Scale Definition and 759 Threads

  1. H

    B Question: Helicopter over a scale

    Hey all, This is clearly a very simple question but for some reason my roommate and I just can't agree on this. The scenario is as follows: There is a helicopter sitting on a scale. The helicopter weighs 700kg and thus has 700*g = 6867 N of force acting on it by gravity. In order to fly the...
  2. Math Is Hard

    Aggregated Likert scale summary data - z-test?

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a homework forum.> 1. Homework Statement I have some summarized Likert scale data from a report and my co-workers want to know what kind of comparison analysis we could do with it. I don't have the raw data. Most of the questions are on a 7-point scale (Strongly...
  3. jerromyjon

    B Colliding black holes effect on the Richter scale

    Would it make sense to ask? Is there any other scale for cosmic collisions? What about supernovae? Google is stupid sometimes.
  4. E

    MATLAB Changing the scale of the y-axis

    Hi, I am using Octave to do simulations. I have multiple curves in the same figure. I want to change the scale of y-axis after some point to capture more details. For example, the default y-ticks are 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4. 0.2, 0. Between 1 and 0.4 the default scale is good for my curves, but...
  5. Vital

    B Interval scale -- very basic question

    Hello! I marked the thread as a basic high school level, because I assume my question is just at that level. ) I am reading some materials on statistics now, and, not having enough background yet, I stumbled upon this sentence: "As an example, 50°C, although five times as large a number as...
  6. Harsha Avinash Tanti

    I The Role of magnetic field during the formation of small to medium scale stars

    Hi, I would like to raise a question about Role of magnetic field while formation of small to medium scale stars emerging from nebula ?
  7. C

    Small scale mechanical energy battery

    Hi there. I am a novice but I was wondering what you all think is the most applicable mechanical energy storage device for small scale off grid applications is. I just read the thread on pump storage and it seems like a good idea but I thought I would keep it broad. Thanks!
  8. Wrichik Basu

    B Warm air goes up....reason on a microscopic scale?

    I was wondering about the microscopic reason warm air rises up, while cold air comes down. I am aware of the macroscopic reason - density changes. But what happens microscopically? Decrease in density means that the gas molecules are widely spaced out, but their mass remains the same. Then why...
  9. A

    A Galvanometer of Coil Resistance 50 Ω Deflects Full Scale....

    Homework Statement A galvanometer of coil resistance 50.0 Ω deflects full scale for a current of 3.50 mA. What series resistance should be used with this galvanometer to construct a voltmeter which deflects full scale for 35.0 V Homework Equations /Known Variables[/B] R1 + R2... + Rn = Rtotal...
  10. Arman777

    I What Does Redshift and Scale Factor Tell Us About the Size of the Universe?

    We can define the relationship between ##z## and ##a(t_e)## as, $$1+z=\frac {a(t_0)=1} {a(t_e)}$$ When we assume ##z=2##, it means that ##a(t_e)=\frac {1} {3}## Is this means that universe was ##\frac {1} {3}## times smaller then now ? If its the case then let's suppose ##z=6## which means...
  11. Pushoam

    Photo of rotating scale and falling coins

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The option (a) says that the 1st coin remains at its earlier position. Due to gravitational force, the 1st coin falls down, hence option (a) is wrong. I don’t understand the difference between option (B) and (C). In my opinion...
  12. M

    I What Are Fascinating Examples of Emergence for a School Project?

    For a school project, I've got to choose a subject. I chose "Emergence", but I have to narrow it down a little bit. So, that's why I'm creating this topic. The definition of emergence that I use: By emergence, I mean the fact that proprieties of one scale implies other proprieties by changing...
  13. E

    Friction and Scale Readings for a Cuboid on a Weighing Scale

    Homework Statement A cuboid with a mass of M is put on a weighing scale. First the situation is the one in the picture (the ball doesn't move), the cuboid stays on the cuboid without moving. What will the scale show? Now yarn number 2 is torn, the cuboid still doesn't move. What will the scale...
  14. Tony Meloni

    Question about Full scale deflection

    Homework Statement hello, just came across this type of question for first time. A voltmeter with a range of 0-30volts is to be used to measure a 120 volt circuit. calculate the value of the resistor to be placed in series with the meter. the sensitivity of the meter is 1000 ohms per volt ...
  15. H

    A Do Falaco solitons also occur in water on a microscopic scale

    Falaco solitons are unique in their longevity, reportedly up to 15 minutes on the surface of a body of still water. For details and the math see {{ }} In addition, this persistence occurs at relatively macroscopic sizes in the range of 10 to 40 cm...
  16. Vivek098

    Kelvin and Platinum Temperature Scale.

    Is it possible that Kelvin and Platinum Temperature Scale give same reading of Temperature?
  17. A

    B Scale Invariance and dark matter/dark energy The dark matter/dark energy issues has not made any sense to me since 1996 when it was evident that the ratio of dark matter increased as the volume of space measured increased. This was an obvious affect of empty space in the dark matter question that was...
  18. wolram

    B Is Scale Invariance the Key to Understanding the Expansion of the Universe? A University of Geneva researcher has recently shown that the accelerating expansion of the universe and the movement of the stars in the galaxies can be explained without drawing on the concepts of dark matter and dark energy…...
  19. kyphysics

    B Question About Planck Scale Unit

    Can someone clarify this for me. Is it the case that Planck scale unit is the smallest unit of measurement that can can observe/make, but not the smallest unit of measurement that exists? If so, is there some name for that which is smaller? Is there some fundamental measuring unit that...
  20. G

    I Scale Factors: Is a 10x Bigger Earth Possible?

