Steel Definition and 840 Threads

Steel is an alloy made up of iron with typically a few tenths of a percent of carbon to improve its strength and fracture resistance compared to iron. Many other elements may be present or added. Stainless steels that are corrosion- and oxidation-resistant need typically an additional 11% chromium. Because of its high tensile strength and low cost, steel is used in buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, trains, cars, machines, electrical appliances, and weapons. Iron is the base metal of steel. Depending on the temperature, it can take two crystalline forms (allotropic forms): body-centred cubic and face-centred cubic. The interaction of the allotropes of iron with the alloying elements, primarily carbon, gives steel and cast iron their range of unique properties.
In pure iron, the crystal structure has relatively little resistance to the iron atoms slipping past one another, and so pure iron is quite ductile, or soft and easily formed. In steel, small amounts of carbon, other elements, and inclusions within the iron act as hardening agents that prevent the movement of dislocations.
The carbon in typical steel alloys may contribute up to 2.14% of its weight. Varying the amount of carbon and many other alloying elements, as well as controlling their chemical and physical makeup in the final steel (either as solute elements, or as precipitated phases), slows the movement of those dislocations that make pure iron ductile, and thus controls and enhances its qualities. These qualities include the hardness, quenching behaviour, need for annealing, tempering behaviour, yield strength, and tensile strength of the resulting steel. The increase in steel's strength compared to pure iron is possible only by reducing iron's ductility.
Steel was produced in bloomery furnaces for thousands of years, but its large-scale, industrial use began only after more efficient production methods were devised in the 17th century, with the introduction of the blast furnace and production of crucible steel. This was followed by the open-hearth furnace and then the Bessemer process in England in the mid-19th
century. With the invention of the Bessemer process, a new era of mass-produced steel began. Mild steel replaced wrought iron. The German states saw major steel prowess over Europe in the 19th century.Further refinements in the process, such as basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS), largely replaced earlier methods by further lowering the cost of production and increasing the quality of the final product. Today, steel is one of the most common man made materials in the world, with more than 1.6 billion tons produced annually. Modern steel is generally identified by various grades defined by assorted standards organisations.

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  1. C

    A500 steel tubing beam deflection

    Hello, I'm looking to construct a simple rectangular 13'x17' hollow steel frame over my patio, but I'm getting conflicting beam deflection calculations. I need to determine my beam size for my long spans of 17'. My plan was to use 3.5"OD A500 structural steel. 11 gauge (.120 in) wall...
  2. D

    Detecting coils inside steel cylinders

    Just some idle Sunday musings. I have a steel pipe that is 2" ID, 2.5" OD, 10' long. I want to place a coil inside the pipe midpoint along the pipe and detect it's presence with a transmitter / receiver array. The array can consist of two coils wrapped around the outside of the pipe and can be...
  3. Algr

    Guns, Germs, and Steel -- and Latin script?

    Since book printing is technology, I'm guessing that this discussion belongs here. Last week's episode of NOVA contained a section that reminded me of Jared Diamond's Guns Germs and Steel. (Even though it doesn't exactly fit in that title. - Type pieces were made of lead, tin, and antimony...
  4. K

    How to identify stainless steel?

    I know that stainless steel does not attract magnet, I know that stainless steel has appearance that looks like stainless steel, but sometimes it is quite difficult to tell. In addition to magnet test, any further test I can do in my home?
  5. B

    Heat dissipated by a steel disk

    Hi everyone This is a quick Q but I don't understand why I got it wrong This is what I have done Could anyone let me know where I went wrong? Thanks for any help!
  6. Spinnor

    Misc. Bending a spring steel rod to shape and heat treat, DIY?

    There used to be sold a style bicycle handlebar bags that used what I think is a formed spring steel rod that fit over the handlebars and looped under the handlebar stem that supported a handlebar bag. For whatever reason this style does not appear to be available any more. I think it is a...
  7. S

    How much can a stainless steel tank rust inside?

