Rod Definition and 1000 Threads

Röd (Swedish for Red) is the eighth studio album by Swedish alternative rock band Kent. It was released as digital download exclusively through the band's website on 5 November 2009 and physically on 6 November 2009. The first single from the album, "Töntarna", was released as digital download on 5 October 2009.
Röd is available in a standard edition and a deluxe edition box. The deluxe edition box version features the 11-track CD, a USB flash drive with high quality MP3 files as well as AIFF files, three 10" records which between them contain the whole album, and a 118-page book containing lyrics, abstract pictures and photographs. Due to distribution difficulties the deluxe edition was delayed until 11 November 2009.

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  1. Pushoam

    Motion of sleeve attached to a L-shaped rotating rod

    Homework Statement[/B] Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Let me assume that initially the spring is at its natural length. The normal...
  2. P

    B How do Neutrons and U235 Nuclei get out of the fuel rod

    I understand that there are fuel rods, water control rods. I also understand that fuel rods are metal tubes filled with special U235 pellets. Finally, I understand that water slows the neutrons down enough to collide. How do the neutrons and U235 nuclei get out of the metal encased fuel rod...
  3. Hiero

    B Poisson's ratio, steel rod for example

    Steel has a "Poisson ratio" μ of 0.29 (in my book of problems at least). Am I understanding the meaning of this ratio correctly: if a steel cylinder is stretched along its symmetry axis by a factor p (something like 1.01 or 0.99) then the radius will change by a factor 1-μ(p-1)? [So then the...
  4. D

    Rod Falling under gravity hits straight edge

    Homework Statement [/B] Homework Equations [/B] Elastic Collision so $$ mgh = \frac{1}{2}mv_i^2 = \frac{1}{2}mv_f^2 + \frac{1}{2}I\omega^2 $$ $$ F=ma $$ The Attempt at a Solution [/B] So the problem is similar to this one which allows me to work out the normal force...
  5. J6204

    How to Calculate the Electric Field at the Origin from a Uniformly Charged Rod?

    Homework Statement A line of charge with a uniform density of 34.2 nC/m lies along the line y = -14.9 cm, between the points with coordinates x = 0 and x = 42.8 cm. Calculate the electric field it creates at the origin, entering first the x component then the y component Homework EquationsThe...
  6. Feodalherren

    Undamped Harmonic Motion of a rod

    Homework Statement The problem: The mass the m is placed on the rod with the bushing remaining stationary. The end of the rod deflects 2 cm. The bushing is then given a vertical motion y(t) = 0.4 sin (20t) cm. Determine the magnitude of the motion of the mass m (either relative to the bushing...
  7. P

    Formula for bending a rod in the elastic range

    Is there a formula to calculate the radius that a rod of a given radius can be bent around while staying in the elastic range? For example, if I had a rod that was 1/4" in diameter and made of HDPE (which I think has a modulus of elasticity of 0.8 GPa), how would I calculate the minimum radius...
  8. P

    Formula for bending a rod in the elastic range

    Is there a formula to calculate the radius that a rod of a given radius can be bent around while staying in the elastic range? For example, if I had a rod that was 1/4" in diameter and made of HDPE (which I think has a modulus of elasticity of 0.8 GPa), how would I calculate the minimum radius...
  9. F

    Two wheels rotating connected by a rod

    Homework Statement A cart has two cylindrical wheels connected by a weightless horizontal rod using weightless spokes and friction- less axis as shown in the figure. Each of the wheels is made of a homogeneous disc of radius R, and has a cylidrical hole of radius R/2 drilled coaxially at the...
  10. I

    Calculating the moment of inertia of a rod as a point mass

    The moment of inertia of a rod with consistent density rotating about its end is M(L^2)/3. However, if you treat the rod as a point mass and try to calculate this using mr^2, you get M(L/2)^2=M(L^2)/4. Why doesn't this work?
  11. J

    How to calculate heat dispersion through a solid copper rod?

