Static Definition and 1000 Threads

Static is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by Milestone Comics founders Dwayne McDuffie, Denys Cowan, Michael Davis, and Derek T. Dingle. Static's first appearance was made in Static #1 (June 1993) in the Modern Age of Comic Books, written by McDuffie and Robert L. Washington III, and illustrated by John Paul Leon. Virgil Ovid Hawkins is a member of a fictional subspecies of humans with superhuman abilities known as metahumans. Not born with his powers, Hawkins' abilities develop after an incident exposes him to a radioactive chemical. This event renders him capable of electromagnetic control and generation.
The character drew much inspiration and was in fact designed to represent a modern-era Spider-Man archetype. After the closing of Milestone Comics, Static was incorporated into the DC Universe and became a member of the Teen Titans. A common misconception is that Hawkins is the son of fellow DC Comics superhero Black Lightning, who debuted much earlier and possesses electrical abilities. Black Lightning addresses the coincidence once in a Justice League narrative.Static has made numerous appearances in other forms of media. The character has been featured in various animated series, including Static Shock, a version of the storyline made slightly more suitable for a younger audience, as well as animated films and video games.

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  1. N

    T: What is the Minimum Distance for No Slipping in Static Equilibrium?

    a rod of length 4m and weight Fg is supported at one end by a cable attached to a wall that makes an angle of 37 degrees with the rod. an object of equal weight is a distance of xm from the wall. the coefficient of static friction between the wall and the rod is .5 determine the minimum distance...
  2. N

    Equilibrium of Two People Holding Uniform Beam

    two people are holding a unifrom beam of length 7.6m and weight 450N. the first person is holding the beam 1 m from the left end the second is holding the beam 2m from the right end determine the force the each person exerts on the beam. choosing the axis as the left most person who exerts...
  3. N

    How Do Two People Balance a Uniform Beam at Different Distances?

    a uniform beam of length l and mass m is caried by two people one is distance d1 from the left end the other is distance d2 from the right end determine the force each person exerts on the beam. I have yet to encounter a rotational problem such as this with 2 axi
  4. T

    Static friction, uniform circular motion problem

    So I've been pondering on this question for quite a while and I'm a little stumped. It's not a homework problem; just a problem I came across yahoo answers a week ago. Basically it's a true or false question: Homework Statement If a highway curve is properly banked and posted at 45 mph, it...
  5. B

    Static equilibrium of diving board

    Homework Statement A uniform diving board of mass=27kg and length x=4.3m is supported by two beams. beam A at x=0m and beam B at x=1.1m. A 68kg diver stands at the other side of the board. A. Find force on support A. B. Find force on support B. Homework Equations Net force = 0 Net...
  6. J

    Static Equilibrium, new to this subject, help please?

    Homework Statement So I have looked at several ladder example problems, (the most basic for statics), but was given a problem by my professor that has me a little stumped. This is day 2 of learning for me and I am caught up, here's the problem: A 30.8 kg beam is attached to a wall with a...
  7. B

    Frictional Torque for Static Equilibrium of a Pulley

    Homework Statement A mass of 0.311kg is attached to one end of a string, and a mass of 0.625kg is handing off the other end. The string goes over a pulley which has friction in its axle. What is the magnitude of frictional torque required to maintain static equilibrium? Homework...
  8. W

    Find Coeff. of Static Friction of Car on Track

    Homework Statement A car traveling on a flat circular track of radius 5m accelerates uniformly from rest with a tangential acceleration of 1.7m/s^2. The car makes it 0.2 of the way around the track before skidding off. Acceleration of gravity=9.8m/s^s. What is the coefficient of static...
  9. L

    How Do You Calculate Tension and Hinge Forces in Static Equilibrium?

