Stress Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. J

    Strain and Stress in Thin-Walled Hoops Under Pressure

    Homework Statement Hi all, this isn't exactly homework, but it is nonetheless a problem I would like to solve, so here goes. Consider a thin-walled ring/hoop with diameter "d" and thickness "t". I want to know the change of diameter "Δd" due to the stress caused by pressure "p" being applied...
  2. L

    Help with formulas for calculating pressure

    Hi! This is my first post on here. I need to purchase an air cylinder, most likely hydraulic. The cylinder will have a forming die attached on the end and will be used to crimp two small stainless steel tubes together. The crimp will occur at an offset of .004 inches from each end of the tubes...
  3. Rahulx084

    Shear stress direction and the velocity gradient

    1)In a flowing fluid in laminar fashion we know that it flows in planes which slides over each other, Let's take a fluid element (cylindrical) in a pipe(Radius=R) the resistive force is (stress)(cross section area of cylinder with radius 'r') acting in backward direction, now if I take Flow...
  4. li dan

    I Stress problem between superconductor and wire

    In superconducting state, If the superconductor and the guide line are stationary, will the force between the the guide line and the superconductor change when they are close to or far away from the magnet?
  5. T

    Normal Stress Balance at a Fluid-fluid Interface

    I am trying to determine a normal stress balance at an axisymmetric and dynamic fluid-fluid interface, ##z(r,t)##. For a static, free surface, this simplifies to the Young-Laplace equation: $$ \Delta p=\rho gz-\sigma2H=\rho gz-\frac{\sigma}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r\frac{\partial...
  6. M

    Maxwell Stress Tensor: Engineering Question Answered

    Hello! I was talking with a friend today about electrical motors and we started talking about theoretical designs. One question came up which was could the Maxwell Stress Tensor be used to calculate the torque on a rotor of a motor where the airgap is held constant and the magnetic circuit...
  7. M

    Question about Shear Stress in Simply Supported Beam

    The scenario is: we have a simply supported beam, with the supports being an arbitrary distance inward from the outer edge of the beam (both are the same distance from their edges such that the beam is symmetrical about its centre). The beam also experiences uniform loading across the entirety...
  8. X

    Von Mises Stress: Yielding & SF Criterion Equation

    Hi, just wanted to ask for the von Mises criterion equation, is the equation without the SF (the one I circled in blue) only applicable when yielding has FIRST occurred? (i.e when SF=1)? and is the equation including the SF (one I circled in orange) applicable to all cases? (i.e whether the...
  9. G

    Stress, Strain, and Sound in a Projectile Steel Rod

    Homework Statement .[/B] For a certain type of steel, stress is always proportional to strain with Young's modulus 20 x 10^10 N/m^2. The steel has density 7.86 x 10^3 kg/m^3. A rod 80.0 cm long, made of this steel, is fired at 12.0 m/s straight at a very hard wall. a) The speed of a...
  10. A

    How Can We Derive the General Stress Tensor Without Assuming Linear Media?

    Homework Statement Hi everyone! My name is Alexandra, and I'm new in this forum. I am trying to determine the mentionated tensor without the assumption of linear media or vacuum ( ## \textbf{D} = \epsilon \textbf{E} ## and ## \textbf{B} = \mu \textbf{H} ##). What I want to obtain is the...
  11. X

    Max Shear Stress in 3D Stress State?

