Space Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. K

    Potential and kinetic force of an arrow shot at space.

    Assume a person is at space, and assume there's no friction or gravitational force in that space. The person has a bow and arrow. He stretches the arrow on the bow, and then shots the arrow out in the space. Since there are no friction and gravitational force in that space, the arrow will have...
  2. S

    How Can a Function from Real Numbers to a Discrete Space Be Continuous?

    Homework Statement Find ##f:R \to X##, f-continuous, where X is the discrete space. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution f is continuous at p if for any ##\epsilon > 0## there is ##\delta >0## such that ##d(f(x),f(p))<\epsilon## for all x such that ##d(x,p)<\delta##. Let ##\epsilon =...
  3. S

    I How to study an ODE in matrix form in a Hilbert space?

    Hello, I have derived the matrix form of one ODE, and found a complex matrix, whose phase portrait is a spiral source. The matrix indicates further that the ODE has diffeomorphic flow and requires stringent initial conditions. I have thought about including limits for the matrix, however the...
  4. PsychonautQQ

    A Why Does the Orbit Space of a Covering Map Not Necessarily Equal the Base Space?

    Suppose ##q: E-->X## is a covering map (not necessarily normal). Let ##E' = E/ Aut_{q}(E)## be the orbit space, and let ##\pi: E-->E'## be the quotient map. Then there is a covering map ##q': E' --->X## such that ##q' * \pi = q## where ##*## is composition of functions. I am confused why ##E'##...
  5. H

    A Derivation of the Casimir energy in flat space

    I am trying to understand the derivation of the Casimir energy from At one point, the derivation writes the following: The vacuum energy is then the sum over all possible excitation modes...
  6. G

    I Does Gravity Change Space Density? Exploring Everything and Nothing

    I was watching a movie called Everything and Nothing. It got me thinking. For the sake of argument pretend that you could make the sun pop in and out of existence. If you were to measure the distance between two points on the other side of the solar system with no sun, then if the sun were to...
  7. R

    Space Travel with balloon assist

    Near space travels with balloons. look at above link. balloons goes just 36 km above Earth surface. but Earth orbit is 100 km away. so my thinking is if we pump oxygen outside near helium balloon artificially when u...
  8. ISamson

    What Are the Future Strategies for Space Exploration and Colonization?

    Hello. As many theories and hypotheses that there are about a secure, reliable and effective future space exploration and colonisation that there are, I would like to dedicate this thread to the discussion of this topic. Some of the suggestions are: Von Neumann probes are an effective strategy...
  9. Drakkith

    Does the Null Space of a 2x3 Matrix Determine its Column Space?

    Homework Statement Let ##A## be a 2x3 matrix. If Nul(##A##) is a line through the origin in ℝ3, then Col(##A##) = ℝ2. Explain why. Hint: Think about the number of pivots in ##A##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So, Nul(##A##) is the set of all solutions to the equation ##Ax=0##...
  10. S

    I Generating a Hilbert space representation of a wavefunction

    Hello, I Have a particle with wavefunction Psi(x) = e^ix and would like to find its Hilbert space representation for a period of 0-2pi. Which steps should I follow? Thanks!
  11. Poetria

    Tension Ratio in a Uniformly Distributed Rope System

    Homework Statement [/B] A rope with uniform mass distribution is attached to a spaceship. At the end of this rope, there is a mass, m. The length of the rope - l. Point A - where the rope is attached to a spaceship Point B - in the middle of the rope. The whole system moves with the same...
  12. R

    B 2 clocks -- Using orthogonal light path detectors in a space ship

    Hi I can't see the error in this can someone please explain where I went wrong? A man is in a spaceship traveling at a constant velocity He makes 2 identical tubes of length L with a mirror at one end, tube a and tube b He has a single light bulb. Next to the bulb is a detector. He carefully...
  13. S

    What is 'phase space in chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics?

    The term 'phase space' is often used in the study of nonlinear dynamics.What is it.
  14. S

    No sublimation for human body in vacuum? [Thermodynamics]

    In my Thermodynamics course, we recently learned about the saturation pressure and saturation temperature of different substances -mainly water. As you know, the saturation temperature at which a substance begins to boil is specific to a fixed saturation pressure. Water only boils at 100...
  15. S

    I What is the difference between phase space and state-space?