    Homework Statement The metal pole has a mass of 10kg, and the load has a mass of 50kg. The rope is attached so that it is ¼ of the pole’s length from the free end of the pole. Find the tension in the rope and the force at the hinge. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  10. L

    Static friction in Rotational Motion

    A car with a weight of 10,500 N rounds a curve with a radius of 102 m on a level road at 44.0 m/s. The tires are at the point of starting to skid at this speed. a. What is the maximum force of static friction? b. What is the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road?
  11. J

    Circular Motion Problem With Static Friction

    1.Two metal cylinders of mass m1 and m2 are placed one at the top of the other on a circular turntable that is rotating at a constant speed as illustrated in the diagram. The coefficient of static friction between the lower cylinder and the turntable is s1 and the coefficient of static friction...
  12. H

    Finding Applied force given Mass and Kinetic and Static coefficients.

    Homework Statement Your family just had anew refrigerator delivered. The delivery man has left and you realize that the refrigerator is not quite in the right position, so you plan to move it several centimeters. If the refrigerator has a mass of 180 kg, the coefficient of kinetic friction...
  13. C

    Static Friction of a Braking Truck

    Homework Statement A crate sits unrestrained on the back of a flatbed truck traveling along a straight road at a speed of 80km/hr. The driver applies a constant braking force and comes to a stop in a distance of 22m. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction between the crate and the...
  14. O

    Simple harmonic motion and static equilibrium

    Homework Statement In static equilibrium a spring is stretched 0.25 m by a hanging mass. If the system is initially moved up to the unstretched position and released with zero velocity, determine position of the mass (in m) after 4.2s. Take the equilibrium position to be zero and up the...
  15. A

    Are static E fields non existant?

    Since electrons can never be at rest because they have some non zero temperature, Isn't the static E field that one would perceive in a capacitor just an averaging of all the E fields creates by electrons in motion on either side of the capacitor plates. If this is so, since the electrons...
  16. K

    Coefficient of static friction?

    I have this question that I am working on, I think I know the formula to figure it out, but I am not too sure. I just need some help explaining how to do it, what to figure out first. The rest I can obviously do myself. Thank you so much! A 1450 kg car is towing a trailer of a mass of 454 kg...
  17. T

    Determining static equilibrium this way?

    Suppose that one has a heavy rigid beam supported by two vertical rods at two different points A and B, and wants to calculate the reaction R_A, R_B made by the rods. I found the reactions first by taking moments with respect to A, and then with respect to B. In both cases I included the...
  18. R

    Static friction coefficient on different slopes

    Homework Statement Two blocks with the same mass m = 1 kg are stationary on two slopes with slope angles of 30 and 45 degrees. Both blocks are connected with the larger one in the middle via two pulleys. Made a sketch to make it clearer...
  19. M

    What Angle \(\phi\) Balances the Pulley in Static Equilibrium?

    Homework Statement (rotate picture 90 degree clockwise) A 50 lb weight is supported by a wire attached to a pulley at point B. The Pulley rests on wire ABC. If the tension in wire ABC is equal to 70lb determine the angle \phi necessary to keep point B in balance Homework Equations F=ks...
  20. T

    Static equilibrium of a window washer

    I was given 2 problems based on statics and I was wondering if anyone could help. Thank you - we just learned the concepts of statics TODAY and were given an assignment immediately, so any help would be appreciated. A window washer attempts to lean a ladder against a frictionless wall...
  21. T

    Finding static force and kinetic force

    Homework Statement A 4.00 kg block is pushed along the ceiling with aconstant applied force of 85 N that acts at an angle of 55 degrees with the horizontal. The block accelerates to the right at 6.00 m/s2. Determine the coefficient of kinetic force between the block and cieling Homework...
  22. Z

    Poynting vector in static electromagnetic field

    There is a situation, we have an electric field and a magnetic field, both are static. And we know the density of energy is u=E·D/2+B·H/2, so dU/dt=0, but Poynting vector S=ExH is not zero, which means energy is flowing. This confused me. Static field also has energy flux?
  23. C

    Does Shoe Contact Area or Mass Affect Friction Coefficients?

