Spin Definition and 1000 Threads

SPiN is an international chain of franchised table tennis clubs and bars. The company was founded in 2009 by actress Susan Sarandon, her then-boyfriend Jonathan Bricklin, Andrew Gordon, Franck Raharinosy, and Wally Green.

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  1. S

    Expectation Value and Probabilities of Spin Operator Sy

    Homework Statement (a) If a particle is in the spin state ## χ = 1/5 \begin{pmatrix} i \\ 3 \\ \end{pmatrix} ## , calculate the expectation value <Sy>(b) If you measured the observable Sy on the particle in spin state given in (a), what values might you get and what is the probability of...
  2. J

    B Relation between spin and symmetry of wave function

    Why is it that bosons (particles having symmetric wave functions) have integral spins and fermions (particles having antisymmetric wave functions) have half integral spins? A lot of books state this without specifying the reason. I was wondering if this is a theoretical deduction. Or is it an...
  3. S

    Normalised eigenspinors and eigenvalues of the spin operator

    Homework Statement Find the normalised eigenspinors and eigenvalues of the spin operator Sy for a spin 1⁄2 particle If X+ and X- represent the normalised eigenspinors of the operator Sy, show that X+ and X- are orthogonal. Homework Equations det | Sy - λI | = 0 Sy = ## ħ/2 \begin{bmatrix} 0...
  4. MIIF

    MHB Probability of Spin Resulting in Even # or <4

    I tried to answer it and got 3/4 or 6/8 after using the union set operation for 4/8 or 1/2 and 3/8, based on what is being asked in the problem...
  5. S

    I Understanding Spin to Particles & Annihilation

    Hello! I am a bit confused about the idea of spin. Let's say we have spin ##1/2## particles. This means that the spin along a random axis is ##\pm 1/2##, right while the values of the particle spin (i.e. the module) is actually ##\sqrt{1/2(1+1/2)}##? Also I am a bit confused about combining...
  6. amjad-sh

    How Is Spin-Orbit Coupling Derived from the Dirac Equation?

    I have read in the internet that "One naturally derive the dirac equation when starting from the relativistic expression of kinetic energy: ##\mathbf H^2=c^2\mathbf P^2 +m^2c^4## where ##\mathbf P## is the canonical momentum. Inclusion of electric and magnetic potentials ##\phi## and ##A## by...
  7. Noora Alameri

    I Two dimenstional Heisenberg Hamiltonian for spin 1/2 system

    Hey everybody, I am trying to expand a system of seven qubits from one dimensional Hamiltonian to the two dimensional representation. I have the one dimensional representation and I don't know what to add to transform it from 1D to 2D representation. I would really appreciate your help and...
  8. S

    I Understanding Spin and Helicity Conservation in Relativistic Interactions

    I am a bit confused about spin conservation at relativistic energies. I am reading a QFT book by Peskin and at a point he specifies that "In the nonrelativistic limit the total spin of the system is conserved". Later when we go to the relativistic limit (there is the interaction between a photon...
  9. A

    B Spin and polarizations in momentum space

    Can momentum space also able to handle spin and polarizations? I'm understanding it that in QM, you have position, momentum, spin, polarization as observables. Position and momentum can be equivalent via Fourier transform. So if you use momentum space instead of position, how do you handle...
  10. T

    I Macroscopic rotation from spin flipping?

    There's enough angular momentum in electron spin to get a 1cm radius ring of silver atoms to turn with a period of order days after relaxing from spin-up into randomness. (assuming you could get all of it to show up externally, and not end up in microscopic rotations or l quantum numbers.) I...
  11. D

    I Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Equations for Spin Along x and y Axes Explained

    I am currently reading Leonard Susskind's "Quantum Mechanics the Theoretical Minimum". In chapter 2.3 and 2.4, he defines |r>, |l> and|i>, |o>, for r and l along the x-axis and i and o along the y axis. The equations are: $$|r> = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}|u>+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}|d>$$ Since...
  12. T

    How Does Electron Spin Orientation Relate to Its Velocity and Antineutrino Path?