    Hi, there's no particular question I need help on - just a few things I need clarifying. To determine the max shear stress, I know max shear stress = (max normal stress - min normal stress)/2, but are these equations true for a 3D stress state? (please look at attached image) Thank you
  12. olgerm

    Angular speed that breaks a spinning body apart with inertial stress

    How to find the angular speed, on which a spinning hollow cylindrical body breaks due to inertial stress(force)? I found 2 sources( (last 2 equations) ...
  13. person123

    Thermal Expansion of a Wire Connected To a Rod

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ΔL=LαΔT σ=EΔL/L The Attempt at a Solution For part a, I used the coefficient of linear expansion for copper and the change in temperature to find the change in length (0.068%). I thought part b had the same answer. The two are attached, and I would...
  14. WhiteWolf98

    Calculating Dimensions of Titanium Disk Under Load

    Homework Statement A titanium disk (with ##E=107 ~GPa##, Poisson's ratio, ##v=0.34##) precisely ##l_0=8~mm## thick by ##d_0=30~mm## diameter is used as a cover plate in a mechanical loading device. If a ##P=20~kN## load is applied to the disk, calculate the resulting dimensions, ##l_{01}## and...
  15. M

    Mechanical engineering - Stress concentration

    1. In my materials science's exam, I had the following question: What would be the maximum force F to cause failure in a block that has been drilled at two place? See following drawing: (Lame paint skills, I know..) 2. Homework Equations 1) D/W 2) σ = F/S The Attempt at a Solution 1)First...
  16. R

    Soil Mechanics - Shear Stress in a Soil Sample

    Homework Statement Two consolidated and drained (CO) triaxial compression tests (tests A and 8) were conducted on dense dry sand at the same void ratio. Test A had a cell pressure of 150 kPa, while in test B the cell pressure was 600 kPa (u=OkPa). These stresses were held constant throughout...
  17. Jesse Niekamp

    Bending Stress on a Protective Cover

    Homework Statement A 30kg pallet falls from a height of 2m onto a protective cover. The cover has an area of 269m² and an overall thickness of 10.9mm. a. What is the force/pressure on the cover? b. What is the bending stress on the cover? Homework Equations F=ma bending stress =...
  18. S

    A Stressing Over Stress Tensor Symmetry in Navier-Stokes

    How do we know that the stress tensor must be symmetric in the Navier-Stokes equation? Here are some papers that discuss this issue beyond the usual derivations: Behavior of a Vorticity Influenced Asymmetric Stress Tensor In Fluid Flow
  19. T

    Understanding Yield Strength & Stress Strain Curve

    Hi all I was hoping someone could shed some light on the following:- I am trying to understand what Yield strength is and understand the exact limit of where elastic and plastic deformation occurs on a stress strain curve. Correct me if I am wrong but I define:- Yield strength as the amount...
  20. B

    Stress energy tensor transformation

    Homework Statement Show that if you add a total derivative to the Lagrangian density ##L \to L + \partial_\mu X^\mu##, the energy momentum tensor changes as ##T^{\mu\nu} \to T^{\mu\nu}+\partial_\alpha B^{\alpha\mu\nu}## with ##B^{\alpha\mu\nu}=-B^{\mu\alpha\nu}##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt...
  21. Another

    Help with Maxwell stress tensor

    << Mentor Note -- OP has been reminded to use the Homework Help Template when posting schoolwork questions >> my think if ## \hat{r} = \sin(θ) \cos( φ) \hat{x} +\sin(θ) \sin( φ) \hat{y} +\cos(θ) \hat{z} ## ## da = R^2 \sin(θ) dθdφ \hat{r} = da_{x} \hat{x} + da_{x} \hat{y} + da_{z} \hat{z}##...
  22. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    Ok, so I would like to know if something is possible. I have a bamboo ring, which has been cut in half, and had a piece of fabric soaked in epoxy placed in between to act as a flange. Under compression, the main failure occurs at the fabric/bamboo connection, as a result of shear stress. Is...
  23. Y

    Calculating Forces & Stress of Vertical Cut Line on Beam

    Homework Statement 1.Explain how one with the help of the free body diagram can calculate forces and moments on the vertical cut line through the beam in a distance 1 m to the right from the point C. 2. Explain how one calculate size and distribution normal stress of the cut line. The beam...
  24. EastWindBreaks

