Safety Definition and 292 Threads

  1. C

    Xe Arc Lamp Safety: IR NIR Risk Analysis

    Hey all, When it comes to arc lamps, it looks like the safety concern everybody talks about is in regards to UV exposure. This, however, seems to be more suited for Hg sources instead for Xe sources. My question is in regards to whether there should be any concerns with the IR portion of the...
  2. D

    Increased Road Safety with self-assisted seatbelts and mobile phone holder

    Hi everybody, I have developed a unique concept seatbelt system and automobile cellphone holder system, which when installed in a vehicle will never let drivers to drive the vehicle and talk on cellphones without handsfree and the innovative seatbelt concept with which a driver will be unable to...
  3. M

    Weinberg, non-renormalizable theories and asym safety

    Until recently, I thought that any theory that contains non-renormalizable interactions in the power-counting sense (i.e. those whose couplings have negative mass dimension) must be an 'effective' theory that necessarily breaks down at some energy. However, I've been looking at Weinberg's QFT...
  4. marcus

    Asymptotic safety and black holes (new Mattingly paper)

    Dave Mattingly has been a frequent collaborator with Ted Jacobson (his thesis advisor). You know of Jacobson if, for example, you followed the recent discussion of "gravity as entropic force" by Erik Verlinde and others. In 1995 Jacobson derived the Einstein field equation from thermodynamics...
  5. marcus

    Krasnov framework for asymptotic safety in QG (Perimeter video) Deformations of General Relativity Kirill Krasnov 2010-05-05 "I will describe a very special (infinite-parameter) family of gravity theories that all describe, exactly like General Relativity, just two propagating degrees of freedom. The theories are obtained by...
  6. S

    Is There a Safe Threshold for Ionizing Radiation?

    I've heard talk of this safety threshold for ionizing radiation, whereby if the dose is sufficiently low enough, it would produce no harmful side-effects. Can someone explain to me the reasoning behind this? The way I see it, every single ionizing particle that passes through a cell has a...
  7. R

    Finding the spring constant of a accident safety system

    Homework Statement An accident safety system uses a spring to absorb the energy of a car before the car collides with a bridge abutment. The vehicle has a mass of 1000kg and the design calls for stopping a car moving at 5m/sec (11.2 mi/hr) in 0.5m. Find the spring constant k Homework...
  8. H

    Building a Tube Buggy: Safety and Strength Questions

    HI, I have builded a tube buggy out of square 1"1/2 x.085 and was told that it was unsafe so I'm looking into it. Was my design unsafe? My question is round stronger then square if so how much? Question 2 dose welding weaken the steel? Question 3 if round is stronger how much stronger is it...
  9. Physics Monkey

    Some confusion about asymptotic safety

    I'm trying to understand why asymptotic safety is a reasonable approach to quantum gravity. Here is my present understanding: 1. Asymptotic safety is roughly the statement that perturbative gravity (by which i mean a spin 2 field) has a UV fixed point where it becomes like any other conformal...
  10. M

    Fire Safety Campaign: "Hug a Banana"

    I heard about a fire safety campaign called "hug a banana" (or similair) The idea was to encourage kids to run toward a large scary shape in yellow overalls and breathing apparatus if they come into your smoke filled bedroom - instead of running and hiding. Since US firefighters wear yellow...
  11. 1

    Davy's Safety Lamp: How Does it Get Oxygen to Burn in Coal Mines?

    Hi there! (It's not actually a homework question) I just wanted to ask where does the lamp get oxygen to burn on in coal mines. So there must be an inlet for air. Of course it is explained in my book that as the wire mesh distributes the heat therefore the temperature does not rise to the...
  12. WaveJumper

    Is Downtown LA Safe to Visit at Night?

    I plan to visit Los Angeles around New Year and was picking a hotel when i ran across articles that recommended staying away from downtown LA because of safety concerns(especially at night-time). I read about South Central and know it is one of the most dangerous places in the US(because of gang...
  13. T

    Pressure to lift a safety valve.

    I'm not sure how to work this one... The spring on a safety valve can be compressed 15 mm by a load of 700 kg. In it's working position the compression of the spring is 22 mm. The combined mass of the valve, spring and spindle is 17 kg. Valve diameter is 80 mm. Determine boiler pressure...
  14. D

    Physics - Question - Stress, Area & Factor of Safety?