    In state space, the coordinates are the state variables of a system.So,each point in state space represents a specific value of state variables.Thus,state space representation represents the changes in a dynamical system. The state variables are the minimum number of variables which uniquely...
  16. weezy

    I Explore Homogeneity of Space: Effects on Relativity Theory

    This is a basic assumption that's made during the derivation of results of special theory of relativity is that space is homogeneous i.e. space intervals shouldn't be given preference based on our choice of origin. However I want to understand more about this assumption and its importance...
  17. R

    Resultant Force and Acceleration of Space craft

    Homework Statement The thrust generated by a rocket engine is equal to the mass of propellant burnt each second multiplied by the exhaust velocity of the gas...
  18. nmsurobert

    I Nuclear batteries on space probes

    I've been reading about this a bit and stumbled across something that said its desirable that the heat source not be something that emits a lot of gamma radiation. Other than hazards to a technician, does this have any effect on the device its being used on? Why would it require extra shielding...
  19. B

    Closure of Connected Space is Connected

    Homework Statement If ##C## is a connected space in some topological space ##X##, then the closure ##\overline{C}## is connected. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Suppose that ##\overline{C} = A \cup B## is separation; hence, ##A## and ##B## are disjoint and do not share limit...
  20. Andrea Vironda

    Exploring the Homogeneity of Space & Time in Lagrangian Mechanics

    Hi, i know that The homogeneity of space and time implies that the Lagrangian cannot contain explicitly either the radius vector r of the particle or the time t, i.e. L must be a function of v only but the lagrangian definition is ##L=\int L(\dot q,q,t)##, so velocity appears in the definition...
  21. R

    B Understanding the Expansion of Space: Galaxies Moving Away and Proving Expansion

    How does knowing that galaxies are all moving away from each other and the farthest ones are moving more quickly prove that space is itself expanding and not just that the galaxies are moving through it?
  22. M

    MHB Calculate the volume of the space D

    Hey! :o I want to draw the space $D$ that is between the paraboloid with equation $z=x^2+y^2$ and the cone with equation $z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ and I want to calculate its volume. How does $D$ look like? To calculate the volume we have to calculate the integral $\iiint_D dxdydz$. I have done...
  23. H

    I Moving through space vs sitting in an expanding space

    Suppose an object is moving away from you. Is there a way to determine, experimentally or otherwise, whether it is moving through space or whether it is sitting still but appears moving because the space between you and the object is expanding? Galaxies that are sufficiently far away from us...
  24. H

    A Calculating Ricci tensor in AdS space

    Consider the AdS metric in D+1 dimensions ds^{2}=\frac{L^{2}}{z^{2}}\left(dz^{2}+\eta_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}\right) I wanted to calculate the Ricci tensor for this metric for D=3. (\eta_{\mu\nu} is the Minkowski metric in D dimensions) I have found the following Christoffel symbols...
  25. B

    Metric of a globally negatively curved space

    Homework Statement I think I have managed to do the first three parts of this problem ok, but I am struggling with part 4. [/B] A 2D negatively curved surface can be described in 3D Euclidean Cartesian coordinates by the equation: ##x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = −a^2##. 1) Find the 2D line element for...
  26. R

    I First Chinese space station about to de-orbit soon

    Not much likelyhood of any risk on ground.
  27. Y

    MHB What Is Required to Prove a Subset is a Vector Space?

    Hello all, I have a theoretical question regarding subspaces. If V is a subset of a vector space, and we wish to show that V is a vector space itself, we need to show 3 things. Some references say we need to show: a) V is not empty b) V is closed under + c) V is closed under scalar...
  28. T

    I Shape of Vacuum Space: Constant Spatial Volume with Time

    If we have a small 4-volume of empty spacetime of boxlike dimensions t, x, y, z, then according to the vacuum field equations the change of the shape of this box with respect to time is (I think): \frac{d (xyz)}{dt}=0 or equally: yz\frac{dx}{dt}+xz\frac{dy}{dt}+xy\frac{dz}{dt}=0 in other words...
  29. M

    MHB How Can I Calculate a Double Integral Using a Change of Variable?

    Hey! :o Defining $u=x^2+y^2$, $v=x^2+y^2-2y$ I want to calculate $\iint_D xe^y dxdy$ using the change of variable, where $D$is the space that is determined by the inequalities $x\geq 0$, $y\geq 0$, $x^2+y^2\leq 1$ and $x^2+y^2\geq 2y$. I have done the following: We have the new variables...
  30. FallenApple

    I Need to know the Topology on the Space of all Theories?

    So according to Dr. Frederic Schuller, we need to at least know the topology on the space of all theories in order to know that we are getting closer to the truth. I take that this is because we need to know the topology to establish that convergence is possible in the first place. How does this...
  31. M

    Problem Set Involving Inertia and Balloons

    Homework Statement 1. You are consulting for a screenwriter who is working on a science-fiction movie about the trials and tribulations of an space-faring family. She wants the script to be reasonably realistic from a scientific perspective, so she is seeking your advice on a variety of scenes...
  32. P

    I Understanding Coulomb's Force Equation in Free Space: Exploring Permittivity

    I have a doubt about coulomb's force equation in free 1/4πε0... Actually coulomb found that force exerted b/w charges are directly proportional to the product of charges and inversely proportional to the sqr of the distance bw them.we can measure force exerted and distance of...
  33. PsychonautQQ

    I Proof that retract of Hausdorff space is closed

    I'm reading this proof on the matter: How do we know that the final neighborhood they come up with is disjoint from A?
  34. PsychonautQQ

    I Retract of a connected space is connected

    let r: X-->A be a retraction. This means that r*i = Id_A, where * is composition of maps and i is the inclusion map from A--->X. How to show that the retract of a connected space is also connected? I was trying to proceed by contradiction. Suppose A is not connected, then A = Union(M,N) where...
  35. D

    Free Space Loss at Low Frequencies: Is It Really Zero?

