Separable Definition and 196 Threads

In mathematics, a topological space is called separable if it contains a countable, dense subset; that is, there exists a sequence






{\displaystyle \{x_{n}\}_{n=1}^{\infty }}
of elements of the space such that every nonempty open subset of the space contains at least one element of the sequence.
Like the other axioms of countability, separability is a "limitation on size", not necessarily in terms of cardinality (though, in the presence of the Hausdorff axiom, this does turn out to be the case; see below) but in a more subtle topological sense. In particular, every continuous function on a separable space whose image is a subset of a Hausdorff space is determined by its values on the countable dense subset.
Contrast separability with the related notion of second countability, which is in general stronger but equivalent on the class of metrizable spaces.

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  1. S

    MHB Solving Separable Variables: Need Assistance!

    I have a question that is stumping me. I'd be grateful on some assistance. Show that the substitutions $z= ax + by + c$ changes $y' = f(ax + by + c)$ into an equation with separable variables. Hence, solve the equation $y' = (x+y)^2$. (hint: $\int \frac{1}{(1 + u^2)}du = tan^{-1} u+c$) I...
  2. MathWarrior

    Separable Differential Equation

    y' = (x)/(1+2y) y(-1) = 0 trying to find the answer I do the following: multiply both sides by (1+2y) (1+2y) * dy/dx = x i subtract 1 from both sides.. but for some reason this is wrong? why? 2y * dy/dx = x - 1 2y dy = x-1 dx integrate.. y^2 = (x^2-x+C)/2 y = sqrt((x^2-x+C)/2) ) this...
  3. I

    MHB Is My Solution to the First-Order Separable ODE Correct?

    I am having a problem. I think i went well in decomposing the partial fraction and integrating, however my answer leaves me concerned. please help if i have gone wrong. Solve: dy/dx + y^2 = y. after taking partial fractions, i simplified this to: (1/y + 1/ (1-y) ) dy = dx and i integrated...
  4. H

    Separable Differential Equation

    Homework Statement Can someone please verify if I am solving this equation right. Homework Equations Please refer to attachment. The Attempt at a Solution Please refer to attachment.
  5. H

    General solution of a differential equation (separable)

    Homework Statement Find the general solution of the differential equation y'=4t-ty^2 Homework Equations y'=4t-ty^2 The Attempt at a Solution I 'think' this question is pretty straight forward but I'm still not sure if I did it right or not. I have two question. One till the last step...
  6. L

    Show that the equation is separable

    Homework Statement This is a physics problem, for which if the following three dimensional potentials would Schrodinger equation be separable V=x2y + sin(z) V= x2 +y +tan-1 (z1/2) Homework Equations (-h2/2m)(d2ψ/dx2 + d2ψ/dy2 + d2ψ/dz2 ) +v(x,y,z)ψ=Eψ The Attempt at a Solution...
  7. A

    How Do You Solve This Challenging Separable ODE Problem?

    Homework Statement solve y(xy+1)dx + x(1+x^2y^2)dy=0 The Attempt at a Solution well, I substituted u=xy. Here is what I've done so far. du = xdy + ydx -> xdy= du - ydx -> xdy = du - (u/x)dx (u/x)(u+1)dx + x(1+u^2)dy=0 (u/x)(u+1)dx + (1 + u^2)(du - (u/x)dx)=0 (u^2/x)dx + (u/x)dx +...
  8. R

    Solving Separable Equations - Get Help Now

    Hi guys, I was working on this problem regarding separable equations and could not solve it.. dy/dx = ay+b/cy+d My work: I reorganized the equation to become dy(cy+d/ay+b) = dx integrating both sides, you get the integral of (cy+d/ay+b) and dx which is a constant k. I'm pretty sure...
  9. A

    Yes, thank you for catching that mistake! I have corrected it now.

    Homework Statement If y(1+x2) dy/dx = 2x (1-y2), prove that (1+x2)2(1-y2)=A, where A is constant. Homework Equations Separable equations The Attempt at a Solution Separate the terms: y/(1-y2) dy = 2x/(1+x2) dx Integrating both sides will get: ∫ y/(1-y2) dy = ∫...
  10. S

    Separable equation constant generality.

    Hello experts! I need your point of view about the following, Do you think is there any loss of generality if the arbitrary constant added when a separable equation is integrated is written in the form lnC rather than just C? Do you think this would ever be convenient thing to do? Is...
  11. A

    Cartesian product of separable metric spaces

    Dear readers, Let X be the product space of a countable family \{X_n:n\in\mathbb{N}\} of separable metric spaces. If X is endowed with the product topology, we know that it is again separable. Are there other topologies for X such that is separable? Is there a natural metric on X such that X...
  12. S

    Can the Separable First Order ODE be solved with a different answer?

