Sleep Definition and 162 Threads

  1. T

    Why Am I Struggling to Sleep Despite Trying Everything?

    Beginning last Sunday, I began to have sleeping problems. I just seem to stay awake the whole night. My body is extremely tired (and sore) but my mind just keeps going on and on... and keeps me awake. It's kinda strange that sometimes I feel extremely hot and don't feel comfortable at all (even...
  2. G

    Medical Relation between intelligence and sleep, immune system or inheritance?

    Does anyone know studies which link intelligence to a) sleep (duration) b) immune system (weak/strong) c) inheritance (how much inherited, from father/mother?) I vaguely remember hearing some results to each of these topics.
  3. wolram

    Our family dog has bad cancer and is to be put to sleep today

    Our family dog has bad cancer and is to be put to sleep today, we had him as rescue dog 10 years ago, he is now 16 years old, he has all ways been a loyal and friendly dog we shall miss him.
  4. T

    Medical Why is sleep necessary for rest and rejuvenation?

    Take this case: A person sleeps for four or so hours and there's another person who lies down for four hours but he cannot sleep, yet he rests. What's the real difference? The person who has slept feels fresh after getiing up which the other person feels heavy and fatigued. Why? Should we...
  5. C

    Medical How can some people stay healthy with just three hours sleep per day?

    From time to time we read about people who sleep three or four hours per day day. E.g. Thatcher, Churchill, Arafat, Edison etc. all slept just a few hours per day (about four hours if I remember correctly)...
  6. U

    Why Can't I Sleep Despite Revising for Exams?

    I've been revising for my exams throughout the whole last days. What I've been doing is studying in the evening and sleeping (at least 8 hours, which is good enough, I think) during the day, because there's more silence around. Anyway... since two days ago I can't get no proper sleep and I...
  7. wolram

    Sleep Patterns: How to Get Good Rest & Feel Refreshed

    Some times i sleep best when or if i fall asleep upright in my chair, but that i think is not good sleep, i think the media says one needs rem sleep, so how do your sleep patterns make you feel good?
  8. D

    Sleep cycles, circadian rythms, etc

    On all those studies which took people and placed them in caves/prolonged darkness, it's known the body goes into a 25 hour "day/night cycle". But is that cycle itself roughly synced with the actual day and night (even when the person can't tell whether it's day or night outside), and if so, how...
  9. S

    Medical Mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep

    Radiation from mobile phones delays and reduces sleep, and causes headaches and confusion, according to a new study. Can this be trusted?
  10. J

    How to survive on 2 hours of sleep a day

    how to survive on 2 hours of sleep a day! Wow! I just finished reading this short article in WIRED magazine that explained how one can survive on just 2 hours of sleep every night. The article said that in order for this to work you must take a 20 minute nap every four hours. The article also...
  11. Mk

    PETA puts to sleep 97% of adopted pets I know we all love PETA here.
  12. J

    How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

    How many hours of sleep do you usually get a night during semester/holidays/summer? I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who was able to manipulate REM(Rapid Eye Movement Sleep) and function off of 2 HOURS OF SLEEP A DAY!Thought that was pretty cool. For those of you that do not know what REM...
  13. S

    The Effects of Gravitomagnetism on Surrounding Particles

    I haven't thought of physics since I was in college about 10 years ago (I am a biologist today). For some reason, however, last night when I was lying in bed I started thinking about general relativity. My mind settled on a question that caused me to loose several hours of sleep, and I don't...
  14. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Sleep deprivation in spaceflight This paper is linked only to reference the question: Why do astronauts tend to sleep less while in space? It is [apparently] still an unsolved problem, and it sounded interesting.
  15. W

    What Causes Sleepwalking and How Does It Happen?

    How is one able to sleepwalk and enact a dream without even knowing it? I have already sleepwalked , sleep studied (amazing huh? i got an 'A' for that paper) and sleep eaten.My parents saw me & let the episode pass and I cannot recall even a moment.
  16. R

    Why has nothing evolved to not need sleep?