    Homework Statement Does contact area of the bottom of a shoe affect the friction coefficient? Also is Static friction affected by mass? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  24. E

    Static and kinetic friction involving velocity

    Homework Statement A baggage handler drops your 7.00 kg suitcase onto a conveyor belt running at 2.30 m/s. The materials are such that µS= 0.410 and µK= 0.250. Homework Equations How far is your suitcase dragged before it is riding smoothly on the belt? The Attempt at a Solution...
  25. M

    Static Equilibrium and reaction forces

    Static Equilibrium... Please help Homework Statement The J-shaped member shown in the figure is supported by a cable DE and a single journal bearing with a square shaft at A. Determine the reaction forces and at support A required to keep the system in equilibrium. The cylinder has a weight =...
  26. T

    Static Equilibrium/Torque-Calculating the force required to tip a box

    Static Equilibrium/Torque--Calculating the force required to tip a box Homework Statement A uniform crate with a mass of 13.2 kg rests on a floor with a coefficient of static friction equal to 0.536. The crate is a uniform cube with sides 1.21 m in length. (a) What horizontal force applied...
  27. E

    Why Static Charges are Affected on Dry Days

    Homework Statement why should experiemnts related to static charges be carried out on dry days? Homework Equations I know this somehow relates to the moisture in air. yet, I do not understand the concept behind. The Attempt at a Solution Do the sparks...
  28. R

    Help, static equilibrium solving for maximum angle of incline

    Homework Statement A machine in an ice factory is capable of exerting 3.3 * 10^2 N of force to pull large blocks of ice up a slope. The blocks each weight 1.21 *10^4 N. Assuming there is no friction, what is the maximum angle that the slope can make with the horizontal if the machine is to be...
  29. S

    Calculating Static Pressure at Various Points in a Tank

    Homework Statement what is the static pressure (pt-139) at the top of the tank answer in psi Homework Equations P=H" * S.G. (I think) The Attempt at a Solution I took the total height of the tank it's 18 feet (216 inches) and multiplyed it by 1.44 and I got 406.08 psi I'm...
  30. K

    Overcoming coefficient of static friction on sled

    1. Homework Statement A sled weighing 100 N is pulled horizontally across a frozen lake such that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the snow is 0.1. Grilka is riding the sled and she weighs 195 N. If the coefficient of static friction between Grilka and the sled is...
  31. N

    Force of static friction in an FBD

    Homework Statement The first part is a donkey is pulling a cart with zero acceleration and I've found the coefficient of kinetic friction in the bearings and the wheel, and the coefficient of static friction of the donkey in the ground. Part two I'm having problems with- This time, a the...
  32. H

    Static Friction and Uniform Circular Motion

    Homework Statement A cat sits on a merry go round at a radius of 4.0m from the center. The ride makes one complete rotation every 6.3 seconds. What is the least coefficient of static friction to keep the cat in place? Homework Equations Circumference = 2Pi*r V=d/t a=v^2/r The...
  33. A

    Static and Kinetic Friction Problem, getting wrong answer?

    A crate of oranges weighing 176 N rests on a flatbed truck 2.0 m from the back of the truck. The coefficients of friction between the crate and the bed are μs = 0.30 and μk = 0.20. The truck drives on a straight, level highway at a constant 6.3 m/s. a. What is the force of friction acting on...
  34. M

    Coefficient of Static Friction between truck and block

    Homework Statement An un-tethered block sits on a flatbed truck as it accelerates up an incline that makes an angle of 15° with respect to the horizontal. If the truck speeds up at a rate less than 2.10 m/s2, the block remains on the truck. If the truck speeds up at a rate equal to or greater...
  35. tiny-tim

    Circular motion: static or dynamic friction?