    I'm trying to build a fanless computer case for a small electronic device. I'm trying to figure out what type of heat-sink material I should use. I have a solid copper rod about 3cm in length with a radius of .05cm. I've determined and calculated the density, specific heat, thermal...
  12. E

    Heat flow through aluminium rod

    Homework Statement An Aluminium rod has a diameter of 40mm. and is 750mm long. If the temperature difference between the ends of the rod is 100C . Take the thermal conductivity of Aluminium to be 235 Wm-1K-1 Homework Equations k * A * ΔT / L The Attempt at a Solution 235 * 0.097 m * 100 /...
  13. N

    Pendulum with spring instead of rod

    When we have solid rod instead of spring I can solve this problem in Microsoft Excel either with Euler´s method or Runge Kutta method, but that spring makes this problem hard for me.
  14. S

    What is the magnitude of the electric field (rod)?

    Homework Statement Two thin glass rods are placed side by side 4.70 cm apart as shown in the diagram below. They are each 11.3 cm long and are uniformly charged to +10.4 nC . Answer the questions below regarding the electric field along a line which is drawn through the middle of the two glass...
  15. P

    Electric Field of Uniformly Charged Rod at bisector

    Homework Statement (Taken from Serway and Jewett Chapter 23, Q44, 9th Edition) A thin rod of length ## l ## and uniform charge per unit length ##λ## lies along the x-axis as shown in the image attached. (a) Show that the electric field at P, a distance d from the rod along its perpendicular...
  16. W

    Cylindrical rod velocity profile

    Homework Statement Homework Equations 0=viscous forces 0=in-out+sum of forces(0) 2*pi*r*L*τrz evaluated at r-2*pi*r*L*τrz evaluated at r+ΔR (eq1) Dividing by volume and taking limit as δr->0 in eq1 I get : (δτrz)/(δr) =0 My question is, how did they in solution got (rδτrz)/(δr) =0, how do...
  17. T

    Angular Momentum; rod & disk inelastic collision

    Homework Statement The figure shows an overhead view of a 2.50-kg plastic rod of length 1.20 m on a table. One end of the rod is attached to the table, and the rod is free to pivot about this point without friction. A disk of mass 39.0 g slides toward the opposite end of the rod with an initial...
  18. H

    Rotating rod returning to its initial position

    Homework Statement A uniform rod (mass 'm', length 'l') held horizontally above the ground. It is released from its supports and struck vertically upwards at one end. With what impulse should the rod be struck if it is to return to exactly its starting position and orientation? Homework...
  19. Truman I

    A rod at rest on ice is struck by a piece of clay....

    1. Homework Statement A rod (m=6kg, L=3m) at rest on ice (μ=0) is struck by a piece of clay (m=1kg, V=5m/s). The clay sticks. 1) What is the Velocity of the center of mass after the collision? 2) What is the Angular Velocity of the rod following the collision? If the clay did not stick but...
  20. Y

    Calculating magnetic flux of a rod

    Homework Statement B = 0.02T L = 40 cm w = 10 rad/s a: Electromotive force between O and C = ? b: If electromotive force is the same - so what is the velocity? I found 2 ways of solution. See "3. The Attempt at a Solution "Homework Equations φ = BA ε = -dφ(t)/dt The Attempt at a Solution So...
  21. Michal Fishkin

    Rod falling faster than gravity

    Harvard University has an interesting article on a rod whose end that falls faster than gravity around a pivot. How did they derive this formula? Where R is length of rod/2, or the centre of mass. Why did they use...
  22. Michal Fishkin

    How does an angled rod behave upon collision?

    Hi! I am new to the forums and this is my first question. I am investigating the properties of this type of chain. In order to understand it better, I need to know the physics behind a falling angled rod. I understand that the other end speeds up to conserve momentum, but I do not understand...
  23. Arman777

    Cylinder rod charge density (Gauss Law)

    Homework Statement Theres a cylinder rod inner radius a outer raidus b.we want to find electric field between a and b,like point r (or radius r) a<r<b. Homework Equations Gauss Law The Attempt at a Solution [/B]I am trying to find Q enclosed but something make me confused.I am...
  24. Arman777

    Electric Field -- Rod from far away

    Homework Statement Theres a rod and has ##a## length ##L## and we want to calculaate the electric field far from rod like ##L<<a## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I found the equation for a normal case and it was ##\frac{1}{4\pi...
  25. hdp12

    How to find the angle of a pinned rod at a certain depth

    Homework Statement The uniform 5 m-long round wooden rod (ρ = 800 kg/m3 ) is tied to the bottom by a string with length 1 m. Determine the inclination angle θ if the water level is 3.5 m. What if the water level is 7m? Homework Equations Fb = ρgV The Attempt at a Solution So I'm really...
  26. OrlandoLewis

    What happens to the moment of inertia when a rod is folded?