    Diagram: Question: The material for the bolt shown in the angled joint has an ultimate tensile stress of 600MPa and a shear strength of 250MPa. The diameter of the bolt is 10mm. Determine the factor of safety. Assume F=9KN. Stress = Applied...
  15. marcus

    Videos for Asymptotic Safety conference are online

    We already have videos for 5 of the talks. Steven Weinberg Martin Reuter Jean Zinn-Justin Holger Gies Benjamin Ward Here's the schedule...
  16. K

    Circus Performer Falling into a Safety Net

    Can this be explained in terms of inelastic collisions? This is what I think: The collision is perfectly inelastic because the person and the net move together with the same velocity. This means that the initial kinetic energy of the system (and therefore the kinetic energy of the person) is...
  17. M

    Radiation Safety UML: Neutron Capture Exposure Rate at 1 Meter

    Homework Statement A 1.0g Co(59) target is exposed to a constant fluence rate of thermal neutrons equal to 1E+12 n cm-2 s. Cross section (n,gamma) is 37.18barn and density is 8.9g cm3. What is the initial exposure rate at 1 meter due to neutron capture? Homework Equations...
  18. D

    Do Red Lasers of 314mW Pose a Safety Risk?

    If using 314mW red laser and cylindrical optics to project a line 500mm x 2mm, will it have brightness as 1mW laser that projects a dot with r=1mm since the area difference? 1000mm / (1mm^2*3.14) Would the projected line of that brightness be dangerous if bounced off the reflective surface...
  19. S

    Safety Factor of Shaft :Machine Design

    Homework Statement An 8” long, 2.5” diameter, solid bar of Class 40 cast iron is subjected to both a torque of 75,000 lbf-in and an axial compressive load of 165,000 lbf. If these two loads can increase at a constant ratio, calculate the safety factor.Homework Equations \sigmax=F/A \tauxy=Tr/J...
  20. MTd2

    Weinberg shows support for 3+1 gravitational assymptotic safety

    The link to the video is here:
  21. Pengwuino

    Working with Lasers: Safety Procedures & Intensity

    For a certain sexah project I'm going to do, I have a bunch of lasers that have an intensity of "<5mW". I have 780nm IR lasers and 650nm red lasers. When i made a lazy hookup to a 3V power source, the red laser was briiiiight which leads me to believe I've only ever used <1mW lasers in our labs...
  22. A

    Safety of rechargeable batteries?

    We bought some rechargeable batteries a few years ago. However, we managed to lose the charger that went with it. :rolleyes: Now we bought some new rechargeable batteries with a new charger. This one is of a different brand. We still have the old batteries. My dad wants to use the new...
  23. morrobay

    Braces for concrete support safety question

    These braces were installed on the concrete support pillers at ground level of a very large 6 level mall. Would the engineers comment on the safety of this construction, in particular drilling through the concrete support structure
  24. D

    Safety During Explosions: What to Do

    hey guys i need some help...why is it safer to be near a wall during an explosion?
  25. K

    Safety Margins in PWRs: 10 CFR 50.46 & Beyond

    As it is stated in 10 CFR 50.46 maximum clad temperature should not exceed 2200 F(1204 C) but I have read in "Nuclear Safety" by G. Petrangelli that fissuring of the cladding starts at about 800-900 C. I want to know the safety limit or margin for cladding in NPPs. I could't find any...
  26. W

    Is a Smart Car Safe in a Crash? Designing an Experiment to Test Its Safety

    Hi everyone, As part of the IB program, we are all required to design an experiment and write about how we would go about testing it . My instructor's decided that the best way to test this would be to "Determine using physics whether a Smart Car is safe in a crash" Since this is a...
  27. V

    Neutral Wires: Potential and Safety

    Is neutral wire at 0 potential?? Does that mean we can easily touch it??
  28. marcus

    Asymptotic Safety paper thanks Jacques Distler

    "We thank J. Distler and R. Percacci for animated discussions which triggered this investigation. Furthermore, we are grateful to J.P. Blaizot, A. Codello, R. Loll, E. Manrique, and M. Reuter for useful conversations..." It's interesting to contemplate the different ways that progress in...
  29. marcus

    More evidence for asymptotic safety (Saueressig, Machado, Benedetti) Asymptotic safety in higher-derivative gravity Dario Benedetti, Pedro F. Machado, Frank Saueressig 4 pages (Submitted on 20 Jan 2009) "We study the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of higher-derivative gravity employing functional renormalization...
  30. A

    CRT TV Disassembly Safety: Lead & Phosphors

    I recently disassembled my Big Screen CRT projection tv. I have been well aware of the danger of the capacitors in CRT TV's and I managed to take the TV apart and remove the capacitors all without killing myself. However, I was doing some more reading online and it seems there is another danger...
  31. E

    KNO3 Sugar rocket propellant and safety

    Hi, I am new to building large candy rockets, and I have a target of building a candy rocket that can reach an altitude of over 40,000ft. I am mostly concerned with the safety when casting such propellants. I am looking at casting over 200 pounds of propellant. Any one got any advice. I have...
  32. A

    The Benefits of Using Safety Wire for Secured Fasteners

    I have a question about safety wire. Safety wire is used to secure fastners to prevent them from loosening. What are the benefits of the twist in the wire between points? Here is a explanation of safety wire."[URL I read but don't see a clear...
  33. MTd2

    Convergence of Loll's CDT and Assymptotic Safety.

