Security Definition and 187 Threads

Security is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social groups, objects and institutions, ecosystems or any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change.

Security mostly refers to protection from hostile forces, but it has a wide range of other senses: for example, as the absence of harm (e.g. freedom from want); as the presence of an essential good (e.g. food security); as resilience against potential damage or harm (e.g. secure foundations); as secrecy (e.g. a secure telephone line); as containment (e.g. a secure room or cell); and as a state of mind (e.g. emotional security).
The term is also used to refer to acts and systems whose purpose may be to provide security (e.g.: security companies, security forces, security guard, cyber security systems, security cameras, remote guarding).
Security is not only physical but it can also be Virtual.

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  1. George Jones

    Is ID Required to Enter the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome?

    ... you are asked for ID in order to enter facilities named after you.
  2. T

    Can I Pass Security Clearance with Marijuana Arrest?

    I have a general security clearance question. Could I still pass for a Q or L security clearance, if I have a single arrest incident for marijuana? I was NOT convicted of any drug-related offense (hired a good lawyer), but instead was convicted of a noise violation. I have passed a clearance...
  3. A

    Need IEEE Security related paper of 2012 - 2014

    Dear friends, I am looking for an IEEE paper on Cyber Scurity(Computer Science) which range from come on any year from 2012 to 2014 . Please help me with a good paper URL . Waiting your fast reply. Thanks Anes
  4. Y

    Is There a 64-Bit Version of Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7?

    I just got my Win 7 64 bits computer. I went to Microsoft site to download the Security Essential. But when I tried to install the program, it said it's for a 32 bit computer and I need to get the 64 bit one. I went on MS site and looked all over, typed in "64 bit Security Essential". But I kept...
  5. A

    Virtualization techniques for Security

    Hi dear friends, As part of our "Operating System" subject , i need a topic "Virtualization techniques for security". Please provide its key points or any study resource , because i am out of college library now . Not any resource except NET . waiting your reply Thanks Anes
  6. Sudharaka

    MHB Exploring the Dark Side of Google: A Security Professional's Journey

    Hi everyone, :) Recently I came across a thought provoking article in CAIDA.
  7. A

    How Many Panels Need to Be Lifted for Security Cable Installation?

    A door company makes doors out of square wooden panels. After installing many doors, they are asked to install a security cable that runs diagonally from the top right to the bottom left. With an n*m door, how many panels need to be lifted to place the security cable? So what I did at first...
  8. Evo

    News Massive Target credit/debit card security breach

    My bank has a notice of this on their website this morning, they have automatically canceled all cards for anyone that made a purchase at Target during this period.
  9. srfriggen

    Social Security number function

    Homework Statement For the given relation, indicate if it is surjective, injective, both (bijective), or neither, and give a brief rationale for your answer. "The function that assigns to everybody in the US their social security number." The Attempt at a Solution The...
  10. Greg Bernhardt

    News Is Secure Enough?

    What does everyone think about the security concerns over the website? It appears to be in question. It certainly will be a major target for hackers and so far the website doesn't have a good track record.
  11. lisab

    High Security Clearance With Dementia?

    Just curious. What happens to people with high security clearance who develop dementia (or are mentally compromised somehow)?
  12. Philosophaie

    LaTeX Set a custom security level in Windows 8 to view Latex

    How do you set a custom security level in Windows 8 to view Latex.
  13. A

    How Riemann hypothesis would break internet security?

    I saw this in one of the episodes of Numb3rs - (a T.V. show that describes how math can be used to solve crimes) It basically said that if Riemann hypothesis is true then it could break all the internet security. I want to know how. I couldn't understand Riemann hypothesis from Wikipedia and...
  14. E

    Weird question about security clearance and political

    *Thread title was supposed to include the word "views" after "political." Anyway, I know that some jobs available to physicists require at least some level of security clearance and I am somewhat worried that my political views may hurt my ability to qualify. I was born and raised in the U.S...
  15. T

    What is the point of a security guard?

    Apparently, security are just citizens. So what's the point if they're powerless?
  16. trollcast

    Digital Security: Pay, Prospects, & Trends

    How big / employable is the field for digital security at the minute and what's the sort of trend for the future looking like? Is the pay similar or above / below average to most other computer science / engineering jobs? Its just that the security modules are one of the main differences...
  17. S

    Physics Security clearance worth trying to keep for physics career?

    hi, I am currently a physics major undergraduate and i hold a security clearance from previous work. It expires in 2014 and I wanted to know if it was worth the hassel of trying to get it renewed? keeping in mind that i plan to pursue a phd in physics. getting it renewed won't be easy as i...
  18. C

    What is the Security Clearance in the UK?