    2r(s^2+1)dr + (r^4 + 1)ds = 0 answer different than's answer: r^2 + s = c(1 -r^2 s) 3. 2r(s^2+1)dr =- (r^4 + 1)ds -2r/r^4+1 dr = 1/s^2+1 ds int -2r/r^4+1 dr = int 1/s^2+1 ds with u substitution on left we have u = -2r, etc. tan^-1 r^2 = - tan^ -1 s + c tan^-1 r^2 +...
  13. O

    Separable Differential Equations

    Homework Statement Suppse dn/dt = 1/10n and n(1)=-2. Separate the differential equation, then integrate both sides. The Attempt at a Solution How do I do this? There is no 't' to 'separate' from the equation. Would it just be: int[1/10n] = int[0t] ?
  14. J

    Determine the interval validity of this separable equation

    Homework Statement Find the solution of the given initial value problem in explicit form and determine the interval in which the solution is defined. \[x dx+ye^{-x}dy = 0\] with initial condition y(0) = 1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I solved the first part...
  15. C

    Integrating Separable Equations: Comparing Solutions to Practice Problems

    I have solutions for 2 problems but they are different from the ones my book provides. This may be due to some simplification they chose to do, but I am uncertain. 1) dy/dx = x2/y ydy = x2dx Integrate both sides and you get y2/2 = x3/3 + C My book gave 3y2 - 2x3 = C 2) dy/dx =...
  16. A

    Solving Separable Differential Equation with Initial Condition

    QUESTION: Solve the separable differential equation dy/dx = sqrt(4y+64), Initial Condition: y(4)=9, and find the particular solution satisfying the initial condition. MY ATTEMPT: (dy/dx)^2 = 4y+64 ((dy/dx)^2)-4y = 64 ,/' (((dy/dx)^2)-4y) dx = ,/' 64 dx Is this the right method...
  17. I

    Solving Separable Least Square Problem - Isy

    Hi I have to solve the following LSQ problem: min(||Aax-b||2) where A is a known matrix, b is a know vector x is an unknows vector a is an unknown scalar I can solve directly via pseudo inverse ax=inv(A'A)A'b but how can I isolate a from x? Could Separable least square a scheme...
  18. B

    Separable differential equation and Integration by parts

    Homework Statement dy/dx = e^ysin^2x/ysecx Stewart 6e 10.3 # 8 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ydy/e^y = sin^2xdx/secx e^-ydy = sec^-1xsin^2xdx Integration by parts u = e^-y du = -e^-y dv = ydy v = y^2/2 ∫udv = e^-yy^2/2 + ∫y^2/2e^-y = y^2/2e^y +...
  19. B

    Separable Differential Equation dy/dz

    Homework Statement dy/dz = ycosx/(1+y^2), y(0) = 1 Stewart 6e, 10.3 # 12 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ∫(1+y^2)dy/y = ∫cosxdy -------------- = sinx + C How do I find the integral of this product? Do I use integration by parts?
  20. B

    Another Separable Differential Equation

    Homework Statement dz/dt + e^(t+z) = 0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution dz/dt = -e^te^z integral(dz/e^z) = integral(-e^tdt) let u = 1/e^z dv = dz du = -e^-zdz v= z integral(udv) = z/e^z + integral(ze^-zdz)
  21. B

    Simple Separable Differential Equation

    Homework Statement y' = y^2sinx Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution dy/dx = y^2sinx dy/y^2 = dxsinx integral(dy/y^2) = integral(sinxdx) Aside: let u = y^2 du = 2ydy dy = du/2y ln(abs(y^2))/2y = -cosx+C integral(du/2y^3) = integral(sinxdx)
  22. J

    How can you solve for y in a difficult separable equation?

