Steady state Definition and 176 Threads

In systems theory, a system or a process is in a steady state if the variables (called state variables) which define the behavior of the system or the process are unchanging in time. In continuous time, this means that for those properties p of the system, the partial derivative with respect to time is zero and remains so:




for all present and future


{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial p}{\partial t}}=0\quad {\text{for all present and future }}t.}
In discrete time, it means that the first difference of each property is zero and remains so:







for all present and future


{\displaystyle p_{t}-p_{t-1}=0\quad {\text{for all present and future }}t.}
The concept of a steady state has relevance in many fields, in particular thermodynamics, economics, and engineering. If a system is in a steady state, then the recently observed behavior of the system will continue into the future. In stochastic systems, the probabilities that various states will be repeated will remain constant. See for example Linear difference equation#Conversion to homogeneous form for the derivation of the steady state.
In many systems, a steady state is not achieved until some time after the system is started or initiated. This initial situation is often identified as a transient state, start-up or warm-up period. For example, while the flow of fluid through a tube or electricity through a network could be in a steady state because there is a constant flow of fluid or electricity, a tank or capacitor being drained or filled with fluid is a system in transient state, because its volume of fluid changes with time.
Often, a steady state is approached asymptotically. An unstable system is one that diverges from the steady state. See for example Linear difference equation#Stability.
In chemistry, a steady state is a more general situation than dynamic equilibrium. While a dynamic equilibrium occurs when two or more reversible processes occur at the same rate, and such a system can be said to be in a steady state, a system that is in a steady state may not necessarily be in a state of dynamic equilibrium, because some of the processes involved are not reversible.

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  1. J

    MATLAB Heat Transfer 2D Steady State Explicit

    Hello. I am completely new to MATLAB and programming in general. I never thought I would have to resort to online help, but here I am. I have spent hours googling and haven't been able to get very far. 1. Homework Statement Calculate the distribution of the temperature of the inner part of the...
  2. B

    Engineering Finding the steady state expression of a circuit

    Homework Statement For the circuit in (Figure 1) , suppose va=10cos16,000tV vb=20cos4000tV. Suppose that R = 700Ω . Write the steady-state expression for io(t) as io=I′ocos(ω′t+ϕ′)+I′′ocos(ω′′t+ϕ′′), where −180∘<ϕ′≤180∘, −180∘<ϕ′′≤180∘, and ω′>ω′′. Find the numerical value of I′o. Find the...
  3. J

    Steady State Sinusoidal using Nodal Analysis

    Homework Statement [/B] The photo included provides the problem but the professor stated that the right side source is supposed to be 100t and not 80t. The problem wasn't printed correctly in the book so I assume the solution wasn't either. The solution via the book is v1=2.56cos(100t+139.2°)...
  4. MexChemE

    Pyrite roasting -- Mass balance with chemical reaction

    Homework Statement A certain pyrite ore contains 85% of FeS2 and 15% of inerts. This ore is introduced into a roasting furnace with 20% excess air, in order to oxidize the FeS2 in the reaction: \textrm{FeS}_2 + \frac{11}{4}\textrm{O}_2 \rightarrow \frac{1}{2}\textrm{Fe}_2 \textrm{O}_3 +...
  5. D

    Define a steady state current ?

    For a steady state current, is ##\frac{dI}{dt}=0## or is ##\frac{\partial I}{\partial t} = 0##?
  6. M

    Ideal Transformers and finding the steady state current?

    Homework Statement In the circuit shown the 120V, 60Hz source supplies the ideal load shown through an ideal 2:1 transformer. What steady state current would you expect to read on the rms ammeter shown (please find the picture attached)? Homework Equations Zeq = (1/Z1+ 1/Z2)^-1 Z1 =...
  7. Racer_Rob

    Steady state heat conduction into a very large solid

    Say you have a flat resistor that is producing heat. You place the resistor against a sheet of steel and wait for equilibrium. One side of the steel is now at the same temperature as the resistor (assuming negligible contact resistance), the other free-air side of the steel is at a lower...
  8. D

    Why Is My MATLAB Steady State Error Different from Manual Calculation?

