Sun Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. J

    Changes in planet orbits as a star (eg. the Sun) decreases is mass.

    Hi, I'm actually a Design Engineer but I find the topic of Relativity extremely interesting and I was wondering if somebody could give me some guidance on this. If Planets and Stars (due to their mass) 'warp' Space-Time then this means that our Sun distorts the fabric of space just like a...
  2. B

    Energy from the sun that reaches the earth

    The sun consumes about 600 million tons of matter per second, How much energy is that? Of this energy how much reaches the surface of the earth E=mc^2 I solved the first part, but how do I start the second?
  3. T

    Determining Forces of Moon & Sun on Mass m

    Homework Statement (a) Determine the forces that the moon and the sun exert on a mass, m, of water on Earth. Your answer will be in terms of m with units of N. (Use data from table 8-1 in your textbook for this question. The mass of the moon is 7.3 x 10 ^22 kg, and it can be assumed to be 3.9...
  4. W

    If the sun suddenly dissapeared.

    I have a question about this known hypothetical situation. Einstein asserts that once the sun vanishes we would still receive light for 8 min. Then at almost/same time when the sky goes dark, the gravitational wave hits Earth and we would fall out of the earlier orbit around the sun. Some...
  5. V

    What Would We See if the Sun Suddenly Darkened?

    Homework Statement Explain, as quantitatively as you can, what would be observed from Earth if the Sun's surface instantaneously darkened and hence explain why the brightness of a body cannot significantly alter on time scales significantly less than the light travel time across it...
  6. M

    How many arcseconds does Sun travel through sky?

    Hi Everyone, I have a simple question: How many arcseconds does the sun "travel" through the sky in one Tropical Year? Mark
  7. I

    Calculate Energy Prod. in Sun, Hydrogen Consumption & Burning Time

    The radiation flux from the sun at the top of the Earth's atmosphere is 0.139 J cm-2 s-1 at normal incidence. The Earth is 1.50x108 km from the sun. Calculate: (a) the energy production in the sun in MeV/s (b) the rate of hydrogen consumption in g/s (c) how long hydrogen-burning can continue...
  8. M

    Does the sun have angular momentum?

    That's pretty much it. Is it perfectly spherical, or is it squashed like the Earth due to a rotation? Is it rotating through an axis perpendicular to the plane of the solar system? If yes, can we measure this using Doppler shift of spectral lines either side of the sun, or something like...
  9. G

    Can the sun be blueshifted due to Earth's rotation?

    I used my telescope and a Solar filter to take a shot of the sun and on the bottom half of the circle (due to the mirrors inverting the image) there is a blue outline and on the other side is a red outline. Is this a display of the dopplar effect or just a coincidince?
  10. R

    When Will the Sun Become a Black Dwarf? Exploring the Fate of Our Solar System

    At what point in time will the sun become a black dwarf? A trillion years?
  11. J

    Sun Vanishes - How Long Till Orbits Change?

    I've wanted to know this for 15 years. If every particle in the sun simultaneously tunneled to another galaxy, how long would it take the Earth to stop orbiting as if the sun were there? 0 seconds? ~7 minutes? Why? How fast does space-time un-deform?
  12. K

    Angular Momentum Conservation in Planetary Orbits

    If you were to measure the area of a sector that a planet would sweep out in one week around the sun. It would be the same no matter what time of the year it was. What conservation principle is this example demonstrating? Linear, angular or both? and why?
  13. E

    Calculating the Net Force of Sun & Moon on Earth

    Tides are created by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon on Earth. Calculate the net force pulling on Earth during a)New Moon b)Full Moon c)First Quarter Moon. Mass of the Moon: 7.35 x 10^22 kg Mass of the Earth: 5.98 x 10^24 kg Mass of the Sun: 1.99 x 10^30 kg Distance from the...
  14. E

    In 4-D, the Earth orbits around the sun in a straight line

    "in 4-D, the Earth orbits around the sun in a straight line" someone told me that in 4-D, the Earth actually orbits around the sun in a straight line, could someone try to explain to me how this is so? thank you
  15. S

    How do you find the mass of the Sun using data about planet periods and radii?

    How do find the mass of the Sun using the following data: Planet r ... T Mercury 57.9... 0.241 Venus 108... 0.615 Earth 150... 1 Mars 228... 1.88 Jupiter 778 ... 11.9 Saturn 1,430... 29.5 Uranus 2,870... 84 Neptune 4,500... 165 Pluto...
  16. Y

    Coriolis from our orbit around the Sun

    Can we detect any coriolis forces induced from our circular orbit around the Sun ? We're going in a big circle so we should be able to detect some coriolis if we deviate from that circle - ie if we move around a bit instead of following a perfect circular path. Considering the Earth is...
  17. P

    Why doesn't the Earth collide with the Sun?