    Hi I have recenlty been graduated as a Nuclear Engineer and I am looking for jobs abroad. As the only foreign language I can speak fluently is English, I am thinking about applying in the UK, where there are more job vacancies in the nuclear field besides France. I see a lot of positions...
  19. M

    Creating a Simple Room Security System

    1. The challenge is to create a simple security system using only resistors, a very thin wire, 12 AAA batteries, and a piezoelectric buzzer. 2. The attempt at a solution I recall reading that if a resistor is placed mid-wire in an alarm system, it will not detect any problems, such as a...
  20. H

    Security of computer data and passwords

    I hope there are some security-minded folks that can reply with practical suggestions. I've become increasingly nervous over time about the security of the data on my laptop (mostly financial) and online information via the myriad of username/password combinations that are used for...
  21. C

    Internet Security, Privacy & Anonymity Forums

    Hey! I was just wondering if anyone happens to know of a good forum where the matters of the title are being discussed, or if you know any other kinds of resources on the subject. I'm pretty clueless on the subject and it seems like a good thing to start gaining some knowledge about.
  22. L

    Engineering Aerospace Engineering outlook (also security clearance question)

    I've gotten most of my math, gen ed, and basic physics classes out of the way and this August I am jumping headfirst into engineering classes, either Electrical or Aerospace. Money is not a motive for me, although employability is. Aerospace design and rocket propulsion just seems so much more...
  23. C

    Heat signature of security camera

    Is it possible to use a thermal imaging camera to detect the heat signatures of a security camera? Are you familiar with any equipment which can detect its electrical, electromagnetic or metalic signatures? You might wonder why I'm asking. It's because I'm a bachelor degree student in...
  24. D

    Does anyone else overdo privacy and security?

    i use safes locks plenty of ecurity programs and ways to mask my location online and am planing to make hidden doors tunnels and vaults in a house one day. i just like a lot of privacy and security not having to waste any focus on the mere possability of ppl violating my space at all. and this...
  25. E

    Remote Internet voting security flaw?

    Hi guys, Traditional voting via paper ballots at polling stations, meant that each individual was free to vote for his candidate in complete privacy. A father could vote for a separate candidate and a son for another candidate. So I was wondering is there any way in which to ensure similar...
  26. D

    Im looking for free downloadable security programs

    basically what should i download to take mmy security + privacy from high to the next level. whatre the best programs in your oppinion?
  27. J

    Engineering Which has a better job security, electrical or civil engineering?

    I don't mind doing either. I think both of them are interesting and would be enjoyable but which one has a better chance of getting a job in the future?
  28. B

    Can you recommend any textbooks/lectures on cyber security?

    Hi PF, I am looking for some advice on textbooks or lecture course material that covers cyber security. I know it is a broad topic so as my background is in physics, I guess beginning at the introductory level would suit me best. I am interested in texts that include mathematical approaches...
  29. J

    Question about computer monitors and security

    I have a question about a security practice that is in place at my work. I think the practice isn’t based on credible science, and no one has been able give me a solid justification. My background is almost entirely in math so I was hoping to get an engineer’s take on this: Security is a...
  30. C

    Counting problem social security numbers

    Homework Statement social security number is a 9 digit number. the first digit may be 0 a. How many numbers are available b. How many are even c. How many have all of their digits even d. How many read the same forward and backward e. How many have none of their digits equal to...
  31. W

    Is IP Spoofing Effective in Protecting Personal Information Online?

    Right now I'm running the latest version of ESET which is suppossedly the best out there in terms of anti-virus although for some reason many people say that they have 5 or 6 of these so should I get a couple more and which ones? Also, I've heard of IP spoofers (PM me if you want links) which...
  32. Y

    What is Xp internet security 2011 and how do I remove it from my computer?

