Simulation Definition and 889 Threads

A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation represents the evolution of the model over time. Often, computers are used to execute the simulation.
Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance tuning or optimizing, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games. Simulation is also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning, as in economics. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.Key issues in modeling and simulation include the acquisition of valid sources of information about the relevant selection of key characteristics and behaviors used to build the model, the use of simplifying approximations and assumptions within the model, and fidelity and validity of the simulation outcomes. Procedures and protocols for model verification and validation are an ongoing field of academic study, refinement, research and development in simulations technology or practice, particularly in the work of computer simulation.

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  1. S

    What is with this projectile simulation?

    Homework Statement I need to do a project based around this simulation ( I was playing around with it and am confused with how it even works. It seems to work fine with the exclusion of air resistance, but it seems off with it...
  2. chinmay

    Simulation of Dynamic Charateristics

    I have an assembly (a cuboid shaped structure). The vibration test data of this structure is available with me. I want to study the effect of vibration generated by a system mounted on top panel on another system mounted on same top panel. In order to complete this, I have prepared the FE model...
  3. Bharat


    Dear all I am doing a simulation of a 3 phase transformer. I am adding the excitation using external circuit in Simplorer , I am getting these error ! Can somebody comment on the error . An external simulator couldn't be setup for simulation. (12:01:33 PM May 02, 2017) Simulation completed...
  4. Q

    Physics Simulation and model science or quantum computing

    I am a computer science under graduate,I am more interested in scientific research, so I am preparing to enrol myself masters in quantum computing or simulation sciences. before i join i want to research what are the scope and job opportunities are available for simulation sciences(like...
  5. X

    N-body simulation - straight line orbits

    Homework Statement The problem is your typical N-body simulation, implemented using Python and Numpy. The implementation specifically calls for using the Euler-Cromer method. For this particular case I used the Sun and the first 4 planets of the solar system. Essentially the problem is I'm...
  6. J

    B The perfect relativistic quantum particles simulation

    How would a physicists expect a perfect relativist quantum particles simulation to look like? Can anyone give a description of its functionality? Let's say for example, someone would program a simulation, composed of a 4D space-time diagram. Within this simulation are a large amount of quantum...
  7. M

    I Boundary Regions in LAMMPS MD Simulation

    Hi, I'm working on a project using LAMMPS. I am very new to the software and find the documentation doesn't always answer the fundamental questions I have. I noted previous LAMMPS queries were posted on this forum, although I am from a mechanical/materials engineering background. I am trying...
  8. T

    Solid State Book focusing on numerical simulation of quantum systems

    Could you recommend books which covers extensively numerical simulation of quantum system, such as hubbard model, ising model and discuss quantum monte carlo method? Ideally this is a book of condensed matter physics.
  9. J

    B Math Help for Advanced Simulation of Twin Paradox

    In my infamous simulation of the twin paradox, i assume a near instantaneous acceleration, with the results being almost identical with the "real" thing sub some extremely small values which you could not see with the naked eye anyway. But i might want to take the simulation a step further, to...
  10. B

    AC current / circuit simulation software

    I'm looking for software that can simulate an ac circuit. After a quick google, I found several free online services (which I will try out). What I was wondering though is if anyone had some advice concerning my selection. A brief list of requirements: accurate simulation of different conductor...
  11. N

    A Hologram theory and quantum physics = existential crisis

    Hello, here there are 2 things (one about hologramic universe and the other about a quantum physics test similar to the slit lamp. The first one is about the Bohm and Pibram as well as one about Alain Aspect 1982 study: articles about their theories...
  12. D

    A What keeps Rhea stable? Simulation shows Titan-assist escape

    Hi everyone, I have created a simulation of the major bodies in the Solar System, using the exact positions, velocities, and masses etc. at midnight on Jan 10 (as provided by the NASA HORIZONS project). Using Newtonian gravity I numerically simulate the forces between all the bodies (with a...
  13. S

    MATLAB Is MATLAB better for numerical simulation

    From cosmology, the tensor to scalar ratio is ##r=16\epsilon## where ##\epsilon=-\frac{\dot H}{H^2}## is the Hubble slow roll parameter. From warm inflation, $$\ddot \phi + (3H+\Gamma)\dot \phi + V_\phi = 0 ,\quad H^2 = \frac{1}{3M_p^2} (\frac{1}{2} \dot \phi^2 + V)$$ where ##H## is the Hubble...
  14. ScrollPortals

    Possible to summarize a simulation into a simpler simulation?