    Homework Statement After beta- decay electron and antineutrino comes out, electron is moving along z axis and it is moving with velocity v. It's spinor is ## \mid\chi\rangle=A\left(\frac{\sqrt{1+\frac{v}{c}}\sin\frac{\theta}{2}}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v}{c}}\cos\frac{\theta}{2}}\right) ## where A is...
  13. S

    I How Does Spin Hall Effect Couple Charge and Spin Current?

    Hi, I have been trying to understand how the spin hall effect comes about. However, everywhere I look I just find 'the spin-orbit interaction couples the charge and spin current'. I really don't understand how does the current couple through the interaction. Any help would be much appreciated...
  14. lc99

    Simple question (help?) -- Forces to spin up a wheel

    Homework Statement A wheel is spun up from rest by application of a force applied to the rim of the wheel. Consider the wheel to be in the plane of the paper, rotating clockwise. This force must point in what direction. 1) at the bottom of the wheel, pointing right 2)at the top, pointing left...
  15. BigDig123

    I Is the total Spin operator a vector

    Hello, I am learning about Excited states of Helium in my undergrad course. I was wondering if the total spin operator Ŝ is a vector quantity or not. Thanks for your help.
  16. W

    Stern-Gerlach: Measurements of spin

    Homework Statement Hi all, here's the problem I need help with: Compare the following situations : A beam of atoms has half of them preselected having spin up along z and the other half having spin down along z. This beam is sent through a Stern-Gerlach (SG) apparatus that sorts in the z...
  17. V

    Energy eigenvalues of spin Hamiltonian

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian of the positronium atom in the ##1S## state in a magnetic field ##B## along the ##z##-axis is to good approximation, $$H=AS_1\cdot S_2+\frac{eB}{mc}(S_{1z}-S_{2z}).$$ Using the coupled representation in which ##S^2=(S_1+S_2)^2##, and ##S_z=S_{1z}+S_{2z}## are...
  18. J

    A Understanding Dirac Equation Spinor Boosts

    Hi, I'm recently learning the Dirac equation and we're following the more historical approaching working in the Dirac basis. At first it seems OK that the upper two components are interpreted as positive energy and the lower two negative. However, when I learned that after a boost the spinor...
  19. W

    I Spin confusion: Stern-Gerlach experiment

    I have some serious issues trying to understand the idea of the spin in the context of the Stern-Gerlach experiment and would appreciate some assistance! Assuming that a homogenous magnetic field ##B## in the "North-wards" ##z##-direction, assume that there is a magnetic dipole moment ##\mu##...
  20. Mentz114

    I Spin and polarization basis problem?

    It is well established that Fermionic or quantum spin is described by the Pauli matrices and their algebra which give the basis vectors and operators. Consider a superposition of spin-up and spin-down states ##\psi_S = \cos(\alpha)|z_+\rangle + \sin(\alpha)|z_-\rangle## and project into...
  21. nagyn

    Spin of a charged sphere in a non-uniform magnetic field

    Homework Statement Consider a solid spinning sphere of negative charge in a non-uniform magnetic field: http://d2vlcm61l7u1fs.cloudfront.net/media%2F2f8%2F2f840122-3d7f-4af3-98a7-efa9b2e7d26a%2FphpBOhfaK.png (the rotation illustrated at the top is supposed to be counter-clockwise). What...
  22. G

    Ways to Spin a Flywheel using linear motion

    I am to try to find simple way to spin a spinning flywheel. What linear motion device acting on the outside edge of a spinning flywheel can be used to increase the speed of the flywheel. Need to use a repeating pattern such as pushing your hand down over and over on the edge of the wheel to...
  23. jk22

    B Gravity and spin 2 representation

    I'm not at all involved in QG but from far away I noticed : Spin 2 representations are 5x5 matrices. But in gravity what mathematical objects are quantized ? If it's the metric then it's a 4x4 matrix so that cannot be that. Or : how does quantization reveal a 5x5 matrix ?
  24. Nouki

    A Why Does Fluorine-19 Have J=1/2 Instead of J=5/2?

    Can anyone explain to me why angular momentum of F-19 equals to J=1/2, but if we calculate J with the shell model the result is J=5/2. Thank you
  25. W

    A How spin projector got included in inverse of Matrix?