    I am in AP Physics and we just got done with Centripetal force and Universal Gravitation. I was wondering since for the planets to stay in motion they need to have the same force as the object they are orbiting around. Since a bigger mass means a bigger force, how does the Earth stay in motion...
  18. H

    Earth's Movement and Atmosphere with a Black Hole Sun

    please help me to answer to this problem: Problem: Imagine that we replace sun with a black-hole of same mass. 1. How would be movement of earth? 2. Does the atmosphere of Earth change? If yes, explain. thnx
  19. M

    Finding the Temp of the Sun given only 3 variables.

    Homework Statement This is for my Optics class: Given the radius of our planet, its temperature, and the distance to the Sun, estimate the temperature of the Sun (hint: use the Stephan-Boltzmann law). Homework Equations Radius of Earth \widetilde{=} 6,378.1 km Temperature of the...
  20. Spinnor

    Energy and momentum flux in the sun and Newton's 3rd law.

    Newton's Third Law of Motion: III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Photons in the sun on average travel outward, electrons and ions on average recoil inwards? Does Newton's third law come into play here? Thank you for help with my confusion.
  21. Spinnor

    A god switchs off the nuclear fires in our sun tonight, do I have to worry?

    Say a god got mad and could and did turn off the nuclear fires in our sun. About how long till Earth freezes? We read that it takes an incredibly long to for the average photon produced in near the center of the sun until the time it scatters for the last time and leaves the sun, does that...
  22. Spinnor

    Energy flux in sun gives rise to polarization of plasma in sun?

    In the energy producing region of the sun there is a large radial flux of high energy photons. Does this outward flux polarize the plasma and give rise to a electric field in this inner region? What is an order of magnitude estimate of this field? As the sun rotates this field gives rise to a...
  23. C

    Radial Acceleration and Gravitational Force of the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy

    Homework Statement The Milky Way galaxy (including the sun) rotates about its center with a period of 200 million years. The sun is approx. 2 X 10^20m from the center of the galaxy. What is: A) The radial acceleration of the sun? B) What is the net gravitational force on the Sun due to other...
  24. J

    How Many Photons Does the Sun Emit Daily?

    Homework Statement The sun emits 3x1032J of energy every day. Assume it emits only yellow light (6x10-7m wavelength. a. What is the energy of each photon of yellow light? b. How many photons does the sun emit every day? Homework Equations E = hf The Attempt at a Solution So I think...
  25. C

    Some quesitons about Sun and Earh

    1) What keeps the Earth orbiting around the Sun? I know that gravity gives the force of the Earth towards the center of the Sun but what about the tangential force? What gives the Earth the tangential force? 2) What force makes the Earth spin?
  26. L

    Is there something that Sun actually absorbs?

    So is there? :) ... Is there anything (radiation waves, particles, what not...) That Sun absorbs more than it emits? I guess it absorbs visible light of stars behind it, but it emits a ton of more. But is that the case with all EM frequencies? What about gamma rays or any other background...
  27. S

    Find the distance from the sun to the planet known the orbital period problem

    Homework Statement the problem asks to find the distance from the sun to a planet. the only information the question gives the the orbital period of 27 years and asks for the answer in km. Homework Equations c= (2)(pi)(r) The Attempt at a Solution assuming the planet revolves...
  28. 1

    Calculating Earth's Speed Around the Sun

    Homework Statement The Earth travels around the sun in a circle of radius 150 million km and does a complete cycle in about 365 days. Find its speed. Homework Equations v= d/t The Attempt at a Solution d = 1000m/1km x 150,000,000km = 1.5 x 10^11m There are 31,536,000 seconds in 1year. v =...
  29. B

    Please help: astronomy questions about how earth orbits the sun

    Below are some questions. I have struggled with these questions so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. The Earth orbits the Sun: a. in a perfect circle an ellipse with the sun at the center an ellipse with the sun at the focus a shape...
  30. G

    Angle of the Sun above orbit plane on satellite-centered celestial sphere

    I'm trying to show that for certain combinations of altitude and inclination there will be periods of the year where a satellite has eclipse-free orbits. Using a satellite-centered celestial coordinate system, in which the orbit plane is the equator and the direction of Earth is fixed along the...
  31. W

    I can't understand why the sun moves across the ecliptic

    I can't understand why the sun moves across the ecliptic :( I've been searching for hours and I've found nothing more than "because of the Earth's revolution around the sun", so I'm assuming this is extremely obvious - but I can't understand it. I understand why the declination angle of the...
  32. R

    Are there any objects between Mercury and the Sun?

