Source Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. L

    MCNP source definition question

    I'm modelling a scenario for the research that I'm working on, and I got the cells and surfaces all mapped out for the environment finally, but now I'm totally stuck on creating a source. I'd like a point source of Californium-252, but after hours of looking, I don't see any out of the 1000...
  2. Facial

    What is the main source of Earth's internal heat?

    I've been wondering about this question for some time now. There are the following two contributors: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Heat left over from the planet's initial formation. In the early 19th century Lord Kelvin estimated the temperature based on a homogenous sphere of uniform initial temperature...
  3. J

    B How do we know we have a single-photon source?

    In the double slit experiments , with 'Single photon emission'. Taking into account the arguments above referring to one photon,, how do we establish that exactly one photon was emitted by the source. In the light of the above explanation , is it not possible that they are may photons in a...
  4. goldensquid2000

    Voltage across a Capacitor More than the Source Voltage?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum so I apologise in advance if I may have posted in the wrong forum or made a similar error. I recently conducted an experiment with some peers where we measured the voltage across a charging capacitor in an RC circuit over a period of time. The diagram is...
  5. C

    Biasing a MOSFET with constant-current source

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm just going through amplifier circuits and I'm having some trouble with amplifiers in which the MOSFET is biased by a constant current arrangement. Here's my issue: In the MOSFET saturation equation, if we set ID, we will be able to obtain Vgs. Which means that if...
  6. phyzguy

    A Neutron star collisions as a heavy element source

    There was a lot of discussion after the recent observation of the merger of two neutron stars about whether or not these events are the source of the heavier elements. See this thread, for example. This recent paper has some new analysis. Especially interesting is Figure 10, that I've...
  7. E

    What is GNU and its relationship to Linux?

    I have two questions on this topic: 1- What is the difference between free and open source software? Do both mean the same thing? 2- Some free (open source?) software is used by companies to make big money. Aren't these conflicting things?
  8. E

    Engineering Basic circuit problem -- Resistor network and a voltage source

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Hi, I attached a pdf file with the problem. My question is, for the lower right...
  9. N

    Plano-convex lens, which side should face the laser source

    I have two measurement cases in my setup. An divergating laser beam (not an gaussian) is measured at two locations from lens , at nearby i.e. 400 mm, and far away, > 2000 mm away. My lens is an plano-convex lens. Which side should face the laser in these two cases? I know that the...
  10. J

    Maximum power is transferred when load R = Source R ?

    Homework Statement Maximum power is transferred to variable load when: 1) RL = Rs 2) RL not equal to 0. and Rs = 0 3) RL = 0 and Rs not equal to 0 4) RL = Rs/2 Homework Equations Maximum power theorem RL = Rs The Attempt at a Solution But if Rs = 0, then current is maximum, so load get...
  11. C

    Python How do I fix this galactic source analysis using python?

    Homework Statement This is related to Astronomy & python . I am trying free-up sources on TS map on a galactic source with python script. But when I run the script, at the end of the process, I get the following run time error. Traceback (most recent call last): File ""...
  12. C

    I Wormholes & Arbitary High Energy: Exploring Possibilities

    Could we hypothetically use it to create a region of space with the magnitude of the stress component of stress energy tensor greater than magnitude of mass denisty component?
  13. B

    B What is source of fundamental particle charge?

    Hello, Analogous to mass of fundamental (not composite) particles coming from interaction of those particles with the Higg's Field, does charge of fundamental particles come from interaction of those particles with some known/hypothesized fundamental field? Thank you!
  14. nomadreid

    I For every finite integer sequence there's a pattern- source?

    I have in the back of my head the statement that for every finite sequence of positive integers there exists a pattern (i.e., a generating formula). While this sounds reasonable, I am not sure whether it is true, and if it is true, what the source for this statement is, and how the correct...
  15. SameerTahir

    I Source of energy for quantum tunneling of a particle

    If a micro-particle tunnel through a barrier which has higher potential energy than the energy of the particle, then from where does the particle get the energy to cross that barrier?
  16. Franz Rojas Ayala

    Heat energy input from a hot source in a heat engine

    Greetings! I did the famous "Mass Lifter Heat Engine" experiment in which a mass is put at the top of a piston enclosed within a cylinder. The cylinder is connected to an aluminium canister of air and the air inside this canister expands and contracts the piston with thermal contact. We had 2...
  17. A

    How can I get only one single photon with a coherent light source?