    There is a lot of rusts in my water supply. I am suspecting the inside of my stainless steel pressure water tank is rusting. But can the stainless steel pressure tank rust inside? When i put magnet it doesn't stick to it. I plan to replace it with very expensive Aquaflow pressure tank because...
  8. LCSphysicist

    Steel ball oscillating in a tube

    The problem is easy to solve, the question i have is another about static. Why when we get: F = (-A*p*γ/l)y Can't we just substitute p*a = m*g? If this is a oscillation, it will be about some equilibrium position, where the net force is zero and which was the initial position of the body, in...
  9. R

    Increasing the longevity of galvanized steel fence in production

    I need help with a galvanized steel fence that will be powder coated black. I am ordering it from China and I don't know what specs to ask for in order to make sure it lasts 25+ years easy without maintenance. I need ideas to fullproof the longevity factor on this fence. I am aiming to get to...
  10. T

    Magnetism Question about the MMF and a Steel Ring

    Summary:: This question is in relation to finding the mmf of a cast steel ring. Unfortunately I do not know how to post a picture of the page showing the graph. [Mentor Note -- Thread moved from the technical forums so no Homework Template is shown] A cast steel ring has a cross sectional...
  11. W

    Why a steel plate can shield magnetic field?

    If I put a very long steel plate above a coil with DC, the magnetic field above the plate will decrease because of the shielding of the steel plate. However, from the perspective of magnetci domain, some domains will be magnetized to turn to the direction of the magnetic field from the coil...
  12. E

    Friction force of 2 connected block on steel surface

    hello there, I am wondering if my attempt at a solution for this particular problem correct?? I mean I know that the blocks won't move and the total friction force is 38.95N (at least lesser than that, since that is the maximum static friction). I saw someone attempted the solution but it is...
  13. okandrea

    Structural Systems: Steel and Reinforced Concrete (RC)

    I've been looking over precedents for a design project and I noticed that the most commonly used systems are either steel or reinforced concrete structural systems. Is it possible for a steel structural system to be connected to a reinforced concrete structural system? If so, how does it work...
  14. P

    Can I Transform Multiple Steel Beams into a Single Piece of Concrete?

    When I convert the steel beams to concrete, do I transform the several different beams into a single piece of concrete in order to do the calculations to find the second moment of area of the beam or do I transform each beam seperately into a concrete piece? Intuitively, t seems reasonable to...
  15. chriscarson

    Young's modulus: Stress, Strain and Force for a Steel Bar

    As all attempts to get it right but without success this is one of the problems with my workout . Where i did wrong calculations ? The questions got the answers in brackets.
  16. chriscarson

    Finding the the area of the surface at one end of the steel

    Is there any mistake in the following answer because I m always getting the result of 10362 mm 2 ? A piece of steel tube, has an external diameter of 140mm and an internal diameter of 80mm. What is the area of the surface at one end of the steel? Answer (13424 mm2)
  17. adil_mohammad

    Polymers that have spring properties similar to spring steel

    Hello everyone, First of all a very happy new year to everyone! And a big thank you to all the people who contribute to this forum, I have learned so much from here. I am prototyping a design for a part that will be used in a consumer product. I am in the early stages of researching...
  18. Osvaldo

    Inserting Stainless steel blades into a Nodular Iron turbine diaphragm

    Would need some advise on how to prevent the blades from melting when pouring the nodular iron into the piece mold. If somebody has experience on the matter or can recommend literature that could help in developing a successful .
  19. RJCanz

    Calculating Capacity of Steel Rack: Yield Stress Issues

    Hi guys. Recently I've been assigned to know / calculate the capacity of the racks in our section. Our racks has layered steel pipes that are carrying the loads. After actual testing it can carry a load around 25 tons after yielding or having a bend. So my next step was to calculate for its...
  20. C

    Thermodynamics - Change in temperature for heated slabs of steel

    Just started this topic so I'm not sure if this is the correct way to solve this, any help would be appreciated. mass of object x change in temp x specific heat capacity= heat change in temp= heat/(mass of object x specific heat capacity) Mass= 700kg Specific heat capacity of steel= 0.42kJ/kgC...
  21. M

    Is Stainless Steel or Aluminum with a Stainess Steel finish more durable?

    I would like to know if Stainless steel 304 or aluminum with a stainless steel finish would be more corrosion resistant when outdoor 24/7/365 exposed to the sun, rain, snow, etc. but not salt. Not a coastal climate. Both materials are resistant to corrosion and are sold as fixtures, etc. but I...
  22. J

    1018 carbon steel tensile test explanation

    Tensile tested 2 samples of 1018 unheat treated carbon steel, assumed to be very similar steel (bought from same place, same order, ect) but very different tensile test results. The results of the tensile test can be seen below as well as a few calculated values. I do not know what this would be...
  23. K

    Efficiency of heating up aluminum vs steel by induction

    Summary: In a heating by induction experiment performed, the idea was to determine the efficiency of heating up a small steel cylinder, an aluminum cylinder and then compare the two efficiencies. The cylinder was surrounded by a metall coil that alternating current was going through...
  24. Alfreds9

    Saw characteristics influencing efficiency in sawing steel?