    Where did torsional shear stress in the x-y plane came from?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations maximum torsional shear stress = (Torque*radius)/polar moment of inertia The Attempt at a Solution I am lost on equation(4-14), I looked through the textbook but didn't find a derivation.
  25. P

    MHB Engineering - Stress and Buckling Load problems

    Hello, I am in an engineering summer camp, but since this is a condensed course and it seems the professors assumed the class already had some background in the subject, I am slowly getting lost. They gave us practice tests from previous years, and I was wondering if someone could show me how to...
  26. Remixex

    Stress and Strain tensors in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement I am following a textbook "Seismic Wave Propagation in Stratified Media" by Kennet, I was greeted by the fact that he decided to use cylindrical coordinates to compute the Stress and Strain tensor, so given these two relations, that I believed to be constitutive given an...
  27. S

    Stress intensity factor using Ansys APDL for a 3D plate

    I am trying to evaluate SIF for 3D plate using ansys APDL. Please share tutorial/notes if available.
  28. S

    Why are 3 planes needed to define stress at a point?

    My question is simple. Why do we need 9 different quantities, ie 1 normal stress and 2 shear stresses on 3 different planes, to define stress at a point? example: I think it should be enough to define the 3 stresses...
  29. jamalkoiyess

    Testing Overcoming Exam Anxiety: Tips for Staying Focused and Calm

    Hello there, I am having a problem to solve in exams. I think it's because am freezing but that's just a speculation. I am a physics-math junior and I study really well, solve without looking at solutions and focus and understand the material. Yet whenever I enter an exam I can always solve the...
  30. yecko

    Stress transform - Mohr's circle

    Homework Statement For the beam and loading shown below, (a) find the state of stress at point A in the Cartesian coordinate system indicated in the figure. (b) use Mohr’s circle to determine (i) the principal stress and principal plane; (ii) the normal and shearing stresses acting on a plane...
  31. R

    Stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity in a shaft

    Homework Statement [/B] I can't seem to get the image links to work sorry! Also, I think the question is supposed to say 2.5mm radius notch, not 10mm Homework Equations [/B] q = Ka - 1 / Kt - 1 M = Fd (σa / σ'e)...
  32. B

    Stress Used in Lagrangian Equation for Solid Mechanics

    Bathe (reference below) outlines the updated Lagrangian (UL) and total Lagrangian (TL) approaches using the second Piola Kirchhoff (PK2) stress. Others (i.e., Ji, et al. and Abaqus) define the UL and TL formulations in terms of the Kirchhoff or the Cauchy stress in rate form. This form requires...
  33. S

    What types of stresses are present on the bolted plate in this project?

    My partner and I are arguing over what types of stresses are present on a point of our project. We must calculate the stress by hand using Von Mises eq uations. The picture shows a diagram of what's going on. We are calculating the stress on the mounting plate from the quarter of the motors...
  34. UMath1

    Is Shear Stress Vertical or Horizontal in I-Beam Webs?

    My mechanics of materials book states that in order for an element to be in equilibrium it must have equal horizontal and vertical shear stresses. However, it also states "The shear stresses in the web of a wide-flange beam act only in the vertical direction and are larger than the stresses in...
  35. C

    Why do we use avg shear stress and not max shear stress?

    Hello everyone, I've been messing around with FEA and I'm trying to match my simulation with hand calculations. While doing this it occurred to me that i really don't understand why we use avg shear stress instead of maximum shear stress when determining the safety factor of a structural member...
  36. yecko

    Stress Problem Solution for Homework with Simple Equations

    Homework Statement Homework Equations δ=PL/AE σ=Eε The Attempt at a Solution a: (2L-x)/x b: For AC, force acting on it = 2P*x/(2L-x) ##linearly proportional δ=(2P*x/(2L-x))*(2L-x)/[(πD^2/4)*E]=(8P*x)/[(πD^2)*E] am i wrong in part b? thanks
  37. yecko

