Sleep Definition and 162 Threads

  1. G

    Whats your record for going without sleep?

    So here I am, It is Thurs. morning 1:30 am. I haven't slept since Mon. night, when I got 6 hrs. of sleep. I am just getting hammered with rediculous amounts of school work, I don't think I will be able to sleep at all tonight either. I'm am kind of scared for my health. Today at work I was...
  2. B

    Have You Ever Seen Your Fish Sleeping?

    Just one of those random discussions but now I'm kind of curious. Do fish actually have an unconscious state similar to what we'ld call deep sleep? So that they wouldn't react to most stimuli, excepting a sudden pulse in the water?
  3. T

    Gain Insight into Sleep Disorders with this Interesting Article

    This was a very interesting article on sleep
  4. P

    Drastically cutting down the amount of sleep one needs?

    Does anyone know any ways af drastically cutting down the amount of sleep one needs?
  5. A

    Male Orgasm & Sleep: The Science Behind It

    Ok, I want to ask this. I'll try to keep it as adult as I can. Why is it that after most males have an orgasm, that they are very tired and find it easy to sleep afterwords? This is true for me. From what I think I've read, the sympathetic nervous system is "active" during the build-up to...
  6. wasteofo2

    What happens during sleep that makes it necessecary?

    Off the top of my head, the only things I can think of that would make sleep necessary is building up reserves of ATP and using energy towards rebuilding tissue that wouldn't be available during the day. But it seems that there has to be more, otherwise you could just eat a lot of carbohydrates...
  7. Monique

    Why Do Our Biological Clocks Make Us Sleep at Different Times?

    Why do you people all get to go to sleep, and I am getting ready to go to work :frown: [zz)] no fair..
  8. D

    Sleep, Wisdom & Mind: Effects & Learning

    I'm combining two things into one here: (1) How does over-sleep and lack of sleep affect the mind? Concerning lack of sleep I'm sort of wondering if the conscious mind and subconscious can work together so to speak? The reason being is one day I was doing notes in class. I was taking notes...
  9. K

    Can Sleep Deprivation Lower IQ?

    Is there any study showing that sleeping too little for a period of time, say a few months, lowers a person's IQ ?
  10. Monique

    The Impact of Staring at Computers on Sleep Quality: Myth or Reality?

    Does blankly staring at a computer screen for hours without moving count as sleep? :wink: If not, I really should go to sleep now 3 am, signing off
  11. Ivan Seeking

    Sleep position gives personality clue: BBC
  12. T

    Why do I feel happy when I awake from sleep sometimes?

    Why do I feel happy when I awake from sleep sometimes? Why do I feel like I was hit by a train and feel sick sometimes? What are the factors?