Static Definition and 1000 Threads

Static is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Milestone Comics founders Dwayne McDuffie, Denys Cowan, Michael Davis, and Derek T. Dingle. Static's first appearance was made in Static #1 (June 1993) in the Modern Age of Comic Books, written by McDuffie and Robert L. Washington III, and illustrated by John Paul Leon. Virgil Ovid Hawkins is a member of a fictional subspecies of humans with superhuman abilities known as metahumans. Not born with his powers, Hawkins' abilities develop after an incident exposes him to a radioactive chemical. This event renders him capable of electromagnetic control and generation.
The character drew much inspiration and was in fact designed to represent a modern-era Spider-Man archetype. After the closing of Milestone Comics, Static was incorporated into the DC Universe and became a member of the Teen Titans. A common misconception is that Hawkins is the son of fellow DC Comics superhero Black Lightning, who debuted much earlier and possesses electrical abilities. Black Lightning addresses the coincidence once in a Justice League narrative.Static has made numerous appearances in other forms of media. The character has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

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  1. S

    Static & Kinetic Friction + An Applied Force on an Inclined Ramp

    Homework Statement A box with a mass of 22 kg is at rest on a ramp inclined at 45 degrees to the horizontal. The coefficients of friction between the box and the ramp are μs = 0.78 and μk = 0.65 a) Determine magnitude of the largest force that can be applied upward, parallel to the ramp...
  2. O

    Medical Static magnetic field and scalp

    Hello! I was just wondering, do static magnetic fields penetrate effectively into human tissue such as the scalp? What factors would affect the field? Blood flow? Ion gradients? Thanks!
  3. S

    Banked Curves and Static Frictional Components

    The part of the tire on the ground of a moving car is relatively stationary compared to the ground, right? The way the wheels work is the friction parallel to the direction of movement right? So when we calculate centripetal acceleration for cars going in a circle and the friction forces, why do...
  4. A

    Static Friction and minimum force

    Homework Statement The coefficient of static friction between the box (6.75 kg) and the ramp (30 degree incline) is 0.500. What is the magnitude of the minimum force, F, that must be applied to the box perpendicularly to the ramp to prevent the box from sliding? Homework Equations...
  5. E

    Solving Static Equilibrium: Force at Support & Left End

    Homework Statement A diving board of length 3.00 m is supported at a point 1.00 m from the end, and a diver weighing 490 N stands at the free end . The diving board is of uniform cross section and weighs 295 N. Find the force 1) by the support 2) at the left end Picture Link...
  6. P

    Static Equilibrium with buoyant force. High difficulty.

    Homework Statement I attached the original problem and a diagram I made with the variables on it. Basically we have a rod hanging from a wire at an angle theta with tension and the other end floating in water. So there is T=tension, weight=w=mg and buoyant force=F_b. I introduced symbols for...
  7. A

    Finding acceleration on an incline plane with static friction

    Hello everyone I am a newbie as well as in physics. I am having a problem in a question as in the attachment. I have learned that the equation of the static friction (Fs) of an object is equals to the product of the coefficient to the normal force of the object. In this question, let mass of...
  8. C

    Does static tension wear out a spring?

    Alright, here's the context of my question: I have a pistol for home defense, and I keep a magazine loaded with ammunition in case I ever had to use it. Otherwise, I'd have to scuffle around and load the magazine before it could be used for its intended purpose, and that would sort of...
  9. B

    Creating static electricity from an electrical current

    Is it possible to use an electrical current (from mains electricity) to create static electricity on a conductive surface (that is not earthed) without the two coming into direct contact? See attached image.
  10. T

    So, why is the potential decreasing as we move away from the origin?

    Hi friends Problem is - Attempt - Well the potential at the origin is 10V. But if we move a distance of 1unit from the origin in any axis, the potential becomes 8 V. The difference is...
  11. H

    Earth & Time: Static Earth & Measurable Time?