    I know that path loss is proportional to the square of the distance between the transmitter and receiver AND is also proportional to the square of the frequency in use but what does it mean when a free space calculator shows a negative number? How is it possible to get zero loss? For instance...
  36. S

    I Definition of tangent space: why germs?

    I am reading "An introduction to manifolds" by Tu. He starts off in Chapter 1 by introducing some definitions on ##\mathbb{R}^n## that will carry across to general manifolds. In Chapter 1, 2.2, he defines germs of functions as a certain equivalence class of smooth functions ##C^\infty_p##. I...
  37. L

    A Integration along a loop in the base space of U(1) bundles

    Let ##P## be a ##U(1)## principal bundle over base space ##M##. In physics there are phenomenons related to a loop integration in ##M##, such as the Berry's phase ##\gamma = \oint_C A ## where ##C(t)## is a loop in ##M##, and ##A## is the gauge potential (pull back of connection one-form of...
  38. Julio1

    MHB Convergence in topological space

    Let $(X,\tau)$ an topological space. Show that $x_n\to_{n\to \infty} x$ if and only if $d(x_n,x)\to_{n\to \infty} 0.$ Hello, any idea for begin? Thanks.
  39. A

    A How can I plot a 3D phase space for a system of differential equations?

    Hi, i would like to know how can i plot a three dimentionnal phase space (mathematica), for this kind of differential equations: x'= (z^2(x-4y+z)+y^2(x+z)+z(x*y-x^2))/(z^2+x^2-2) y'=y(y-3)+z(4y-z)+3(1-x^2)-2(y-3z)(z^2(x-4y+z)+y^2(x+z)+z(x*y-x^2))/x(z^2+x^2-2)...
  40. D

    What does object space and image space mean in optics?

    What does object space and image space mean in optics?
  41. tomwilliam2

    Studying What can I study for Space Science & Technology MSc

    I'm currently doing an MSc in Space Science and Technology. I've done engineering, celestial dynamics, astronomy and planetary science at postgrad level. I need to choose a thesis topic, and I'm a little short of ideas. I'm interested in theoretical physics and cosmology, but need inspiration...
  42. menniandscience

    B Is Einstein's explanation of gravity just a geometrical replacement?

    according to einstein the mass go straight in the curved space because the sun makes the space curved and so the Earth circle the sun. but i don't understand why this "geometrical" explanation is a replacement for the gravity. how does the mass (of the sun for example) makes the space curved...
  43. karush

    MHB 12.4.9 - Area of a triangle given points in 3D space

    $\textsf{Find the area of the triangle determined by the points }$ \begin{align*}\displaystyle &P(1,1,1), \, Q(-2,-7,-1), \, R(-7,-1,4)\\ \end{align*} \begin{align*}\displaystyle \vec{PQ}&=(-2-1)i&+(-7-1)J&+(-1-1)k&=-3i-8j-2k\\ \vec{PR}&=(-7-1)i&+(-1-1)j&+(4-1) k&=-8i-2j-3k...
  44. C

    A Symplectic geometry of phase space

    What is a symplectic manifold or symplectic geometry? (In intuitive terms please) I have a vague understanding that it involves some metric that assigns an area to a position and conjugate momentum that happens to be preserved. What is 'special' about Hamilton's formulation that makes it more...
  45. FallenApple

    I Is Euclidean Space Inherently Geometric or Just a Vector Space?

    Or is it something separate that acts on a geometric space? So we know that the Euclidean space is a vector space. But is it geometric? I ask this because in group theory, the group elements are the operators acting on another set, but clearly we see that this doesn't mean that the group...
  46. C

    Variable Space Vacuum Tank - Pump question help

    This process and mechanism is very difficult to explain via the computer and even during presentations many people simply do not grasp the concept so I am trying my best to explain it easily and ask my questions as best as I can so that you guys understand me. I really need help with these few...
  47. U

    B Brainstorm: Is absolute zero relative

    I know that absolute zero is impossible to achieve but we can get close. According to google the coldest temperature ever reached in a lab was 0.006K. Do you think this is because while the atoms are moving very slow relative to the observer they are still moving at the velocity of Earth's...
  48. C

    Spring in Space: 3 Questions Answered

    I would like to ask some questions. I am in a spacecraft (I have grip on the floor) and at one end a spring is attached to the wall. I hold the spring and begin to walk backwards, extending the spring. 1) What will happen to the spacecraft as I walk backwards? 2) What will happen to the...
  49. Y

    Could Microbial Life Survive in the Harsh Conditions of Space?

    They don't breathe. Their internal pressure greater than space. Radiation. Temperature. Micrometeorites. No picnic? Any recommended reading? Thanks.
  50. P

    I Hilbert space in Everettian QM

    Is it assumed that Hilbert space is an infinite manifold that the non-collapsing wave function occupies in Everettian QM? Thank you.