and S' are in standard configuration, the frame S' is moving along the x-axis of S with velocity v. In S' a straight rod parallel to the x' axis moves in the y' direction with velocity u. Show that in S the rod is inclined to the x-axis at an angle ##-...
  25. F

    Force acting on steel rod (deformation)

    in this problem , i could only understand that P3 = 120KN , i can't understand why P2= -60kN and why P1 = 240kN ? can someone explain ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  26. sehrish shakir

    Pressure drop in rod bundles without spacer grid

    Hello! I am studying the mentioned topic I am confused in calculating the average value of friction factor in sub channels ... please help ?? thank you in advance
  27. P

    Electrostatic Interaction Energy of a Rod and a Ring

    Homework Statement [/B] Thin rod of length l is placed with one of its ends at the center O of the (thin circular )ring of radius R as shown (Figure 1), perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The rod is charged with total charge Q that is distrubted along the rod's length with linear charge...
  28. N

    Solving Tension in Rope for Homogeneous Rod

    Homework Statement I'm sorry, I'm not the best in English, but I'll try to translate it. A homogenous rod with length 5.0 m and mass 40 kg, is connected to a pole at 70* at point A. The rod is held in place with a rope that makes 50* with the pole, and is connected to the rod 1.0 m from the...
  29. D

    A Normal applied by a disk on a rod

    Hi all. I'm trying to figure out how is the normal (direction) applied by two disks on a rod which connects the two disks, in order to build the second law of dynamics. See figure. Hope you could help Thanks
  30. D

    Moment of Inertia of rod on an axis

    Homework Statement You are a project manager for a manufacturing company. One of the machine parts on the assembly line is a thin, uniform rod that is 60.0 cm long and has mass 0.700 kg . 1What is the moment of inertia of this rod for an axis at its center, perpendicular to the rod? Express...
  31. Blockade

    How can I find the inertia of a rod with a pivot point?

    I have a question on finding the inertia of a rod with a pivot point somewhere along it's length. So the inertia of a rod is IStick cm = 1/12 *m*L2 Does L2 = (2L/3)2 = 4L2/9 -> 1/12 *m*[4L2/9] or is it something like m*L2/12 + m* (2L/3)2? If it's the second one then may I ask why it's that...
  32. T

    Vertical Spring with a Rod: How to Calculate Rotational Kinetic Energy?

    Homework Statement Question 8 Homework Equations E=(kx^2)/2 E=(Iw^2)/2 I=(ml^2)/3 The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how to start to solve the problem, because I don't really know which part should I refer to. First I use the energy. So the energy stored in the spring will converted to...
  33. T

    B Rod falling radially towards the center of a mass

    This example might be not very interesting, but perhaps helps to improve my understanding. Is a radially falling rod in free fall? Which frequency shift of light emitted at the ends of the rod would observers at rest at the respective other ends measure? Here are some assumptions. Please...
  34. yeezyseason3

    Deriving Electric Field Inside Plastic Rod Using Gauss's Law

    Homework Statement A straight circular plastic cylinder of length L and radius R (where R ≪ L) is irradiated with a beam of protons so that there is a total excess charge Q distributed uniformly throughout the cylinder. Find the electric field inside the cylinder, a distance r from the center...
  35. ccarit3007

    What is the total kinetic energy of the rod?

    Homework Statement Uniform rod rotates at axel. What is the total kinetic energy of the rod? Homework Equations deltaKrot = 1/2Iw^2 deltaKtrans = 1/2mv^2 The Attempt at a Solution I believe the rod has both rotational as well as translation energy because the rod is not rotating about its...
  36. B

    Angular Momentum - rotating rod makes an angle phi with axis

    Homework Statement A thin rod of length l and mass M rotates about a vertical axis through its center with angular velocity ω. The rod makes an angle φ with the rotation axis. Determine the magnitude and direction of L (angular momentum). So we're given: mass - M, length - l, angular velocity...
  37. M

    Finding Tension in Rotating Rod: What is the Function of T(x)?

    a thin uniform rod of length l and density d is rotating with angular velocityω about an axis passing through one of its ends and perpendicular to it.find the tension int the rod as a function of x.(x= dist from axis of rotation).area of cross section = a attempt at solution...
  38. vetgirl1990

