What is Safety: Definition and 291 Discussions

Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.

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  1. F

    Can You Create a Radiation Safety Poster for First Time Users?

    Can you produce a safety poster for the handling of radiation for first time users, explaining the ways to handle it, the implications of handling it incorrectly and anything else you think is necessary, for a level science, desperately need a kind sole to show me the way xxxx
  2. R

    Help wanted please -- Safety margin of a Rigger's harness

    Hi All, I am a rigger and it's my job to climb and be suspended from aluminum tube that is 4mm thick, for my new assignment. All of my fall arrest equiptment has to be rated for 22kn ( that's the load associated with a fall into a fall arrest device). The place I am working can't give me a clear...
  3. W

    Unranked/low ranked graduate programs in theoretical cosmology/hep-th or astro?

    I'm applying for graduate school but am from a basically unknown state school. My stats can be found here: http://www.physicsgre.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5735. I am looking for a low ranked or unranked theoretical cosmology/hep-th school or a similarly ranked observational astronomy program...
  4. tom.stoer

    Asymptotic safety and the "no boundary" proposal

    Does anybody know papers in which the asymptotic safety approach has been applied to the "no boundary" proposal?
  5. M

    Asymptotic safety and local gauge invariance

    Hi folks -- does anyone know of a good survey article on the topic of whether local gauge invariance is a requirement of a fundamental theory within QFT -- hence of an asymptotically safe theory? I only have a few scattered remarks to this effect (by F. Wilczek mostly), so any good...
  6. N

    Schools How tell if a Potential Grad School is a Safety School or Not.

    Hi there! I'm choosing my Grad School Applications now. I'm looking for a balance of reach and safety school- all with programs I'd like. Now, when I find a school I like, how can I tell what my chances of being accepted are? Is there a resource I can use to tell how competitive a program...
  7. W

    How Much Energy is Needed to Ignite a Safety Match?

    I saw a YouTube video where someone took nichrome wire and a high voltage source and managed to light a whole series of matches. I got me curious so I ran some numbers on how much wattage could be produced for a given length of nichrome wire and a given voltage. And assuming time is no issues...
  8. djh101

    Safety School for Quantum Computing/Atomic Physics

    Hello, Physics Forums. I am a recent graduate from UCLA with a bachelors in chemistry. I would like to pursue a graduate degree in physics in (in order of preference) quantum computing, atomic physics, or nuclear physics. Right now I have four schools that I think are fairly safe but, my degree...
  9. nsaspook

    Safety countdown clocks at intersections.

    This is a fascinating display of how humans react to increased information while driving. I've noticed that I also react to the knowledge of how long the light will stay on with counters but never really thought about how it could cause accidents...
  10. S

    Engineering Double major in Physics and engineering for career safety

    Hey guys, I am an indian undergrad student completing my BTech in Industrial engineering in one of top 3 universities in india. I am planing to move on to physics for Grad school and i have a proper profile for it with research projects and Interns in physics. so am kind of sure i would get a...
  11. Sophia

    Using UVC Lamps for Banknote Verification: Safety Concerns?

    Hi everyone :) I have one practical question concerning safety. I work in a small store where we use UV lamp to check banknotes.It has both UV A and UV C light. In the manual it says to use UV C in special cases only, because UV C is dangerous. We use UV A all the time, but i found out that...
  12. M

    Pipe excavation in silt clay soil and pipe safety

    Problem: Excessive settlement I was considering adding new material under the pipe to avoid settlement. But I ran into another problem which has to do which the pipe's edges. How to avoid shears there in silt clay soil? pipe depth is 4m. Thanks
  13. mudweez0009

    Safety Injection during Main Steam Line Break

    Why is Safety Injection used during Main Steam Line Break? All that I can find is that it brings water back to the cold leg to compensate for the loss during the break.
  14. I

    Power distribution standard and safety measures help please

    good day everyone, I wonder if anyone can direct me please on the international standard number or name that explain the safety and standard procedures in better distribution of power in breakers and panels from transformers. in short, as I learned in my school and as best practice that...
  15. J

    Helmet Safety - Measuring Force of Impact

    My 12 year old daughter is conducting an experiment that includes testing various sporting helmets to determine which will protect your head best from a concussion. She is planning on dropping a 10 pound weight (approximate weight of human head) onto each side of the helmet. How can she...
  16. Gamma

    Electricity Safety: AC & DC Current Limits for Intro Physics Labs

    I would like to ask the experienced experts about the safe limits for AC and DC currents to be used in intro physics labs. People say DC is dangerous because one can’t let go of the wire if the wire was carrying certain DC current. Following link has a chart with current limits for AC and DC...
  17. B

    Maximum Load question given Safety factor

    Could i get some help with this one please The ultimate strength of a round steel rod is 620.000 MPa. If a factor of safety of 3.000 is required, what is the maximum permissible load for the rod if it has a diameter of 3.000 cm?
  18. Tesladude

    What safety precautions can I use for an amplifier?