    An animal that does not need to sleep would be at a huge advantage over all other animals as animals are more vulnerable when asleep, so why are there none that have done that? (i think i am correct in saying that all animals sleep)
  17. Math Jeans

    Why Do People Sleep? Investigating the Mystery

    It is no mystery of what sleep is, but no one has been able to figure out WHY people sleep. This thread is here to ask people why they think sleep is needed. :zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz: I believe that it is because the small...
  18. G01

    Improving Sleep Patterns: Tips and Tricks for a Better Night's Rest

    My sleep patterns are all screwed up as of late. I'm tired when I need to be awake, and restless when I want to sleep. I've been going to bed sporadically between 11 and 3. 11 is not a problem, but I hate not falling until 11 when I have work the next day. Anyone have any suggestions on how...
  19. Danger

    Do Insects Sleep? Answers to a Puzzling Question

    Yeah, I know that it's a weird question, but it's been bugging me (pardon the expression) all day. I've never actually seen one in the act. While I know that many tend to be inactive at night and during the winter, I've never heard or read anything to indicate that they're asleep rather than...
  20. I

    Studying Studying a lot, not getting enough sleep

    sometimes sleep gets in the way of studying for me and I'm not sure if it interferes with my long term remembering of the topic. so how about you guys? what you experienced? do you make sure to get your minimum hours of sleep or do you burn the midnight oil and not suffer for it?
  21. Z

    MATLAB Staying Up Late? Working on Homework & MATLAB

    Been up since 2am, now it's slightly after 5. But found some time to do some homeworks. Working on MATLAB now. Anyone staying up late? what are you doing?
  22. z-component

    How much sleep do you need for optimal functioning?

    Since I have an 8am class 3 days per week, I get about 6 hours on the previous nights. The other nights I average about 10 hours, so my sleeping schedule is really polar, and it's annoying. Next semester I'll be waking up every day at the same time. What about you all?
  23. marcus

    Bears having trouble getting to sleep this winter,23739,20880680-23109,00.html it is just too warm so they aren't getting such a good hibernation this year apparently the problem extends from Siberia all the way to Estonia. thx to Lucretia X of the sciencechat news team...
  24. T

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Sleep: Why Do We Need It?

    Why do we need to sleep at all? I have even heard of people that never sleep,and of people that need to sleep a very short period a day (say ~1 hour). Some mammals (cats,dogs) are also going through so called REM phase of a sleep. I'm not sure but watching him ,I think my little parrot also...
  25. M

    I was tired while studying, but now I can't sleep

    It's 4:21 right now and I've been studying and writing essays most of the night. While performing these tasks I was trying not to :zzz: . Now that I'm done with all that I needed to do, I'm no longer tired and cannot fall asleep :devil: What is worse is that there is almost nobody on PF right...
  26. DaveC426913

    Tossing and turning trying to sleep

    I think I know why I often have to turn two full 360 degree turns over the course of the half hour to one hour before I fall asleep. (I'm one of those furnaces who never has a problem staying warm - climbing under freezing sheets even in the deep winter, is only a problem for about 30...
  27. H

    How Much Sleep Does an Average Person Need?

    How much sleep does an average person should get? I usually get 6-7 hours a day, but only with a clock alarm. I go at 12pm and wake-up at 6:40 but I used to go to sleep at 2am and wake up at 5:45. With my sleeping is like this, when I sleep more than 8 hours, then I lack any energy for doing...
  28. Evo

    What's Your Ideal Sleep Position?

    Find Your Pose!
  29. K

    Stay marry, but sleep with other people.

    I heard something from a friend today. She said she and her hushand had agreed on the possibility of "seeing other people" in the future, but still remain marry. I was sort of amused, because i could not in my wildest dream imagine such relationship with my own girlfriends. My question is this...
  30. honestrosewater

    No sleep, much think, feel frothy

    Okay, so I've been consolidating and typing up my notes today, most of which are on linguistics. I just thought of the lamest joke, but it's totally hilarious now because I'm so tired and utterly Chomskified. Okay, you know Robin, of Batman and Robin -- the Boy Wonder, I believe he is called...
  31. C

    Medical Sleep on it before making major decisions (article)" Evidence supporting the notion that its best to sleep on big decisions.
  32. Cyrus

    Sleep Deprivation: A Walking Zombie’s Tale

    I got 2 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours. I’m such an idiot. Now I am a walking zombie. :cry: I think I will go and buy a big coffee from star bucks now........shudder. Its weird though, I am yawning but I don’t really feel all that tired. It comes and goes. Sometimes I feel no effects of...
  33. Mk

    Can lack of sleep really lead to death?

