Stuck Definition and 858 Threads

A shtick (Yiddish: שטיק‎) is a comic theme or gimmick. The word entered the English language from the Yiddish shtik (שטיק), in turn derived from German Stück and Polish sztuka (both ultimately from Proto-Germanic *stukkiją), all meaning "piece" or "thing"; note that "Theaterstück" is the German
word for Play (theatre) (and is a synonym of "Schauspiel", literally "viewing play"
in contrast to the "Singspiel").
The English word "piece" is sometimes used in a similar context (e.g., a musical piece).
In stand-up comedy context a near equivalent term is a "bit". Another variant is "bits of business" or just "bits". Shtick may refer to an adopted persona, usually for comedy performances, that is maintained consistently (though not necessarily exclusively) across the performer's career. In this usage, the recurring personalities adopted by Laurel and Hardy through all of their many comedy films (although they often played characters with different names and occupations) would qualify as their shtick. A comedian might maintain several different shticks of this sort, particularly if appearing in a variety show encouraging development of multiple characters, such as Saturday Night Live.
In common usage, the word shtick has also come to mean any talent, style, habit, or other eccentricity for which a person is particularly well-known, even if not intended for comedic purposes. For example, a person who is known locally for an ability to eat dozens of hot dogs quickly might say that it was his shtick. Among Orthodox Jews, "shtick" can also refer to wedding shtick, in which wedding guests entertain the bride and groom through dancing, costumes, juggling, and silliness.
Because of its roots in show business, shtick has taken on connotation of a contrived and often used act. For this reason, journalists and commentators often apply the word disparagingly to stock replies from politicians.

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  1. B

    Integrate sin(y)/(x+y): Tips to Solve Double Integral

    i have a double integral to reverse the order of and then integrate, i have reversed the order fine, however i am VERY stuck on the integration of the function in the first integral integrate sin(y)/(x+y) dx between 0 and y any pointers greately appreciated
  2. N

    Stuck on a few magnetic field questions

    Problem 1: here is what i did: knew to find the acceleration I needed to use a=QE/M, but since I didn't have E I had to find it. Used F(mag field)=Q*V*B*Sin(theta). I found theta from drawing the ijz axis and using trig, I got 59 degrees. After I solved this I plugged it into F=QE to...
  3. M

    Stuck on equating co-efficents DiffEQ

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  4. M

    Stuck on simple derivative, u(t)*t*e^(-5t), urnt?

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  5. M

    Simple homogenous 2nd order Diff EQ, but i'm stuck on the process

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  6. R

    A 4-Day Weekend Ruined by Rain: Now I'm Stuck at Home Bored

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  7. K

    How Do You Calculate Sound Speed with Changing Path Length Interference?

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  8. F

    Stuck on Free-Fall Acceleration problem

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  9. A

    What is the expression for the series involving cubes and squares?

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  10. R

    Thermodynamics and internal energy stuck

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  11. H

    Stuck for 1hr on this UGLY derivative: 1/3sinx^3 (don't mock me)

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  12. M

    Propability Density (I'm stuck need assistance)

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  13. G

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  14. E

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  15. H

    Work help i'm stuck and about to kill myself

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  16. C

    I forgot how to do my ODES Stuck on a PDE question.

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  17. K

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  18. N

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  19. C

    Repost - Please, need to get done by tomorrow, stuck big time

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  20. J

    Medical Earworms & Other Thoughts Stuck in the Head

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  21. J

    Solving 2y^2 + xy = x^2 + 3: Stuck at y = \frac{x^2 + 3}{2y = x}

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  22. L

    EMF related question, I'm totally stuck

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  23. M

    Please, ive been stuck on this inverse laplace for awhile

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  24. R

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  25. L

    Completely stuck on projectile motion prob

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  26. W

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  27. K

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  28. M

    Stuck on proof Proving cross product derivative

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  29. M

    Stuck on vector integral, Calc III log_2

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  30. Ivan Seeking

    Stuck in a Long Hours Rut: My Story of Survival

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  31. L

    How Do You Solve the I(γ) Integral with Trigonometric Substitution?

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  32. J

    How to solve for f_n(x) in Stewart Calculus text's review section?

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  33. M

    I'm stuck on boolean algebra, it has 4 variables

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  34. K

    I am stuck with vector problems

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  35. S

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  36. R

    Need Help with (2^n) = 210? Get Expert Review Math Assistance Now!

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  37. A

    How Do You Solve This Complex Exponential Equation for x?

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  38. R

    2-Dimensional motion problem im stuck

    9. A rocket is launched at an angle of 53.0degrees above the horizontal with an initial speed of 100m/s. It moves for 3.00s along its initial line of motion with an acceleration of 30.0 m/s^2. At this time its engines fail and the rocket proceeds to move as a projectile. A. What is the maximum...
  39. M

    Stuck I can't find the E field outside cylinder, but inside i found

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  40. R

    Medical Why do people get songs stuck in their heads?

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  41. C

    Stuck on a 1500hp Pump Problem: Solve for Velocity & Efficiency

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  42. G

    Math Project Ideas for Summer Scholarship | Field Theory Topic Search

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  43. T

    How Is Work Calculated in Physics Problems Involving Force and Displacement?

    I got a question below: A force F = (2x i + 6y j) N acts on an object as it moves in the x direction from the origin to x = 5 m. Find the work W = Fdr done on the object by the force. I felt that the answer shld be 2x * 5 = 10 but it's too simple to be true is it? One more question...
  44. E

    Why Am I Struggling with Calculating the Electric Field in This Setup?

    I've been stuck on this relatively simple question for over an hour, can't get the right answer. I think my fundamental understanding of the units involved is flawed, I would really appreciate any kind of clarification as to what I'm doing... okay here goes. I'm given that three charges are at...
  45. A

    Also O.D.E stuck on integration step

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  46. A

    Help with Integration Step in y'=1+0.01y^2 Problem - Expert Advice

    In the problem, y`= 1+0.01y^2 the first i took was dy/(1+0.01y^2)=dx however, I'm stuck on the integration step... can someone help?
  47. W

    Rotation qns which i am stuck for 2 hours

    I have been stuck at this qns for 2 hours. A gymnast often toss a hoop forward while giving it a backward spin. the hoop has a radius R and mass M, and is thrown forward with speed V. Find the minimum backward angular velocity w the gymnast must give in order to make sure it spin back...
  48. A

    Solve Equation: (Integral) e^2x*e^x(3sin2x+2cos2x)dx

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  49. W

    Stuck on Math Problem: Finding x^2+y^2

    can't get this! Hi there, I have a question that I cannot solve. Here it is. \frac{1}{\sqrt(4-2\sqrt3)}=x+y\sqrt3 then what is x^2+y^2? All I did was finding what left hand side stood for. It equals \frac{\sqrt3 + 1}{2} Any help?
  50. P

    Calculating Total Translational Kinetic Energy in an E.Coli Bacterium

    These problems are from Giancoli 5th edition (principles with applications) A cubic box of volume 0.039 m^3 is filled with air at atmospheric pressure at 20 celsius. The box is closed and heated to 180 celsius. What is the net force on each side of the box? I first used the ideal gas law...