State Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. W

    I State functions in Grand Canonical Ensemble vs Canonical

    Hi all, I am slightly confused with regard to some ideas related to the GCE and CE. Assistance is greatly appreciated. Since the GCE's partition function is different from that of the CE's, are all state variables that are derived from the their respective partition functions still equal in...
  2. hnnhcmmngs

    Minimum heat removed from gas to restore its state

    Homework Statement After a free expansion to quadruple its volume, a mole of ideal diatomic gas is compressed back to its original volume isobarically and then cooled down to its original temperature. What is the minimum heat removed from the gas in the final step to restoring its state...
  3. hnnhcmmngs

    How Does the Equation of State for a Solid Change with Temperature and Pressure?

    Homework Statement [/B] Find the equation of state of a solid that has an isobaric expansion coefficient dV/dT = 2cT - bp and an isothermal pressure-volume coefficient dV/dp = -bT (Assume the solid has a volume Vo at zero temperature and pressure. Enter a mathematical equation. Use any variable...
  4. B

    Quantum state of entangled photons

    Homework Statement Suppose two polarization-entangled photons A and B in the following Bell state: \begin{equation} \Phi=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bigl(\left|H_{A},H_{B}\right\rangle + \left| V_{A},V_{B}\right\rangle\bigr) \end{equation} 1. What is the state if the photon A passes through a...
  5. confusedius

    Solid State Physics: Draw the Dispersion Relation from the Fermi Surface

    Homework Statement ln the figure below you (b, which is taken from Jenö Sólyom Fundamentals of the physics of solids. Volume 2 chapter 19) see the Fermi sphere of radius k_F inside one section in two dimensions of the Brillouin zone of Na. Draw the dispersion relation E(k) from the I point in...
  6. Z

    "The theoritical minimum" modern equivalent for solid state?

    Hi, for those who don't know, Landau (Lev Davidovitch Landau) had a famous exam called "The theoretical minimum". That exam had to be passed by any future grad-student of his. That test was extremely extensive and difficult, and the student was supposed to be knowledgeable about many fields of...
  7. S

    Total energy of hydrogen at ground state

    Homework Statement What is the total energy of the hydrogen atom at ground state? a. 13.6 eV b. mpc2 + mnc2 c. mpc2 + mnc2 - 13.6 eV d. mpc2 + mnc2 + 13.6 eV Homework Equations E =...
  8. Cathr

    How to Correctly Write Thermodynamic State Equations?

    Homework Statement I am always confused about how to correctly write the functions U, H, F, G when they're not depending on the usual variables p, V, T, S - same question for Q and W. For example, we have to calculate the temperature variation of a small surface of water when we isentropically...
  9. Another

    I I do not understand Equations of state

    why ##\ln(\frac{V}{Nλ^3})## Equal to ##\ln(E^{3/2})##? so ##E^{3/2}=\frac{V}{Nλ^3}## ? i think ##λ∝\frac{N^{1/2}}{E^{1/2}}## and ##E^{3/2}∝\frac{N^{3/2}}{λ^3}##
  10. Q

    I Quantum State: Electron, Proton, and Neutron Explained

    Can anyone tell me, What quantum state really is? Is it applicable for all sub atomic particles? Then, Can anyone explain how two electron are never in same quantum state. And Does proton or neutron follows the same law as electron for obtaining unique quantum state.
  11. L

    Quantum - Two State Problem in different bases

    Homework Statement [/B] (Working through a problem from a practice set for which I have a solution available, but still don't understand. I get the same answer as they do for part a, but get lost in part b, I think. Relevant portions below) Consider a two-state quantum system. In the...
  12. bob012345

    How Does Penrose Calculate Entropy in Cycles of Time?

    Sir Roger Penrose in his book Cycles of Time on page 19 states the result of a calculation of probability of mixing red and blue balls as an illustration of entropy as state counting and the Second Law. He assumes an equal number of each. There is a cube of 10^8 balls on an edge subdivided into...
  13. X

    Max Shear Stress in 3D Stress State?