    I am trying to calculate the steady state error of the following system but unable to do it. I have used MATLAB and calculated the steady state error to be 0.1128 but don't understand the steps that I need to do to calculate this. Please help. Thanks
  9. gfd43tg

    Cooling of sphere with pseudo steady state condition

    Homework Statement A hot solid sphere of initial radius ##a## with a uniform initial temperature ##T_{0}## is allowed to cool under stagnant air at ambient temperature, ##T_{\infty}## . Assume the temperature within the sphere is uniform throughout the cooling process. Show that under...
  10. J

    Convective heat transfer and steady state conduction problem

    Hi all, I have a unique problem that I need help with A company's curing oven's exposed surface temperature is measured at 80°c when the surrounding air is 23°c. You think it should be insulated and wager to pay for the cost of this yourself if you can keep the savings incurred. Is this a smart...
  11. G

    Engineering Analyzing DC Steady State in an RLC Circuit with a Closed and Opened Switch

    Homework Statement In the Figure Q1 (c), the switch S was closed for very long time before it is opened at time t = 0. Find the value of vC(t) and iL(t) at t = 0+ c L i.e. immediately after the switch was opened. Homework Equations V = IR The Attempt at a Solution From DC steady state, we...
  12. M

    Conceptual Heat X-fer Question (Steady state, liquid changing temp as it flows)

    Homework Statement Not hw.. My teacher wants us to understand this as it is important for reactor design. A liquid is flowing through a tube of diameter D. The inner wall of the tube is maintained at a constant temperature of Ts. The liquid enters at a temperature of Tw1and leaves at a...
  13. B

    AC Steady State Analysis for Node V1 and V2 using Ohm's Law and KCL

    Homework Statement Find the steady state expressions in terms of Acos(wt+theta) for nodes v1 and v2. Homework Equations Ohm's law KCL Node Analysis The Attempt at a Solution Convert to phasors and find impedances-> R1= 50 Ohms R2= 30 Ohms...
  14. R

    How Can I Vectorize My MATLAB Code to Increase Speed in Solving a Heat Equation?

    Hi guys,I am new for programming. I made my first attempt to solve an heat equation by finite difference method and wrote a code for it in Matlab.I got a solution but i need help from you guys to (vectorize) increase the speed of my program. ((∂^2 T)/(∂x^2 )+(∂^2 T)/(∂y^2 )+(∂^2 T)/(∂z^2...
  15. R

    Steady state heat equation:-((∂^2 T)/(∂x^2 )+(∂^2 T)/(∂y^2 )=-Q(x,y)

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  16. ranju

    Steady state of inductors and capacitors

    First of all..I want to be clear about steady state..what actually it means..?? Does it mean state of constant current flowing across..? In my book..its written that in steady state current in inductor and voltage in capacitor is zero , hence energy consumed is zero fotr both in steady...
  17. A

    Steady state of diffusion current in semiconductors

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  18. A

    Steady State Circuit Analysis with Phasors

    Homework Statement Hello everyone! I have the following circuit to solve, and my result is a bit wrong... can you tell me please where's the mistake? E=10sin(1000t) Find the current delivered to the circuit. Find the equivalent impedance of the circuit. Find the equation of the current and...
  19. D

    Feedback and control steady state error

    Homework Statement Determine the system type for $$ G(s) = \frac{K}{(s + 1)(10s + 1)(20s + 1)} $$Homework Equations I am using a step, ramp, and parabolic inputs. That is, \begin{align} R(s) &= \frac{R}{s}\\ R(s) &= \frac{R}{s^2}\\ R(s) &= \frac{R}{s^3} \end{align} The Attempt at a Solution...
  20. N

    Understanding Steady State Coefficients in Adaptive Filters

    If I am trying to find the steady state coefficients of a filter, when do I know the coefficients went into the steady state? In another words, steady state means it converged to a single value or that it is bounded between values? If say it is bounded between values how would I go about...
  21. U

    Biot number-does it tell us if a problem is transient or steady state?