    Simple harmonic oscillation: uniform rod

    Homework Statement A uniform rod of mass m and length L is freely pivoted at one end. What is the period of its oscillations? Icm for a uniform rod rotating about its centre of mass is 1/12mL2 (a) √3g/2L (b) 2π √3L/2g (c) 2π √2L/3g (d) 2π √L/g (e) none of the above Homework Equations ω2 =...
  39. S

    Thin rod w/linear charge density, dipole moment

    Homework Statement A thin rod of length 2L has a linear charge density that isλ0 at the left end but decreases linearly with distance going from left to right in such a way that the charge on the entire rod is zero. Given E = −kλ0/L(d/(L−d)−ln(d−L)+d/(L+d)+ln(L+d)) for a point P that is...
  40. ing_it

    Physical Pendulum - Rod - Period and Distance From Center of Mass

    Homework Statement We have a rod (length L, mass m) suspended at a point whose distance from the center of mass is a. 1) prove that (generally) there exist two values of a (a1, a2) for which the pendulum oscillates with the same period. 2) derive and explain: T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{a_1+ a_2}{g}}...
  41. M

    Metal sphere drawn and then repelled by charged rod

    Homework Statement An uncharged metal sphere hangs from a nylon thread. When a positively charged, nonconducting glass rod is brought close to the metal sphere, the sphere is drawn toward the rod. But if the sphere touches the rod, the sphere suddenly flies away from the rod. Explain why the...
  42. Narwhalest

    Moment of thin Rod at pivot when acted upon by a Force

    This is of my own interest/ practice. Homework Statement A thin rod (of width zero, but not uniform) is pivoted freely at one end about the horizontal z axis , being free to swing in the xy plane (x horizontal, y vertically down). Its mass is m and its CM is a distance a from the pivot. The...
  43. O

    Induced EMF from moving conducting rod

    Homework Statement Lets say we have two horizontal rails connected by a resistor to the left, and we have a movable conducting rod that slides without friction on the rails.There is a uniform magnetic field going into the page. Homework Equations F = ILB[/B]The Attempt at a Solution Now, I...
  44. E

    Solve Homework Problem: Velocity & Force of Rod in Rails

    Homework Statement Two long parallel horizontal rails, a distance d apart and each having a resistance λ per unit length, are joined at one end by a resistance R. A perfectly conducting rod MN of mass m is free to slide along the rails without friction (see the figure). There is a uniform...
  45. R

    How do I use the parallel axis theorem for moment of inertia in this homework?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I = (1/3)ML2 Parallel axis theorem: Inew = Iold + mr2 The Attempt at a Solution I already solved part a) and I got (1/12)ML2. For b), I get that I have to use the parallel axis theorem but I don't know how to go from there. We have not gone over this...
  46. Titan97

    What is the velocity of a rod released inside a cart?

    Homework Statement [/B] A rod of mass m is attached on the ceiling inside a cart of mass 6m kept at rest. Length of rod is L. Find the velocity of rod with respect to cart when the rod becomes vertical after releasing it. The rod is free to rotate about its point of suspension. Homework...
  47. kev931210

    Elastic rod problem (having some math issue)

    Homework Statement I figured out the first part of the question, proving why |t| equals 1, but I have trouble solving the next part of the problem. I expressed F(r(s)) in terms of theta, but I cannot solve for a, b, and c using the equation I derived. 2. Homework Equations Free energy...
  48. F

    Releasing a rod tied to a string which was held at an angle

    Homework Statement "Find the tension in the right string, when the left string is cut, if the mass of the rod is ##m## and its length is ##l##, and ##\sin \theta = 3/5##. The rod is initially horizontal." Please refer the diagram below (sorry for its clumsiness!). Homework Equations $$I_{rod}...
  49. Titan97

    Thermal expansion of a rod with variable alpha

    Homework Statement The coefficient of linear expansion of a rod of length 1 meter (at 300K) varies with temperature as ##\alpha=\frac{1}{T}##, where T is the temperature. Find the increment in length when the rod is heated from 300K to 600K Homework Equations $$\Delta L=L\alpha \Delta T$$ The...
  50. annoyingdude666

    Why infinite conducting rod - Gauss's Law , uses lambda?

    hi, i still don't understand why infinite thin-walled cylindrical shell or conducting rod use lambda rather than sigma ? lambda = C/m ,,, sigma = C/m^2 i mean when we look at conducting rod, the charges inside the conductor is zero, so the charges spread on the surface of conducting rod(have...