    Is it possible to summarize a complex & heavy process simulation into a simpler simulation with rougher-estimations? Is there a way to programmatically analyze the particle physics of a simulation? So that they could be converted into a simpler summarized simulation? For instance. Look at our...
  15. F

    Xenon lamps and sunlight simulation

    Hello, Would a set of inexpensive xenon lamps purchased at the hardware store simulate sunlight pretty well in terms of spectrum (visible and IR) and intensity? Solar simulators are expensive devices but I wonder if I can get by with an array of less costly xenon lamps. thanks
  16. D

    I Particle/planetary simulation with spacecraft

    I am building a spacecraft simulator in a realistic planetary environment. At the moment it uses very simple Newtonian equations of motion. Each object has displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors. Each time the computer does a loop: 0.1 seconds pass and in each loop each object...
  17. B

    VMINTEQ 3.1: How to add OH- species?

    I'm using the free version of VMINTEQ 3.1 and I want to simulate titration with NaOH as the titrant, but I could not find OH- on the list. Can anyone teach me how? Thanks!
  18. E

    AC power - Simulation and hand calculated values different

    Homework Statement Homework Equations P=I*(I*)*R/2 The Attempt at a Solution R1 = 12 R2 = 20 L = 0.0531H C = 265.26*10^(-6)F W = 2*pi*60 L -> jwL = 20j C = 1/(jwc) = -j10 Mesh equations: Mesh 1 (left mesh, clockwise) -Vs +I1(R1+L+C)-I2(C)=0 Mesh2 (right mesh, clockwise) I2(C+R2)-I1(C)=0...
  19. T

    Power System Simulation Program for To Control System Freque

    Hello. I need to simulate a power system including conventional generators, loads and wind farm. I want to measure system frequency and voltage esspecially. According to these values for any kind unwanted of voltage and frequency changes circuit breaker should be opened and wind farm will be...
  20. S

    A Lattice Boltzmann simulation with arbitrary equilibrium func

    Hi everyone, I plan to do a simulation of a Boltzmann equation with experimentally known scattering between two particles. Initially I intend to incorporate the scattering into the collision integral and use Lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE) afterwards. But I only see LGBK (DnQb) which requires...
  21. mastrofoffi

    I Simulating Binary Systems with RK4 in C

    I'm writing a C program to simulate the orbits of a binary system with a 4th order Runge-Kutta method; basically I'm considering the 2 bodies rotating around a fictitious 3rd body(which would be their center of mass) and I turned down the reciprocal gravitational pulls between the bodies to...
  22. FelixTheWhale

    I How Can Vector Field Simulation Differ Between Iron Core and Vacuum?

    Hello, i want to draw the vector field and see the difference between propagation of field inside the body (with permeability μ>>1) and vacuum (μ=1). For the picture above i used Ampere's law, ∇xB=J and it illustrates only situation in vacuum. How to implement a contribution for example of iron...
  23. J

    B Relativistic Simulation of Charged Particles: How a Physicist Would Go About It

    Supposed i wanted to do a relativistic simulation of charged point particles moving at different velocities and interacting with each other. My simulation would give me the x,y,z coordinates of each particle seen from an arbitrary observer's point of view, at a given t. The t given however, is...
  24. P

    How Do You Calculate Capacitance for Split Capacitors in PhET Simulations?

    Homework Statement A= 400mm^2 d=7.5mm v=1.5 kappa= 4.0 offset=8.00mm [/B] Click on the dielectric tab. Configure the single capacitor circuit by using the parameters given in the circuit diagram to the right. This capacitor with its offset dielectric slab is equivalent to two component...
  25. dexterdev

    A Can a molecular dynamics simulation enter a limit cycle?