    Homework Statement dy/dx = (y cos x) / (1+y2) Homework Equations Meh The Attempt at a Solution I've made it to this point: ln(y) + y2/2 = sinx + C. But we can't figure out to solve for y. It seems impossible with the ln(y) hanging around.
  23. F

    Notation for separable partial differential equations

    Hey.. I ran across some problems and the notation used is a little different from what I've seen before. considering U(x,y)=X(x)Y(y) Sometimes I'll see Uxx for \frac{d^{2}u}{dt^{2}} which equals X''Y Or Ux for \frac{du}{dt} which equals X'Y But what about U'x Is that a redundant way of...
  24. M

    Separable differential equation

    Homework Statement I'm trying to solve this equation: dN/dt = k(10 000 - N(t)) The attempt at a solution dN/10 000 - N(t) = k dt I integrate, and I'm left with: - ln l10 000 - N(t)l = kt +C I raise both sides with e. I don't know what e^- ln(xxx) is so I multiply both...
  25. L

    Solve Separable Scattering Homework with N-Channel T-Matrix

    Homework Statement Obtain the analytic expression for the N-channel T-matrix assuming a separable potential. Hint: assume that T is proportional to V. Specialise your answer to N=1 and perform the required integral to get an explicit form for T, assume the given form for g(k)...
  26. I

    Differential Equations - not Linear, Separable, or Exact

    Problem and Equation: Solve dy/dx=-y/(x^2+y) Put into standard form, this is ydx+(x^2+y)dy=0 The only ways of solving differential equations that I currently know are when they are either linear (which this is not), separable (this is also not), or exact (ditto), and I vaguely know about...
  27. S

    Solving 2tv' - v = 0: Is it Separable?

    How do you find a solution for: 2tv' - v = 0 The text says it's separable but I'm not seeing it. I'm just learning so extra details are appreciated. Thanks. (this should have been posted in the homework section - but I can't seem to move it there, sorry)
  28. M

    Differential Equation Separable Variables

    Hi all, I have a first order separable differential equation that I find a little difficult to solve. The question is from an old maths exam paper from my country. The book I obtained it from only has the answer, but I'd really like to know how to obtain the correct general solution. Okay, here...
  29. M

    Differential Equation, Separable, I believe

    Haven't done one of these in awhile and I was looking for a place to make sure I was doing it right. Hopefully one of you can take the time to look it over? Homework Statement Find the unique solution of the differential equation (3y^2)x(dy/dx)-x+1=0 for which y(e)=1 Homework Equations...
  30. C

    Is l2 Space Separable and Second Countable?

    Homework Statement 1. Prove that if a metric space (X,d) is separable, then (X,d) is second countable.2. Prove that \ell^2 is separable. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 1. \{ x_1,\ldots,x_k,\ldots \} is countable dense subset. Index the basis with rational numbers, \{ B(x,r) | x...
  31. G

    Condensation points in a separable metric space and the Cantor-Bendixon Theorem

    EDIT: I figured out my error, so don't worry about reading through all of this unless you find it an interesting problem Homework Statement This is Baby Rudin's exercise 2.27: Instead of proving for R^k, I did it for an arbitrary separable...
  32. D

    Stuck on separable equation (algebra prob?)

    stuck on separable equation (algebra prob??) Homework Statement y' = 2x/(1+2y) y(2) = 0 (1+2y)dy = 2xdx integrate both sides y + y^2 = x^2 + c I am stuck trying to put in in explicit form, so y = ... is this completing the square or something? Homework Equations The...
  33. J

    Solve the Separable Differential Equation for u

    Homework Statement Solve the separable differential equation for u du/dt = e^(6u + 8t) Use the following initial condition: u(0) = 13. Homework Equations Techniques for solving separable differential equations. 1. Group variable and respective dy,dx,dz, etc. together 2. Integrate both...
  34. H

    Help Separable Differential Equation Problem

    Homework Statement Problem: (1 pt) Let P(t) be the performance level of someone learning a skill as a function of the training time t. The derivative \displaystyle \frac{dP}{dt} represents the rate at which performance improves. If M is the maximum level of performance of which the...
  35. S

    Solve for the y-Intercept: Curve Through (4/9,1) with Slope of -2/y3

    Homework Statement Find the y-intercept of the curve that passes through the point (4/9,1) and whose slope at (x,y) is −2/y3. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution woudnt the y-int be y=-2x/y3 + 5.5 ? i got it by plugging the slope into m in the equation y=mx+b then...
  36. M

    Almost Separable Differential Equation

    (Moderator's note: thread moved from "Differential Equations") Hi, I am trying to solve a differential equation which is almost separable, but not quite. Specifically: 1 + \frac{dy}{dx} = f(x) g(y) Is there any way to approach this, or are additional constraints needed? In the setting in...
  37. P