    Hi, there's no particular question I need help on - just a few things I need clarifying. To determine the max shear stress, I know max shear stress = (max normal stress - min normal stress)/2, but are these equations true for a 3D stress state? (please look at attached image) Thank you
  14. Y

    I Schmidt decomposition and entropy of the W state

    Hello, The state | W \rangle = \frac { 1 } { \sqrt { 3 } } ( | 001 \rangle + | 010 \rangle + | 100 \rangle ) is entangled. The Schmidt decomposition is : What would the Schmidt decomposition be for | W \rangle ? I am also intersted in writing the reduced density matrix but I need the basis...
  15. H

    Thermodynamics: using Peng-Robinson's equation of state

    MODERATOR NOTE: NO TEMPLATE BECAUSE THREAD WAS ORIGINALLY STARTED IN NON-HOMEWORK FORUM I'm struggling with a question on an assignment about thermodynamics: Nitrogen gas, initially at a temperature of 170 K and a pressure of 100 bar, escapes from a thermally isolated tank with a volume of...
  16. K

    A Dipole, harmonic oscillator, and the coherent state

    Dear all, I am aware that a weakly driven dipole can be modeled as a damped driven simple harmonic oscillator. If I have to model the dipole as being driven by a classical monochromatic electromagnetic wave, would the corresponding simple harmonic oscillator then be in coherent state ? In...
  17. C

    Ground state and 1st excited state energy of 3 Fermions

    Homework Statement So in my problem, there's a given of 3 non interacting fermions in a harmonic well potential. I already got the wavefunction but i have problems in obtaining the ground state energy and its 1st excited state energy for 3 fermions (assuming they are non interacting and...
  18. H

    Current State of Nuclear Fusion Power

    When I was an undergrad doing research in a university lab, the director of the lab also consulted at a Nuclear Fusion company. I remember like it was yesterday him making a statement that commercial Nuclear Fusion was going to be a reality within 10 years. That was 1977. What happened? Lack...
  19. S

    Proof of allowed and forbidden electron state transition.

    Homework Statement One way to establish which transitions are forbidden is to compute the expectation value of the electron’s position vector r using wave functions for both the initial and final states in the transition. That is, compute ∫ΨfrΨidτ where τ represents an integral over all space...
  20. C

    The Current State of Mathematical Rigour

    Sorry if that title doesn't match up well with my question. I think it captures roughly what I'm wondering about. My uncertainty is to do with how much of mathematics is certainly true. Like, if I picked up any undergrad or grad textbook in mathematics, would everything in it be true based on...
  21. M

    Quantum Zeno Effect and Evolution Operator Properties

    Homework Statement Let ##U_t = e^{-iHt/\hbar}## be the evolution operator associated with the Hamiltonian ##H##, and let ##P=\vert\phi\rangle\langle \phi\vert## be the projector on some normalized state vector ##\vert \phi\rangle##. Show that $$\underbrace{PU_{t/n}P\dots PU_{t/n}}_{n\text{...
  22. Edge5

    I How can electrons have the same spin in triplet state?

    Hello, I don't understand how can electrons in triplet state can have the same value of spin? Shouldn't the spins be different because two fermions can't have the same state? The following picture explain my question in more detail.
  23. M

    Find the spinor-state for a given expectation value

    Homework Statement Let ##\vec{e}\in\mathbb{R}^3## be any unit vector. A spin ##1/2## particle is in state ##|\chi \rangle## for which $$\langle\vec{\sigma}\rangle =\vec{e},$$ where ##\vec{\sigma}## are the Pauli-Matrices. Find the state ##|\chi\rangle## Homework Equations :[/B] are all given...
  24. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Energy in capacitor at steady state

    Homework Statement In the circuit shown, C1= 1 microfarad, C2=3 microfarad, in steady state, the energy stored in these capacitors are? Homework Equations Kirchoff's laws, E=0.5CV^2, V=IR The Attempt at a Solution At steady state, no current passes through the capacitors, so current is...
  25. L

    I Estimate of ground state energy for the Yukawa potential

    I’ve seen the uncertainty principle used to calculate the ground state energy for things like hydrogen and the harmonic oscillator, but can this be done for the Yukawa potential where you have an exponential?
  26. J

    I Is the Smallest Eigenvalue Always the Ground State Energy?

