School Definition and 1000 Threads

A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is sometimes compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country (discussed in the Regional section below) but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education. An institution where higher education is taught, is commonly called a university college or university.
In addition to these core schools, students in a given country may also attend schools before and after primary (Elementary in the US) and secondary (Middle school in the US) education. Kindergarten or preschool provide some schooling to very young children (typically ages 3–5). University, vocational school, college or seminary may be available after secondary school. A school may be dedicated to one particular field, such as a school of economics or a school of dance. Alternative schools may provide nontraditional curriculum and methods.
Non-government schools, also known as private schools may be required when the government does not supply adequate, or specific educational needs. Other private schools can also be religious, such as Christian schools, gurukula (Hindu School), madrasa (Arabic schools), hawzas (Shi'i Muslim schools), yeshivas (Jewish schools), and others; or schools that have a higher standard of education or seek to foster other personal achievements. Schools for adults include institutions of corporate training, military education and training and business schools.
In homeschooling and distance education, teaching and learning take place independent from the institution of school or in a virtual school outside a traditional school building respectively. Schools are commonly organized in several different organizational models, including departmental, small learning communities, academies, integrated, and schools-within-a-school.

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  1. O

    Am I behind? How to get the most out of a small school.

    I go to a small liberal arts school. I always wanted to go to the best school I could, but I grew up in a small town with almost zero resources and had to deal with some pretty scary abusive family stuff for most of my life. I got kind of screwed up for awhile and barely scraped my way into...
  2. H

    School project help: Window tint in reducing the temperature of car.

    Homework Statement Here's the question for my coursework. "Everyone knows the feeling of getting into a car that has been under the hot sun.Nobody likes it. Design an experiment and investigate the factor(s) that contribute to this condition." Here's my question, 1)Do window tint really helps...
  3. Drakkith

    How Does Starting at University of Arizona Shape a New Student's Future?

    Well, looks like I'll be starting school in about 3 weeks at the University of Arizona here in Tucson. As long as all my financial aid stuff gets approved by the VA in time at least. I'll be majoring in Astronomy unless I decide to change over to Optical Engineering in the future. Wish me luck!
  4. I

    Schools Should I even bother applying for grad school?

    Hey, I know there's a sticky on top of the page kind of about this but I read through the thread and I have a pretty particular case that which isn't really addressed. I just finished my undergrad studies, received a B.A. a few months ago in May, and I was thinking about going to school...
  5. P

    Finance/Economics Career with Physics BS or Physics Grad School?

    Hey everyone, I was hoping to get some general career advice. I am currently working on my Physics BS and am almost done with all of the physics requirements. However, since I was a transfer student I have been able to take a lot of courses in fields I also enjoy. I'll end up graduating with the...
  6. C

    High school teacher for math/physics

    hello, I did double degree in physics and mathematics and now I'm considering being a high school teacher. i always had passion for it. i actually wanted to be teacher in community college and i still plan to apply for that when i get my masters (not attending atm). anyway, i have 0...
  7. N

    Programs Math Major Looking to Transfer to a More Relaxed School

    Short and sweet I am an undergraduate math major attempting to transfer. I am looking for help composing a list of schools to visit. Some Information about Myself I'm not a terribly academically driven guy. While I've come across some success academically, it's mostly been the result of...
  8. C

    School education vs online self learning

    With the internet as large and powerful as ever, YouTube videos with lectures and tutorials, what kind of fool would pay thousands of dollars to go to school and get a piece of paper that says their qualified when they can do it all in their own time for free? Goodbye tradition...
  9. D

    Need help in a time dilation question (high school)

    So basically I am in high school and have done my major exam for the end of the year. It was a good test except for one question that i got totally stumped on. The question said that a planet was 6.7 light years away from earth. A spacecraft has a maximum speed of 0.9c, how long would a clock on...
  10. S

    How smart were mathematicians in high school?