    Understanding Separable First-Order Differential Equations

    Homework Statement The following is an explanation from my tutorial. I do not understand it. {\frac{d}{dx}(y_1{{y_2}'}-y_2{{y_1}'})+P(x)(y_1{{y_2}'}-y_2{{y_1}'})=0 Overlooking for the moment that P(x) may be undefined at certain values of x(so-called-singular points of the equation), we...
  38. C

    Another Separable Differential Equation

    Homework Statement Solve the following equation by separating variables.Homework Equations x2y2y' +1 = yThe Attempt at a Solution I have been able to work through the problem to this point: -1/x + C = int(y2/y-1)dy I am not sure how to integrate the right hand expression int(y2/y-1)dy
  39. C

    Separable Differential Equation

    Homework Statement The volume V of water in a particular container is related to the depth h of the water by the equation dV/dh below. If V = 0 when h = 0, find V when h = 4.Homework Equations dV/dh = 16 sqrt(4-(h-2)2) V(0) = 0 V(4) = ?The Attempt at a Solution I have not gotten the ODE in a...
  40. J

    Separable ODE, should I take the log of both sides?

    Homework Statement Solve dy/dx = exp(x-y) given that y = ln 2 at x = 0Homework Equations None.The Attempt at a Solution Firstly let's get the equation into a form so we can re-arrange the x's and y's, and then re-arrange. dy/dx = exp(x)/exp(y) exp(y)*dy = exp(x)*dx Integrate: exp(y) =...
  41. A

    Showing that the set of convergent sequences is not separable

    Hi, I'm looking to show that the metric space of convergent complex sequences under the sup norm is not separable; that is what I assume it is since I cannot find a way to prove that it is separable (I am unable to find any dense subsets). A set of complex sequences convergent to a certain...
  42. E

    Separable D.E., Nonlinear in terms of y(x) after integration

    So, this is where I am stuck: ln\left(y\right)+y^{2} = \sin{x}+c_{0} I am confrused... :blushing:
  43. J

    Tin decay using separable equ's

    Homework Statement A tin organ pipe decays with age as a result of a chemical reaction that is catalyzed by the decayed tin. as a result, the rate at which the tin decays is proportional to the product of the amount of tin left and the amount that has already decayed. Let M be the total amount...
  44. J

    Why not separable (basic question)?

    In Example 1.5 of Differential Equations Demystified, the equation is y' +2xy = x, and the author claims this is not separable. Now, what am I missing. I try the following. 1) dy/dx = x - 2xy 2) dy/dx = x(1-2y) 3) dy/(1-2y) = xdx I guess one of those is invalid but I just...
  45. C

    Separable differential equation

    Homework Statement (x + 2y) dy/dx = 1, y(0) = 1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Problem is, I can't separate it. This might be a homogenous type? If so, how would I make it into the g(y/x) form. Thank you.
  46. S

    Separable Differential Equation (Perfect Derivative)

    Homework Statement -y + xy' = 0 and y(2)=5 The Attempt at a Solution This first part trips me up. I am supposed to find the perfect derivative, which is (xy') = 0 ? Is this legal, or does the -y not allow for that? If that is correct, then I know that I integrate that, which...
  47. S

    Separable Differential Equation (what's wrong?)

    So, here's the problem: \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{8y}{5x} To start off, I separate the integrals, which gives me: \frac{dy}{8y} = \frac{dy}{5x} After that, I integrate both sides, which gives me: \frac{ln8y}{8} = \frac{ln5x}{5} + c Now, the question says that it runs through (4, 1), so that...
  48. E

    Separable D.E., Partial Fractions

    Homework Statement \frac{dP}{dt}=P-P^{2} It seems that Partial Fractions should be used to solve this D.E., but I cannot find an example to go by. I even tried to rewrite the equation as: \frac{d}{dx}Y\left(x\right)=Y\left(x\right)-Y\left(x\right)^{2} But, that isn't helping me...
  49. E

    Can Non-Linear Separable Differential Equations Be Solved?

    Homework Statement \frac{dy}{dx}+2xy^{2}=0 I am stuck on this. I realize that this is a non-linear exact equation, but I just cannot wrap my mind around any type of method to attack this one. TIA for any help
  50. D

    Separable First Order Differential Equations: Solving y'=x√y

    I have tried to solve the differential equation y'=x\sqrt{y} like this: y^{-\frac{1}{2}}y'=x \int{y^{-\frac{1}{2}}}dy=\int{xdx} y^{\frac{1}{2}}=\frac{x^2 +C}{4} y=\left(\frac{x^2+C}{4}\right)^2 Is this the right way to solve it? Because the answer in my textbook says that the...