What is Series: Definition and 998 Discussions

In mathematics, the Taylor series of a function is an infinite sum of terms that are expressed in terms of the function's derivatives at a single point. For most common functions, the function and the sum of its Taylor series are equal near this point. Taylor's series are named after Brook Taylor, who introduced them in 1715.
If zero is the point where the derivatives are considered, a Taylor series is also called a Maclaurin series, after Colin Maclaurin, who made extensive use of this special case of Taylor series in the 18th century.
The partial sum formed by the first n + 1 terms of a Taylor series is a polynomial of degree n that is called the nth Taylor polynomial of the function. Taylor polynomials are approximations of a function, which become generally better as n increases. Taylor's theorem gives quantitative estimates on the error introduced by the use of such approximations. If the Taylor series of a function is convergent, its sum is the limit of the infinite sequence of the Taylor polynomials. A function may differ from the sum of its Taylor series, even if its Taylor series is convergent. A function is analytic at a point x if it is equal to the sum of its Taylor series in some open interval (or open disk in the complex plane) containing x. This implies that the function is analytic at every point of the interval (or disk).

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  1. M

    Need help with wiring motors in series and in parallel

    Hello, I'm working on my kids ride on cars. He has two of them. On the first it was 6V and came with one motor on one wheel. I updated it to 2 motors, one on each wheel and 12Volts. I put in a DPDT switch so he could select high and low. On high the motors are run in parallel and on low they...
  2. parshyaa

    Intro Math "The art of problem solving" textbook series

    I am a 12th grade student. I am new to this series and i know that these are great books. i am going to buy 3 books. the basics , introduction to algebra, introduction to geometry is it necessary to buy solution manual. is it ok to buy these three books for the beginners what about concept...
  3. B

    Did I multiply this infinite series correctly?

    Homework Statement Hi, I have to find the RMS value of the inifnite series in the image below. Homework Equations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy_product Allowed to assume that the time average of sin^2(wt) and cos^2(wt) = 1/2 The Attempt at a Solution So to get the RMS value I think I...
  4. H

    MHB What Is the Sum of the Series \( \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{n}{(n+1)!} \)?

    Find the sum of this series: $$ \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{n}{(n+1)!} $$ I'm really struggling with this one.. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks you.
  5. T

    Given nth partial sum of a series, find a of n and sum

    Homework Statement If the nth partial sum of a series ##\sum_{n=1} ^\infty a_{n}## is ##S_{n} = \frac {n-1} {n+1}## Find ##a_{n}## and ##\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n## Homework Equations ##S_{n} - S_{n-1}= a_{n}## ##\lim_{n \rightarrow +\infty} {S_{n}} = \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n = S## The Attempt at a...
  6. maxhersch

    I Find the formula to express the infinite series....

    The problem is to find the general term ##a_n## (not the partial sum) of the infinite series with a starting point n=1 $$a_n = \frac {8} {1^2 + 1} + \frac {1} {2^2 + 1} + \frac {8} {3^2 + 1} + \frac {1} {4^2 + 1} + \text {...}$$ The denominator is easy, just ##n^2 + 1## but I can't think of...
  7. kaliprasad

    MHB Co-prime Numbers in a Series of 10

    Show that in 10 consecutive numbers there is at least one number which is co-prime to other 9 numbers.
  8. M

    Convergence of series (Theoretical Question)

    1. The problem: Ive been all afternoon struggling with this doubt. Its a bit more teoric than the rest of the exercices i did and i just can't seem to get around it so here it goes ...
  9. thegreengineer

    I Fourier Series: I don't understand where I am wrong --

    Good afternoon people. Recently I started taking a course at my college about Fourier series but I got extremely confused. Here's what's going on. In school we were asigned to use the symmetry formulas to find the Fourier series of the following: f\left ( t \right )=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if...
  10. micromass

    Challenge Micromass' big series challenge

    We had integrals, so we have to have series as well. Here are 10 easy to difficult series and infinite products. Up to you to find out the exact sum. Rules: The answer must be a finite expression. The only expressions allowed are integers written in base 10, the elementary arithmetic...
  11. mertcan