    The following matrix A is, \begin{equation} A= \begin{bmatrix} a+b-\sigma\cdot p & -x_1 \\ x_2 & a-b-\sigma\cdot p \end{bmatrix} \end{equation} The inversion of matrix A is, \begin{equation} A^{-1}= \frac{\begin{bmatrix} a-b-\sigma\cdot p & x_1 \\ -x_2 & a+b-\sigma\cdot p...
  26. G

    I Spin Measurements: Up vs Down | Gf

    I’ve been watching the Susskind lectures on utube and already confused. Measurement of spin in up state gives up ( in sig z) while measurement of down gives minus down. What experimentally is the difference between down and minus down? Gf
  27. D

    How to mark a "measles ball" for practicing Snooker spin

    Please excuse me if it's not appropriate to post this question here, but since this group has knowledge of both math and snooker... I'm wanting to make my own "measles ball" for practicing spin on the cue ball. These are cue balls with 6 dots perfectly/evenly spaced on the ball so you can see...
  28. J

    I Distinguishing electrons through spin

    Hi I'm recently reading something about the moller scattering in QED, and I'm feeling a bit curious about how plane waves change their spin orientations (e.g. up to down)(I mean in the scenario that one is up and one is down). In the text it seems that it's because the electrons are...
  29. M

    How Do You Calculate Eigenvalues for Combined Spins in Quantum Mechanics?

    Homework Statement Given 3 spins, #1 and #3 are spin-1/2 and #2 is spin-1. The particles have spin operators ## \vec{S}_i, i=1,2,3 ##. The particles are fixed in space. Let ## \vec{S} = \vec{S}_1 + \vec{S}_2 + \vec{S}_3 ## be the total spin operator for the particles. (ii) Find the eigenvalues...
  30. PhotonSSBM

    Probabilities for two spin systems interacting in isolation

    Homework Statement Consider a system A consisting of a spin 1/2 having magnetic moment ##\mu_0##, and another system A' consisting of 3 spins 1/2 each having magnetic moment ##\mu_0##. Both systems are located in the same magnetic field B . The systems are placed in contact with each other so...
  31. J

    Time Evolution of Spin in a Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian of a spin 1/2 particle is given by: $$H=g\overrightarrow { S }\cdot \overrightarrow { B } $$ where ##\overrightarrow { S }=\hbar \overrightarrow{\sigma }/2## is the spin operator and ##\overrightarrow { B }## is an external magnetic field. 1. Determine...
  32. A

    Spin alignment in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    I'm reading about the theory behind MRI, specifically from Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging, 2nd Edition, by Allisy-Roberts and Williams. According to this book, the spins of the free protons in a sample line up, either parallel or antiparallel, with the externally applied magnetic field. In...
  33. A

    Why does bathwater in a plughole spin AT ALL

    I don't care whether it goes clockwise or anticlockwise so this is not the usual Coriolis conversation. Why doesn't it just go down straight?
  34. Illuminatio fit

    XXh spin chain, colleration function

    Homework Statement So given XXh chain: $$\hat{H} = -J \sum ( S^x_j S^x_{j+1} +S^y_j S^y_{j+1}) + h \sum S^z_j $$ Requred to find $$\langle g| S^z_{j} S^z_{j+n} | g \rangle$$, where g is ground state. 2. The attempt at a solution Using Jordan-Wigner transform firstly I abtain: $$\hat{H} =...
  35. S

    I Vibrations of astronomical bodies

    Pulsars are known to rotate at very predictable frequencies. If a beep or short tone is assigned to each rotation, the spin of the star can be 'sonified'. Pulsars spin anywhere from a few fractions of times per second to over 600 per second. 600 cycles is audible in the human range of hearing...
  36. T

    Does changing the spin of a particle in reaction change bond

    I'm looking into chemical battery that use the molecular tension in chemicals like white phosphorus to store heat energy.But finding a way to slow and defuse the heat and flammability of phosphorus with tungsten and sliver is easy. But rebuilding the molecular tension is harder.
  37. F