    Hi! We will make a lab analogous to the stern gerlach experiments but with polarized light. How can we get only one single photon in experiment with a coherent light source? I'm going to make a lab where we need to get in only one single photo at a time. I have read that you can use some...
  18. VSayantan

    Fringe-Shift in Michelson Interferometer with a Moving Source

    Homework Statement The Michelson interferometer in the figure below can be used to study properties of light emitted by distant sources A source ##S_1##, when at rest, is known to emit light at wavelength ##632.8~ \rm nm##. In this case, if the movable mirror is translated through a...
  19. C

    Harmonic Series Emission in Organ Pipe Sound Sources

    Homework Statement Organ pipe sound is driven by a compressed air jet flicking alternately in and out of the pipe in step with the fundamental frequency. My question is whether sound waves of the higher frequency harmonic series are emitted during the intervals when the jet is outside of the...
  20. J

    Source free RL Circuit derivation

    Hi, I'm struggling with source-free RL Circuit derivation. In the books in the right side diagram they've reversed polarity of inductor to get equation: V(r) = - V(L) But why? I checked google and everywhere they had put inductor with positive sign upwards. Here is what I think-- In left...
  21. W

    Problem involving Source Transformation and Nodal Analysis

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I have attempted and completed all questions. However, I am now trying part (b) with transforming the voltage source into a current source. I am unable to work out the current and I am unsure what to do next. I have included my...
  22. F

    I How Does Energy Source Curvature? Exploring the EEP

    TL;DR Why does the Einstein equivalence principle imply that all forms of (non-gravitational) energy source curvature? Now, as understand it, the Einstein equivalence principle (EEP) implies (or at least suggests) that gravity is the manifestation of spacetime curvature, the reason being that...
  23. Drakkith

    Capacitor and Dependent Voltage Source

    Homework Statement Select the correct expression for ##i_o(t)## for ##t≥0^+##. Homework Equations ##V(t) = V(∞)+[v(0)-v(∞)]e^{\frac{-(t-t_0}{\tau}}## ##i(t) = C\frac{dV(t)}{dt}## ##\tau = RC## The Attempt at a Solution I'm a bit stuck on this problem. Specifically, I'm not sure how to deal...
  24. S

    Classical Source of Difficult Newtonian Mechanics Problems?

    I'm looking for a source of harder mechanics problems, preferably with solutions. I'm supposed to use the Young and Freedman book, but I find it rather teadious and superficial; most problems don't match the difficulty and depth of the ones on the exam. I had my mid-term tests recently, and got...
  25. S

    I Source of Heavier than Iron Nucleosynthesis

    About 10 days ago, I read this in the Nature journal: I quote: "Over the past decade or so, astrophysicists had come to believe that this was the most plausible mechanism to...
  26. E

    Checking my answer.... finding the power of a current and a voltage source

    Homework Statement The current source and voltage source in the circuit shown in the Figure below are connected in parallel so that they both have the same voltage, vs. The current source and voltage source are also connected in series so that they both have the same current, is. Suppose that...
  27. L

    Poisson's equation in 1D with point source

    Homework Statement Solve ##\Delta\phi = -q\delta(x)## on ##\mathbb{R}##. Correct answer: ##\phi = -\frac{q}{2}|x| + Ax + B## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution In one dimension the equation becomes ##\frac{d^2 \phi}{d x^2} = -q\delta(x)##. We integrate from ##-\infty## to ##x## to...
  28. G

    What happens to the node after a source transformation?

    I have one circuit and another with a source transformation figure a and b respectively. My question after transforming the 30 mA source shouldn't the current going into node 5 equal the current going into node 4? Figura a. Before the transformation of the source Figure b. After the...
  29. G

    Short circuit's effect on a voltage source and a resistor

    If I have a resistor and a voltage source in series but then I apply a short circuit in parallel to both of them would the voltage source and resistor not receive 0 V? Thus having 0 current. What would change in the circuit?
  30. P

    Optimal Path from source to multiple destinations

    Homework Statement You are placed in a 2-dimensional labyrinth at a starting location ##s## and must travel to n goal locations ##g_1, g_2, ..., g_n##. Determine the optimal path using the A* algorithm. g = goal cell, s = start cell example input: 3 11 //row length, column length # # # # # # #...
  31. D

    Total power of a pulsed source over time?

    Lets say I have an LED that is being pulsed once every two seconds. The LED uses 5 mA of current each time its fired and the pulse lasts for 40mS. I know the current into the LED because I measured the voltage drop across the dropping resistor of 420 ohms with a good O-Scope. So I know all...
  32. C

    A Ikonal equation integration -- source code request

    Hi. I would like a source code to integrate the ikonal equation. I would like to compute the ray path. Of course I am able to compute the phase refractive index n(x,y). Cartesian system is preferred. Can anybody give me a suggestion? Bye, Carlos
  33. marsupial

    Nodal Analysis with Dependent Voltage Source

    Homework Statement Here is a diagram of the circuit and my redrawing with currents drawn: We are to find the power delivered by the dependent voltage source. I found a solution online, but I am not sure why they had the KCL line as: $$ \frac{v_1 - 160} {10} + \frac{v_1} {100} + \frac{v_1...
  34. ESMAT 1995

    Constant current source Inverter

    i was reading about CSI and the first paragaph said "A constant current source is assumed here, which may be realized by using an inductance of suitable value, which must be high, in series with the current limited dc voltage source. " and it says nothing else about it , so clearly it's a basic...
  35. X

    Current flow in a two source circuit

    Hi guys, is the current flow in this picture correct? I'm trying to understand current flow in a two source circuit.
  36. wolram

    Where Can I Find Dale Resistors?