    In my rough understanding Molecular Dynamics using Classical Newtonian mechanics is a 6N dimensional non linear system. 6N dimension because you have 3 position vectors and 3 momentum vectors for each N particles. Nonlinearity because of the terms in force fields. In principle this system can...
  26. B

    Solidworks thermal simulation: is this logical?

    I just ran 2 simulations on Solidworks, same assembly, same initial conditions on all pieces, pretty much I "Cloned" the thermal study and just changed one piece So, from the assembly above you can see the materials for most pieces, the 2 grey pieces in the center are 2 aluminum plates with a...
  27. A

    C/C++ Getting Started with C++ (for N-Body Simulations)

    Hello all. I don't really know what to exactly ask from any of you other than how I should get started with C++ programming to hopefully create N-body simulations down the road. How to exactly start, I'm not entirely sure. For a little about what I know, I know python extensively. I use it...
  28. N

    Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more I don't want to discuss the subject of the article, I just wonder how people on here feel about respected and well educated scientists giving such subjects their time? "Harvard theoretical physicist Lisa...
  29. J

    A What is the most complex structure you can simulate at home?

    Let's say you have a good personal computer with these characteristics: i7-6700K, 32GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 2 x GTX 970 4GB And let's assume you can run your algorithms, software... for 24 hours. I wonder, if I would be calculating the orbital structure of an hydrogen atom with many electrons...
  30. C

    I Are we in a simulation and quantum tunneling?

    Preface: As I understand it, according to quantum mechanics, there is a very good probability that I am sitting right in my chair right now, typing this question out. However, there is a non-zero, ever so small probability, however infinitesimally small chance that I am somewhere else in the...
  31. E

    Improving Efficiency in MCNP Neutron Simulations: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

    Hi, i am looking for some help on MCNP, more precisely mcnpx 2.7 for neutron simulation. I created a model of semi opened detector with a various number of 1 inch He3 (here 16) and i only obtain 6-7% efficiency. the fact is, I've others technicals notes about same "types" of detector, for...
  32. H

    MCNPX do not finish a simulation possible bug in the code

    I am testing the MCNPX plugging MCUNED to make calculations with neutron generators. After the compilation many examples to test the installation are provided. But one of them (I attached the code below) starts but it never finish. Just keeps in the first rendezvous. I first though in a problem...
  33. min_oh

    I Where are the four muons in this picture

    Hi all.It is picture of simulation for higgs decays into four muons. Im wondering which track line is four muon. My guess is four thick yellow line at right-bottom side of the picture cuase it looks energetic. Am i right? Or any other opinion? Thanks alot Min
  34. A

    Two phase flow simulation in Fluent -- velocity problem

    Hi. I'm trying to simulate two phase flow (gas - solids) in unsteady state in CFD Fluent. After testing many k-e models I'm achieving the same problem - solids have their assumed velocity (12m/s) but after 3,5seconds of real time they pass a distance of 0,5 meters... whereas the first phase...
  35. L

    Free Vibration simulation in Ansys

    Hi everyone, i facing a problem which is the ansys simulation setting problem. I had use modal analysis simulate and get the result. But the problem is the result for three axis which is x, y and z axis also have same value for the frequency. Is that any setting i missed up?
  36. upender singh

    Counter flow diffusion flame simulation using Fluent

    Hi, I am trying to model a counter flow diffusion flame using ansys fluent with fuel/oxidiser as methane/air. The problem is that the flame temperature(800 K) is much lower than what it should be(>1600 K). I am using Non premixed combustion module with steady diffusion flamelet and adiabatic...
  37. qnach

    Optics/lens/LCD simulation software

    I was told in the industry people use ZeMax ASAP Code V ... to do design. However, I cannot find a trial version of them to practice. Is there anyother sofftware which are free?
  38. D

    Using Monte Carlo simulation to calculate Value At Risk

    Homework Statement Calculate 5-day 1% Value at Risk of a portfolio using Monte Carlo simulation. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I've found an article explaining how to perform Monte Carlo simulation on portfolio returns therefore calculating the Value At Risk (pdf attachment)...
  39. C

    A Where to start with path integral Monte Carlo?

