Special relativity Definition and 1000 Threads

In physics, the special theory of relativity, or special relativity for short, is a scientific theory regarding the relationship between space and time. In Albert Einstein's original treatment, the theory is based on two postulates:
The laws of physics are invariant (that is, identical) in all inertial frames of reference (that is, frames of reference with no acceleration).
The speed of light in vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of the motion of the light source or observer.

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  1. S

    B Help Understanding special relativity

    I'm trying to understand something about relativity that doesn't seem to add up. I will extend Einstein's carriage example to incorporate 4 clocks. At the beginning all these clocks are running at the same time when they are together. I put two of the clocks far away from each other (100 km...
  2. B

    Insights Precession in Special and General Relativity - Comments

    Bill_K submitted a new PF Insights post https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/precession-special-general-relativity/ https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/precession-special-general-relativity/
  3. F

    I Why is energy not Lorentz invariant?

    As I understand it, since space-time is modeled as a four dimensional manifold it is natural to consider 4 vectors to describe physical quantities that have a direction associated with them, since we require that physics should be independent of inertial frame and so we should describe it in...
  4. P

    I 'If a photon were trapped between two perfect mirrors....'

    If a photon were trapped between two perfect mirrors perpendicular to its axis of motion, and they were gradually brought together until they were touching, so that the distance between their faces was 0m, would the photon be "trapped" between the mirrors? Without space in which to move, how...
  5. P

    I Can one determine the velocity of a photon in the fourth dimension using limits?

    Can one shed light on the velocity of the photon through the fourth dimension x4 using limits? To begin with, please study the mathematics from Brian Greene’s book An Elegant Universe. The upshot is that the faster an object moves through space, the slower it moves through the fourth...
  6. Sebastiaan

    I Effect of Special Relativity on Spacecraft Thrust & Isp

    Let's say I have a Space craft traveling at 1% of speed of light and at rest speed it has an thrust of 600 kN with Specific impulse at 1.000.000s. We know we can calculate the relatavistic mass of the vessel with Einstein Special Relativity : γ = 1 / (1 - v2 / c2 )0.5 = 1.00005. Now the...
  7. A

    I What Actually Happens vs What You See in SR

    My impression always was that when you describe a problem in special relativity, you are already implicitly taking into account the light that would need to travel for some person to theoretically "see" a special relativistic phenomenon. I was confronted recently in another thread that this...
  8. A

    I What is the velocity of the photon through the fourth dimension x4?

    What is the velocity of the photon through the fourth dimension x4? Photons are real, physical entities. The fourth dimension is a real, physical entity. Therefore, photons must have a relationship with the fourth dimension. They must have some velocity relative to it. What is the velocity...
  9. N

    B General Questions about Special Relativity

    There are a few fundamental questions I wanted to ask about related to special relativity: 1) Firstly, is there an intuitive explanation for length contraction and why lengths are relative? For example, the fact motion is relative is intuitive. E.g. someone sitting inside a train moving 60...
  10. J

    Relativity Callahan's "The Geometry of Spacetime"

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows about the the book "The Geometry of Spacetime: An Introduction to Special and General Relativity" by Callahan and what their opinions are. Thanks!
  11. F

    I Particle number conservation and motivations for QFT

    I've read that one of the primary motivations for the need for QFT is that quantum mechanics cannot account for particle creation/annihilation, however special relativity "predicts" that such phenomena are possible (clearly they have been observed experimentally, but I'm going for a heuristic...
  12. Stephanus

    B The speed of light and Hubble Flow

    Dear PF Forum, I've been wondering about how on Earth (and I do mean it, from earth :smile:) that we know there's a galaxy 20 billions light away. Considering that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_the_universe is 13.8 billions years old. But before I'm asking about Supernova Ia and Hubble...
  13. TheAnt

    B Study Special Relativity: 6th Formers, Books & Websites

    Hello, I have often heard special relativity was not too difficult to study. I was wondering as a 6th former what knowledge is needed to do so and if it was even possible at my level. If yes does anyone suggest any good books or websites? I am searching for a more in depth mathematical...
  14. A

    B Einstein's relativity of simultaneity & quantum paradox.

    Einstein's relativity of simultaneity & quantum measurement paradox. Suppose a rocket traveling close to the velocity of light which emits a single photon from its midpoint at point A, illustrated below. The rocket is equipped with a single detector drawn in green at the front of the rocket...
  15. JuanC97

    I Correctly Using Lorentz Transformations: A Special Relativity Problem

    Ok so... It's been a while since I first saw this problematic scenario and I want to know how to deal with it. The question arises in the context of special relativity. Suppose 2 objects moving at the same speed. The floor is the rest frame 'A' and the front object is the moving frame 'B'. The...
  16. W

    Particle hitting an inclined wall viewed in different frames

    Homework Statement Consider an inertial frame S with coordinates ##x^μ = (t, x, y ,z)##, and a frame S' with coordinates ##x^{μ'}## related to S by a boost with velocity parameter v along the y-axis. Imagine we have a wall at rest in S', lying along the line x' = -y'. From the point of view of...
  17. W

    Moving rod viewed in different inertial frames

    Homework Statement Two inertial frames S and S' are in standard configuration, the frame S' is moving along the x-axis of S with velocity v. In S' a straight rod parallel to the x' axis moves in the y' direction with velocity u. Show that in S the rod is inclined to the x-axis at an angle ##-...
  18. J

    Relativity Opinions on Zee's "Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell"

    Hello again, I would like to know what your opinions about this book. As I have figured out, there are a lot of great GR books out there, but this very rarely gets any mention in forums like this. Why is this? Its got pretty good reviews at amazon and goodreads. Thanks in advance!
  19. J

    Relativity On Sean Carroll's General Relativity textbook

    I have heard/read that Carroll's Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity is one of the best books on General Relativity but its price is insanely high! Does anybody know any place which sells it at a lower price than, say, Amazon? If not, what are other books that cover...
  20. P

    Special Relativity- Photon/Mirror Collision

    Homework Statement A photon of frequency ν is reflected without change of frequency from a mirror, with an angle of incidence θ. Calculate the momentum transferred to the mirror. Homework Equations E= hν Conservation of four-momentum The Attempt at a Solution If the mirror is in the x-y...
  21. jannesvanpoppelen

    B Understanding Minkowski Diagrams in Special Relativity

    Something that has been bothering me for a while is this question. As seen from this Minkowski diagram,http://imgur.com/GkBN2HQ , the angle between x and x' is equally big as the angle between ct and ct'. I really can't seem to figure out why this is, although I think it has to do with the...
  22. D

    I Special relativity and magnetism

    I've read in various places that magnetism can be explained in terms of the effects of special relativity. However, all of the explanations of this only mentioned the case of current flowing in a wire. Can special relativity explain the magnetism of free flowing electrons and other moving...
  23. A

    I Galilean Relativity: Can Experiments Tell Motion Relative to Other Frames?

    In Galilean Relativity, laws of mechanics are invariant across frames. In all the frames they are the same. So, in Dynamics and Relativity by W.D.McComb, it is written that this implies you cannot perform any experiment in an inertial frame that can tell whether an inertial frame is moving or...
  24. Clever Penguin

    B Deriving Special Relativity Formulae Steps

    I was bored, so I decided to derive the special relativity formulae. I drew the following diagram of a light clock: In order to find t, I did sinθ=d/ct Which gives tsinθ=d/c Which gives t=d/csinθ If v = 0, vt = 0, and θ = 90 sin90 = 1 t = d/csinθ = d/c We call this t0If v is greater than 0, vt...
  25. K

    I Fixed Stars Moving Faster Than Light? Problem?

    If I spin around in an open field at night and look up to the stars they appear to be moving relative to me. Additionally, they are very far away and trace out a giant arc length in a very short time (S=rθ). With respect to me, these stars are moving faster than light. Is this a problem? Has...
  26. P

    I Special relativity of two clocks

    Why is it that for two clocks that are synchronised in one frame, S, but not in another, S', is there an offset in the time by a factor of ##\frac{Lv}{c}##, as measured in S'. Where L is the proper length of the body, as measured in S. I'm confused as to why there is not a factor of ##\gamma##...
  27. Kara386

    Special relativity muon example

    Homework Statement Here's a standard example of special relativity in action: The mean lifetime of the muon as measured in a laboratory is about 2µs (rounded to 1 s.f.). Thus, the typical distance traveled by a muon should be about ##3\times 10^8ms^{-1}\times 2\times 10^6s = 600m##. The...
  28. V

    (Special relativity) Two masses connected by spring

    Homework Statement Hi all--humanist here. Now that the semester is over, I am taking the opportunity to (attempt to) self-study introductory SR. This is problem 12 in chapter 1 of Special Relativity by AP French. (1-12) A body of mass m1+Δm is connected to a body of mass m2-Δm by a spring of...
  29. G

    I GR vs SR: Is a Connection Necessary?

    Hi, When I started learning about GR I wondered if it emerged from SR (which the name suggests) or if the connection between the two is mere technical. GR describes the behaviour of the metric of space-time, which is locally Minkowskian and therefore SR applies. But is a curvature-based theory...
  30. D

    A Interpretation of the EM tensor as a rotation matrix

    In special relativity, the electromagnetic field is represented by the tensor $$F^{\mu\nu} = \begin{pmatrix}0 & -E_{x} & -E_{y} & -E_{z}\\ E_{x} & 0 & -B_{z} & B_{y}\\ E_{y} & B_{z} & 0 & -B_{x}\\ E_{z} & -B_{y} & B_{x} & 0 \end{pmatrix}$$ which is an anti-symmetric matrix. Recalling the...
  31. i_hate_math

    When Will the Proton Meet the Rear of the Ship?

    Homework Statement The figure shows a ship (attached to reference frame S') passing us (standing in reference frame S) with velocity http://edugen.wileyplus.com/edugen/shared/assignment/test/session.quest2564447entrance1_N1002E.mml?size=14&ver=1463885870814 =...
  32. KaleLetendre

    I Calculating Radius and Mass of Disc for Velocity 0.75C

    Imagine a disc witch has a radius of R=1000m and a mass M=1000kg, this disc sits on an cube that is considered static it has no velocity in any direction whatsoever. There is a light clock with the length L=17.45240644m (approximately the same as the arc length for 1 degree on the disc θ=1)...
  33. M

    I Do Distant Planets Move Faster Than Light Seen From Earth?

    From the observation point of Earth, you can say that the sky "moves" while the Earth is still. From this point, an observer on Earth would see a distant galaxy travel a circumference millions of light years lomg around the Earth in only a day - resulting in a velocity faster than light. Special...
  34. i_hate_math

    Special Relativity of Train Problem

    Homework Statement A relativistic train of proper length 237 m approaches a tunnel of the same proper length, at a relative speed of 0.951c. A paint bomb in the engine room is set to explode (and cover everyone with blue paint) when the front of the train passes the far end of the tunnel (event...
  35. J

    I Velocity of Timelike Curve in Special Relativity

    In special relativity we can view spacetime as ##\mathbb{R}^4## with its standard smooth structure, and a metric ##\eta_{ab} = \sum\limits_{\mu, \nu = 0}^3 \eta_{\mu, \nu} (dx^\mu)_a (dx^\nu)_b## where ##\nu_{\mu \nu} = \mathrm{diag}(-1, 1, 1, )##. Given a curve ##\gamma: I \rightarrow...
  36. Junaid Aftab

    I Taylor and Wheeler's Spacetime Physics (1st Edition)

    Hi everyone, I've been trying to buy a copy of the first edition of the textbook "Spacetime Physics" by Taylor and Wheeler in my country, but I haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of it. Moreover, the e-books available online are poorly scanned with a bad font. I was able to download...
  37. nnerik

    What is frequency from a photon's perspective?

    If a photon does not experience time, how can it change? Without change, how can it have frequency?
  38. Kara386

    Special relativity question with lots of frames

    Homework Statement At exactly 00:00:00 hours, a group of convicts escape from a planet in a space-ship that travels at speed ##v=\frac{4}{5}c##. After 11 min, a patrol spaceship goes after them with ##v_P=\frac{24}{25}c##. Ignore all acceleration periods. (i) The convicts immediately notice the...
  39. S

    Calculating Velocity and Time Dilation in Special Relativity

    Homework Statement A spaceship travels from Earth to the vicinity of the star that is measured by astronomers on Earth to be six light-years away. The spaceship and its occupants have a total rest mass of 32 000 kg. Assume that the spaceship travels at constant velocity. The time taken as...
  40. F

    I Motivation for the usage of 4-vectors in special relativity

    I recently had someone ask me why we use 4-vectors in special relativity and what is the motivation for introducing them in the first place. This is the response I gave: From Einstein's postulates( i.e. 1. the principle of relativity - the laws of physics are identical (invariant) in all...
  41. F

    I Parametrisation of timelike curves using proper time

    Apologies if this is a really stupid question, but what is the exact argument for why one can use proper time to parametrise timelike curves? Is it simply that the arclength of a timelike curve is its elapsed proper time and hence we are simply parametrising the curve by its arclength? Also, is...
  42. P

    Centre of mass velocity special relativity

    Why is it that the ZMF velocity is given by the total momentum of the system divided by the total energy? Many thanks :)
  43. F

    I Zeroth component of 4-momentum & energy-momentum relation

    As I understand it one is forced to use 4-vectors since we require objects that transform as vectors under application of Lorentz transformations and 3-vectors do not (technically they do under rotations, but not under boosts). Equivalenty, if one starts off with Minkowski spacetime from the...
  44. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Hi guys In an assignment I wrote for university I was penalised for claiming that FTL neutrinos would violate special relativity. Below is the relevant part of my assignment and the response from my lecturer. Could somebody please explain what he could mean by that because as far as I can...
  45. N

    I Understanding 4-Momentum in Special Relativity

    Hello, I am studing elementary particle physics and want to ask something, just to check if I have understood properly. So, as I understand, this is true about four-momentum in special relativity: 1. The square of the sum of particles' four momenta is invariant under Lorentz transformations...
  46. F

    I Proving Orthogonality of Vector w/ Schnutz Special Relativity Tensors

    There's a question in Schnutz - A first course in special relativity Consider a Velocity Four Vector U , and the tensor P whose components are given by Pμν = ημν + UμUν . (a) Show that P is a projection operator that projects an arbitrary vector V into one orthogonal to U . That is, show that...
  47. F

    I Motivation for the introduction of spacetime

    What exactly are the theoretical motivations for considering space and time as a four dimensional continuum? Is it a natural consequence of requiring that the speed of light is independent of the frame of reference that it is measured in, since this implies that time and time are not absolute...
  48. A

    B Solving Special Relativity Problems: Interval vs Lorenz Equations

    Why is it that in SR we always seem to jump to the Lorenz equations when there is a simpler way. This is the concept of an interval. The interval is defined as the square root of ( T squared minus X squared) . In Special relativity the time and distance are different for different...
  49. Jonathan Densil

    B Using Lorentz Transformations vs Time Dilation/Length Contraction

    Hey guys, In what circumstance or scenario would you use Lorentz transformations as a opposed to time dilation or length contraction? The reason that I ask this is because in all of the problems that I have worked with, the observer is always stationary relative to the event. For example, if...
  50. V

    B Turning Einstein’s train thought experiment on its head

    Let us first review Einstein’s train and platform thought experiment which consists of one observer midway inside a speeding train car and another observer standing on a platform as the train moves past. A flash of light is given off at the center of the train car just as the two observers pass...