    Hello, Not really sure where this belongs (more sci fi) But, suppose the Earth were 10 times bigger. Would it be possible for everything on Earth to scale with this increase - Earth systems, land masses, trees etc (but also remain unchanged to us (except everything everything would be bigger)...
  21. D

    MHB Time Scale Calculus Research - Discuss with Fellow Researchers

    Anyone here do research with time scales (differential equations(dynamic equations) combining both the continuous and discrete). I know its more of a new topic from Hilger, but I think it is a new wave of modeling that will be prevalent in the future. If anyone is interested on the topic or...
  22. Y

    Water Filling a Cylindrical Container with a Scale Under It

    Homework Statement A scale is adjusted so that when a large, shallow pan is placed on it, it reads zero. A water faucet at height h = 4.0 m above is turned on and water falls into the pan at a rate R = 0.20 kg/s. A) Determine a formula for the scale reading as a function of time t if at the...
  23. karush

    MHB Solve Polynomial Scale: Find a,b,c,d

    what is a b c and d so that all values of s are true \begin{align}\displaystyle &f_{15}=\\ &-17d+11s^2-4s+10as^3=(b+2)s+90s^3+(3c-1)s^2+85\\ &-17d+11s^2-6s+10as^3=bs+90s^3+3cs^2-s^2+85\\ &(s=0)\\ &-17d=85 \therefore d=-5\\ &11s^2-6s+10as^3=bs+90s^3+3cs^2-s^2\\ &(s=-1)\\...
  24. R

    I Two square scale meeting point, when one is moved odd

    There are two square scale. That is, it has marking where there are square i.e marking at 0,1,4,9,16,25 and so on. When one scale is moved, it slide over the other. Now if one scale is moved odd number i.e say 123 , that is, it's zero is placed at 123 over the other scale, now. Now, can one...
  25. C

    A Press Schechter function -- the variance on mass scale

    In obtaining the Press Schechter function, the variance on mass scale is differentiated with respect to mass. The variance on a mass scale is a function of wavenumber k through the Power spectrum and transfer function. To eliminate k dependence, some value of k must be inserted into the...
  26. G

    I How does flux density scale with redshift?

    I'm not sure I understand how to correctly scale flux density with redshift. That is, if I observe say 10 Jy at my observing frequency coming from a source at z = 0.3, how can I estimate the flux density I would expect from the same source at z=2? From what I understand, the final scaling is...
  27. Z

    Scale 1:25 or 1:75 why scale ruler first reading is 0.5m and....

    Dear folks Yes I do understand scale ration 1:25 means 1 unit on a map equal to 25 units on a real and scale ration 1:75 means 1 unit on a map equal to 75 units on real Question my Kent tri scale ruler for the ratio 1:25 showing first number as 0.5 m (i.e 50 cm, 500 mm) While first reading...
  28. M

    B Is there a unity across scale in the universe?

    Is our concept of scale, of micro and macro, of quantum and cosmic, relative to our perception as humans? If General Relativity and Quantum Physics both yield truth, then perhaps it is an error in human cognition that seems to perceive a disconnect between the two. The universe is just the...

    I Time Scale -- Does Time have uniform Scale?

    Does #Time have uniform Scale??
  30. BillTre

    Chromosome and Large Scale Genome Evolution

    As a kind of off-thread elaboration on a thread on protein evolution, here is a Science news article on the evolution of mammalian chromosomes. By using full genome sequences, they are trying to trace back the evolution of mammalian genomes to their ancestral set of chromosomes. They only...
  31. julianfer5

    Automotive Aerodynamics help -- small scale car powered by a CO2 cartridge

    I am currently engineering my v2 version of my f1 in schools car, it is a small scale car powered by a CO2 cartridge designed to go down a 25m track, my current version does 25m in under 1.4s, however, I would like to shave off another 0.3-0.2s I believe my main issues are the bearings (only...
  32. S

    A Hubble scale and energy density during inflation

    Is the energy density ##\rho## in the early universe and the Hubble scale ##H## during inflation related by the formula $$H^{4} = \frac{9}{64\pi^{2}} \frac{\rho^{2}}{M_{P}^{4}}?$$ Here, ##M_{P}## is the Planck mass. Can you suggest any resources where this is explained?
  33. R

    Visualizing the Motion of Coins on a Rotating Scale

    Homework Statement A uniform rigid scale is held horizontally with one of its end at the edge of the table and the other supported by hand. Some coins of negligible mass are kept on the meter scale. As the hand supporting the scale is removed, the scale starts rotating about its edge on the...
  34. O

    B Can Electromagnetic Fields Interact with the Planck Scale?