    Homework Statement Consider one rod of length L which is spun at its center perpendicular to its length; it will have a certain moment of inertia. Now, if the same rod is folded in the middle creating a certain angle and still spun at its center, what happens to its moment of inertia? Homework...
  27. E

    The total tension acting on a rotating rod

    Homework Statement Find the total tension acting on a rod rotating about its end with an angular velocity of w as a function of its length x(length) Homework Equations F = ma[/B] The Attempt at a Solution Let the function be T(x) where x is the length of the rod. Considering an interval...
  28. john101

    The Mysterious Phenomenon of Knotting a String Around a Rod

    Hi. I've been searching for some description of the following. Something that will explain it and perhaps even some maths about it. Take a rod or a stick and tie a string around its middle. Hang it so the string is unwound, still. Start turning the rod so the string twists around. Keep...
  29. Chris Fuccillo

    Magnetic field of Diametrically magnatized rod

    Hello again everyone sorry it’s been a while since last post or question, been working hard and had my nose to the grind stone, face stuck in many books along with heaps upon heaps of magnetic theory and EE lectures muhahahahaha. Ok to the question, I have been having some trouble finding a...
  30. A

    Does a rod rotate under gravity?

    Hello. Say you have a uniform rod in free-fall. Would it rotate? Suppose you compute the rotation around the CM. I computed that the lever arm is the same on either side, regardless of the angle at which the rod falls, so there can't be any rotation. So if I just dropped a 30º to the horizontal...
  31. J

    Calculating Angular Speed of Rotating Apparatus with Attached Mass and Rod

    Homework Statement The 3.0 kg rod has a length of 80 cm. The 4.0 kg rectangle attached to the rod has negligible dimensions. The entire object rotates counterclockwise about the bottom of the rod. Determine the angular speed of the apparatus at the instant the rod is horizontal...
  32. A

    Electric field acting on a negative test charge due to semicircular rod

    Homework Statement A thin semicircular rod is broken into two halves. The top half has a total charge +Q uniformly distributed along it, and the bottom half has a total charge -Q uniformly distributed along it. A negative test charge is placed at points A, B, and C. *Image attached* Consider...
  33. A

    Electric field at a point (point charge and semi-circle rod)

    Homework Statement A thin semicircular rod has a total charge +Q uniformly distributed along it. A negative point charge -Q is placed as shown. (Point C is equidistant from -Q and from all points on the rod.) *Image Attached* Let Ep and Er represent the electric fields at point C due to the...
  34. A

    I Force on a rod attached to a pivot

    Hello. Can anyone help me confirm the following from the Feynman tips on physics: The above diagram shows two rods, with a weight attached (the square). Each rod has a pivot attached, though the pivot on the left is fixed and cannot roll. The weight is 2 kg, and the rod is 0.5 m long. The...
  35. A

    Force on a rod attached to a pivot.

    <Moderator note: Thread moved from Classical Physics, hence no homework template> Hello. Can anyone help me confirm the following from the Feynman tips on physics: The above diagram shows two rods, with a weight attached (the square). Each rod has a pivot attached, though the pivot on the left...
  36. X

    Find The Percent Change In K.E. Of Rod Hit By Putty

    I'm trying to solve this problem, however I'm unsure if my reasoning is correct - I do agree with the answer, but something seems wrong to me in my reasoning. 1. Homework Statement A rod is on a frictionless surface, and is defined by the length L and mass M. It is hit on one end by a piece...
  37. S

    Finding frequency of a specific mechanical oscillator -- horizontal rod on pivot

    Homework Statement There is a cyllinder with radius 0.5 m fixed on the wall. We put a 6 metres long thin rod with mass 0.3 kg on it, which does not slip. I would like to calculate the oscillating time. It is a part of a clock, so the oscillating time is probably 1 or 2 seconds, but I got...
  38. R

