Stuck Definition and 858 Threads

A shtick (Yiddish: שטיק‎) is a comic theme or gimmick. The word entered the English language from the Yiddish shtik (שטיק), in turn derived from German Stück and Polish sztuka (both ultimately from Proto-Germanic *stukkiją), all meaning "piece" or "thing"; note that "Theaterstück" is the German
word for Play (theatre) (and is a synonym of "Schauspiel", literally "viewing play"
in contrast to the "Singspiel").
The English word "piece" is sometimes used in a similar context (e.g., a musical piece).
In stand-up comedy context a near equivalent term is a "bit". Another variant is "bits of business" or just "bits". Shtick may refer to an adopted persona, usually for comedy performances, that is maintained consistently (though not necessarily exclusively) across the performer's career. In this usage, the recurring personalities adopted by Laurel and Hardy through all of their many comedy films (although they often played characters with different names and occupations) would qualify as their shtick. A comedian might maintain several different shticks of this sort, particularly if appearing in a variety show encouraging development of multiple characters, such as Saturday Night Live.
In common usage, the word shtick has also come to mean any talent, style, habit, or other eccentricity for which a person is particularly well-known, even if not intended for comedic purposes. For example, a person who is known locally for an ability to eat dozens of hot dogs quickly might say that it was his shtick. Among Orthodox Jews, "shtick" can also refer to wedding shtick, in which wedding guests entertain the bride and groom through dancing, costumes, juggling, and silliness.
Because of its roots in show business, shtick has taken on connotation of a contrived and often used act. For this reason, journalists and commentators often apply the word disparagingly to stock replies from politicians.

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  1. P

    Implicit Differentiation Question - Stuck

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  5. I

    Stuck for 2hrs on this frequency question

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  7. U

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  8. B

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  9. L

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  11. L

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  12. L

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  13. N

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  14. J

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  15. J

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  16. A

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  17. C

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  18. S

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  19. Hysteria X

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  20. J

    Stuck on one of the substitution method steps

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  21. G

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  22. T

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  25. A

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  26. J

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  27. N

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  28. A

    Why Do SO2 and XeO4 Form Different Types of Bonds?

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  29. C

    How Do You Solve for B in the Equation y = x(1 - B)?

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  30. B

    Stuck on derivation of Euler's equations in rigid body dynamics

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  31. N

    Stuck on a Power Set Problem - What's the Lacking Set?

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  32. F

    Chamber design (mufflers). I'm stuck,

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  33. S

    Simple projectile motion, yet stuck.

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  34. idir93

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  35. G

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  36. M

    How High Does Henry Bounce on the Trampoline?

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  37. R

    I'm stuck on this problem involving Tension, Force, and Acceleration

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  38. T

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  39. L

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  40. Z

    First Law of Thermodynamics (Eint = Q-W) question. I am only stuck on part (d)

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  41. K

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  42. K

    Math story problem with fractions that I am stuck on.

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  43. D

    Stuck on the integral: arctan (4t) dt

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  44. J

    Integration by substitution - I'm stuck

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  45. K

    I am a little stuck on an engineering question to do with Photovoltic cells.

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  46. T

    I'm currently stuck on a transformer question and require a little clarification

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  47. C

    When something gets stuck , whats going on?

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  48. M

    Finding a function given its partial derivatives, stuck on finding g'(x)

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  49. N

    MHB Trigonometry questions I'm stuck on

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  50. S

    Statics Truss Problem, Stuck at force in one member. Please help

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