    So in a lumped parameter system, we use the ln(Θ)=exp(-hAt/ρVc), where Θ is non-dimensional temperature. This expression has 't' i.e. time in it. So does this mean it is used only for transient problems? Also, does the Biot number Bi tell us anything about whether a problem is in...
  22. T

    Jackson network in steady state

    Homework Statement Consider a network of n queues with a Poisson arrival process of parameter t from outside the network, and independent exponentially distributed service times of parameters r1 to rn. Customer that first arrived to the network initially join queue i with probability Pi...
  23. G

    Steady State Approximation and Reaction Mechanisms

    Hi, I need help determining which of the statements are true and false. I know this involves steady state approximation, but I find that when I try it I am never able to rid of all the intermediates. Please help Thanks
  24. M

    Engineering Speed control of induction motor in steady state

    In this experiment, we'd learn about vector control of an induction motor. By using the constant rotor flux linkage vector control method, An AC induction motor can achieve a DC motor-like performance. Firstly, we tested on speed control response in steady state. *the proportional gain kp =...
  25. M

    Steady State mass balance for separation of cyclopentadiene

    Hello, Here is a homework problem that I have been working on. I am wondering if for the mass balance of substance A, do I include the terms in the reaction rate that involve species R and B? Also, wouldn't A and B start reacting in the pipe before they even go into the CSTR? (I guess put in...
  26. M

    Is it Reasonable to Assume our Galaxy is in a Steady State?

    How can we make the assumption that the Galaxy is approximately in a steady state at the present time? I read this from the textbook: "the time required to complete one orbit at 10kpc is 3×108yr... a typical disk star has completed over thirty revolutions, and hence it is reasonable to assume...
  27. Y

    Mass-spring system: Steady state solution

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  28. S

    Steady State Current: Charge Flow Q&A

    Hi all, can i know is it true that charge flow is equal to zero at steady state current? Or is the rate of charge flow equal to zero. Thanks :)
  29. N

    Steady state in fluid mechanics

    Hey! When a stream is steady-state, you can cancel the acceleration term in navier-stokes equation, right? so: \rho \vec{a} = 0 = - \nabla P + \rho \vec{g} + \mu \nabla ^2 \vec{V} But there are many terms in the total acceleration which are not dependant on time! The acceleration term in...
  30. D

    Help with Steady State Heat Transfer Problem

    Hello everyone, I have this setady state, heat transfer problem; I hope you can help me with it. I have flux source of 400 W/m² (a lamp), and i want to calculate the heat flux passing through a surface arbitrarily placed and oriented in the space. There is air in between. How can i do this...
  31. C

    Determining steady state current from phasor current?

    Homework Statement a) Determine the phasor current and impedance of the circuit b) Determine the steady-state current i(t). Homework Equations impedance conversion: ZL = ωLj ZC = -1j/ωC ZR = RPolar form conversion: rectangular form = R + jX Zmag = (j2 + r2)1/2 Zangle = arctan(j/r)V = IR...
  32. R

    Steady state conduction in a hollow sphere

    Hello, I'm having trouble with a conduction problem, I have access to the answer but not the solution. I did it on my own and my value is half of what the answer is. Now, my calculus is a little rusty, but I don't know where I am going wrong. So the dimensions and temperatures of the sphere...
  33. I

    Steady State Angle of a Pendulum with Wind

    I'm having trouble solving this problem. I'm trying to find the steady state angle of a rod with wind /fluid drag. Assume Cd, L, U, etc. are known. The viscous and form drag forces are a function of the angle θ so I don't have enough equations to solve the problem. Maybe there's some type of...
  34. T

    Markov Chain Steady State (?were am i going wrong?)

    Homework Statement Subpart of the question requires me to find the steady state of the transition matrix: P=\begin{bmatrix} 0.1 & 0.7 & 0.2 \\ 0.1 & 0.8 & 0.1\\ 0.3 & 0.1 & 0.6 \end{bmatrix} Homework Equations We thus need to find vector \boldsymbol{v} in the equation...
  35. K

    What is the Steady State Temperature in a Circular Ring?

    Homework Statement Find the steady state temperature ##U(r, \theta)## in one-eighth of a circular ring shown below: Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I start by assuming a solution of the form ##u(r,\theta) = R(r)\Theta(\theta)##. I also note that ##u(r,\theta)##...
  36. S

    Steady State Error Calculation to Input Step and Ramp Input

    Hi all, I am getting confused about how to calculate steady state error in a system. My particular transfer function is: G(s)= 4.992/(s^2+3s-1) Firstly, with an input step am I right in saying that the Steady State error will always be zero? If so can someone explain the reason behind this...
  37. nukeman

    How do you calculate Time to Steady State?