    I Is there a proof for the precision of convergence or divergence at x=+,-(1/L)?

    hi, If you look at my attachment you can see that the book express that for the situation of x=+,-(1/L) we need further investigation. It means being converged or diverged is not precise. I would like to ask: Is there remarkable proof that if x=+,-(1/L) convergence or divergence is not...
  12. P

    Singularities and Laurent series

    Homework Statement Classify the singularities of ##\frac{1}{z^{1/4}(1+z)}## Find the Laurent series for ##\frac{1}{z^2-1}## around z=1 and z=-1 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So for the first bit there exists a singularity at ##z=0##, but I'm confused about the order of this...
  13. H

    I Properties of conditionally convergent series

    Do (i), (ii) and (iii) apply to conditionally convergent series as well? I feel like they don't. But the book seems to say that they do because it doesn't "state otherwise".
  14. P

    Classifying Singularities and the Laurent Series

    Homework Statement Classify the singularities of ##\frac{1}{z^2sinh(z)}## and describe the behaviour as z goes to infinity Find the Laurent series of the above and find the region of convergence Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I thought these two were essentially the same...
  15. H

    I Convergence of an alternating series

    Consider a sequence with the ##n^{th}## term ##u_n##. Let ##S_{2m}## be the sum of the ##2m## terms starting from ##u_N## for some ##N\geq1##. If ##\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}S_{2m}=0## for all ##m##, then the series converges. Why? This is not explained in the following proof:
  16. F

    Proving Conditional Convergence of Series using Ratio Test | Homework Help

    Homework Statement From the given ans , i knew that it's conditionally convergent (by using alternating test) i can understand the working to show that it's conditionally convergent . But , i also want to show it as not absolutely convergent ... Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution...
  17. baby_1

    Equality of Series Homework: Find bs Values

    Homework Statement Here is my equation that I want to find bs values Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I convert sin to cos. for bs at s=0 I get and if s is not zero I can't derive a clear answer for bs. but in electronic engineer book that I read it wrote
  18. R

    Derivative of a Sum: Does the Index Change?

    Homework Statement This is for a differential equations class I'm taking and we're talking about the method of Frobeneus, Euler equations, and power series solutions for non-constant coefficients. The ODE is: 6x^2y''+7xy'-(1-x^2)y=0 I need to find the recurrence formula and I keep running into...
  19. P

    Mass and two springs in series: How to solve acceleration

    Hello! I have rather simple problem, but I can't find somehow answer for it: There are two springs in series, let's say spring 1 and spring 2. Springs are attached and spring 2 is attached to ground. In the beginning springs are not stretched. Let's say springs have spring constants k1 and k2...
  20. L

    Extinction Coefficient from Time series data

    I have some time series data of the absorbance of Br2 formation using UV Vis spectroscopy and I need to figure out the extinction coefficient/ absorptivity. The overall reaction is BrO3-+5Br- +6H+-->3Br2+3H2O which is expcted to go to completion I know that the equation relating absorbance to...
  21. baby_1

    Fourier Series in cylindrical coordinate

    Homework Statement Here is my question Homework Equations I don't know with what formula does the book find Fourier series? The Attempt at a Solution
  22. B

    Classical Is Landau/Lifshitz series suitable for learning?

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  23. sa1988

    I Is this even possible? Question about Fourier Series....

    Today I had a maths exam with a question which was worded something like: Write ##sin(3x-x_0)## as its Fourier representation. By doing a suitable integral or otherwise, find the possible values of its Fourier coefficients. You may find the following useful: ##sin(\alpha-\beta) =...
  24. R

    Creating series solutions for a non-constant coefficient ODE

    Homework Statement This is for differential equations with nonconstant coefficients and I wasn't so great at series and sequences in calculus so when I came across this example problem I wasn't sure how they got to their final form. If someone could explain it to me that would be really...
  25. P

    What Is the Laurent Series for e^(1/z)?