    Can anyone give me a source for these resistors please?
  37. H

    Need a way to collect voltage from a constant source

    Say I have a constant source of 1 volt that will not diminish in volts during use and would like to collect that energy how would I do it. I have been trying To figure this out for the past month and source really appreciate some help. Thanks
  38. A

    How Do You Calculate the Electric Field of an AC Source in MATLAB?

    Hello everybody I got really confused. I want to calculate the Electric-Field of an alternating current source( Sine(wt)). I do not know what is its equation. I need to run it in Matlab to get a result. Can you please give me some hints? I need to write the equation to calculate the E-field in...
  39. G

    I Can spallation be used as a controlled neutron source?

    I read that spallation is the process where you have a high energy proton source (a linac or other particle accelerators for example) and you direct those protons into a metal target which is of specific alloy or whatnot and you get that the protons impacting the material release secondary...
  40. D

    MCNP5 error: Source distribution in 2 volumetric cells (help please)

    Hello, can you help me? In my model, I have to simulate source distribution in two volumetric cells (30 and 31). For example, with a photon source of 356 keV, I have to simulate the distribution according 0.2 (20% in source 30: thyroid without nodule) and 0.8 (80% in source 31: nodule). I use...
  41. e0ne199

    Engineering Problem with series RLC circuit and dependent source

    Homework Statement here is my problem : Homework Equations like usual, the problem is related with RLC circuits and transients The Attempt at a Solution [/B] from here, the solution is obviously wrong because from the solution, its alpha should be -300 and not -0.4...and from the...
  42. V

    A Building a synchrotron light source

    Lately, I've wanted to build a compact source of synchrotron radiation that is accessible to researchers with size and budget constraints. So far, I've managed to outline designs of the superconducting dipole magnets that will be used to keep electrons moving in a ring path within the booster...
  43. M

    Current return path: Why does current return to its source

    Hi, I've looked through some of the replies regarding this topic on this forum, but I'm still a bit hazy on the topic. So this is my problem, why do current try to return to its source? I'm trying to understand this problem with the premise that as long as there is a potential difference...
  44. M

    B What's the energy source for the Van der Waals' forces?

    Hi, I know that if you put a dipole and a neutral molecule at a certain distance, there is the Debye's force that attract them. If you put the same molecules in the first position, they will attract another time. I know this can be a stupid answers, but what's the font of that energy? The...
  45. A

    Source transformation, current & voltage sources

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical physics forums, so no HH Template is shown > Hi, I was working on a the source transformation and i got to the part where there are two current sources in the circuit. The current sources were added together (giving they were going in the...
  46. Asmaa Mohammad

    The voltage across an AC source and a resistance in series

    Homework Statement In the circuit below, the RMS of the AC source is 100V, the inductive reactance is 50 ohm, the capacitive reactance is 200 ohm, the resistance is 40 ohm and the current flows in the circuit is 0.644 A. Determine the reading of the voltmeter. Homework EquationsThe Attempt...
  47. Bishamonten

    Finding R_Thevenin involving dependent source

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Impedances: Inductor = jωL; Capacitor = 1/jωC The Attempt at a Solution I attempted to excite the circuit with an Io = 1A source, and then from Zc = 1/jX2 justify Vx = (1)(Zc) Thus, substituting our found Vx and then doing a source transformation, we...
  48. M

    Solve MCNP Error: Low Sampling Efficiency with Lattice Source

    Hi, I have a sphere that it contains many sub-spheres. I want to define these small spheres as volumetric source. But when I run MCNP, it doesn't work. MCNP error: the sampeling effeiciency is too low Maybe someone can help me. 100 0 10 200 1 -1 -10 fill=2 300 1 -1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 7...
  49. e0ne199

    Engineering Question about free source RLC circuit

    Homework Statement below is my question : Homework Equations all of the equatios used to solve this problems are equations for free source RLC circuit. The Attempt at a Solution so far i have solved problem (a), whose answer is -1400V/s, the problem is when i want to solve (b) and (c) do...
  50. hackhard

    Is Work Done by a Voltage Source Positive or Negative When Current Opposes EMF?

    Is the work done by a constant voltage source positive or negative when current is opposite to emf?