    Question that's been boggling my mind all day lol.. If the Earth was completely static (Not spinning around its poles, the sun, the galactic center, or moving away from the center of the universe) would time still be measurable?
  12. R

    Static Equilibrium for an object in 3-dimension

    I have studied a few online sources about static equilibrium in a mechanical system. My overall understanding is that for an object to be in static equilibrium, two following conditions have to be fulfilled: 1) Vector sum of all external forces that act on body must be zero. 2) Vector sum of...
  13. B

    Rigid Object In Static Equilibrium

    Hello, I am currently reading the about the topic mentioned in the title of this thread. In my textbook, the author gives the example with the wine-bottle and it's holder (I attached a photo). In this example, the author states that in order for this to be in static equilibrium, the second...
  14. Y

    Static Pressure in Gravity-Fed Water System: Analyzing Real-World Problem

    I have a somewhat theoretical question based on a real world problem regarding a gravity-fed domestic water system: I have a very large tank (~10,000 gal) at 300' elevation supplying water to a piping system consisting of a 6" line coming down from the tank to a tee at 100' elevation. Branch...
  15. Z

    Vacuum solution with static, spherical symmetric spacetime

    Homework Statement I am trying to derive the line element for this geometry. But I am not sure how to show that ds can't contain any crossterms of d\theta and d\phi Homework Equations ds must be invariant under reflections \theta \rightarrow \theta'=\pi - \theta and \phi...
  16. R

    Finding the coefficient of static friction

    Homework Statement So a hot wheel was put on a linear track, and one end of the track is slowly lifted until the cart starts to move. The height of the one end is measured as 6.45cm and distance (or hypotenuse) is 189.5cm mass of hot wheel is 45.7 g Homework Equations PE = mgh KE =...
  17. S

    Static vs. Neutral Equilibrium of a Mesh

    Suppose a square metal mesh sheet is hung off-center from a string and you are charged with the task of hanging various weights so that the mesh will be in static equilibrium, roughly horizontal. Why is it that this task must be done with masses that can exert torques large enough to flex the...
  18. E

    Static fraction force coefficient

    Homework Statement We have a car with mass of 1200kg driving at 55km/h. It suddenly starts breaking. The breaks "work" on every of the 4 wheels with the constant torque of 12Nm. The radius of the wheels is 0,21m. Question 1: How long does the car travel before it stops if the wheels have...
  19. Islam Hassan

    Higgs Field: Perfectly Static Particle is Massless?

    Like the question says: if a particle is perfectly static with respect to the Higgs field, can we still define mass or is mass then irrelevant? On another note, (and if I am not mistaken) why does mass not vary with a particle's speed with respect to the Higgs field? IH
  20. D

    Cosmology - given omega_m and a static universe, find the range of values of q_0

    Hi there, the full question is as follows: Suppose omega_m = 0.2. If we observe cosmic acceleration at z=0, what is the possible range of values of q_0? What is the minimum value of lambda? What is omega_total? so I'm having trouble with the relationship between q_{0}, \Omega_{m,0}, \lambda...
  21. L

    Are static models totally static?

    Hi, I appreciate the basics if static models, but I'm wondering just how static they are. I understand there is no expansion, but is there any element of evolution? (For example, colliding galaxies, collapsing dust clouds, etc.) Regards, Noel.
  22. T

    Static equilibrium with Youn modulus

    Homework Statement In Figure, a 103 kg uniform log hangs by two steel wires, A and B, both of radiuses 1.20 mm. Initially, wire A was 2.50 m long and 2.00 mm shorter than wire B. The log is now horizontal. What are the magnitudes of the forces on it from Wire A, and Wire B? Ysteel= 2.00*10^(11)...
  23. G

    Layden jar questions? And some static electricity questions.?

    Layden jar questions? :) And some static electricity questions.?? Hello. I'm making a layden jar and i am kinda changing some details in it. and i want to ask if those will affect anything in the performance and if it's shocks can be lethal..
  24. T

    How Far Can a Painter Walk on a Plank Before It Tips?