    It will take a particle accelerator that size of the solar system or more to peek inside the Planck scale.. does this mean the Planck scale is a no man's land.. or empty? but for a passing electromagnetic field or strong field.. doesn't it pass thru or touch the Planck scale at all? If it...
  35. N

    B Understanding the GUT Scale: Merging Fundamental Forces at High Energies

    So I've heard it talked about how how at high energies all the strength of all fundamental forces are expected to merge together to single force, but don't quite get how you get from "all the forces have the same strength at high energies" to "all the forces are really the same force."...
  36. C

    I Scale invariant thermal fluctuations

    There's something that has been bugging me for over a year now and I seem to be unable to find the answer. I would appreciate it very much if somebody could help me out. The thing is that I don't understand how it is possible that in second order phase transitions the correlation legth becomes...
  37. hilbert2

    A Scale invariant inverse square potential

    Yesterday, I was thinking about a problem I had encountered many years before, the central force problem with a ##V(r) \propto r^{-2}## potential... If we have a Hamiltonian operator ##H = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2 - \frac{A}{r^2}## and do a coordinate transformation ##\mathbf{r}...
  38. MathematicalPhysicist

    A question on absolute kelvin temperature scale.

    I was asked in an exam the following question: Q: How is the absolute Kelvin Thermodynamic temperature scale defined ? My answer is the following: A: The absolute zero kelvin thermodynamic temperature is defined as the temperature for which the entropy of the system is zero, i.e ##S|_{T=0} =...
  39. A

    I Vacuum cutoff, normal ordering, Planck scale and 10^120....

    Hi all, This is a followup to a question from a couple of months ago regarding vacuum energy and cutoffs, basically to clarify some ideas. Given the usual picture of the vacuum as containing quantized harmonic oscillators at every point, it is not possible to apply a 'fixed' energy cutoff (at...
  40. John Morrell

    Is entropy always bound to increase, even on a small scale?

    So when my dad first explained the fundamental idea of thermodynamics to me, that entropy never decreases, he pointed out the odd fact that according to basically all other laws of physics, any motion or reaction could be run backwards and be just as valid as it is run forwards. It would break...
  41. S

    Value of resistor for full scale deflection with 10A

    Homework Statement In order to provide full scale deflection the coil current required in a galvanometer is 190μA and the resistance of the coil in the galvanometer is 35Ω - What is the value of the resistor to be connected in parallel with the meter so that full scale deflection is obtained...
  42. F

    How does a simple balance scale work?

    Visualize a simple balance, a pan at either end of a beam which balances on a fulcrum. The way it works is that if each pan carries the same weight, it balances horizontally. If one pan carries slightly more weight, it tips slightly off horizontal. If one pan carries more weight yet, it tips...
  43. C

    I Where the scale factor a(t) appears in the metric

    Hello, I was enjoying Zee's book on GR when I noticed the location of this "a(t)" thing in the metric sound quite disturbing to me. BTW: I experience the same annoyance and went down to the same conclusions, when I watched a related Theoretical Minimum lesson...Here's the setup, the flat...
  44. N

    Equations of Motion w/ spring scale

    Homework Statement Homework Equations 1. ΣF = m a 2. Στ = Iθ" The Attempt at a Solution First , assuming small motion, all movement of the scale can disregard x components (so the spring stretches only in vertical direction without an impact from the x directional...
  45. F

    I Length Contraction & Time Dilation Beyond Planck Scale: Correct?

    If an object was traveling fast enough relative to an observer such that it's length is contracted down to the Planck scale (as with time), I would imagine that any further increase in speed would result in no more observable relativistic effects? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  46. Vitani11

    How Does Force Scale with Radius in Orbital Motion?

    Homework Statement a. A particle in circular orbit is experiencing an attractive force F towards its center of the orbit. It its period T scales as rn, where r is the radius of the orbit, how does the force scale with radius r? That is, find p in the relation F = arp, where a is an arbitrary...
  47. W

    Balancing Forces on a Scale: Man with Pulleys and Tensions

    Homework Statement Man standing on scale and pulling on a rope connected to two pulleys Homework Equations The mass of the man is: m=100 kg The weight of the pulleys, cables, balance, and the frictions are not taken into account g=10m x s-2 3. The Attempt at a Solution the force that the...
  48. 1

    I Rounding decimals to ruler scale (log, pow math?)

    I have data (all less than 1) and I need to round down to the nearest 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32. I have no idea how to do this mathematically, but I'm guessing I use log or pow functions. For example: 0.81 = 0.5 or 1/2 0.33 = 0.25 or 1/4 0.18 = 0.125 or 1/8 Any help would be appreciated...
  49. parshyaa

    How anders celcius defined temperature scale.

    What made anders celcius(founder of °c temperature scale) to use water as a bench mark for measuring temperature, why he used water's freezing point as 0°c and boiling point as 100°c, is there a reason or he just used water so that it can work easily.
  50. K

    MHB Richter Scale Earthquake Magnitude Question?

    Hello. I am doing a review sheet for my Pre-Calculus final and one of the questions has me stumped. I'm going through our notes and we never did a problem like this in class. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Find the Richter scale magnitude of an earthquake that releases energy...