    Are there examples of modern, influential mathematicians who did not show unusual mathematical talent before college? Because today it seems like the field is pretty much closed off to college freshmen first encountering abstract mathematics, no matter how much fascination and interest they...
  11. soothsayer

    Schools To grad school (for physics) or not to grad school?

    Hey PF! So I just finished my undergrad degree in Astrophysics, and I'm interested in going back to get my PhD. I really love physics, and I don't mind the kind of grind and time that it would take to be a successful PhD student. I'm not looking to get higher paying jobs after I get my PhD, I...
  12. P

    Schools Considering Physics graduate school, but I stutter

    Long time lurker here, this is just my first time posting. I've read through the 'So you want to be a Physicist' guide and just from experience I've noticed that in order to help pay for graduate schools most programs will have you TA for discussions or labs. Given my stutter, I know I...
  13. Y

    Seeking a job with high school diploma,help please.

    hi I have to get a job before going to college ,I have to work for like a year before enrolling. anyway,I have a high school diploma and a driving license. what can I do with that? I need a job which will enable me to live and rent a room or shared apartment. I will start college at 22...
  14. M

    School Bullying and the Impact on Academic Achievement

    I suppose most of you guys here were nerds when you were young. So how had you enjoyed your school time? Were you all Lisa Simpsons and Martin Prince?
  15. N

    Decent books for high school algebra and geometry

    I'm still in high school and looking at majoring in physics in college. I have taken math up to single variable calculus, but I want to go back and relearn algebra and geometry to get a much better understanding of those subjects. I'm considering using the books Algebra by I.M Gelfand and...
  16. jim hardy

    Stargazing Helping my school with a telescope, advice appreciated

    My local high school has a telescope that has sat unused for at least a decade. I play poker with the principal and have an opportunity to assist getting it back into usability. Visited it this morning doesn't appear to need much it's a 12.5 inch Newtonian in about six foot tube on equatorial...
  17. M

    Assessing Grad. School Prospects

    Hi, I got my degree in E.E. but I've been pretty interested in the physics, and I am evaluating my prospects of getting a graduate degree in that area. I graduated with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering GPA of about 3.8. However my school was near the bottom of the top 50 in rankings. I...
  18. MarkFL

    MHB My methods for solving the July 8, 2013 High School POTW

    Hello MHB, I wanted to post the 2 methods I provided for solving the High School POTW, which I submitted for use that week. :D The problem was to solve: \left\lfloor x+\frac{7}{3} \right\rfloor^2+\left\lfloor x-\frac{9}{4} \right\rfloor=16
  19. M

    Schools Materials Science grad school questions

    I am a rising junior physics major and math minor at a small liberal arts school. I'm interested in possibly pursuing materials science for grad school (hoping to complete a PhD). However, I haven't yet taken intro-level chemistry. Originally I was planning to complete the intro sequence...
  20. S

    Schools Grad school for foundational physics?

    Hello, I am currently beginning my Junior year of college, and the time is coming far too soon for me to choose grad schools to apply to. My goal in life is to study all kinds of foundational physics, such as quantum foundations, quantum gravity, and string theory in order to complete...
  21. S

    University math vs school board math?

    In another thread ( matqkks mentions curriculum changes in calculus and linear algebra: My impression of math education (in the USA) is that a few large school districts control what's "mainstream" teaching in secondary mathematics and...
  22. T

    Advice for aspiring high school teacher

    Hi everyone, I've got a lot on my mind and I would really appreciate any advice. I'm entering into my senior year of college in the Fall and for about a year now, I've been set on becoming a high school physics teacher because I'd like to maybe make a dent in education problems in the U.S...
  23. S

    Schools Why don't they teach Quantum Physics in high school?

    Why don't they teach Quantum Physics in high school? Like I can't learn quantum physics in my high school and it really interests me but I have to learn all the stuff online :(
  24. S

    Schools Graduate school app - Do I have a shot?