    Homework Statement A painter (mass 61 kg) is walking along a trestle, consisting of a uniform plank (mass 20.0 kg, length 6.00 m) balanced on two sawhorses. Each sawhorse is placed 1.40 m from an end of the plank. A paint bucket (mass 4.0 kg, diameter 28 cm) is placed as close as possible to...
  25. B

    Static and dynamic analysis of a crank with pedal

    Hi. me and my friend have a problem that we can't really agree upon. we are doing an analysis study on a bike's crank and pedal. the first picture shows how we put the force of 210 N. picture 2 shows how we used "fixed geometry" to lock the part in place. now, this is the static...
  26. M

    What is the Time it Takes for a Car to Fall off a Cliff with Given Parameters?

    Homework Statement I am trying to start a project. My first step is to figure out the time a car fell off of a cliff. I know the height of the cliff which 40 meters, the base of the cliff from the car when it reaches the bottom which is 30 meters. The car has a static friction coeffiecient of...
  27. F

    Coefficient of static friction and kinetic friction problem

    Hi all, I'm in an algebra based physics class so I apologize if the way I approach the problem is different from what you might be used to. A buddy of mine is calc based physics always gets confused about how I set the problems up. Also, this is my first post! Thanks in advance for the help...
  28. S

    Physics Kinetic and Static fricton problem

    You need to move a 235 kg refrigerator away from the wall to clean behind it. The sliding μ is .375 and the static μ is .535. You can apply a force of 1250 N. a) How much force will it take to move the refrigerator. b) Once it is moving, how fast can you accelerate it. Can someone please...
  29. B

    FEA - Static Condensation Example?

    Folks, Can anyone point me to an online source detailing an example of the static condensation process in finite elements. I believe sub structuring is another term used to describe the same process. Regards Bugatti
  30. S

    A flatbed truck and Static Friction and Crate breaking loose

    A flatbed truck and Static Friction and Crate "breaking loose" Homework Statement A flatbed truck is going downhill on a slope of 10 degrees at a constant speed of 20 m/s (a little over 50mph). A crate of 500 kg is sitting on the flatbed , without being attached by ropes or cables. The...
  31. T

    Kinetic and Static Friction Problems

    Kinetic and Static Friction Problems Please Help! Mr. Bob slid a 250g plate 1.35m across the dish return counter. It slowed with a constant acceleration for 0.85s before coming to a stop. a) Find the magnitude of the force of friction b) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction...
  32. M

    How to find the coefficient of static friction.

    Homework Statement In order to hold a book of mass m stationary against a wall, you must push horizontally with a force of at least P. a. make a force diagram and find the coefficient of static friction b. calculate the coefficient of static friction for the wall and book when at least a...
  33. N

    Calculating the Angle of Static Friction for a Crane Lifting a Box

    Homework Statement A small crane is lifting a 10kg box of nails. If the coefficient of static friction is .4, calculate the angle at which the box begins to slide. Homework Equations Fg x component: mg sin Ff = ukmgcos The Attempt at a Solution Fnet = Fgx - Ff Would the net force...
  34. J

    Static and Kinetic Friction problem

    1. Homework Statement [/b] A box weighing 100N is at rest on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the surface is 0.5, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.25. If the crate is pushed with a force of 20N parallel to the floor, which of the following...
  35. A

    Difference between kinetic and static friction.

    Homework Statement I know that static friction is normally almost always more than kinetic friction. But I do not know how to prove that. I have to find formulas to find static and kinetic friction, but when the object is at rest or constant velocity, F-µ(Fn)=0. It is the same equation for...
  36. Y

    Need help on static friction problem

    Homework Statement The problem is While trying to decide where to hang a framed picture, you press it against the wall to keep it from falling. The picture weighs 5.0 N and you press against the frame with a force of 6.0 N at an angle of 40ºfrom the vertical. What is the coefficient...
  37. G

    Aerodynamic efficiency and static longitudinal stability

    Hello, I am looking for research results, report etc. dealing with -aerodynamic efficiency and static longitudinal stability- Couldn´t find anything useful yet! Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Best Regards, granby
  38. S