    Homework Statement Cassify the singularities of e^\frac{1}{z} and find the Laurent series Homework Equations e^\frac{1}{x} =\sum \frac{(\frac{1}{x})^n}{n!} The Attempt at a Solution Theres a singularity at z=0, but I need to find the order of the pole So using the general expression for the...
  26. W

    I Understanding the summation of diverging series

    I was recently researching into some string theory when i came across the following summation: The sum of all natural numbers is -1/12, now I'm still wrapping my head around the context of the application within critical string dimensions, but is this summation valid? And if not, why it being...
  27. A

    I Regarding Error Bound of Taylor Series

    Hi all, I am very confused about how one can find the upper bound for a Taylor series.. I know its general expression, which always tells me to find the (n+1)th derivative of a certain function and use the equation f(n+1)(c) (x-a)n+1/(n+1)! for c belongs to [a,x] However, there are...
  28. R

    I Extracting characteristics from time series data

    hi I have a random set of time series data that is calculated after applying an algorithm to a main random time serie data, and really need to extract all the possible characteristics from the set. The goal is to measure those characteristics and perform some statistical graphs based on those...
  29. P

    How's Fourier series modified for function f(t)= f(2Pi t)?

    Homework Statement How are the coefficients of the Fourier series modified for a function with a period 2πT? Homework Equations a0 = 1/π ∫π-π f(x) dx an = 1/π ∫π-π f(x) cos(nx) dx bn = 1/π ∫π-π f(x) sin(nx) dx The Attempt at a Solution I tried letting x= t/T so dx = dt/T and the limits x = ±...
  30. karush

    MHB Does the series with increasing numerators converge?

    Find the sum for the series $$\frac{5}{3}+2+\frac{12}{5}+...$$ This equals $$\frac{25}{15}+\frac{30}{15}+\frac{36}{15}+...$$ So the numerator increases by 4+k from the previous numerator But unable to set up $$\sum_{k+1}^{\infty}f(x)$$ The series should go to $\infty$ since the terms only...
  31. entropy1

    B After the 'Theoretical minimum' series, what is essential to know about QM?

    The adagium of most quantumphysics-afficionado's is: "Shut up and calculate" - 'learn the formalism'. So I started with Leonard Susskind's 'Theoretical minimum' textbooks. So now I know a little (very little) about the formalism, I started to wonder to which extent I have to go to educate...
  32. Biker

    B Arithmetic Series and Geometric Series

    Here is a question that I have a problem with, It doesn't seem to have a solution: An increasing sequence that is made of 4 positive numbers, The first three of it are arithmetic series. and the last three are geometric series. The last number minus the first number is equal to 30. Find the sum...
  33. P

    Fourier Series: Solving Homework Equations for f(x)

    Homework Statement The following function is periodic between -π and π: f(x) = |x| Find the Coefficients of the Fourier series and, by examining the Fourier series at x=π or otherwise, determine: 1 + 1/32 + 1/52 + 1/72 ... = Σ∞j=1 1/(2j - 1)2 Homework Equations f(x) = a0/2 + ∑∞n=1 ancos(nx) +...
  34. A

    PFR with axial dispersion - CSTR in series conversion?

    Homework Statement Here is the problem description: Develop an Excel file that given a set of data from an RTD pulse injection will determine the model parameters of the following schematics, and then predict the conversion in a CONTINUOUS reactor with a n-order reaction (where n is not equal...
  35. C

    How Do We Solve These Tricky Number Series Problems?

    My son has just started learning about number series and has managed to do all of his homework except for two questions that have him and me stumped. To give you some idea of the level he's at most of the questions were simple number series.. eg Find the nth term in 9, 2, -5, -12 to which the...
  36. F

    Series to represent alternate between 1 and -1

    Homework Statement we know that a2 , a4 ,a6 (even number ) = 0 , but when a1 , a3 , a5 (odd numbers) , the answer of an alternate between positive and negative ... in the second circle , the author represent it with (-1)^(n+1) , i don't think this is correct , this is because when n=3 , an =...
  37. TheSodesa

    Two linear polarizers in series

    Homework Statement The optical power of a HeNe -laser is ##P_0 = 5.0mW## and the wavelength ##\lambda = 633nm##. The emitted light is linearly polarized. As the laser beam travels through two in-series -polarizers, the power detected behind the second polarizer ##P_2 = 1mW## . If the first...
  38. M