    My computer is taking over by the XP Internet Security 2011. I cannot get onto the web. I have Mcafee internet, firewall and virus protection and it does not detect anything. WHat is this? Is this a spyware? What do I have to do to remove it or fix it. What do I have to watch out? Anyone...
  33. A

    Internet Infrastructure Security

    urgent 《Internet Infrastructure Security》 1. (Affine Cipher) Recall that the encryption function for the Affine Cipher is EK(m) = (a × m + b) mod 26. Moreover, not all values in {0, 1, · · · , 25} can be used for a. To illustrate it, consider a = b = c = 10. Explain why a = 10 cannot be used...
  34. P

    News Social security well funded and safe?

    Is social security well funded and safe?
  35. Evo

    News WikiLeaks reveals sites critical to US security

    I'm starting a new thread because this changes the whole ball game. I think this removes any doubt about Assange's true character and intentions. Someone see the benefit in this release? I posted a quote in the other thread where Assange said he would not withold information that would...
  36. M

    How Does a Security Gate Use Your Cell Phone to Open?

    Security Gate + Cell Phone = ? OK guys, I have a "how does this work" question. I just moved into a new apartment which has a security gate. Now, aside from a few traditional means of opening, it has a rather unusual method, which I cannot figure out how works. My phone number was entered...
  37. A

    The TAO of Security: Risk Management & Disaster Recovery

    Security, Risk Management, and Disaster Recovery is one area where I am an expert ( worked for SunGard, years ago.). Since we are scientists, techologists, and overall rational people on this board I will post some insights into this, and hopefully you can apply this where you work and...
  38. GRB 080319B

    Exploring Internet Security: Can It Ever Be As Secure As Physical Systems?;contentBody"<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen"...
  39. M

    Schools University Education and Financial Security

    I read this article on the NYT about college students graduating with debt: The piece only focused on a single case but I know a few cases similar to this one and many of you (or yourself) have probably...
  40. Pattonias

    Solve IE Security Options to Download Files Without Asking

    At work, I often have to download .tiff files to work with drawings. Sometimes when searching through these drawings I have to download dozens of these files rapidly just to shuffle through them. Every time I click the view button, IE gives a pop-up saying that the website is trying to download...
  41. R

    Computer/System Security + Sencond Law of thermo

    Hello, I am a Security Engineer and deal with system security. I have an interest in Physics and wondered if the second law of thermodynamics applied to system security. My thought is... if you secure a [computer] system as much as possible (this can never be 100%) and leave it. Over time...
  42. B

    Determine the rational function that gives the annual cost of a security system

    Homework Statement A security system costs $9/month in costs (fixed cost). If a new security system costs $1500 to purchase and last for 8 years: a)Determine the rational function that gives the annual cost of a security system as a function of the number of years you own the system. Using...
  43. Borg

    What went wrong with the Slovak plane security test?

    How to be a terrorist without even trying."
  44. A

    Project GSM Car security system

    Pls i need help on my project design, on gsm car security. from the input signal from the phone to the circuit i intend to use vibration,then what will be my sensor? Pls.
  45. W

    Security Clearance: What Gov't Checks for Approval

    When obtaining a security clearance to work for a government, what type of things do they usually check?
  46. C

    Misc. DIY automated security system Project

    Howdy everyone, I have begun work on an automated security system. Essentially it is a mounted machine gun made to keep your children safe. I have begun work on models and finished the automated firing mechanism, but am still in the early stages of development. On the image below, you will see a...
  47. E

    What Degree Leads to Compsci/ Security/ Cryptography

    What undergraduate degree will best prepare a person for one of these fields (comp security/cryptography)? - math - compsci ...out of the two, which one would better benefit me if I pursue a PhD with. I'm most interested in computer security and cryptography. Cryptography is...
  48. S

    Schools Graduate School/Program dealing with Computer Security

    I still got a few years to decide, but I've been looking for schools that offer Graduate Degrees pertaining to Computer Security. I'm currently working on my undergrad degree in Computer Science. Any Suggestions?
  49. P

    Can Cosmic Rays Enhance Detection of Contraband in Cargo Security?

    I am doing a project about using cosmic rays to detect contraband in cargo, and while I've been fine with collecting the data etc it's writing the introduction I'm having trouble with (so maybe this would be better in the lower level homework help forum as I only need to keep it basic at this...
  50. W

    News End of Social Security - or a Warning?

    President Obama outlined a strategy this morning to help workers prepare for retirement. From the speech, ""If you work hard and meet your responsibilities, this country is going to honor our collective responsibility to you: to ensure that you can save and secure your retirement. That is...