    Scissor mechanism: static analysis

    Hi all, I have this mechanism and I have to calcutate the spring applied by the spring to stand the force F. I have done a simple analysis but unfortunately it's wrong since I get the system is never in equilibrium. Would...
  39. J

    Overcoming static friction - easy

    Homework Statement A very strong 100kg man is having a tug of war with a 1500 kg elephant. The coefficient of static friction for both on the ground is 1.0. a) Find the force needed to move the elephant. b) What would happen if the man could actually exert such a force? Homework Equations Ff =...
  40. T

    Calculating Static Friction Coefficient w/ Angle of Uniform Slip

    How do you use the angle of uniform slip to calculate the coefficient of static friction? Is there an equation for this? I cannot find it in the module on friction provided with the course... thanks! I found somewhere that tanθ=μk, but that doesn't really help me, as i am looking for μs...
  41. N

    Solve for Pulling Force for Sled w/ Mass, Angle, & Coeff. of Friction

    Homework Statement A father gives his daughter a ride on a sled by applying a force F at an angle θ = 26.0° with respect to the horizontal. If the coefficient of static friction is µs = 0.153, and the combined mass of sled and child is m = 24.0 kg What is the minimum amount of force...
  42. E

    Coefficient of static friction on an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A crate, mass = 275 kg, sits at rest on a surface that is inclined at 20.0° above the horizontal. A horizontal force (parallel to the ground), F = 583 N is required to just start the crate moving down the incline. 2. The attempt at a solution U = (((mg sin (∅)) +...
  43. T

    How to Find Coeffecient of Static Friction?

    Homework Statement A crate, M = 277 kg, sits at rest on a surface that is inclined at 20.0° above the horizontal. A horizontal force (parallel to the ground), F1 = 594 N is required to just start the crate moving down the incline. To the nearest thousandth, what is the coefficient of static...
  44. M

    What Is the Minimum Force Required to Move a Crate with Static Friction?

    Homework Statement A crate of weight Fg is pushed by a force P on a horizontal floor. (a) If the coefficient of static friction is μ s and P is directed at angle θ below the horizontal, show that the minimum value of P that will move the crate is given by P = usFgSecθ / (1 - usTanθ)...
  45. R

    Block on a ramp Sum of forces, normal force, static friction, etc Question

    Ok so I already know how to solve it by looking at an example my teacher did in class... This is what I did... 4. A 2.00 kg block is held in equilibrium on an incline of angle θ = 70° by a horizontal force vector F applied in the direction shown in the figure below. If the coefficient of static...
  46. H

    Static Rotation as an Axial Vector

    If I rotate an object about an arbitrary axis, I can draw an arrow along that axis, and assign it a length proportional to the amount of rotation. I can project that arrow onto the basis of a rectangular coordinate system. The question arises, is it a vector? I can certainly transform it...
  47. N

    Can I deduce the coefficient of static friction with Mass, Velocity and Radius?

    The Known: Mass=2000kg Velocity=50m/s Radius=1000m With the given information the lab worksheet I'm working on is asking me to deduce the coefficient of friction so that I can manipulate the data and answer some questions. The problem I have is that I am not entirely sure that this could...
  48. A

    Coefficient of static friction.

    Homework Statement A 1980kg car starts from rest at point A on a 5° incline and coasts through a distance of 158m to point B. The brakes are then applied, causing the car to come to a stop at point C, 21m from point B. Knowing that slipping is impending during the braking period and neglecting...
  49. D

    Imbalanced ball's affect on static friction

    Given a circle with a point mass attached, what is the relationship between the linear force and the force of static friction as it rolls without slipping? Each force diagram I made ( seems a plausible place to start: a makes no torque, b makes no linear force, c makes...
  50. F

    Static and Kinetic friction question

    Homework Statement A crate is being pushed up a hill with friction. Given: m1 = 131 kg, θ = 23°, \mus = 0.15, and \muk = 0.08. If the crate isn't being pushed anymore, what will be the magnitude of the acceleration of the crate sliding downhill? What force must be exerted to move the crate...