    Hello, I am having a headache to try understand a possibly simple real-world problem: efficiency (as in number of strokes/cumulative length needed) to saw steel, assuming a constant sawing length per stroke and a known steel sectional area. I began to think about the few assumptions I assume...
  25. D

    Is My Calculation of a Rolling Steel Hoop's Acceleration Correct?

    I already have the answer but it doesn't make sense. For starters I think the question is worded badly. I think there are 2 different accelerations here ? The acceleration of the centre of mass and the acceleration due to rotation. I think the acceleration due to rotation doesn't affect the...
  26. RRouse

    Electric Singing Saw - Spring Steel Alloy (Material Science)

    This is a fun one, sort of! I am working on a singing saw that can be amplified with a regular magnetic pick up, from an electric guitar. I made a blade from laser cut1095 blue tempered spring steel (0.042" thick). It sounded great, but after a few months of service, the blade cracked. What is a...
  27. S

    Pressure of Slurry in a Stainless Steel Pipe

    I am trying to find the pressure in a ANSI stainless steel pipe with a nominal diameter of 10 in. A slurry of fiberglass and water is flowing through the pipe that has a viscosity of 3.2 centipoise. The flow rate through the pipe is approximately 3000 GPM. How can I figure out the pressure in...
  28. B

    Shock wave through a liquid metal filled steel tube

    Would an A36 steel tube filled with liquid mercury be able to transmit a shock wave longitudinally through the liquid mercury with a peak pressure higher than the yield strength of the steel tube? My thinking is that since the shock wave is traveling normal to the tube wall, it should not be...
  29. Deckname

    A bullet ricochets off a steel plate problem

    I have calculated KE_i and KE_f, took the difference between the initial and final kinetic energy of the bullet to be equal to the work spent to overcome the friction, and divided it by the distance traveled, but arrive at around 20000N. The solution should be 9.5*10^7. Not sure what else to...
  30. N

    Formula to calculate the pull force between a magnet and a steel plate

    i have a neobydium magnet of grade n40 , the diameter of magnet is 15mm and thickness is 10 mm , now i want to calculate the pull force between this magnet and a steel plate when there is no gap between them ; & in second case i want to calculate the pull force when i put a 0.15mm copper plate...
  31. K

    What is the agent used to stick silicone and stainless steel together?

    Sorry probably a little bit out of the track of Chemistry but it's still Chemistry. I'd like to know what is the combining agent we can find in the consumer market that is used to stick silicone stuff with stainless steel?
  32. K

    Thermal Expansion in Liquids and Steel

    This is a repost as I didn't read the community guidelines the first time. Hopefully this is better! First thing I did was write down both the linear and volume expansion formulas. I then multiplied my alpha by 3 and used the volume expansion equation for both materials. ∆V oil > ∆V pot, at the...
  33. C

    Magnetic properties of silver steel

    Hi, A straight question here, no complicated quantum theory equations for this, I just want to know a piece of data. What is the saturation flux of silver steel? It has a fraction of a percent of chromium in it, so was wondering if it was less than carbon steel's ~1.6T?
  34. P

    Which grade of Stainless Steel is more soft or ductile in Sheet form?

    I want to make a small item in Stainless Steel Sheet of 1.2 mm thick, 18 inch width & 24 inch length, by "Metal Forming & Punching of Holes". Please suggest me, which grade of Stainless Steel Sheet is more soft or ductile? It has to be economical as well. Thank you.
  35. D

    Misc. Is My Steel Square Tubing Strong Enough?

    Summary: Trying to see if the steel tubing I bought is strong enough to carry load. Hello all I bought some square steel tubing today in hopes of putting up sail shades in my back yard, I am concerned now that I did not get big enough tubing. I have a triangular sail shade 20’ x 20’ x 20’ and...
  36. greenrichy

    Find the stretch of a steel wire in a static equilibrium problem.