    I do a lot of electronics and have built high power amps at home, I am making one for my dad and I am putting the outputs on delayed relays so you do not hear the pop when the amp turns on and off, but I just remembered that there are other instances which will turn off the relay for safety...
  19. S

    What is the Factor of Safety for Overlapping Bolted Metal Plates with 12 Bolts?

    Homework Statement Two overlapping metal plates are bolted together with 12 bolts. The diameter of each bolt is 8mm. If the ultimate shear stress of the bolt material is 300MPa determine what factor of safety applies if the total force to be carries by the joint is 20kN. Homework...
  20. K

    Factor of safety for combined direct and shear loading

    Homework Statement A Bolt is in single shear and is tightened so that it exerts a tension force of 39.886kN, the diameter of the bolt is 20mm and the shear loading is 26.276kN; Given that the tensile stress should not exceed 290MPa and the maximum shear stress should be taken as 60%...
  21. L

    Band Brakes: Specifications, Durability, Safety & Performance

    Can anyone elobrate what is the (specification, durability, safety, and performance ) for band brakes used in conveyor system...??Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
  22. R

    Location of Safety Valve on a Pressure vessel

    Is there a specific location (say top, bottom etc.) that a safety relieving valve is put on a pressure vessel? Say there's a tall refining separation column (operating above atmospheric pressure), where would logic (or codes) indicate that a pressure relief valve ought to be ideally placed...
  23. L

    Factor of safety for rotary blades

    anybody here who knows the factor of safety for rotating blades? ASAP. thanks!
  24. A

    PLease help with calculation Safety harness makes a person stop

    I need to know the amount of force placed on the back/spine in the following scenario. A 210 pound person is in a free fall for 12" when a safety harness snatches them to a stop. The safety harness is secured to a tripod rig system of ropes and pulleys. What is the amount of pressure or...
  25. B

    FEA Thermal Stress Factor of Safety Question

    Hi Guys I'm analysing a heat exchanger based on an existing commercial model in SolidWorks Simulation. The same materials etc have been applied to it in the Static analysis. Deflection on the heat exchanger is very small. The one thing that baffles me though is how, regardless of even...
  26. T

    Road Safety Calculus: Calculating Safe Distances

    Hi I am starting as a highway engineer. My work college has given me this to try any help woul dbe great. A pedestrian requires to cross a two-way carriageway which is 9 metres wide to access a railway station. Given that the road is subject to a 30mph speed limit, wherein the V85%...
  27. H

    Safety- poly resin , MEKp my boss might be a butthead

    On a side note, does anyone think it is crummy that I had to pour and mix polyester resin, MEKP , (fume hood available), while my boss took solvents and chemicals out of the fume hood for weighing etc? I was not provided a respirator, even though all the MSDS s and most forums indicate it is...
  28. FlexGunship

    Safety PLC Review Company Needed

    My company is looking to have our safety PLC code reviewed by an independent third party. The machine is a ~$1million piece of capital equipment, my company is based in New Hampshire, and we're using B&R. Can anyone point me to an independent reviewer?
  29. D

    Working out maximum stress and Factor of safety

    ladies and gents I have been set a question for homework which is one where if you get one part wrong then the rest of your answers are in correct. It is a 3 questions in one question and i have answered 1 and 2 but can't seem to do part 3 the question is A torque T = 75Nm is applied to...
  30. Sneakatone

    Three rescuers pulling horizontally on a safety net to keep it taut

    Three rescuers are pulling horizontally on a safety net to keep it taut. One pulls northward with a force of 295n; the second pulls in a direction 31 degrees south of west wit ha force of 250N. In which direction and with what force must the third pull to keep the net stationary? I don't know...
  31. B

    Safety Relief Valves: Advantages & Disadvantages in Agro-Chemical Plants

    Hello, I work in an agro-chemical plant and we are now installing safety relief valves on all our reactors. Ours is a multi-purpose plant and there are constant change overs in the lines . Our avg. reactor size is 16KL , largest and most of them being 20 KL. Our design manager says that the...
  32. nukeman

    Electricity & Flies: Exploring the Safety of Charged Fluids

    Can anyone tell me some fluids that are electrically charged? And if it would be safe for, let's say, a fly to consume?
  33. J

    Cheap and Good Laser Safety Glasses

    I'm looking for a laser safety glasses. The biggest laser I'm going to use is a <20 mW green (532±10 nm) laser, with no infrared leakage (though I checked it with only a phone camera in night-vision mode), so I will need something good enough for this. I also have other green and red lasers, but...
  34. L

    Schools Graduate applications, how many safety schools, and am I deluding myself?