    Hey, Can someone explain to me how you calculate time to steady rate? Or provide a website that explains it? Not having much luck :( Thanks!
  38. J

    Steady State Solution of Forward Kolmogorov Equation

    Essentially, this looks like a differential equation problem but being rusty on differential equations I am a little stuck. Homework Statement Consider the following SDE d\sigma = a(\sigma,t)dt + b(\sigma,t)dW The Forward Equation (FKE) is given by \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} =...
  39. P

    DC circuit steady state (resistors and capacitors)

    I have attached the picture of the circuit. I'm trying to figure out the steady state voltages across the 2 resistors and the capacitor. V_s is given to be 10V DC. At steady state in a DC circuit, a capacitor acts as an open. When that happens, we shouldn't expect any current to flow...
  40. B

    Automotive Vehicle steady state handling & weight transfer

    Hi all I am doing a university module on vehicle dynamics and wish to clarify/enhance my understanding of vehicle handling and the effects of weight transfer. Here are a points based some past exam questions and my answers, if anyone can spot a mistake or would like to add anything this would...
  41. fluidistic

    Steady state heat equation in a cylinder

    Homework Statement I'm unable to solve a problem of heat equation in a cylinder in steady state. The problem is a cylinder of radius a and a height L. The boundary condition are ##T(\rho , \theta , 0)=\alpha \sin \theta##, ##T(\rho, \theta , L)=0## and ##\frac{\partial T}{\partial \rho} (a...
  42. B

    How do i plot 2D steady state temp in maple?

    Hi all, I am wondering how I plot the steady state temperature distribution of a square flat sheet in maple. I solved the initial partial differential equation I was given and ended up with a function generalized as T(x,y) =(constants)*sum(stuff). Which is a Fourier series representing...
  43. D

    Transfer Function and Steady State Response (Some S-domain)

    Homework Statement Find Vo in steady state. V1 = 5cos(1400t) V R = 100 Ω L = 25 mH C = 20 μF Homework Equations L = Ls C = 1/Cs The Attempt at a Solution I first solved for the transfer function T(s): T(s) = \frac{LCs^2 + 1}{LCs^2 + RCs +1} From here I can plug in...
  44. L

    Steady state flow: series pipeline

    Homework Statement Water is discharged from a reservoir through a pipe 700m long. For the first 100m of its length the pipe is 100mm in diameter and then suddenly enlarged to 150mm diameter for the remaining 600m. The pipe terminates in a nozzle which discharges a jet 25mm in diameter at a...
  45. KleZMeR

    Steady State Heat Transfer - Contribution to Reaching Equilibrium

    Hi, I'm interested in the theory of an Aluminum sphere that is initially at some temperature that is hotter than its surroundings. The sphere is surrounded by air at some small radius, say one meter, and then the air and sphere are both enclosed by an infinite shell of Aluminum at some...
  46. C

    Natural frequency, damping ratio and steady state amplitude help needed

    (1) A mass of 3.0 kg is suspended from a vertical spring and produces a static deflection of 60 mm. The system is also subjected to viscous damping of 36 N s/m. Calculate the value of the: (a) natural frequency i. In Hz ii. And rad/s (b) damping ratio...
  47. A

    Solving one dimension steady state heat equation with finite differences

    I have a project where I need to solve T''(x) = bT^4 ; 0<=x<=1 T(0) = 1 T'(1) = 0 using finite differences to generate a system of equations in Matlab and solve the system to find the solution So far I have: (using centred 2nd degree finite difference) T''(x) = (T(x+h) - 2T(x) +...
  48. N

    Inductance of inductor in large steady state magnetic field

    So would the inductance of a inductor be effected if it was in a large steady state magnetic field. Say the inductor produces a field of about .01 Tesla and the large electromagnet produces a field of 1 Tesla or more. How would a high permeable core vs a air core effect it? Would it add...
  49. B

    Heat funnction in steady state

    I was given the following interesting question. A closed room contains several identical machines in it, they are fed by an electrical cable. The machines can be turned on or off. When a machine is turned on, it consumes electrical energy and as a by product generates heat. The heat is...
  50. S

    P-Controller Design for Steady State Error

    Homework Statement So this is a bit of a two-part question and I'm unsure which part I'm not doing right (or both!). i) Find the closed loop transfer function of the system shown ii) Design a proportional controller for the system to give a 10% steady state error Any help, hints, suggestions...