    Hi! I am new to the board so let me first just say hello - Hello! :) To my question - you guys have more experience so your judgement is way more accurate when it comes to graduate physics studies, so I wanted to ask if I have a shot at any of the better (say top 50) physics institutions...
  25. T

    Schools Turning Math Passion into a Career: High School Drop-Out's Story

    Hey, everyone I Love math. Okay, but seriously I dropped out of high school at the beginning of my Junior year. People say that there is only one or two options for me... erm well, maybe three, these options are Army(if they will take me), Get a job(But I want a career), or enroll into a...
  26. J

    Still one school year left , I think it will be applied physics

    still one school year left , I think it will be "applied physics" Well anyone would normally pursue an engineering career in my school , especially in the "General sciences" section . I first considered doing Astrophysics , but having seen how incompatible it is with what I thought it would be...
  27. B

    Going back to school for physics

    Hello all, I am new here, but I believe this is the correct place for this type of thread. If not, I am sorry. I have just graduated from college cum laude, but with a music major and history major. Before my senior year, I regretted not picking up a physics major instead of my history...
  28. B

    Recommendations for C.M. & E.M. going into grad school (non-physicist)

    Hello all, First, to tell you a little about my background, I have just finished my undergraduate degree in geology and geophysics. I also attained two minors in astronomy and mathematics. Thus, my physics and math background includes a year of freshman physics (mechanics & E&M) plus a...
  29. NATURE.M

    Schools Sufficient Courses for Physics Grad School

    Hi, I am going to list the various courses I plan on taking as part of my physics major (though not all the courses are contained in the physics major). I would simply like to know if the following will sufficiently prepare me for graduate school in theoretical physics (focusing on high-energy...
  30. G

    Schools How do you skip a course in High School?

    Hey, I am currently in High School and I am finding my courses extremely easy. Especially my math classes, I am going into my sophomore year and my math course is going to be geometry. I find geometry extremely easy and I was wondering is there any possible way to skip it and move on to the next...
  31. S

    Schools High School Course Selection Dilemma

    Next year I'll be entering Grade 11 and enrolled in a Calculus and Data Management (statistics) program, where students learn calculus first semester and during the second, divide the period between AP calculus material and data management. However, it's important to know that I'm interesting in...
  32. M

    Schools Review/Quality of NetMath program at UIUC (Grad School Preparation)

    Following my previous thread, it seems I don't have the background to apply to MS programs in mathematics directly since I was an undergraduate computer science major. If I need to supplement the courses I have taken in order to gain acceptance to a top program for an MS in mathematics, would...
  33. Seydlitz

    Schools Physics Study in Gap Time after High School Suggestion

    Hi all, I would like to know if you guys could suggest me what's the best way to fill my free time (six months) between graduating high school and entering university. I will be taking Bachelor of Science with major in Physics. I also have plan to continue my study further if possible. However...
  34. G

    High School Physics: Projectiles at Angles

    Homework Statement "A ball rolls off an incline plane. The speed of the ball is 22m/s and the plane is inclined at 32 degrees to the horizontal.If the incline is 9.0m above the ground, how far from the base of the incline will the ball hit the floor?" (The rounded answer is supposed to be...
  35. Y

    Schools How Do Graduate Schools Evaluate Applicants Beyond GPA?

    hi what's the strategy of graduate schools when they accept or deny applicants? if I finish my bachelor degree with a strong GPA like 3.6 and above but from a normal school like Cleveland State university while this school is accredited for sure ,will I have a chance when applying to schools...
  36. D

    Schools Question about grad school; advisor; letter

    Advisor I am applying to graduate school and there is a professor I want to work with. According to the university, he is an active faculty. I checked his profile and all I could find was his name, the university's address and his research which tersely states: "geometry". So I looked him...
  37. L

    Schools Grad school with little/no research experience in between.