    (chemistry major applying for grad school) I would consider myself a very good candidate, but I'm pretty biased. I won't run down everything, but I feel like I am on the very high end of all the things they look for in an applicant. My trouble is in figuring out where to apply, and how many...
  35. harrylin

    GM food: Safety tests on new products up for debate

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/19/monsanto-genetically-modified-corn-study_n_1897361.html The point that was made on the news yesterday (also somewhat mentioned in the article): this is claimed to be the first long term test of that food on animals. The main point of dispute (going far...
  36. R

    Rotating Coupling Pin-Mechanical Failure as a Safety Precaution

    Rotating Coupling Pin--Mechanical Failure as a Safety Precaution Hi everyone, I am RagingCalm, a mechanical design engineer. I hate to ask for help on my very first post but considering that I am utterly stumped and no one at the office can help me...well...ummm...help, please. :frown...
  37. B

    Is a Career in Nuclear Safety Right for You?

    Hey there, I'm currently about to start a postgraduatde MSc Nuclear Science and Technology course (with most subjects looking in safety, risk assesment, fuel cycles, design and a project in damage simulation) after completing BSc Chemistry and Molecular Physics with engineering experience...
  38. W

    Calculate Factor of Safety for Steel Hanger w/ 550 MPa Strength

    Homework Statement What is the factor of safety of a steel hanger having an ultimate strength of 550.00 MPa and supporting a load of 64000.000N. The steel hanger in question has a cross sectional area of 7.400cm squared Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i understand the...
  39. J

    Safety precautions to be taken in fractional distillation of petroleum

    Homework Statement My textbook states that one of the safety precautions to be taken in the fractional distillation of petroleum(in school laboratory) is using a small flame to heat the rocksil(rocksil is soaked with petroleum),and avoil using stationary flame for heating. Can anyone explain...
  40. I

    Is it safe to use an ozone generator while inside with pets?

    Hello. I hope this is the right place. A few days ago I purchased a nice sectional off craigslist that belonged to a smoker (I bought it because it's very nice and expensive but was cheap for that reason). I hired a professional cleaner who gave it an initial treatment that helped but...
  41. G

    Safety of Reacting: What's the Best Way?

    Hi! I write this letter to confirm the safety of a reation. I've heard that one of my friends made his hands injured because he touched it without knowing that it is the sulfuric acid. And, he told me that he washed his hands with the vinegar. Do you think it is right to use vinegar to...
  42. atyy

    Limit cycles in asymptotic safety?

    Litim and Satz have just addressed a question I've long wondered about. http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.4218 Limit cycles and quantum gravity Daniel Litim, Alejandro Satz We study renormalization group equations of quantum gravity in four dimensions. We find an ultraviolet fixed point in accordance...
  43. J

    Flouride salt safety issues? (high temperature)

    Hello, I am working a on a project to improve the thermal properties (heat capacity, thermal conductivity) of heat transfer fluids used in concentrated solar power (CSP). First a suitable base fluid is required, the higher the working temperature the better for thermal efficiency. Most of the...
  44. D

    Are Ethernet or ARCNET Suitable for Safety Critical Applications?

    Hi, I am curious if ethernet or arcnet are appropriate for safety critical applications. With the multiple levels of the OSI model, I assume there are many opportunities both for increasing and accidentally decreasing reliability, redundancy, and risk mitigation. Are there such things as...
  45. V

    Electrical & Electronic Engineering ( Health & Safety knowledge questions)

    Hey all I'm new to this site and I got to say after lurking around for a while and browsing this is a great site. I'm in my first year studying Electrical & Electronic Engineering and I got my heart towards getting into university to gain a HNC or HND. I have a lot of questions to answer (130...
  46. D

    Is Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor from Decomposition Harmful?

    Hello, I will be experimenting with hydrogen peroxide from 5-60% concentrations and small amounts of alkaline metals to measure how much gas is produced in under 5 min. I understand that hydrogen peroxide is a dangerous chemical if not handled right. My question is that on the MSDS it says that...
  47. H

    Weird physics statement in driver safety manual

    Hi everyone, I'm taking an online "Driver Safety" course and came across this gem: "Here is an example of how disastrous the force of impact can be: If you weigh 100 pounds, are traveling at 30 mph, and hit a stationary object, the force of impact is 3000 pounds (mass multiplied by...
  48. A

    Safety Valve/Pressure System question

    Homework Statement A valve for a pressure system has a discharge hole whose diameter is 50mm. The spring has a free length of 250mm (if you stretched the spring out), a coiled length (measured top to bottom while spring is coiled) of 207mm and a spring constant of 120kN/m. At what pressure...
  49. Z

    Belt and Suspenders thread - what safety upgrades should older BWRs get?

    I'll start it off with a nice idea I found in another forum: http://www.energyfromthorium.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=3433 Solar panels on the roof to keep battery banks for instrumentation and valves charged. Lovely and relatively inexpensive, might avoid the need for bigger battery...
  50. G

    Air pressure vessel safety valve size

    Hi everyone, I have to determine the size of safety valve for an air pressure vessel. I found in ASME and BS 5500 a procedure to calculate the size of safety valve, which relates the mass flow capacity to the: pressure, temprature, discharge area, s.v coefficient, and air parameters. This can...