    Need Spin Wave Generator Circuit Design

    Hello, I have found the technology of spintronics very interesting with a great potential for the (hopefully near) future & I am desiring to experiment with spin waves. I am sure there are several ways to create a spin wave or current, one of which involves placing a platinum strip at the end...
  38. T

    I Calculating Helicity in Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics using Pauli Matrices

    The helicity in non relativistic quantum mechanics is given by ##\sigma \cdot p / |p|## where ##\sigma## are the pauli matrices and ##p## the momentum. In spinor space, the ##\sigma## are 2x2 matrices, and thus, the helicity, if we calculate it, is a 2x2 quantity. But in 3d physical space, the...
  39. Mentz114

    I Can Spin State Recombination Restore the Original Quantum State?

    The picture shows an experimental setup where one or more silver atoms are sent from an oven through 3 Stern-Gerlag (SG) filters with outputs from E and F going to detectors. If C and D remain coherent they can recombine to restore the original state and the particles all go through port E. If...
  40. T

    I Spin 1/2 representation of a particle

    A spin 1/2 particle is represented by a spinor while its position is represented by a three-vector. What object should we use to represent such particle if we want to consider both features? That is, what object should we use if we want to consider both spin and space position? It seems there's...
  41. F

    How do tailless SWIFT gliders maintain longitudinal stability without tails?

    < Mentor Note -- Poster has been reminded to post links in future thread starts to help others understand the question being asked > Since SWIFT gliders do not have tails, what stops them from going into forward/backward spin ?
  42. B

    Berry phase of 1/2 spin in slowly rotating magnetic field

    Homework Statement Homework Equations This is the way to solve when magnetic field B is arbitrary direction one. The Attempt at a Solution I got a eigenvalue of this Hamiltonian and eigenstates. but i have no idea how to set a coordinate to value the gradient
  43. T

    I Interpretation of photons having zero spin

    What is the interpretation of the fact that photons have spin zero? Does it has do to with the fact that their proper time variation is zero? Or let's go a bit deeper into the math. If it's possible to write down an eigenvalue equation for photons as it is possible for electrons, then we should...
  44. I

    How fast should the Earth spin for centripital accel. to equal gravity?

    Homework Statement 1. Homework Statement The Earth turns once around its axis in 24.0 hours. We will assume that it is perfectly spherical, with radius 6400 km. The mass of the Earth is taken to be 6.00 × 1024 kg. The gravitational acceleration on the surface is taken to be g = 9.80 m/s2 . a)...
  45. arpon

    I Experiment: Spin Rotation Operator

    How do we experimentally apply the operator ## \exp{\left(-i\phi\frac{ S_z}{\hbar}\right)}## on a quantum mechanical system? (Here ##S_z## is the spin angular momentum operator along the z-axis) For example, on a beam of electrons?
  46. Philosophaie

    Spin created due to an Elastic Collision of two solid balls

    In an Elastic Collision in free space with no gravity or friction of two solid balls of radius r1 and r2 I need to calculate the momentum and kinetic energy of the induced spin with angular velocity w1 and w2 to solve for the Conservation of Momentum and Kinetic Energy. Spin Angular Velocity w1...
  47. X

    I Pauli Spin Operator Eigenvalues For Two Electron System

    I'm studying for a qualifying exam and I see something very strange in the answer key to one of the problems from a past qualifying exam. It appears the sigma^2 for a two electron system has eigenvalues according to the picture below of 4s(s+1) while from my understand of Sakurai it should have...
  48. T

    How exactly does an armature spin in an electric motor?

    In an electric motor, there exists two magnetic fields where usually one of them is a permanent magnet whilst the other is an electromagnet. However, how does the magnetic fields enable the armature to rotate / spin? Also, how is the torque from the rotation of the armature transmitted to drive...
  49. M

    B Pulsar Beams: Spin, Wobble, & Projection

    Is the beam of a pulsar projected perpendicular to its spin? If so, is the "pulse" due to wobble?
  50. Quantum Velocity

    B What is Quantum Spin? Understanding Basics

    Hey guy! Can you guy pleas tell me what is quantum spin? I read and watch many stuff but i still don't understand it. Thanks for help!