    A simple question, but I can't find the answer anywhere :redface: … when something (otherwise unconstrained) is pulled by rope (approximately forwards) so as to slide (not roll) at constant speed in a circle on a rough surface, the total acceleration is obviously centripetal (radial) there...
  36. P

    Static vs. Dynamic Impact: What's the Difference?

    what is a the difference between a static and a dynamic impact?
  37. D

    Static Friction / Need Help Solving for Theta

    Homework Statement In the figure a fastidious worker pushes directly along the handle of a mop with a force F. (Note: For picture, imagine a worker standing in the second quadrant pushing the mop head into the origin) The handle is at an angle θ = 23.58° with the vertical, and 0.30 and 0.22...
  38. Z

    Finding minimum value of force P given static friction

    Homework Statement A crate of weight Fg is pushed by a force P on a horizontal floor. (a) If the coefficient of static friction is us and P is directed at angle theta below the horizontal, show that the minimum value of P that will move the crate is given by P = ( us*Fg*sec(theta)) / (1...
  39. C

    BRS: Static Axisymmetric Gravitationless Massless Scalar Field Solutions

    BRS: Static Axisymmetric "Gravitationless" Massless Scalar Field Solutions This thread is an (easy and amusing) companion to a previous BRS, "The Weyl Vacuums" I. The Family of "Gravitationless" Solutions I will describe a family of...
  40. K

    Solve Static Equilibrium Qs: 17.55kN & 17.45kN, 15.63kN & 16.37kN

    Hi I have some questions to go through for static equilibrium...I have the answers but I have no idea how to do these really - I am guessing most of them without really understanding I can't remember doing physics in shcool at all and since its been the best part of 20 years since school...
  41. M

    Static friction, car going around a turn

    Homework Statement Suppose the coefficient of static friction between the road and the tires on a car is .60 and the car has no negative lift. What speed will put the car on the verge of sliding as it rounds a level curve 30.5m in radius. Homework Equations A=V^2/R F=MV^2/R The...
  42. G

    Can Static Attraction and Magnetic Attraction Coexist?

    What is the difference between static attraction or repelling, compared to magnetic. I understand the princips of static build up and why a charged positive and charged negative attract each other. I also understand how the atoms are arranged in a "metal-magnet". But why can't you attract a...
  43. I

    The bar is in static equilibrium W = 15N, Na = 11N

    Homework Statement The bar is in static equilibrium W = 15N, Na = 11N and Nb which is perpendicular to the bar,Nb = 5.66N.What is the magnitude of tension forceT? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution W - Na - Nb*sin(theta) = 0; 15 - 11 - 5.66*sin(theta) = 0 theta = 45 deg...
  44. B

    Static Friction- Train stops, boxes move?

    Homework Statement The floor of a railroad flatcar is loaded with loose crates having a coefficient of static friction of 0.25 with the floor. If the train is initially moving at a speed of 48 km/h, in how short a distance can the train be stopped at constant acceleration without causing the...
  45. R

    Static, kinetic and rolling friction when rounding a flat curve

    Alright, everyone, I have some questions in regards friction when rounding a flat curve and was hoping to get some help with it. For that intent, I've borrowed a couple of posts from another old thread on the topic of centripetal force. Hope the authors don't mind. The textbook I'm using...
  46. M

    Coneceptual Exercise on Static Friction

    Homework Statement The three identical boxes shown in the figure remain at rest on a rough, horizontal surface, even though they are acted on by two different forces, F1 and F2. All of the forces labeled F1 have the same magnitude; all of the forces labeled F2are identical to one another...
  47. T

    What angle should the ladder be set up at to prevent slipping?

    Homework Statement A window cleaner uses a ladder of length L and weighs 200N. He places it agaisnt a wall where, at the point of contact the coefficient of static friction, \mu, is 0.4. Upon the ground is 0.6. The window cleaner has a mass of 80kg and is 0.8 of the way up the ladder when...
  48. A

    Are Static EM Fields in QED Composed of Virtual Photons?

    Hello, How is a static magnetic or electric field understood in terms of QED. Is it correct to interpret them as a collection of photons? If so, would these photons be real or virtual? Thanks in advance.
  49. S

    Lift via accelerating static air gas particles down?

    I’ve been reading about airfoil lift and have found it rather difficult to find an answer to this question. Is the lift generated by an airfoil primarily dependent on accelerating static air gas particles down?
  50. E

    How can I transmit a static frequency through a copper wire coil

    I am trying to figure out how to program a 528 hz signal to emit and amplify through a copper wire coil