    Could there be objects between Mercury and the Sun? Like, say, asteroids?
  33. W

    New paper in GRL confirms link between sun and clouds on global scale

    The major conclusion: “A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appears to exist on a global scale…”,file%3D11877 keep in mind that solar modulation of clouds of even 2-3...
  34. M

    How Does Proton Fusion Sustain the Sun's Energy?

    Homework Statement The sun is powered by fusion, with four protons fusing together to form a helium nucleus (two of the protons turn into neutrons) and, in the process, releasing a large amount of thermal energy. The process happens in several steps, not all at once. In one step, two protons...
  35. N

    Why Don't Heavier Elements Sink to the Sun's Core?

    This website gives a break down of the ten most abundant elements from spectrum analysis of the sun" Presumably this result is only valid for the surface/near surface of the sun. If there were any heavier elements present...
  36. Philosophaie

    Magnetic Field of the Sun will Flip

    Magnetic Field of the Sun will Flip I believe some time in November if I am not mistaken. It happens about once every 11 years. I am currently monitoring sites like: To monitor the...
  37. M

    Sun vs. moon - affects on tides.

    In class today, we calculated that the amount of gravity between the sun and the Earth is 180. This is far greater than the amount of gravity beteen the Earth and the moon. So why does the moon affect the tides rather than the sun. My take: the sun is much farther and has a broader pull...
  38. V

    Figuring the location of the sun

    Does anyone know a good way to figure out where the sun is going to be around NYC on a specific day, throughout the day? I need to draw a diagram. I found a handy sun schedule on the U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications Department website, but I need more specific info than that...
  39. B

    Density of the sun as a white dwarf.

    Homework Statement In about 5 billion years, at the end of its lifetime, our sun will end up as a white dwarf, having about the same mass as it does now, but reduced to about 15,000 km in diameter.What will be its density at that stage? g/cm^3 Homework Equations D=m/v 4/3(3.14)r^3...
  40. D

    Is There a Black Hole at the Center of the Sun?

    In 1916 Schwarzschild wrote down his famous metric to solve (or re-solve using a polar coordinate system) the precession of the perihelion of Mercury. The curvature of spacetime described by the Metric is for any non-rotating spherically symmetric mass. ds^2 = -(1-\frac{2M}{r})dt^2 +...
  41. N

    Electric Potential Earth and Sun?

    Reading about Velikovsky's pseudoscience, I wondered what the values of the Earth and sun's electric potential really are?
  42. Buckethead

    Speedy ship flies through the sun

    If a ship was traveling from afar toward our sun at 99.9999... C and skimmed the outer shell of the sun and continued on, would it burn up? From inside the ship, the trip through the shell might take a billionth or trillionth of a second, hardly enough time for the interior of the ship to heat...
  43. I

    Why does the sun have non uniform distribution of magnetic fields?

    I recall the non uniform distribution of magnetic fields is the reason sun spots occur. Why are sun spots more predominant about the equator as well?
  44. I

    Why does the sun travel faster about its equator?

    Would this be valid for all other planets as well?
  45. S

    How long until the Sun becomes a black dwarf?

    How long after the Sun becomes a white dwarf will it be until it becomes a black dwarf?
  46. M

    How Can I Optimize Mirror Rotation for Vertical Sunlight Reflection?

    Hello everybody, I have made a sun reflecting system with sun tracer. I want to reflect sun rays into patio of a building with about 20 meter high. I have installed the system on the roof, opposite the sun and on th edge of the patio. I have used light sensors and have put them opposit to the...
  47. M

    Do Planets Orbit Closer to the Sun Over Time?

    Just a quick question Are the planets totaly locked in there orbits forever or do they slowly get drawn in closer to the sun?either by the sun's gravitational pull or simply by the sun expanding? Thanks in advance for any replys mike
  48. P

    Earth's Elliptical Orbit around the Sun

    By just knowing the clues like the force of attraction between two masses and angular momentum conservation principle , linear momentum conservation principle and geometry..can we derive the trajectory of the Earth around the sun is ellipse..if so please tell me your ideas..
  49. Jorrie

    Gaining Orbital Energy from Sun's Gravity-Assist Flyby

    The use of gravity-assist flybys of planets are well known for interplanetary missions. My question: can a Sun flyby be used to gain orbital energy relative to the Galactic center for interstellar missions? I assume one must first attain solar escape velocity by other means, since bound...
  50. V

    Why does the earth and the sun and other planets have gravity?

    This might sound like an unoriginal question but what is gravity? Why does the Earth and the sun and other planets have gravity? Does everything have gravity? What causes gravity? Thanks ahead of time :smile: