Spin Definition and 1000 Threads

SPiN is an international chain of franchised table tennis clubs and bars. The company was founded in 2009 by actress Susan Sarandon, her then-boyfriend Jonathan Bricklin, Andrew Gordon, Franck Raharinosy, and Wally Green.

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  1. Hiero

    I Transformation of Intrinsic Spin: Does it Transform Like a 4-Vector?

    This question is beyond my level of understanding, nonetheless I feel it can’t be right. I have been studying Geometric algebra and was thinking about (6-component) bivectors in spacetime, (specifically the electromagnetic field and 4D-angular-momentum). The conventional perspective is to...
  2. nomadreid

    I Does intrinsic (e.g., spin) imply elementary (irreducible)?

    Some time ago, before particles turned out to be mutable wave excitations (making Alchemist's dreams sound nicer, I guess :-) ) , to say that something was an "elementary particle" meant that it couldn't be broken down further. OK, that idea bit the dust, but now there are intrinsic...
  3. S

    I A query regarding Spin Entanglement Measurement

    Given a pair of Spin ##1/2## entangled particles created in the ##z^→## direction according to the following equation ##Ψ=1/√2(\uparrow\uparrow+\downarrow\downarrow)##. One entangled particle is sent to Alice and another to Bob. Now if Alice measures her particle in the ##z^→## direction she...
  4. CarawayBlossom

    I Measurement of Entangled Particles causes up or down spin?

    In reading around, it seems that in the case of entangled particles, it is the measurement of one of the particles that causes the other one to be it's opposite spin and that there's some means of info transfer going on caused by the measurement. I'm not understanding why it would not be that...
  5. H

    B Uncertainty Principle versus spin alignment

    Hello, So I know that the magnetic moments of atoms are dependent on the spin and orbital angular momenta of its electrons. Both of these quantities are limited by the uncertainty principle so that neither of their direction and magnitude can be known simultaneously with arbitrary precision...
  6. E

    Orbital and spin angular velocity?

    The Wikipedia page for angular velocity makes a big fuss over "spin" and "orbital" angular velocities, but I have checked through Gregory and Morin's textbooks on classical mechanics and haven't found any reference to them at all. They just work with a single quantity, the angular velocity...
  7. QuasarBoy543298

    I Relation between spin and solar winds

    I was thinking to myself, how come are particles coming from the sun gets deflected the way they do due to Earth's magnetic field? They are getting pulled toward the poles, but if we think in terms of classical Lorentz force, they should not just follow the magnetic field lines, but rather start...
  8. StevenRice

    How do I spin a small cylinder longways?

    Imagine laying a pencil down, and spinning it on its own graphite. What do you call that, "spinning" or "rotating"?
  9. F

    B Quantum Entanglement spin measurement

    Hi, When a quantum entangled photon is measured to determine spin does it's spin stay in that orientation as long as it's measured it or does it immediately go back to a superpositioned state? In other words if you determined the spin of a quantum entangled particle at say 12:00 pm and...
  10. Luke_Mtt

    I Calculate a spin state as a function of the base spin states

    Practically it is said that, given two spin states |u⟩ (up) and |d⟩ (down) - which are the spin measured along the +z and -z semiaxes - such that they are orthogonal ( ⟨u|d⟩ = ⟨d|u⟩ = 0), it is possible to write any other spin states using a linear combination of these two (because they are a...
  11. A

    A Spin dynamics and the Pauli exclusion principle

    For high temperature superconductivity, people usually say two quasifree electrons are pairing, one is spin up and the other one is spin down. So, if that is the case, each two electrons will have zero spin angular momentum. Since the superconductivity is the magnetic properties and spin is the...
  12. H

    I Spin in Real Space: Meaning of Z-Component

    If the spin space is independent of the real space, what is the meaning of, for example, the z-component of the spin?
  13. MichPod

    I On 1/2 spin - which is the X axis?

    For a 1/2 spin particle, every pure spin state may be represented as a superposition of two states of spin parallel to some arbitrary Z axis. (Upd) Particularly: $$|\uparrow_{x}>=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|\uparrow_{z}>+|\downarrow_{z}>)$$ I then wonder, if we chose the Z axis, how the X axis should...
  14. F

    What units are used in spin factor and coefficient of lift formulas?

    I am trying to add the magnus effect to a golf simulator program but am getting stuck on the coefficient of lift. What are the units I should be using in these calculations? The rest of my program I use SI units. But I seam to get weird results when using them with these equations. Spin factor...
  15. victor01

    I Clebsch–Gordan coefficients: An Identity

    Hi, everyone. I'm trying to get the next identity It is in the format <j1, j2; m1, m2 |j, m>. I hope you can help me
  16. F

    I Can the spin cause the collapse?