    Here goes another wild stab in the dark: As a quick refresher, I will be graduating with a bachelors in physics in a month. I was not successful in getting into grad school this year (I got waitlisted at UMN but was ultimately turned down, I also should have applied to more schools/bigger...
  38. 2

    PhD school is ranked lower than undergrad

    I am an undergrad at a pretty high ranking university, my GPA is acceptable but not phenomenal, and my research history, while it's there, is not phenomenal either. I don't think I will be able to get into a PhD program anywhere close to the ranking of my current institution. But I do want to do...
  39. M

    Which college offers the best programs for aspiring inventors?

    Hello, I currently attend a Association of Independent Technological Universities (AITU) school. I'm studying engineering. The school I am at is immensely test intensive-like extremely. I would like to know if there were any colleges you knew of with actual programs (or clubs) that help...
  40. M

    Schools A physics BS going into ME Grad school

    Hi everyone, So I'm starting grad school in ME in the fall, but my bachelor's degree is in physics. I went to a school with no engineering college, but I think my knowledge on anything related to physics in engineering is sound, with the exception of fluid and solid mechanics (I know the...
  41. S

    Schools Can You Take Particle Physics Courses as Electives in Grad School?

    "Electives" in grad school? Hello PF, I am an undergrad student majoring in one of the STEM field. I have a strong interest in particle physics, but I am not really interested in any other discipline of physics. For this reason, I don't think going to grad school in physics is not a...
  42. I

    Programming Languages used in High School Robotics

    Hey everyone, because I have lots of free time over the summer, I have decided to take up learning a programming language. (I have never programmed). I am leaning toward Java, because the ID Tech camp I am going to teaches primarily in Java. However, in the next academic school year I plan to...
  43. P

    Graduate school dilemma-solicitng opinions

    Graduate school dilemma--solicitng opinions Hello, I started a thread a couple of days back that never really caught on. I'd like to phrase the question a bit more generally so that those with experience can give some advice. I currently am deciding between applying to grad schools...
  44. T

    School bus crash resulting in death

    My sister was recently killed in a car crash, she was the driver of the vehicle, making a left turn at an intersection heading north and was stuck by a school bus that was heading east towards her. The police report claims the driver was driving at a speed of 45 miles an hour at point of impact...
  45. jester4288

    Astrophysics & Cosmology Degree Programs in US

    I'm curious what schools should I look into for a degree in astrophysics or cosmology? Preferably in the US
  46. R

    Friction and Kinematics: Solving for Minimum Time on a Bridge

    Homework Statement A car starts from rest on half a kilometer long bridge. The coefficient of friction between the tyre and the road is 1.0. Show that one cannot drive through the bridge in less than 10 seconds. (Take g = 10 m/s2) Homework Equations Frictional force = μN Kinematic...
  47. D

    Schools Internships for high school graduates

    Hello, Im wondering about internships for high school graduates in Europe. I want to study theoretical physics in the UK, but before i do that I am taking a gap year. So my question is if you know any good internships I could attend? I am Dutch and Swedish and just graduated from the IB program...
  48. M

    Thinking about going to school for Cosmology/Astonomy.

    What are the requirements for getting research jobs in Astronomy and Cosmology? Where did you go to school/what job did you end up getting? How hard would it be to work towards a degree and work full-time? Are there jobs/internships that help pay for schooling while working in the field? And...
  49. Shablong

    Schools Enough to get into a decent grad school?

    Hello PF community, I've used this site for quite a while for references on self learning and just plain entertainment. I figured it was time for me to make my own cliche "Can I make it?" thread. Thanks in advance for any responses. I'm going to skip the long part about my history with...
  50. R

    High school physics computer programs or big collections of tasks with

    Hi. I've got my last year high school physics exam tomorrow, and for the second part of the exam (last 3 hours) we're allowed to bring anything we want as long as we can't communicate. We're also allowed to bring computers, so I'd be curious to see if there actually exist any programs that can...