    It looks like people can die from lack of sleep. How do they die?
  34. I

    The Effects of Brown Noise on Sleep Quality

    How loud does brown noise have to be for it to be effective?
  35. R

    Medical Understanding REM Sleep: Causes and Solutions for Stuck States

    "Stuck" in REM sleep? Is it possible to get "stuck" in REM sleep? Meaning, since we go through different phases of sleep, could we get stuck in the REM phase and not be able to wake up because of some weird phenomenon of phenomena?
  36. P

    Medical The Benefits of Partitioned Sleep: A Spanish & Japanese Perspective

    i am thinking it partioning sleep patterns, and as far as i can tell, i can get it down to 3 hours or so a day, though i don't want to take 6 naps or so a day as this will lead to decreased levels of seratonin,melanin etc. i beliave that if i take two 3 hour "naps" or rather partitioned sections...
  37. R

    Medical Games, the brain, and sleep. How are they connected?

    Hi, I'm new to PF. So here goes... If i get a new game, i usually play if a lot (since it's new and all). I probably play it late. That night though, i get a lot of trouble sleeping. I keep waking up (sleep walking, or some form of that) and i'll have my hands infront of me thinking...
  38. Lisa!

    Seeking Sleep: Tips & Tricks for Insomnia Cures

    Insomnia- searching for sleep and an insomnia cure
  39. wolram

    Can't Sleep Again? Tips to Help You Get Some Kip

    I can not sleep again i miss my kip :cry:
  40. EnumaElish

    Medical Do animals dream, or have REM sleep?

    Sometimes I can swear that our pet cat is dreaming in her sleep: her jaw kind of sags, her breathing becomes sleep-like (almost audible), she has tiny jerks in her paws and arms, her whiskers tremble. During these times, she is in a deeper kind of sleep than her more frequent "cat sleep"...
  41. Lisa!

    Why Do We Dream and What Happens to Our Bodies During Sleep?

    What happens to someone's body and mind when he falls into sleep?And how do we dream when we're asleep?Why our dreams comes true sometimes?
  42. wolram

    What Drives Our Varied Sleep Patterns?

    Why do people go to sleep, i could stay awake forever, i don't like bed for sleeping, only for being lazy, when i go to bed i think i should do this or that, but mister lazy tells me shut up.
  43. Lisa!

    Deep Sleep Ghost: Help for Unlucky Sleeper

    I really need some know that seems pretty funny but sometimes when I'm about to fall into a deep sleep or when I have a deep sleep, someone suddenly call me my name by whispering and wake me up! :rolleyes: That's pretty crazy the momment I wake up I see no one around but I feel the...
  44. JasonRox

    Navigating Heartbreak - Tips for A Good Night's Sleep

    My gf and I just broke up a few hours ago. I just got back from the gym. I wanted to like let it all out at the gym. I didn't workout hard or anything... I just wanted to go there. This is definitely pretty hard... very hard. So, any tips for sleeping tonight? :frown:
  45. W

    Why Does My Partner Talk in Their Sleep?

    I have visited your forums with interest and have posted this, in the hope, that someone may be able to shed some light on the situation I find myself within. My partner, wakes at night (at least 2, sometimes 3 times), proceeds to pour out his heart with speech patterns that are not his...
  46. S

    What Causes Teeth Grinding in Sleep and How Can I Prevent It?

    hey guys...many times when I'm asleep, i grind my teeth for hours. Does anyone of you know how i can get ride of tat unconscious habit...and what causes it? I want to know all these just so that i can prevent any further episodes of teeth grinding as it disturbs my family matters during their...
  47. O

    Sleep deprivation and circadian rythms

    I notice distinctly apparent changes in myself under sleep deprivation: cognitive skills increased, mood increased, focus is typically good and distraction is no longer a powerful nemesis. My first experiments involved a period of no sleep for approximately 5 days during which i took some...
  48. C

    Why Do We Sleep? Benefits & Brain Functions Explored

    Why do we sleep? Is it because our brain needs time to move and solve problems, and recharge energy to our organs? And is sleep sub consciencous (sp) or unconscience (sp)?
  49. T

    Can Backward Audio Clips Create Real Nightmares?

    Want to hear something that will give you nightmares? this is a recording of a little child saying "Daddy, Daddy" then they play it backwards and it says "Please Daddy, Help!" nightmare
  50. X

    How much sleep should the body get?

    How much sleep should the body get? Is it really dependent upon the individual? Is there a minimum we should all get? I have heard the most important time is around 3 am, or 4 am because the body produces, releases melotonin (hope I'm not confusing that word with skin cancer word, because...