    Solving 1D Dirac equation there are 2 matrixs, and from those we get the space probability and current. If that current reflects the spin state, could happen than the EM fields from the matter acting as potentials, drives the spin to up or down, and when it reaches the north os south pole in...
  17. F

    A Relation between Dirac's equation density matrix and current with spin

    After computind dirac 1D equation time dependant for a free particle particle I get 2 matrixs. From both,them I extract: 1) the probablity matrix P =ps1 * ps1 + psi2 *psi2 2) the current matrix J = np.conj(psi1)*psi2+np.conj(psi2)*psi1 I think that current is related to electricity, and...
  18. T

    A Evaluating Matrix Spin Dependent Term in Dirac Quadratic Equation

    I derive the quadratic form of Dirac equation as follows $$\lbrace[i\not \partial-e\not A]^2-m^2\rbrace\psi=\lbrace\left( i\partial-e A\right)^2 + \frac{1}{2i} \sigma^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu \nu}-m^2\rbrace\psi=0$$ And I need to find the form of the spin dependent term to get the final expression $$g...
  19. I

    A Predicting the positive parity and zero spin of the Higgs boson?

    Can we predict the positive parity, and zero spin of the Higgs boson from the decay mode: 𝐻 → 𝛾𝛾?
  20. PeroK

    I Understanding the Relationship Between Photon Spin and Polarization Vectors

    In Griffiths Elementary Particles (2nd, revised edition) there is a footnote on page 241, which states that the photon states with ##m_s = \pm 1## are related to the polarization vector by: $$\epsilon_+ = \frac 1 {\sqrt 2} (-1, -i, 0) \ \text{and} \ \epsilon_- = \frac 1 {\sqrt 2} (1, -i, 0)$$...
  21. Coltrane8

    I Neutrino Helicity and Spin Uncertainty

    In the context of non relativistic quantum mechanics, or better, if I consider the neutrino's mass to be zero, the phrase seems to me puzzling. What I know is that if I know the direction of motion, I know the spin projection onto that direction, say ##\hat{z}##-direction. But to not violate...
  22. entropy1

    I Quantum Spin: Is it Random? Alice & Bob's Test

    I got confronted with this issue: Suppose we have Alice and Bob, each of them measuring the quantum spin on one of a pair of electrons along parallel axes, thus yielding an identical spin for both with each measurement. Now Alice's measurement is done earlier than Bob's. Can we now predict...
  23. filip97

    A Decoupled spin vectors A and B

    Let we have ##J_i \in{J_1,J_2,J_3}## ,and ##K_i \in{K_1,K_2,K_3}##, rotation and boost generators respectable . ##A_i=\cfrac{1}{2}(J_i+iK_i)##, and ##[A_i,A_j]=i\epsilon_{ijk}A_k## ##[K_i,K_j]=-i\epsilon_{ijk}J_k## ##[J_i,K_j]=-i\epsilon_{ijk}K_k## How proof that ##(m,n)A_i=J^{(m)}_i\otimes...
  24. S

    I Clarification on a statement about spin 1/2 z component related to x and y

    Hello, I have a question about a statement made on a YouTube physics lecture I was (am) working through chapter 4 section 4 (4.4) - “Spin” of Griffiths. (only because I own this book ) I found the YouTube lectures by searching for phrases like “quantum Griffiths online lectures”. One of the...
  25. M

    A Exploring the Role of Spin in the Kondo Effect

    Hi all, I'm preparing a short presentation about the Kondo effect. I'm going to talk about the Anderson model and then Kondo's approach to deriving the logarithmic term using perturbation theory. Here's my question: why is it important that the spin of the impurity flips? I understand that...
  26. DrInfinity

    A Effect of Spin on Vacuum Energy

    In equation (3) of this article https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0605418.pdf , on page 3, you can see an expression for the vacuum energy density of a field as a function of its particle spin, particle mass and the wave number k. It is fairly straight forward to derive the integral portion of...
  27. arkantos

    I Question on the SG (Stern-Gerlach) Spin experiment

    During a SG experiment, the components N and S of the magnetic field are placed at the exact distance from the beam of particle?(or with precise approximation) What would happen if for example S is placed a little more distant from the beam of particle than N? Will we observe more deflection...
  28. B

    I The spin of the neutron is a quantized property

    In the brilliant.org website talking about quantum properties it is said that neutrons coming from a nuclear oven and passing through two permanent magnets of opposite polarity hit a surface only at the top and the bottom of it (there is no continuity) because the spin property is quantized and...
  29. redtree

    I What is the Fourier conjugate of spin?

    Momentum ##\vec{p}## and position ##\vec{x}## are Fourier conjugates, as are energy ##E## and time ##t##. What is the Fourier conjugate of spin, i.e., intrinsic angular momentum? Angular position?
  30. U

    I Will thermal disturbance change an atom's spin?

    If thermal motion (collision of atoms) changes the direction of an atom, will that change the direction of spin? If so, how much time does it take from the change in the atom orientation to the change in the spin?
  31. K

    I Vector addition in spin orbit coupling

    Hello! I am reading about spin-orbit coupling in Griffiths book, and at a point he shows an image (section 6.4.1) of the vectors L and S coupled together to give J (figure 6.10) and he says that L and S precess rapidly around J. I am not totally sure I understand this. I know that in the...
  32. C

    I Understanding Atomic Particle 'Spin': Exploring Its Physical Meaning and Value

    I've been looking hard (really, I have) for an explanation of what 'spin' is. Is there any way to explain this in a physical-real way, or is it 'just a thing'? Every description I have come across, and I mean dozens, say something like 'well, it's like angular momentum but it isn't really that...
  33. kolleamm

    Why do the phases of a motor spin the rotor?