    If I diagonalize the hamiltonian matrix ,I can get the eigenvalues , does the smallest eigenvalue always be the ground state energy?
  27. mesa

    Looking for excited state gamma emission data on everything?

    Hey guys, I am looking for a database on gamma emission from the first few excited states of known isotopes for a piece of software we are putting together. Any format is fine. Thanks!
  28. bbbl67

    Calculating the quantum state of an electron

    Homework Statement An electron in a hydrogen atom falling from an excited state to the ground state has the same wavelength than an electron moving at a speed of 7821 ms^-1. From which excited state did the electron fall from? Homework Equations I used the kinetic energy equation: K = (m...
  29. E

    Inverted Pendulum on a Cart -- Nonlinear State Space equations

    Hi good day. I am trying to find the general Inverted Pendulum on a cart nonlinear state space equations with two degrees of freedom with x, x_dot, theta, theta_dot which represents displacement, velocity, pendulum angle from vertical, angular velocity. However from research, I am seeing...
  30. W

    Outrageous Facts by Academically Validated Physicists

    Can anyone post here quotes from academically validated physicists that state outrageous facts? I realize that Bohr said that if one isn't shocked by QM one doesn't understand it. But I am looking for something more specific. For example a quote about superposition , entanglement etc. The idea...
  31. H

    I Represenation of a state vector in a different basis

    Is it possible to expand a state vector in a basis where the basis vectors are not eigenvectors for some observable A? Or must it always be the case that when we expand our state vector in some basis, it will always be with respect to some observable A?
  32. N

    Is this really an excited state?

    The figure below is from a textbook. It is explaining what excited states are using carbon as an example. I don't necessarily agree that the the state labeled as "example excited state 1" is really an excited state. Since the electrons in the 2p orbitals are unpaired, and in the absence of a...
  33. J

    I Can the Many Worlds interpretation state the Born Rule as a postulate?

    Every derivation from the MWI of the born rule is circular. So my question is, can the MWI state the born rule as a postulate (without deriving) and still be a coherent interpretation of probability? The most famous argument against this notion is by...
  34. Warda Anis

    Expectation value <p> of the ground state of hydrogen

    Homework Statement How should I calculate the expectation value of momentum of an electron in the ground state in hydrogen atom. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am trying to apply the p operator i.e. ##-ihd/dx## over ##\psi##. and integrating it from 0 to infinity. The answer I...
  35. Y

    State Space Model of an RL Circuit

    Homework Statement For the given circuits, identify state variables and derive a state-space model for each. Assume the input is v(t) and the output is vL(t). Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] So my issue is that I solved this problem using two different methods. First...
  36. A

    A The half harmonic oscillator's ground state wave function

    For the half harmonic oscillator the ground state wave function is of the form x*exp(-x^2/2) But sir how to check it's parity and with respect to with point As this function is valid for positive x only Thank you
  37. S

    State Space representation of an inverted Pendulum

    Homework Statement I am trying to learn how to create state space representations. I am using this link to study. Could someone explain how to get the matrix A from my equations? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  38. Sushmita

    Ground state energy of 5 identical spin 1/2 particle

    Homework Statement The ground state energy of 5 identical spin 1/2 particles which are subject to a one dimensional simple harkonic oscillator potential of frequency ω is (A) (15/2) ħω (B) (13/2) ħω (C) (1/2) ħω (D) 5ħω Homework Equations Energy of a simple harmonic oscillator potential is En...
  39. Sushmita

    A particle of mass 'm' is initially in a ground state of 1- D Harmonic oscillator potential V(x)....

