Steady state Definition and 176 Threads

In systems theory, a system or a process is in a steady state if the variables (called state variables) which define the behavior of the system or the process are unchanging in time. In continuous time, this means that for those properties p of the system, the partial derivative with respect to time is zero and remains so:




for all present and future


{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial p}{\partial t}}=0\quad {\text{for all present and future }}t.}
In discrete time, it means that the first difference of each property is zero and remains so:







for all present and future


{\displaystyle p_{t}-p_{t-1}=0\quad {\text{for all present and future }}t.}
The concept of a steady state has relevance in many fields, in particular thermodynamics, economics, and engineering. If a system is in a steady state, then the recently observed behavior of the system will continue into the future. In stochastic systems, the probabilities that various states will be repeated will remain constant. See for example Linear difference equation#Conversion to homogeneous form for the derivation of the steady state.
In many systems, a steady state is not achieved until some time after the system is started or initiated. This initial situation is often identified as a transient state, start-up or warm-up period. For example, while the flow of fluid through a tube or electricity through a network could be in a steady state because there is a constant flow of fluid or electricity, a tank or capacitor being drained or filled with fluid is a system in transient state, because its volume of fluid changes with time.
Often, a steady state is approached asymptotically. An unstable system is one that diverges from the steady state. See for example Linear difference equation#Stability.
In chemistry, a steady state is a more general situation than dynamic equilibrium. While a dynamic equilibrium occurs when two or more reversible processes occur at the same rate, and such a system can be said to be in a steady state, a system that is in a steady state may not necessarily be in a state of dynamic equilibrium, because some of the processes involved are not reversible.

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  1. S

    Thermodynamics on steady state

    Homework Statement At steady state, a stream of liquid water at 20C, 1bar is mixed with a stream of ethylene glycol (M=62.07 g/mol) to form a refrigerant mixture that is 50% glycol by mass. The water molar flow rate is 4.2 kmol/min. The density of ethylene glycol is 1.115 times that of water...
  2. G

    Steady state error of control system on MATLAB

    Given the following system (d(t)=0), I'm supposed to calculate the steady state error for unit step and unit ramp inputs respectively. Basically, the open-loop transfer function of the system is \frac { 3s+0.5 }{ s({ s }^{ 2 }+3s+8) } The closed-loop system is \frac { 3s+0.5 }{ { s }^{ 3...
  3. D

    Calculating Steady State Heat Transfer

    A straight, uniform circular pipe of internal diameter of 88.43 mm and external diameter of 118.38 mm carries hot water at 63.67 deg cel. The pipe has a thermal conductivity of 247 Wm^-1 K^-1. how to calculate the steady-state rate of heat transfer per unit length, in W m^-1, when the outside...
  4. P

    AC circuit steady state expression

    I know that in an AC circuit at the steady state a capacitor behaves like a short and inductor behaves like an open. Since the inductor is open wouldn't that just mean the answer is 0?
  5. M

    Find steady state of constant heat application

    Hey all. I sure hope somebody can assist with this! I am a hobby beer brewer and am writing my own heat control algorithms. Part of the process involves heating water to a desired temperature setpoint. I'm using an electric water heater element (5500W) inside the water vessel (~5-10 gal)...
  6. M

    What is the Steady State Tracking Error in Control Systems?

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  7. N

    Steady State Heat Equation in a One-Dimensional Rod

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  8. V

    Solving Transport Phenomena in a Steady State System

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  9. C

    Steady State Temperature in Semi-Infinite Plate with Discontinuity

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  10. M

    Does this PDE admit steady state solutions?

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  11. A

    Steady state solution of a differential equation

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  12. G

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  13. T

    Voltage through a steady state capacitor.

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  14. M

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  15. M

    2d steady state conduction matlab help

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  16. A

    How to solve steady state excess hole density

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  17. N

    Laser Physics: Steady state gain

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  18. E

    Steady state behavior for a particle undergoing damped forced oscillations

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  19. M

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  20. J

    Steady state state model consistent with Big Bang

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  21. S

    Steady State Error of a PI Controlled System (parabolic input)

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  22. S

    Heat loss whilst in steady state

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  23. R

    Use of Thevenin's theorem in Steady State Analysis

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  24. G

    Time to reach thermal equilibrium and/or a steady state

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  25. B

    Neumann BVP steady state solution

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  26. C

    Steady state heat equation in concentric spherical shells

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  27. D

    Modified heat equation steady state

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  28. M

    Steady state model for a pressurized vessle

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  29. Greg Bernhardt

    What is the evidence on Big Bang versus steady state cosmologies?

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  30. J

    1 D steady state diffusion equation in the atmosphere

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  31. J

    Steady state Vertical diffusion equation

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  32. D

    How to find the steady state solution

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  33. C

    Calculating the Steady State Value of Vc After Opening a Switch in a RC Circuit

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  34. S

    2nd order System steady state error

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  35. M

    Steady State Temperature Distribution inside a plate of infinite length

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  36. N

    Steady State 2-D Heat Equation with Mixed Boundary Conditions

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  37. D

    Heat transfer (steady state, one dimensional)

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  38. S

    Is Steady State Achieved in Actual Bearing Operation?

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  39. J

    Understanding Steady State of Electric/Electronic Systems

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  40. V

    Steady State Torque for a Quadcopter

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  41. B

    Energy Analysis of Control Volumes at Steady State

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  42. B

    Finding U-value for Wall with Plasterboard Lining and Air Gap

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  43. T

    WHY does CURRENT attain STEADY state?

    When charges are flowing (current) through a combination of conductors of different resistances in series, then why don't the charges flow faster(more current) in the material with lower resistance and slower(less current) in high resistance material? Why is the current same(steady) in the whole...
  44. E

    Steady state transition matrix

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  45. C

    Steady State Ideal Gas Where Do I start

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  46. O

    Exploring Heat Flow in Steady State Equilibrium

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  47. G

    Steady state temperature in a hollow cylinder

    Homework Statement Using cylindrical coordinates rho,phi, and z, let u([rho,phi) denote steady temperatures in a long hollow cylinder a leq rho leq b, -infinity < z < infinity when the temperatures on the inner surface rho= a are f(phi) and the temperature of the outer surface rho = b is zero...
  48. O

    Steady state temperature of wafers?

    Homework Statement A 50mm wafer, 2mm thick is implanted with Boron at 100keV and 1mA. Considering only conductive cooling, given that thermal resistance is 10K/W, to room temperature of 25oC, determine the steady state wafer temperature and also the time constant for heating Homework...
  49. J

    Steady state temperature of insulated rod

    Problem: Find the steady state temperature of a laterally insulated rod subject to the following conditions. Length of the rod 10, , left end kept at 0 and right end at 100 Solution: i got this equation from a book i don't know if this applied to this problem but i don't know what to do...
  50. J

    Steady state temperature

    Problem 1 : Find the steady state temperature of a laterally insulated rod subject to the following conditions. Length of the rod 20, left end insulated and right end held at 100 I am not sure if i fully understand this problem, is this asking me to list the Boundary value conditions ? like...