    Series and Parallel Combination

    [Note: Thread has been moved to the homework forums by a mentor] This is the Given problem This is my solution part 1 - What I did here is I series the R3 and R4 (R3 + R4), and I parallel the R34 to R5 (most of the calculation are from the calculator) This is my solution part 2 The...
  39. Alana02011114

    Solving Coefficient not using Fourier Series coefficient

    Given the Laplace's equation with several boundary conditions. finally i got the general solution u(x,t). One of the condition is that: u(1,y)=y(1-y) After working on this I finally got: ∑An sin(π n y )sinh (π n) = y(1-y) However, i was asked to find An, by not using Fourier series...
  40. Dennis Plews

    B An odd integer series formula?

    A few months ago I posted a simple equation that shows an interesting nexus between the difference between the squares of successive integers and the sums of their roots, viz: Where y = x+1 then (x + y) = (y2 - x2) Recently I expanded this relationship as follows: Where n is any integer and y...
  41. V

    B How to Develop in Series: Definition & Examples

    How to develop in series as in the image below? What does the third term signify?
  42. Nemo's

    Fourier series neither odd nor even

    Homework Statement I'm trying to calculate the Fourier Series for a periodic signal defined as: y = x 0<x<2Π y = 0 2Π≤x<3Π Homework Equations Fn = 1/T ∫T f(t)cos(kwοt + θk)[/B] cn/2 + ∑k=1k=∞(cn)cos(kwοt+θk) cn= 2|Fn| θk=∠Fn The Attempt at a Solution I got Cn =...
  43. Prakhar Godara

    I Mutual information between two time series.

    So I am studying chaotic dynamical systems and I need to find mutual information between two chaotic time series say x(t) and y(t). Any help would be much appreciated.
  44. A

    MHB Simple to understand derivations similar to the Taylor Series

    That I don't even know in which forum to post this questions shows my gaping lack of mathematics knowledge. I've just learned the derivation of the Taylor series. I'm slapping myself on the head as it's so mind-bogglingly simple, but I never learned it. The Taylor series was just 'maths magic'...
  45. F

    How to differentiate power series starting from 2 for e^x?

    Homework Statement for d/dx(e^x) , the series should be start from 2 rather than 1 , right ? because when k = 1 , the circled part would become 0 , the series for (e^x) is 1 + x + ... Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  46. nfcfox

    Why Is the Power Series Automatically Centered at x=2?

    Homework Statement http://imgur.com/12LbqWL Part b Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Since it says the first four terms, not nonzero, the first four terms would be 0-(1/3-0)+2/9(x-2)-1/9(x-2)^2 I'm confused when it says I need to find these for x=2... Do I just plug in x=2 now and...
  47. O

    Series Homework Question: Divergent or Convergent? Methods Compared

    Homework Statement I was watching a PatrickJMT video on ratio test and he gave this problem. I solved it before he did, and he got that it was divergent. He didn't simplify it initially, so our methods of approach are different. Did I do something wrong? I checked my calculator to make sure all...
  48. F

    Understanding Half Range Sine Series: A_0 Value and Theoretical Expectations

    Homework Statement f(x) = x , 0 <x<1/2 1/2 , 1/2 < x <1 in this question , I am not convinced that a_ 0 = 0 for half range sine series , because i found that but , thoerically , for half rang sine series , a_ 0 must be = 0 , ,am i right ? why the value of A- 0 that i got is not = 0 ...
  49. X

    A Generate Time Series with specific ACF and multiple LAG

    Hello Everyone, I will try to explain what am I doing here and I hope someone will understand. ACF - autocorrelation function I'm doing a research about non-parametric methods utility. How they fit and are useful in a different environment. I'm generating time series with different sizes of...
  50. A

    Implementing double series in MATLAB

    Mod note: Moved from a technical forum section, so missing the homework template I want to write code for this double sum in MATLAB and I have written following code: x = 100; % to calculate omega and u l = 300; % to calculate omega p = 10; omegaa= x/l; deltaH = 200; deltat =...