    Homework Statement [/B] A particle of mass 'm' is initially in a ground state of 1- D Harmonic oscillator potential V(x) = (1/2) kx2 . If the spring constant of the oscillator is suddenly doubled, then the probability of finding the particle in ground state of new potential will be? (A)...
  40. F

    A How can a mixed state particle absorb a "quanta" of energy?

    Imagine a two-state system, e.g., a single nucleus that can be aligned or anti-aligned with an external magnetic field. If that nucleus is in a "mixed state" at time zero, such that it's wavefunction is 50% up and 50% down at time zero, why can that nucleus absorb a "quanta" of radiofrequency...
  41. M

    Write the state of the system after r photons leave the |nϕ> state

    Homework Statement (Note: this is the last part of a longer problem, so I hope I won't miss anything important) We have a laser with 2 energy levels, so the emitted photons will have the energy ##\omega##. For this given energy there are ##m## states in which the photon can be, denoted...
  42. Pouyan

    Finding state vectors for pure states

    Homework Statement Is the following matrix a state operator ? and if it is a state operator is it a pure state ? and if it is so then find the state vectors for the pure state. If you don't see image here is the matrix which is 2X2 in MATLAB code: [9/25 12/25; 12/25 16/25] Homework...
  43. Jenab2

    I How to get state vector in 4-observation method of Gauss

    In the four-observation method of Gauss for orbit determination, the right ascension and declination of an asteroid is observed at specified times, and the heliocentric position of Earth is obtained from tables (or JPL Horizons) for those same times. I can follow the procedure to the point...
  44. J

    I Is the ground state energy of a quantum field actually zero?

    I start by outlining the little I know about the basics of quantum field theory. The simplest relativistic field theory is described by the Klein-Gordon equation of motion for a scalar field ##\large \phi(\vec{x},t)##: $$\large \frac{\partial^2\phi}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2\phi+m^2\phi=0.$$ We...
  45. G

    A Energy gap between energy bands in solid state physics

    I know that Bragg reflection in solid states at the edge of e.g. the first Brillouin Zone causes standing waves at these edges, which creates a gap between the energy bands. In this picture below you can see the probability density of a symmetric (+) and anti-symmetric (-) standing wave. The...
  46. maistral

    Volume translated Peng-Robinson equation of state

    Hi. Please excuse my ignorance but this entire volume translation formulas for EOS confuses me to no end. Could someone tell me how the volume-translated Peng-Robinson exactly works? How do I calculate the fugacity expression of VTPR? Do I integrate the V + c terms against dV or do i integrate...
  47. P

    Why is a state with large number of photons not classical?

    In the last paragraph of these notes,, it says how a state with large number of photons is not classical. Why is that? I thought quantum mechanics' laws were most applicable when we...
  48. S

    Total Angular Momentum of an odd-parity shell-model state

    Homework Statement A certain odd-parity shell-model state can hold up to a maximum of 4 nucleons. What are its values of J and L? What about an odd-parity shell-model state with a maximum of 6 nucleons? Homework Equations Parity = (-1)L J = L+S Total angular momentum, J, is equal to orbital...
  49. Psinter

    Which state would you like to live in?

    I got invited to visit Washington on winter next year. Not knowing the geography of the states, I checked on the map and my immediate reaction to my friend was: "Uff! That's almost in the North Pole!" :DD I'll have to think about it. Cold and me do not mix well. Jokes aside, I realized how...
  50. Grinkle

    B How do we maintain a system in a non-dertministic state?

    @mfb From this thread - Post #2 - "It is not feasible to keep such a large and especially a biological object in a state without measurement" How does one keep a multi-particle...