    Trying to accomplish a monte carlo simulation on the condensed state of 4He, yet I am in my sophomore year and know only a bit of quantum statistical physics. Is there any documentations recommended for beginners to the algorithm applied to 4He? I've found some but they are not friendly to...
  40. S

    I Chladni plate with Neumann conditions

    Hi there, I'm trying to simulate a vibrating plate with free edges. If i consider a consider a plate with fixed edges, the eigenvectors of the matrix bellow (which repesents the Laplacien operator) with S as a nxn tridiagonal matrix with -4 on the diagonal and 1s on either side (making the...
  41. F

    B Question about Michelson-Morley experiment

    Hi, I think I have a good grasp of the principles underlying the Michelson-Morley experiment, but I am not sure about a detail. In basic textbooks a simplified situation is presented whereby the ether wind is along one of the two arms of the interferometer. Simple classical physics calculations...
  42. micromass

    Challenge Micromass' big simulation challenge

    Let's do some simulations. Below are 5 simulation problems that require a computer to solve. Use any language you want. Post the answers (including graphics) and code here! Any use of outside sources is allowed, but do not look up the question directly. For example, it is ok to go check...
  43. m4r35n357

    HTML/CSS JavaSCript/HTML5 Equatorial Black Hole Simulator

    Not to be confused with the full 3/4D one that I was plugging a while ago . . . this HTML5 canvas/JavaScript page was inspired by an old visual aid (requires Java plugin) that I found lacking in several areas. The improvements that I have made include: Handles spinning black holes, with...
  44. G

    I 2D Time dilation simulation with several clocks?

    Hi, I'm looking for some kind of simulation for time dilation where you can add several clocks to a 2D plane, synchronize them, give them velocities and accelerate them. For example to simulate the twin paradoxon including the acceleration necessary to (at least) one clock to reunite them. I...
  45. nisler.1

    Trying to run QM/MM simulation with calcium binding protein

    Hello everyone, I'm a graduate student in a biophysics lab. I'm trying to run a QM/MM simulation with a protein that binds 3 Ca2+ ions, and as such I am having a devil of a time getting the SCF to converge. I've tried DIIS, KDIIS, damping, and a few other methods to try to get convergence with...
  46. I

    Simulation of phase change materials

    Dear all, Interested in change phase, I would like to set a simulation to understand the multiphysics phenomena of heat storage in a shell and tube tank between hot water as the heat transfer fluid and a PCM ( phase change material) using the commercial CFD software Fluent. The purpose is to...
  47. adriplay

    How to Determine Heat Capacity in a Hard-Sphere Gas Simulation?

    I have a simulation with a bunch of particles with volume bouncing around in a box with no interaction between them, a hard-sphere gas. Initially, they all have the same momentum |p|=√(2⋅m⋅2/3⋅k⋅T) to have the average kinetic energy 3/2⋅k⋅T. I'm asked to add a constant energy flux to the system...
  48. V

    Stable equilibrium of a 4 mass, 6 spring system

    Homework Statement I am making a physics engine for my computer science class and couldn't figure out how to get the spring/mass system to come to equilibrium into a box-like shape such as the one on the left. I can understand why the one on the right is in equilibrium but I don't know how to...
  49. fluidistic

    Python How Can I Fix the IndexError in My 2D Ising Model Simulation?

    Hi people, I'd like to simulate a 2d array of atoms/ions under a magnetic field H via the Ising's model. I've read to get an idea on how to proceed. I'm not sure I got the correct ##\Delta E## values though. I'm...
  50. astrof

    A Numerical simulation the n-body problem under SR model

    The problem is a simple n-body problem: there is n charged particles - electrons, protons, or other particles; we have the initial parameters: a mass, charge, position, velocity, at a time t = 0. In a standard (classical) numerical computation of the n-body problem I can use any numerical...