    Loll's CDT and Assymptotic Safety proven to be directly related. The interesting part is this one: 7. Lattice Lattice implementations for gravity in four dimensions have been put forward based on Regge calculus techniques [27, 28] and causal dynamical triangulations [29]. [...] Within...
  34. T

    Isolation Transformers and Electrical Safety

    Hi, An isolation transformer is used in order to "safely" separate one part of an electric circuit from the mains. (description in" ) Still I have problems grasping the important concept of such a transformer. I have spent some time...
  35. A

    Safety protocols for nuclear power

    are the safety protocols in place in setablishments dealing with fissionable material adequate for public safety? is there any good places to get more information on why the safety isn't good enough? =)
  36. J

    Medical Can a Safety Harness Cause a Twisted Pelvis?

    I was on a 'Working at Height' course and at the end of the course they deemed it necessary to suspend us from a harness so we would know what it would feel like to be suspended from a harness. This caused me to get a sore back which I reported to my supervisor the next day. I carried on working...
  37. E

    Radioligand binding - safety concerns ?

    Hi everybody :D (try no.3 to post this, huh, so I'll be short)! It was great reading your discussions, now I have one question for you, I hope you can help me. I started working in a lab that uses radioligand binding assays routinely. We use tritium labeled steroid hormones. I know that...
  38. L

    Structural Safety Of Freedom Tower

    I haven't heard much about this in detail, but does anyone know what changes they made in the structural design of the Freedom Tower to prevent the collapse of the tower in the case of it being attacked via jetliners? I know it can't be 100% certain, but I would think they would have done...
  39. Y

    Are Artificial Black Holes Created in the LHC Safe for Earth?

    Hi, In the safety case for the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the possibility of creating artificial black holes is considered. The main argument for the case that there is nothing to worry about, is that cosmic rays collide regularly with atoms in the upper atmosphere with much higher...
  40. wolram

    News What is the economic impact of air safety regulations and liability limits?

    With (hand shake) agreements.
  41. C

    Electrical Safety - Shocks - Model Answer?

    Homework Statement a) You have been asked to design a convector heater (electric radiator) which has a metal body. Detail an appropriate method of preventing electric shock for users of this product, and show how such a protection strategy could be implemented in your design. (15) b)...
  42. V

    Safety of a pebble bed reactor.

    I heard and read several times that a pebble bed reactor is "safer" than a PWR or a BWR. However, I fail to figure out how. After all, light-water reactors also have negative temperature coefficients, which seem to be the "invention" that makes the pebble bed reactor "inherently safe". But I...
  43. D

    Is Producing High Temperature, High Pressure Steam Safe for Experimental Use?

    Hi there, I have a safety question. I want to produce high temperature, high pressure steam. On a 1/2 inch tube, length is about 1 meter. Initially I put cold water in tube. Then pump it to 4000 psi. Now I will heat it to achieve about 380C. (in this process, I will open a purge valve many...
  44. G

    Safety of Melting CA Glue and Hot Glue Guns

    Apparently, I heard CA glues were toxic while being warmed through hot glue guns. How long would an average human being survive if he were stuck in a closed room with his glue gun left one? I'm just wondering based on safety measures...since I heard CA held cyanide, I was wondering what the...
  45. C

    Vehicle safety features question

    Vehicle Safety Features Your task is to identify social issues, such as cost benefit analysis, requiring or arising from the development of safety features for vehicles, to research information about the issues you have identified, and to create a communication product to synthesize your...
  46. Q

    How Do Physics Principles Enhance Football Helmet Safety?

    Homework Statement I am looking for safety features in the design of a football helmet that can be explained using physics terms. for instance, kinetic motion, etc... 2. The attempt at a solution The different designs of cages on football helmets. Also, how the padding on the inside...
  47. N

    What Makes a Parachute Safe in Physics?

    Hi there. I am new so I have no idea where to put this. I'd be glad if the moderator can help me put this in the right spot. So here is my question: What makes a parachute safe in a physics sense? I need a proper source. I've been looking for this for hours and I couldn't find anything...
  48. S

    Factor of Safety: Alum. & Rivets

  49. B

    Acceleration / velocity & safety

    Hi all I'm writing a paper on the relation of safety to acceleration and velocity. The actual topic of the essay is that only acceleration is related to safety, however I disagree, as unless in a vacuum, the forces of friction of external gases and fluids would affect the human body at high...
  50. M

    What Makes a Good Safety School for a Prospective Math Grad Student?

    I'm about to apply to graduate (mathematics) schools coming the end of November since app deadlines are early to mid December and I seem to be having a hard time finding a good safety school. My GPA: 3.65 Overall, 3.75 (Math Upperdivision) from Berkeley My GPA: 3.9 Overall, from San...