    The directions of normal and shear stress

    Homework Statement Homework Equations direction of normal and shear stress The Attempt at a Solution I view it like A and C are the same; B and D are the same... as both shear stress of A and C points outwards and shear stress point to the corner with 135 deg vice versa for B and D what...
  38. C

    Postdoctoral Work Stress and the Human Cost

    A friend shared this article with me recently and I thought I might post it here for discussion. The Human Cost of the Pressures of Postdoctoral Research While I'm not sure that academic journals are the right venue for such statements, I agree that as a community it's important for us to have...
  39. R

    Homework check - Mohr's circle & Shear stress in I beam

    Homework Statement Mohrs circle question - Shear stress in I beam question - Equations Mohrs Circle - None Shear stress in I beam - I = d . b^3 / 12 tmax = (F / I . b) . (A1 . y1) + (A2 . y2)The Attempt at a Solution For the...
  40. R

    Finding a maximum force in a beam type system before failure

    Homework Statement See attached photo Homework Equations Stress = F/A Area = pi d^3 / 4 Sum F h = 0, Sum F v = 0, Sum M = 0 The Attempt at a Solution Hey everyone, after reading the question a number of times and not knowing for certain where to start, I figured because the stress and area...
  41. K

    Parallel Axis Theorem / Bending Stress

    Homework Statement find bending stress in x and y dir Homework Equations I = bh^3/12 + ad^2 Stress = Mc/I The Attempt at a Solution I = bh^3/12 + ad^2 Stress = Mc/I see attached calculations My prof gave us a question where we have a motor (20" tall) sitting on a frame with a load of...
  42. S

    Stress and Thermal Creep in ANSYS Mechanical

    Just wish to know if there are GOOD EXAMPLES out there on the topics above. I am particularly looking for thermal creep using ANSYS Mechanical Workbench ... Thank you much.
  43. dRic2

    I Significance of the viscous stress tensor

    Hi, when working with NS equations the stress tensor can be written as ##\nabla \tau = - \nabla P + \nabla \tau_{v}##, where ##\tau_{v} ## is \begin{pmatrix} \tau_{xx} & \tau_{xy} & \tau_{xz} \\ \tau_{xy} & \tau_{yy} & \tau_{yz} \\ \tau_{zx} & \tau_{zy} & \tau_{zz} \end{pmatrix} This...
  44. Fervent Freyja

    How do you personally cope with stress?

    I have few natural coping skills to deal with stress. Lately, my stress is so bad that my normal routes aren't working. I'm trying not to have sex but only once or twice a week. I can't even focus to do anything I used to find enjoyable and relaxing. I'm trying to drink a few days a week, but it...
  45. K

    A Fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf)

    Hi, I had been reading about the fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf) which is reduced compared to the geometric stress concentration factor (Kt). The reduction in turn dpends upon the material's sensitivity to notches...
  46. mark!

    Displacement aggression and stress

    In humans, as well as in animals, aggression occurs more often in men. Frustration produces a readiness for aggression. When the source of the frustration cannot be challenged, the aggression gets displaced onto an innocent target with violent behaviour. Displacement behaviour is associated with...
  47. Posty McPostface

    Schools Dealing with stress in college, my situation....

    Hi, I suffer from bad anxiety and depression along with ADD-PI. I know I sound like a basket case; but, have the greatest amount of enthusiasm for furthering my education. I'm in my late twenties and have dropped out of college due to the above issues. However, the curiosity is still unrelenting...
  48. A

    Stress generated by a bending moment

    Good day all, I have an issue regarding the theoretical concept regarding the stress generated by the skew bending in a rectangular cross section for example the formula used to calculated the stress is while when it is a circular cross section we have the following formula I really...
  49. CameronRose

    Shearing when bolts are arranged radially

    Hi folks, I'm currently working on a final year project on the design of a plunger pump. The most recent area I have been studying is the loading on different joints in the pump. For a simplified example I have determined the maximum torque load on the crankshaft from the plungers for the...