    Force on a hinge when a rod is being released

    Homework Statement : A uniform rod of weight W is free to rotate about a hinge at one end. The hinge is fixed to a wall. If the rod is released from a horizontal position, what force will it exert on the hinge just after being released? a)W b)W/2 c)W/3 d)W/4 choose the correct option[/B]2.The...
  39. N

    Rod is toppling. Find reaction force as a function of theta

    Homework Statement Rod of length b and mass m topples from vertical position at theta = 0. Calculate the reaction force f as a function of theta. What is the minimal and maximal values of f for theta between 0 and pi Homework Equations Third law?[/B]The Attempt at a Solution I never really...
  40. Joosh

    Calculating Torque in a Hanging Rod System

    Hey, folks! So upon studying for my Physics final tomorrow, I came across this question on the practice exam, which I know the answer is D from the solution key. However, I'm not sure how to get that for the answer. 1. Homework Statement Homework Equations τ = rA × Fnet LA = Ltrans, A + Lrot...
  41. H

    How can the end of a rod accelerate faster than g?

    A uniform rod rests on supports at its ends. The right support is quickly removed. The atom on the right end will accelerate faster than ##g## at ##1.5g##. How is this possible forces-wise? The only forces acting on the atom is its own weight and the interatomic forces of attraction, which...
  42. D

    Solve Acceleration of Rod's Centre of Mass

    1. Homework Statement : A rod of length l is vertically standing on a friction less surface. It is slightly disturbed from this position. Let w(omega) and alpha be the angular speed and angular acceleration of the rod, when it turns through an angle theta, then find the value of acceleration...
  43. P

    What Causes the Rod to Rotate?

    Homework Statement A vertical rod is rotating about its longitudinal axis at a constant angular velocity Ω. It is allowed to swing freely from the endpoint A. The angle between the rod and the longitudinal axis of the system is denoted by θ. Point A is located on the highest endpoint of the...
  44. superkraken

    How does the length of a rod change when it moves fast?

    Homework Statement how does the length of a rod change when it moves fast? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  45. Andrew VanFossen

    Moment of Inertia: Non Uniform Rod

    Homework Statement Hello, I am looking to determine the moment of inertia for the cantilever beam pictured below. I want I to be a function of L1 and T1. Known variables: L, D, P, t Dependent variables: T2, L2 Design variables: T1, L1 Homework Equations L2 = L - L1 T2 = T1 - t Standard...
  46. sitkican

    Multipole Expansion of a Thin Rod: How to Derive the Potential?

    Homework Statement Consider a very thin rod lying on the z axis from z = −L/2 to z = L/2. It carries a uniform charge density λ. Show that away from the rod, at the point r (r >>L), the potential can be written as V (r, θ) = (2Lλ/4πε0)(1/L)[ 1 + 1/3(L/2r)2P2(cos θ) + 1/3(L/2r)4 P4(cos θ) + · ·...
  47. tamakitty

    Calculating Speed and Kinetic Energy in a Rotating Rod

    Homework Statement [/B] The diagram shows a thin rod of uniform mass distribution pivoted about one end by a pin passing through that point. The mass of the rod is 0.380 kg and its length is 2.50 m. When the rod is released from its horizontal position, it swings down to the vertical position...
  48. D

    Rotating uniform rod about an arbitrary axis

    Homework Statement A thin uniform rod of length l and mass m is constrained to rotate with constant angular velocity omega about an axis passing through the center O of the rod and making an angle alpha with the rod. a) Show the the angular momentum L about O is perpendicular to the rod and is...
  49. V

    What is the vector magnetic potential for a rod extending along the Z-axis?

    I am trying to calculate the vector magnetic potential for a rod of length L extending along the Z-axis. I was asked to find the magnetic potential at a point P which is a distance r from the center of the rod in the XY plane. I know the formula I have to use is the vector Poisson's equation A...
  50. kamhogo

    Shear: What would be the equation for ''pure'' torque?

    Homework Statement We had this elementary experiment in class. An aluminium rod is fixed at one end and at the other end you have a disk. You hand increasingly heavy weights on the disk and measure how much the rod shears (twists). We were asked to make a graph of the shear torque vs. angle of...