    Assuming we have a 3 phase motor I've always wondered why is it that the rotor spins rather than just being compleltly pulled towards the direction of the phase or the electromagnet? What causes that angular movement?
  34. T

    Spin Orbit Coupling + Magnetic Field

    I am pretty confused where to even start with this question, which is not a good thing less than a week before the final :(. One thing in particular that I don't get is that I thought we were using the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients for ##\vert jm \rangle ## states, not for ##\vert J, J_z \rangle...
  35. J

    A Difference of the spin Hall effect in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?

    Hello there, I don't really get the difference between the extrinsic or intrinsic spin hall effect or contribution. As i understand, in extrinsic you have spin scattering by impurities, so its the spin orbit interaction of the spin with its orbit, and this orbit is influenced by an impurity...
  36. Diracobama2181

    Does $$S_1^x$$ commute with $$S^2$$?

    $$H$$ can be rewritten as $$H=\frac{1}{2}(S^2-S_{1}^2-S_{2}^2-S_{3}^2-S_{4}^2)$$. Let's focus on the x component, $$J^x=\sum_{i}S_i^x$$. Now $$S_1^x$$ commutes with $$S^2_1, S^2_2, S^2_3, S^2_4$$, but does it commute with $$S^2$$? If not, what is the exact relation between $$S^2$$ and $$S_1^x$$?
  37. S

    Invariance of a spin singlet under rotation

    I have tried doing the obvious thing and multiplied the vectors and matrices, but I don't see a way to rearrange my result to resemble the initial state again: ##(\mathcal{D_{1y}(\alpha)} \otimes \mathcal{D_{2y}(\alpha)} )|\text{singlet}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left[ \begin{pmatrix}...
  38. entropy1

    I Can we accurately determine the trajectory of an electron using a SG detector?

    Would this be an accurate portrayal of measuring the spin of an electron with a SG detector?: The electron is in a superposition of spin-up and spin-down; Upon entering the magnetic field of the SG detector, the electron enters a superposition of an upward trajectory and a downward trajectory...
  39. dRic2

    I Spin density in an (ideal) Fermi gas

    Hi, some time ago our professor told us (en passant) to evaluate this quantity: $$<F|n_m( \mathbf x) n_{m'}(\mathbf x) |F> - <F|n_m( \mathbf x)|F><F|n_{m'}(\mathbf x) |F>$$ And then he said: "you'll find that this quantity may not be zero. In particular when the electron are correlated it will...
  40. zizzle

    Minimum initial speed to spin a particle around a disk (with gravity)

    For this problem, since the weight force on the "particle" (child) is not always aligned with the tangential circular path of the disks, I couldn't think of a way to use rotational kinematics equations. As such, I tried to solve the problem using work principles (namely, that the change in...
  41. olgerm

    I Why spin matrixes number of rows depends of spinn magnitude?

    Why spin-matrixes and spinors have more rows for particles with greater spin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)#Higher_spins)? As I understand every row is for 1 spin orientation, but why does number of possible orientations depend of magnitude of spin?
  42. Zala Jaydevsinh

    I About L-S interaction or spin orbit coupling

    I want to understand this topic but I can not understand very well so please suggest any reading for good conceptual grasp of this topic.
  43. Diracobama2181

    A Four spin 1/2 particles at the Vertices of tetrahedron

    For a tetrahedron with four spin (1/2) particles, I know there are three separate energy levels at $$l=2,l=1,and l=0$$. My question is how I would go about finding the degeneracy of each level. I know that the number of states must be $$2^4$$. Any clues on where to start would be appreciated...
  44. J

    A Rashba-Effect and Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect

    Hello everybody, Im looking for a good explanation for the Rashba effect or Rashba Spin Orbit coupling (when it is the same effect with 2 names?) . If somebody can help me here that would be awesome. Moreover i try to understand the intrinsic mechanism of the Spin Hall Effect with the Berry...
  45. srallaba

    B Probability of spin in the +x direction

    Consider a qubit. Given a state equation, how to calculate the probability of finding spin in +x direction?
  46. C

    A Spin change of Fermions and quantum energy spectrum

    Okay i was reading abrikosov's book and he said since in QM spin only changes by integer values boson excitiation happens one at a time and fermion ALWAYS appears or disappears in pairs. but isn't change from a spin up to spin down 1/2 to -1/2? or i had the wrong convention which |1/2| shouldve...
  47. J

    A Understanding Spin Relaxation: A Brief Exploration

    Hello, Im not sure if get the meaning of spin relaxation. In the case, if you have a spin polarized current, what happens there if you talk about spin relaxation? Is it just the phenomena that after some time the spins will pointing in all direction? If that is right why that happens?