    If I can determine the weight of that heavy object placed on the plank, I will be able to determine the stretch of that wire. But, when using the second condition for static equilibrium (torques of the system equal to 0), I always end up with two unknowns, no matter what point of rotation I...
  37. S

    ASTM A1011 CS Type B Steel: Yield Strength & Properties

    I'm currently working on a design project which requires using sheet metal with ASTM A1011 CS Type B steels. Reading their latest designation for this type of steel, it is shown that the yield strength varies between 30 - 50 ksi. [1] Maybe it's just because I'm new and naive, but I find this...
  38. Spinnor

    Plumbing Stainless steel house water filter, leaks past o-ring

    Bought a stainless steel whole house water filter for a very good price ($100), turns out too good. On inspection I suspected it would leak so rather then installing it into the house water system I pressure tested it. There was a small leak that stopped after a minute or so. Relieve the...
  39. Roy S Ramirez

    Maximum Working Pressure in Steel/ Brass Fittings

    Hello everybody! I bought some fittings for a feed system I'm building, and I need to handle pressures between 150 and 200 psi. I noticed some of them have max working pressures of about 1000 or 3000 psi, but others have relatively lower ones (150 psi, see...
  40. A

    Which Tap is Best for 303 Stainless Steel?

    Hello friends. First, I apologize for my bad English. I need your experience. I want to produce a piece, but I have a problem with tapping. The material is 303 stainless steel. I need a M2 tapping to this part. Approximately 200-300 pieces of M2 tapping will be made. For 303 stainless steel...
  41. B

    Steel chisels cutting wood and bone

    Below 17 degrees bevel , a steel chisel cuts pine wood without tearing shreds but 25 degrees is the upper limit for hardwood. Bone is said to resemble wet pine-wood. 2mm thickness is the limit for steel cutting bone. .". difficulties arise for the surgeon when using conventional chisels, due...
  42. L

    Help with formulas for calculating pressure

    Hi! This is my first post on here. I need to purchase an air cylinder, most likely hydraulic. The cylinder will have a forming die attached on the end and will be used to crimp two small stainless steel tubes together. The crimp will occur at an offset of .004 inches from each end of the tubes...
  43. G

    Stainless steel 304 "Stainless" properties

    Hi, my first post. I hope some one can help. I work for a manufacturer and we make a particular item from 304 stainless. We have two parts we put together and then stamp (rivet) to hold in place. When we perform a 48 hour salt spray we occasionally find the there are small 'rust or brown'...
  44. C

    Brittle to Ductile transition temperature of steel S450GD

    Hi guys, I'm having an issue at the minute with rolled coil steel, cracking and fracturing when being rolled into a profile. The material certs are within ISO specification, i.e. chemical composition analysis and the mechanical properties etc. The carbon equivalent may be a little high, but...
  45. G

    Stress, Strain, and Sound in a Projectile Steel Rod

    Homework Statement .[/B] For a certain type of steel, stress is always proportional to strain with Young's modulus 20 x 10^10 N/m^2. The steel has density 7.86 x 10^3 kg/m^3. A rod 80.0 cm long, made of this steel, is fired at 12.0 m/s straight at a very hard wall. a) The speed of a...
  46. M

    Force Calculation for bending of TOR steel bars

    Hello everyone, I need some help to calculate the force required to bend a tor steel bar of dia 20mm and 12 m long from the centre. I want to bend it like a hair pin and need to know how much force is exactly required to do so. Any help or resource would be great. Regards, Mradul
  47. Michael1234513423643

    Steel I Beam Falling Through Water

    So I'm going to try to keep this as brief as possible, but I have a somewhat advanced physics question that my nuclear background hasn't prepared me for and I need an argument settled at work. Say you have a 30 ft deep pool and you need to protect the contents, which comprise the bottom ~10 ft...
  48. Mads W

    Wood/Glass/Metal Help with the calculations: can a flat steel bar can hold this table?

    Hi everyone! Brand new here. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post this but I am terrible with math/calculating anything so I thought I would reach out and ask! No harm done, hopefully. I'm building an 8' x 3' x 2" live edge walnut slab table and am trying to create some steel legs...
  49. F

    Does chromium oxide reduce conductivity in stainless steel?

    Does chromium oxide reduce the effectiveness of a faraday cage constructed from stainless steel mesh? I am using mesh that is like insect screen for windows. It will be in moist environment. I appreciate your help!
  50. DracoMalfoy

    Young's modulus of a steel post, finding change in length

    Homework Statement Superman pulls on a steel post to trap a supervillian. The post has a cross-sectional area of 30cm^2 and a length of 2m. If Superman applies a force of 6X10^6N by how much is the length of the post increased? A) 2mm B) 7mm C) 1.2cm D) 1.7cm E) 2cm Homework Equations...